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334 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
The sensation of lose
guide us to victory
The never ending pain
Lead us to a path
Which we could never...
334 · May 2019
Yin & Yang
Abimael May 2019
Fear, Time
Love, Death
Physical, Mental
All the existence is connected
to one single center.
The Center of the biggest,
But the slightest
Compare to our lifeless.
Today you breathe and tomorrow,
you will just drift.
This is my short version of my life.
333 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
When you love
Love is eternal
Eternal life will be
Life will be lust
And lust will die
With time...
326 · May 2016
She is
Abimael May 2016
There is no place
Like your arms
There is no star
Than your eyes
There is no heaven
Than a wonderful kiss
Of the mightiest Goddess
that I describe, on this story.
326 · Dec 2015
Incubus Touch
Abimael Dec 2015
Judge me by my look...
And I will win on your honeymoon.
Confuse me by my goods.
And I will make you reach to the moon...
Spare me by my touch,
and I will guide your to my room.
Read my poems, and I will teach you soon.
I will show you how this will bloom.
And the night will end up in the roof.
325 · May 2016
Lusty Cassanova
Abimael May 2016
Call me mister Casanova.
I will still make your night.
A new memory of life.
324 · Jul 2015
Abimael Jul 2015
Dios juega con mi vida.
Me deciluciona pero nunca me abandona.
Se que sufrire mas.
Pero al final siempre hay un canal.
La vida para mi es el universo, el cual
El creo para mi solo por tu excistir...
322 · Apr 2017
Drugged Poet
Abimael Apr 2017
Most of the time...
When I write poems.
I am drunk.
In an ecstasy of intoxication
Were I fly far from pain
No sorrow can get me.
And only words can get in me.
Only love and lust decide for me.
I'm the poet that sacrifice life,
for a moments of greatness.
322 · Oct 2015
All Out
Abimael Oct 2015
I want your skin, as I want my life back.
I want your touch, as the world need the sun.
I want you, just to let my inner savage human out.
Let us ignore the world and fall for the sinfulness,
love bird that we are.
321 · Jun 2017
Su Su's Dream
Abimael Jun 2017
Darkness in the night
It's your
My love
The one that it's
The one that for a night conquer
The empty heart of mine.
314 · Dec 2015
True Indetity
Abimael Dec 2015
A lonely sky
With a lonely heart
A lovely heart is a lonely star
Within it all, we were born this way,
But only the bounded love
Is what make us...Human...
312 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
Distance is a a relative to close...
Were we share a bond from close.
Our heart connection is it faster than anything in this world.
We share bond
We share heart, and soul
But... We are lovers from born.
Love those who need a tree,
and love those who need a home.
We all are human.
309 · May 2016
The World Cries
Abimael May 2016
Does it matter that if darkness
You will always find light
and in light
There is always darkness
we all, are bond together.
309 · Jan 2016
Poet is Imagination
Abimael Jan 2016
I sink my soul in a bottle of wine,
to navigate in a non-existence reality
Were sadness is covered by red,
and my soul just float on it

float like a boat in the sky
float like heaven on earth
float like miracles in my head.

Everything is real because I believe so.
Everything is red just like the seas that I walk,
Just like the last kiss that we never had...
308 · Nov 2015
Take me
Abimael Nov 2015
My name is Incubus,
I desire to make "love" with you.
I desire to break every inner part from you.
I wish I can be mortal,
so for once, I can love this moment,
to make it last forever...
307 · Jul 2015
The Fallen Poet
Abimael Jul 2015
A man got a call, to sacrifice  for the world on his behalf.
A lady cry cause his man is going to a war.
The prayers of her, reach his heart.
And his final words...
*I... Love You...
For those who never came back, but they love was unconditional. Let us remind of the fallen veterans.
305 · Jun 2017
Seeking Evolution
Abimael Jun 2017
I carry the gun
The gun..
The one that create life
A life that will suffer
But it's worth too
If lust is the path to life
Lets us ignore sins
And let us life...
Forever my love.
304 · Feb 2016
Abimael Feb 2016
In a dream of God,
Heaven was full of virgins.
In a dream of Lucifer,
Hell was full of free woman.
In a dream of me, earth was overpopulated.
304 · May 2016
Minor Gestures
Abimael May 2016
Life is an splendid source.
A kiss can hack our heart.
A hug can cure sadness.
A Smiley, move clouds,
For a brighter day.
303 · Nov 2015
Pure Love
Abimael Nov 2015
There world is so big, that makes us feel empty..
The promises, feel like nothing in this universe.
But the love...Love cannot be never stopped.
I love you stranger, from the bottom of my heart,
I will always be your love...
299 · Feb 2016
Abimael Feb 2016
A sweet smell, a commit sins.
A feelings, I penetrated.
A kiss, we connect.
A temptation , we move forward.
A feelings? We conclude this scene...
296 · Sep 2016
Dreams of Life
Abimael Sep 2016
Today, I write to you... My love...
I will always love you
And yet I have not met you
I will give you my child
and yet, lust has not started yet.
But one thing is that
I will always love you
and our own creation of life.
I miss you.
294 · Jun 2017
A New Morning.
Abimael Jun 2017
We all are sinners
We all make mistake
We all love each other
For the love of music.
That life is one
And only us
Will set the path
For a full brightful youth
Set the road
For the new beginning.
293 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
Love is poem
A word lost in time
When time is lost
We all stop
Stop to the point of no end
Nor beginning
But that last kiss
Means more...
Than love.
292 · Nov 2016
Abimael Nov 2016
I am not afraid of death
I am not afraid of being alone
I am afraid to die without love
291 · Jun 2017
Abimael Jun 2017
Love dreams
Are like a river
The flows to us all
But we all become one
Like the end of the river.
We need someone
to mix thoughts
A lovely mind
Will never fade.
291 · May 2019
Abimael May 2019
The life point of view of a plant is simple. Find the source and embrace it.
Sometimes the answer is in front of you, just open your heart and see it.
291 · Jun 2017
God is Betrayer.
Abimael Jun 2017
I was once happy.
My days were bright
The sun was setting in our room
The moon was guiding us
But I... The Judah...
Became greedy with lust
And Love faded.
And Life became...
If only I.
Just decide to settle.
I would be the happiest.
But I denied too.
Because I am...
A Sinner.
289 · Feb 2016
Abimael Feb 2016
Music is quite... To our ears.
To our souls...
It is food to the poor.
288 · Dec 2023
Abimael Dec 2023
Only thy Word will be
EL will be
As I will
Do not farther
Since thy love we share
Is contemporary...
288 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
After the time consumed me,
I rebel against love,
Love is for those who are afraid.
Afraid of dying alone...
I am not afraid of death,
I am afraid of not sharing my thoughts,
Sharing my life and my experience...
Do not love for fear, love for passion.
287 · Jun 2017
Love Seeker
Abimael Jun 2017
Love is a poetry
We write destiny
And destiny write is own Poetry
We all fall for love
But lone never fall for us
Seek peace and you will fine...
287 · Sep 2014
If I
Abimael Sep 2014
If I grab you by your hand, my heart race up.
If I stare at your shining stars, I'll dream about you.
If I hear your voice, angels will arouse to you.
If I touch your hair, mermaids will envy you.
But, If I, But only I kiss you, I'll give myself to you.
285 · Jun 2016
Dream Become
Abimael Jun 2016
Love become a nightmare
A nightmare become you
And you become love
Love become the moon
and the moon become the sun
And the sun eternally become you
284 · Jan 2016
Unloved One
Abimael Jan 2016
Not a loner.
Not a dreamer.
It is a hollow of love.
It is cold in human form.
It is the sun, behind your soul.
282 · May 2016
Abimael May 2016
I miss you.
I miss the clouds that we made.
I miss the stars that we stare.
I miss the unicorn that jump at the ocean.
I miss the nights, where we sail the galaxy.
I miss your touch.
279 · May 2016
Blinded by the World
Abimael May 2016
I once pledge my life to God,
in exchange of love.
He heard me...
I was full in my heart and mind.
My lust desire...
They were satisfied by a Goddess.
She nullified my loneliness,
And I fulfill my destiny.
But I got corrupted,
corrupted for love,
the false love of desire for lust...
I will  always carry this scar,
A scar that resemble my failure,
the failure of an eternal love...
277 · Sep 2016
Empty Heart
Abimael Sep 2016
Empty vessel
Full of air
waiting for the love rain
to be fill, be the kindness
Of her touch
276 · Aug 2016
Abimael Aug 2016
A wise man told me
To fall in love with that mirror of mine
The mirror that show me the sky
Within the sky a star will shine
That star was mine.
But the sun burn my eyes
And I got blind
A blind man
A blind soul
Who seek for the sound of your heart
the heart that make my sad
like an ocean
The ocean that get the blame
At the tsunami  of the sad man
275 · May 2016
Get this
Abimael May 2016
Caminaos a un nuevo destino
Sin pensar, el pasado
Pero el pasado son las raizes del nuestro futuro
Un futuro lleno de fantasia
Despues que nuestras imaginacion corra
Ni los rios nos pueden parar.
274 · Jun 2016
Once Again
Abimael Jun 2016
I once felt tickles
Tickles of love, with an innocent mind
A child seeking for the bright moon
Like a flower move towards the sun
My heart once more try to reach love
Because this is a topic of survival
Survival for my own heart.
274 · Dec 2015
Abimael Dec 2015
The tears that I waste
is the tears that we create
And We have not met.
We crave for our fresh
but we have not met
We dream for a better sunset
but we have not met
A night on bed
But we have not met
A date on the lake
but we have not met
I do not know how it will end
But we have fornicated.
267 · Dec 2016
Path of a Star
Abimael Dec 2016
Gravity disrupt a star is path
The star wonder in
A lonely and cold cosmos.
The star runs out of gas
And her shine seize with time
Until she meets another star
That push her into a brither start.
I wrote this for a friend. Because her sad aura sad me as well. Get better!
267 · Dec 2015
Scream For Me
Abimael Dec 2015
I need this!
I need more from you!
I am dying!
Just because I met you!
Give me more of you!
It is contagious!
Your skin!
Your Lips!
Your sins!
Your ****!
But after all....
I am just a myth!
267 · Jul 2016
Cant Escape
Abimael Jul 2016
How to take a love from time...
Maybe I should jump from the moon,
Or die as  the biggest drunken
But my body desires you,
He desire you with all his might
Because life without love,
Is a life of a dark hole.
266 · Dec 2014
The Greatest Fantasy
Abimael Dec 2014
I sit near your. I stare at you while you stare at the stars.
I admire you with deep admiration, then you stare at me.
I sunk into you and start dreaming.
I see it all, I can see the perfection of your skin and the smell of roses from you.
I, then lose myself into you and we make another eye contact, with another dream.
I lose you.. But I sense you behind me and then you hug me. My skin.. it feels so cold, like if the death itself was touching me.
I woke up from it, and you're staring at me. I look away to the roses.
I again can still feel you, but I don't see you.
I woke up again... This time death has abandon me, and left me in this  and alone. I notice that, there was no you or us, everything was...
My greatest fantasy...

265 · Jun 2016
Abimael Jun 2016
An ocean full of dreams
Once you dive in
life is limitless
Only catch what you can
Because time will always catch you.
265 · Sep 2021
Thy tree
Abimael Sep 2021
Eres un árbol
donde la poesía
se recita...
En un canto de amor
en donde el dolor es vapor
Por que en ti
Me encontrare ami
Solo por ti
te amare por mi existir
Altagracia <3
265 · Jul 2015
I need you
Abimael Jul 2015
The vicious circle of life... Perhaps I cannot find myself in this world.
But when I touch you, my heart respond.
When I love you, the "my" world stop spinning.
When I dream about you, my life becomes parallel.
When my light goes off, I become a lustful animal.
Forgive me...For the man I have become.
I try'ed to put a spark of feelings pass in my heart, but I cannot put it in worlds...
264 · Jun 2016
Attached Love
Abimael Jun 2016
We are brothers and sisters
Not by God
But by earth
We are the revelation of the bible
We are the future that Jesus foreseen
God made us human
And by being human
I love you!
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