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Ken Mears Nov 2019
Some people say

That the scariest thing

Is what comes from the fray

And hustle and bustle of living

They call it love

Which when it is over

You wish it wasn't true love

As it leaves you with a horrid hangover

A broken heart

Is most terrifying

It happens someone we love departs

And so we start fortifying

We place a wall

Around our soul

And thus begins our downfall

Turning the heart to coal

Beware the broken heart

For it will steal away your life

There is no replacing that part

Emptily filled with strife
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Death rides at midnight

Filling the land with blight

He casts a frightful image

As he rides through the village

His frightful scythe gleams

Wet with the blood of unrealized dreams

The cold, hard metal

Is uncaring enough to unsettle

Beneath his dark hood

Lies nothing good

Only the husk of a man

Who signals the end of a lifespan

His skeletal horse

He rides along his dutiful course

Whinnying as he stops

To **** the farmer's crops

Solemn is his duty

To take away life's beauty

Unbearable to a living man

The underworld's ghastly helmsman

The pistol is his herald

In his black cloak appareled

Weapons of war

Bring him to the door

His job is made no easier

Nor and breezier

By mankinds love of violence

Or vile fraudulence

All the thousands of young souls

Lives lost without completing their goals

Brought to a swift end

By Death only to attend

Death rides at midnight

Filling the land with blight

He casts a frightful image

As he rides through the village

Searching for souls to pillage
Ken Mears Nov 2019
The Darkness encroaches

Evil approaches

Moves like an ocean

In a strange smooth motion

Surrounded by blackness

Making us all hapless

Victims of The Darkness

Leaving many a carcass

Sitting alone in the gloom

Trapped in this room

Quickly becoming my tomb

Reeking deaths sweet perfume

The day goes to dusk

Beware The Darkness's tusk

That monster's fang

How that scream rang

In the twilight

Take flight

If you can live through the night

Through all this fright

The Darkness encroaches

Evil approaches

Moves like an ocean

In a strange smooth motion
Ken Mears Nov 2019
It's Exam Day

I think it's time to run away

Tests here tests there

Tests everywhere!

Scarier than spiders

Created by those insiders

Teachers, dreaded villains

I think this school needs some penicillins

Tests, such a virus

So undesirous

Infecting our schools

Making the smartest of us look like fools

Vile creatures

I'd rather cheer on the bleachers

Then have to take another test

They make me so stressed


Our education interrupted

All so the state can judge us

It should be treasonous

How I lothe exam day

This is a good time to run away

But I can't do that

Else the system will make my life fall flat
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Greed has a way of corrupting

It can be disrupting

Greed drives some mad

And others to do bad

Greed weaves its way

Deep into your heart

Until one day

You fall apart

Some say money

Can buy happiness

I find that quite funny

Because for many it leads to unhappiness

People throw their relationships away

Just to get more gold

Your life has no replay

So why waste time on gold before you're old

Money is useless

It does nothing but harm

It condemned Judas

Much to his alarm

Love of money goes nowhere

It only leads to dark paths

Where you can hardly breathe air

And are thrown onto rafts

Greed has a way of corrupting

It can be disrupting

Greed drives some mad

And others to do bad

And many to be sad

And none to be truly glad
Ken Mears Nov 2019
I'm surrounded by madness

It circles around my heart

Corrupting it with blackness

There is no restart

The world crumbles

The ground beneath rumbles

The world has fallen

I am all in

My eyes reopen

And I realize

There is nothing hiding behind this guise

It's time for the door to open

The darkness inside

Is calling for vengeance

It's time they all died

It's time I come back with a vengeance

It is done

I became the one

It's time I disappear

Yet we're all a little mad down here
Ken Mears Nov 2019
On Halloween night,

Monsters emerge,

Ready to instill fright,

An unearthly scourge.

Monsters of all kinds,

Stalk the Earth,

No longer trapped in confines,

Deep-set fear to unearth.

Ghosts and ghouls and goblins,

Zombies and skeletons and spiders,

All come hobbling,

Out as night riders.

Ready to ***** and chill,

To haunt and hunt,

To fill with thrill,

And fight at fear's battlefront.

Creatures of ill intent,

Unite for one night,

Creating discontent,

A vile blight.

Amongst children,

Ready for tricks or treats,

Seven billion,

People's fears to eats.

On Halloween night,

Dark forces arise,

And take flight,

For fear is their prize!
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Sneaky, scaly,

They live in a valley

Slimy, wormy

Not worthy of taxidermy

Patterned all pretty

Not welcome in the city

They have no pity

Very nasty and gritty

Some have a rattler

The worst tattler

Don't even speak like a prattler

Natures guerilla battler

Narrow slits for eyes

Whoever is bit dies

They have no allies

They are an unpleasant surprise

Sneaky, scaly,

They live in a valley

Slimy, wormy

Not worthy of taxidermy
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Society has crumbled,

The world has regressed,

Everyone is depressed,

Mentally jumbled.

We think we are above,

All of those dystopian stories,

That we don't fall in those categories,

But they fit like a glove.

Fahrenheit 451?

Who reads books anyway?

There is no keeping the media at bay,

Our screens are on all day!

Orwell's 1984?

Thanks to phones we have no privacy,

Everyone inflicts their own policy,

And agenda evermore.

The Giver?

Our joy and suffering,

Are ****** away by our constant screening,

And pleasures made to deliver.

Ready Player One?

We turn to escapism,

So we can run,

From activism, racism, and fascism.

We think we are above,

All of those dystopian stories,

That we don't fall in those categories,

But they fit like a glove.
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Technology marches forward,

Never stopping,

Technology marches forward,

Always progressing.

It permeates our homes,

It resides in our pockets,

The big company's own Sherlock Holmes,

Seeing deep within our lockets.

It gets us where,

We want to go,

Through the air,

Or through the traffic flow.

It runs our lives,

Leading us along,

Like bees in hives,

We follow it's rhythmic song.

Technology marches forward,

Not caring for its creators,

Technology marches forward,

As humanities technological dictators.
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Legends tell of an ancient beast

Said to stalk the night

It flew from the east

Its howel fills the soul with fright

They called it the Rickle-Rackle

After the sound it makes

Its bones do crackle

As it quavers and shakes

Rickle-Rackle is all you hear

Before your time is done

Rickle-Rackle strikes up fear

Just as you are overrun

Few have ever seen the creature

And lived to tell the tale

Or can describe a single feature

Of this unholy grail

They say its teeth are sharp

And glint in the light of the moon

Its taller than any scarp

More powerful than any dragoon

Faster than any man

Stronger than one too

You are a deadman

If you come in his view

The Rickle-Rackle drags his tail

Cutting down forest trees

His breath is like a gale

And will bring you to your knees

Its eyes pierce to your soul

Down to your very heart

Which becomes an empty hole

Thanks to its dark art

So heed my warning

Brave adventurer

Wait until the morning

He can't be worth any venture

Pray you ne're encounter

The fearsome Rickle-Rackle

You are no beast hunter

Fear its evil cackle

Fear the Rickle-Rackle

Hear its sound and flee

Should you hear it's crackle

Its mouth will be the last you see
Ken Mears Nov 2019
The struggle is real

The world is on fire,

And everyone is a liar

The struggle is real

There is temptation and sin around every corner

I swear it is torture

The struggle is real

People are drawn in and dragged down

As everyone has a nervous breakdown

The struggle is real

War, famine, and death abound

And the wire around the world's neck is tightly wound

The struggle is real

I have seen so much pain

It has been seared into my brain

The struggle is real

The world is dying

And everyone is crying

The struggle is real

The world is on fire,

And everyone is a liar
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Vampires, creatures of the night
Clever villains made to fright
Beware the vampires
They are very clever liars

Teeth sharp like daggers
When bit makes men stagger
Glinting white
In the middle of night

A villainous shapeshifter
Stronger than a weightlifter
Disguised as a bat
A flying black rat

Lover of blood
Stealing life from a strong stud
Will steal your soul
Turn it black as cole

Vampires, creatures of the night
Clever villains made to fright
Beware the vampires
They are very clever liars
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Some days,

Things go your way

Some days,

Others, you want to cry all day.

When the worst days come

And trust me, they will,

Just start to hum,

And keep going over that hill.

When it feels like the world,

Is tumbling down,

Deep into the underworld,

And you think you may drown.

Hold your head up high,

And just push on,

Keep your face to the sky,

And focus thereon.

When everything around,

Feels like it's ablaze,

While you are fear-bound,

Trapped in a maze.

Think back to the best days,

When you saw the future bright,

For that future is always,

Just within your sight.

— The End —