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Nov 2018 · 508
f l y
Vivian Ienello Nov 2018
your scarf traces your cold skin, a warm smell of rain

wrapped up in favours, not your particular flavour,
       x Wrapped up in webs, in the attic of my head x
          it’s bad now//it’s bad now// it’s bad now

                Do you just let things
Fly with it on a
            I could never be so thin,
      Holding up a barrier caging what’s

   x How do you just let it in, let it in? x

It’s numb now// it’s numb now// it’s numb

   Let them flow, oh let them flow
           right through
               your tainted soul
             Show them what’s real

  x Please can you just show, how to let it in now x

      It’s real now//It’s real now//It’s real now
May 2016 · 572
Vivian Ienello May 2016
Conflicts, conflicts, contradictions
   Do you know what it's like to live with all of these presets
   A destiny? Some type of fate? Being told to not be something
     at such a young age, words of doubts clouding my brain
   decisions made for me, because my mother was always in need
        but I don't need, need, need ******* help, I just want to
                                           save me be me
May 2016 · 418
Visitor 14
Vivian Ienello May 2016
Ever since than, my life has been sideways, the comfort ripped from
                                           my heart
     My soul so fragile than before, I learned how short life can be,
I learned how short life can be, even though you feel as if you have
                                       lived for eternity
Death is inevitable, you can never escape, your guardian angel
                                     one day will not awake
May 2016 · 460
Vivian Ienello May 2016
wearing sunglasses is the perfect disguise, you get to see all of the people,
  with their tired eyes, tired lives breaking them down inside life is;
healing, and so on, on, and on
keeping strong is hard, like tearing apart asphalt,
but you can revive, just a tip for the mind, remember you will
May 2016 · 985
Vivian Ienello May 2016
Feelings of despair, why couldn't I see what's there?
                       Right in front of, standing on me
       Rip it out, slowly, slowly, rip it out I wasn't your one an only
              Never put expectations in something so artificial
                          So superficial, artificial sweetners
May 2016 · 584
Aquired Taste
Vivian Ienello May 2016
Be a happy girl, be a nice girl, echoes in your head
                               Making you never rest
          Be a modern girl, a hungry girl, want, want, want
                        Feed yourself, and you'll be set
                          Be happy girl, be a nice girl
                             Screaming in your head
             You're dead, you're dead, you're dead
                         All I needed was to be fed
               fed the love, nurture, that every sociopath
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
Vivian Ienello Feb 2016
Intense energy, emitting from your prisms

             Light reflecting, multi-dimensional beauty
                                    you see, you see, right through me

Hold it close, oh so close, study it, like constellations
                                           in a musky, starry sky

                        Slightly opened, pour your soul into mine
                                   fingerprints trace, my horizon

Your eyes are wide, engulfing mine
          caging my heart,
                   Taming the wild, beast within

tracing bones, like the branches of a tree,
               but oh do they brush against me

                      inhale//exhale, inhale//exhale

rise, shallow, heavy breaths, put me to rest

                            with your heavenliness
Feb 2016 · 1.8k
Erotic Cigarettes
Vivian Ienello Feb 2016
Sense of energy,   shoots right through
leaves you numb,      rots your brain
                                       of pleasure,
leaves you breathless,     contagious
                                                  ****** cigarettes,
                      pressed against your chest

         stained,         dyed fingertips
                               nicotine in your creases,
         from her,

            Jolts through your brain,
                      never missing a neuropath way ,
that look,                              gives it away

Engulf it,
                 absorb it,
Feb 2016 · 751
Vivian Ienello Feb 2016
your scarf traces your cold skin, a warm smell of rain

wrapped up in favours, not your particular flavour,

       it’s bad now//it’s bad now// it’s bad now

                Do you just let things
Fly with it on a
            I could never be so thin,
      Holding up a barrier caging what’s
It’s numb now// it’s numb now// it’s numb now

Let them flow,
           right through
               your tainted soul
             Show them what’s real

      It’s real now//It’s real now//It’s real now
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
virtue of deft
Vivian Ienello Feb 2015
Coming up from the ground
You see that light
The light that makes you perpetual
Like a feather flowing through the breeze
Deft as an emotion, clear as water
Im open to the world, i'm open to nature

We all have that empty pit in our stomache
When we cant see the sun for what it is
Blocked by the bleakness of winter

But you can get through, you can get through, just keep holdin on

See the forest through the trees
See the trees in the forest

And advice I can give ya, is to not give up
Stuck with  fleeting feeling
Of uncontrable variables

And that balance is virture,

We cant renovate the old, so lets change the new
We cant renovate the old, so lets change the new
lets start a revelotuion
New, new, lets make this world.
Nov 2014 · 754
Deja Senti
Vivian Ienello Nov 2014
Honestly I feel on a deep level, subtle schisms of my surroundings

In a dimension where I'm opposite, I know everything, but nothing at all

and if you think everything in this second matters you are wrong

Invincibility, perfection, idealism is how I was as a child

but those barriers of honesty disintegrated, seeing the world and what it projects

realities not a honey coated dream, but one of realization

hearing the lies and cries of what became our generation

you would think change is bad but it keeps life going

self-criticism deteriorates your dreams, dreams your soul sar

so stop, stop, stop, letting the deceased thoughts of yesterday

harm you.
Jun 2014 · 594
Vivian Ienello Jun 2014
These words that flow from inside

Those words that make people feel warm inside

is it just a trick?

the gift of giving, gift of taking

everything is one, and everything is none.
Jun 2014 · 2.9k
Different strokes
Vivian Ienello Jun 2014
different strokes for different folks

different stacks for different smoke

and the words that you blow,
you never know who it can stow

when you think you lost all hope
look outside in disguise
and see behind someone else eyes

different stroked for diff rent folks and the smoke that you blow
fills up your chest, with words you repressed.
Jun 2014 · 3.5k
High river
Vivian Ienello Jun 2014
Washed out skies
I'm high, I'm high
Oh I feel so divine
shinin like copper golden fine
on cloud nine, lets get high
come run away with me
along the euphoric mirror
euphoric mirror
jump in get a taste of sweet
Jun 2014 · 4.3k
Vivian Ienello Jun 2014
The semi charcoal in the bowl

lets me flow amongst my ideas

beyond the cosmos

through a jungle of pain

comes a paradise from vein

the bamboo reaching like fingers

what have we done on this planet?
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Vivian Ienello Jun 2014
Emotions transcend from my brain

into the deep ocean waves

we are trine, we are one

like sweet moscato wine

emotions transcend from your eyes

like deep ocean waves, I'll float in you

I'll swim into your mind, connecting your body

and soul
May 2014 · 1.5k
The naturalist
Vivian Ienello May 2014
Transcend from society, eject into space

look in the mirror and you wont see you face

eject from reality into the great green plains

in the woods, is their a god?

in the woods, you don't think hard

oh sweet mother nature, transcend me from space

O' sweet, let me see your face

for the time has come, to float all above

past fake gods, past the cosmos

into to nothing where non- existence takes place

then you will never see your face
May 2014 · 702
grips of god
Vivian Ienello May 2014
If you can hear my voice through the crackling wind

if you can suffice never seeing life again

then why live?

why go through it an empty vessel of trapped illusions

fake faith, when you never you'll never escape

the jaws of god and all that he takes, ripping out

your "So-called" faith

it's like ****, when they rob the cradle

and take the bank
Feb 2014 · 319
Vivian Ienello Feb 2014
I wonder if I'll ever look in the eyes
Of my one true love, because
I know she's none of the above

I wonder if I'll accidently touch
Their hand, and have the sparks start
From there, will it feel like
Their taking hold of me with just
A stare, and if they touche me
Would I just simply disappear?
Feb 2014 · 839
heavy afterthought
Vivian Ienello Feb 2014
I don't think the way I used to
It's really new to say the least
False accusations, and tiring results
Where I created from my own self
Ckearvoincy, crystal clear I know where to go from here
Crystal clear, out of despair, I finnaly know what's there

I used to think so melancholy
I used to, I used to, I used to
I wasted it, putting up a barrier
Because I had the fear

The fear of having to much space
You could **** someone with just your face
Do you think to be alone is weak,weak,weak
When the pipes start to leak,
And your heart starts to creak

I dont think the way I used to
But what does it matter,
Where all living anyways
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Vivian Ienello Dec 2013
The vibrating feeling you get when in a trance of contentment, where nothing contaminates your brain, with false allusions of what to be. You hold selflessness within your heart and soul, where debility is non-existing, just sitting out of the ring. Where the roots of bitterness are snipped, because the branches were begging for mercy as to they were betrayed. You smile towards the sun waiting for infinity, and a gasp from reality. The meaning of life lies between your eyes, maybe you see it as a disguise for self contentment, but just accept that it’s happening, and you shall be happy .From the beginning of time to the gates of hell, this is where we all dwell.
Dec 2013 · 494
Vivian Ienello Dec 2013
You take up all the s p a c e in my head

                     fragments of you, in there, till I’m dead

                     I want to wrap my arms around you

                    like the mist surrounding a mountain

                    or the earth beneath the sea

                    and the way you look at me

                    is enough to make the stars **shine
Dec 2013 · 744
Vivian Ienello Dec 2013
I used to pray to god, but he was never listening

everything felt so distant

and nothing seemed to change

sitting on the window frame

feeling shame, for cheating the game

I used to speak aloud but no one would ever listen

so that’s why I became so distant
In this human petting zoo

with fictional delusions of faith

where we think we can save ourselves from fate

but in reality it’s already too late

I used to pray to god but he would never listen

I used to pray to god but I felt so distant

all these people

with their deluded allusions

of a man who said he can create the world.
Apr 2013 · 353
Vivian Ienello Apr 2013
Things once known

are long gone, in your old room where you left your soul

nature makes you love

growing up kills it

  but you get the thrills of it

    the thought of being all alone

      you don't notice the damage done

       along the ride of this so called life
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
Vivian Ienello Apr 2013
At first there was that spark , the feeling of euphoria

But you have disconnected from me, betrayed me

  When all I wanted was love

      Just full of lust, no luck
Apr 2013 · 563
rusted parts
Vivian Ienello Apr 2013
You go down the streets you have once know, feeling so alone. A Cornucopia of thoughts like a tide splashing your brain causing riptides in your thought, you rip out the sutures of your heart so you can feel again, being sad has never been so pleasing. Is it in you? Do you have what it takes to be that person you strive for? Is it hard? Is it hard? You think you’re worthless, you think you’re done. Tangents go off in your brain causing you to go insane

WHy do I think like this why do I think like this

Being sad has never been so pleasing, never been so pleasing being so sad.

Tangents going off driving me ******* insane
WE have wooden eyes, we have rusted bones,
WE have wooden eyes we have rusted bones
broken bones and vacant eyes.
Jan 2013 · 741
happy pill
Vivian Ienello Jan 2013
Pills, they are supposed to make you happy right?

Have we lost our ******* minds?

Being controlled by milligrams

they say it will help you

but it's just feeding our addiction
Jan 2013 · 660
Vivian Ienello Jan 2013
I go out into brisk coldness of January,

my hands tremble, shocks going through my fingers

I see your face, all I see is you  my dear

every thought, every dream about you.
Jan 2013 · 664
Vivian Ienello Jan 2013
Back then it was so easy for us, in the sun, sun ,sun ,sun

Your hair was golden with beams of light bouncing off it into my eyes, piercing my soul

lets go in the ocean washing all the memories out, out, out, out in the sun

this place is like heaven with you, even better with you, with you, you

look at all the people surrounding us, with their big white grins, skipping down the coast

everyone is happy, swimming in the sun, in the sun, sun, sun, sun

looking in your eyes blinding me like the sun with your love

We are the only ones on this earth right now melting in one

from the sun, sun, sun, sun.
Jan 2013 · 711
Nothing's forever
Vivian Ienello Jan 2013
Nothing forever beauty means nothing we all just suffer,bring it to others but don’t bother ‘cause i’ll be fine.

I’m wrapped in vines, smothered by this guilt I’ll never be fine unless you’re by my side. I can never be myself again, stupidity is getting more common it makes my ******* skin crawl. I think I might fall back, sleep forever until my mind clears I'm not the girl I used to be soft and sweet, rugged and worn out this will be it I hate this ****

I’m so sick of being tired all the time laying in my bed feeling dead where have all the days gone? Wake up in the middle of the night thinking it all went away, but not a slight chance that might happen

anxiety creeping up I rub my eyes it’s making me blind, of all the beauty in the world i think I’m trapped, trapped in my mind.

i’m not the girl I used to be soft and sweet.
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Vivian Ienello Jan 2013
Come here darling ‘cause I feel all so alone without you, my life crumbling like a sandcastle getting hit by the forceful waves screaming out your name. You’ve cleared the mess from chest, the mess from my head your beauty is the only thing keeping me sane. Lost in the woods you have found me you’re what I always wanted to be but failed. The love you give me is like nothing else, so come here darling I feel so lost without you

Lost, lost, lost, (fading out)

If only you knew what it’s like in this ******* awful mind, thinking all the time,

you make me sane, darling. Sane sane sane sane.

You came in not knowing you left the door open, letting the wind take you I hear you screaming my name as you fade out, I’ve been so lost without you darling, so lost lost lost lost lost (fading out).

— The End —