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673 · Apr 2019
Haiku 31
Amanda Apr 2019
Crushing gravity;
Knowing that I crave human
intimate moments.
668 · Jun 2016
Time Isn't Real
Amanda Jun 2016
I'm young,
but feel like I've lived a long time.
My memories have been twisted
into many stories,
and yet I feel like I'm running out.
656 · Sep 2015
Caramel Eyes
Amanda Sep 2015
One morning with a tired mind,
I aimlessly stared into my coffee,
eyeing the cream as it swirled in circles,
and it reminded me of the time we danced
in your kitchen at two in the morning,
and you pulled me into your arms so close
that I could smell the whiskey on your breath.
The world passed by around us in pirouettes
of blurry madness and drunken bliss.
Sometimes it makes me wonder why
the rain on my window pane doesn’t echo the
words you last said to me while we stood alone.
652 · Apr 2023
Summer is Coming Haiku
Amanda Apr 2023
Watermelon sweet,
a juicy summer mess that
I taste in July.
652 · Mar 2018
Airport Haiku
Amanda Mar 2018
I have awakened
a deep, drawing wanderlust
that yearns to break free.
649 · Oct 2016
Amanda Oct 2016
Catching the wind
through my fingertips
trying to snag a taste
of open aired freedom
since it rings and rings
passing through my ears
like a singing bliss.
622 · Aug 2014
Amanda Aug 2014
I remember that night when you were drunk,
mumbling over and over again
about how you weren’t a good person.

We all laughed at such a thought
escaping your chapped lips.
I couldn’t fathom you in a bad light,
never mind knowing that’s
how you viewed yourself.

Cigarette ashes and cheap *****.
Those were the things we indulged in
two nights before you decided
you no longer cared about me.

Unfortunately, you were right about yourself.

You aren’t a good person,
because good people don’t shatter
and break other good people.
That would be bad karma.
And I hope that cycle envelops
your damaged and sorry soul.
Amanda Jun 2014
At this time last year, I was a
mess that couldn’t be cleaned up
with the simple flick of the wrist
or with the sweep of a broom.

I have been moving and lifting furniture,
trying to remodel the abandoned corners
of my soul that haven’t been touched since he left.
It has proven to be therapeutic to me,
and has healed my heart in ways that
putting things in the metaphorical boxes
to ship off to far away places couldn’t do before.

I’ve been painting the walls in my newly hollowed ribcage
so the sound of my heartbeat can echo against
my bones once more, and not be held back by the stitches or
makeshift ties that barely held my brittle body together.
610 · Jun 2014
Amanda Jun 2014
I have been tiptoeing around love
for as long as I can remember.
It takes shape of those monsters under your bed
or in your closet that you can’t get rid of.
Fortunately for me, I think I found
my flashlight and the monsters that I once
thought occupied my various bedroom spaces
are actually figments of my imagination
strewn about my room.
588 · Jan 2015
87 Weeks Ago
Amanda Jan 2015
is telling me
that it was 87 weeks,
or 613 days ago,
that we last
held hands,
and you pretended
that you loved me.

The last time we
locked eyes
was 43 weeks ago
at our mutual friend's
art exhibit.
304 days ago
we saw each
other last,
and it may be a
before that ever
578 · Aug 2019
Temptation Haiku
Amanda Aug 2019
Your trance: seductive,
oozing voluptuous love
I cannot resist.
576 · Jun 2018
Haiku 01216
Amanda Jun 2018
Ruby red caress,
ceremoniously hums
melancholy fears.
572 · Nov 2013
Amanda Nov 2013
will leak
from my
and engulf
all whom are
566 · Jun 2016
Just Thoughts.
Amanda Jun 2016
Sometimes I sit in silence,
and contemplate the world I once knew
while I stir the contents of my glass
and feel the burn of tequila grace my lips.

The sun sets in an uneven shade of red,
and unfortunately all I see is you
hidden within the ungodly gray clouds
that slowly pull the night upon us.

It has been three years now, and I'm over us.
But there's still a longing to know what
really happened, and why you left.
Do you ever stop and think about me?
560 · Sep 2014
Drunk Writings I
Amanda Sep 2014
I'm glad you exist.
I need my space.
Some moments I just
want to be touched
very hard by your
logic and kindness.

Continue to learn me,
feel me, and love me slowly.
You tell me to trust you,
but the truth is I'm scared.

The last time I trusted so hard,
I was left to drown in the crater
of tears I created for myself.
I’m still coughing up water.

But this is the last time I want
someone else to hold that
kind of power over me.
You aren't a bad person,
I've just learned my lesson this time.
548 · Dec 2018
Twist the Knife
Amanda Dec 2018
My back is barely a canvas
as my blood drips between my shoulder blades
creating a destructive masterpiece
from allowing the cuts to be visually stimulating
rather than attempting to treat them
with the love and respect
that they deserve.
537 · Aug 2016
Haiku 004
Amanda Aug 2016
Blackberry kisses
form on my cheek like bruises,
but won't fade away.
533 · Dec 2014
Drunk Rambles
Amanda Dec 2014
His hazel eyes remind me of chocolate,
and I wish that the storm in my heart
could have engulfed his, too.
Then maybe he would have seen me as
an equal, not just somebody he could use.
533 · Jan 2015
I Need To Heal
Amanda Jan 2015
The blood splatters from my nose
like a volcano erupting lava
and it tastes metallic
to the point I can't recognize
my own taste of nothingness.
The bruises leave traces of where
your knuckles made contact
with my pale, freckled skin,
and seem to fade to an unattractive
color spectrum of green, gold,
and a rich lavender purple.
I used to believe that I was your savior,
and the best of you was hidden someplace
twenty leagues beneath your skin.
Unfortunately I discovered that
I had only sinned among the most
experienced of sinners,
and I was never going to be the one
to pull you into the heavens of my embraces.
All that was left to do for me
was to leave you to your hell
and hope that it would bring me
inner peace.
528 · Dec 2014
Remnants of a Lost Soul
Amanda Dec 2014
A galaxy paints
my fragile hands
a spectrum of
vivacious color
that even a sunset
just born will envy.

They only glow for
such a small amount
of time, that it's like
seeing a shooting star,
or a lighter's spark ignite
with the naked eye.

I'm left with a thin layer
of crust resembling the earth's
core plastered on my fingertips,
with their jagged edges
and the way they are used
to cutting through skin.

As painful as it is trying to
rid this archaic wonder,
I am not a fossilized relic of myself
left behind for viewers to learn about.
I am just living my life the only way
I know how, as remnants of a lost soul.
526 · Feb 2018
Haiku 013
Amanda Feb 2018
Destruction of sin
meets an unwavering faith
that will not alter.
523 · Feb 2014
My Safety Blanket
Amanda Feb 2014
My fingertips
snag your skin
as if it was cloth
I could pull closer
to my body to make
the pain of the world
around me dissipate.
517 · Oct 2013
It Never Changes
Amanda Oct 2013
Your lips -
they parted like the Red Sea,
dripping words blacker than ink
across the blank page
that was my body.

Your hands
smelled of vanilla,
but rough like granules of sugar
stirred into teacups.
Your fingers,
they teased me,
snarling along my ribcage
as if trying to tie flowers along
my weeping torso.

The connection was instant
like a polaroid picture.
But the love was slow
like when a bump turns to a bruise.

And it faded, too,
just like all wounds do,
love does too.
505 · Apr 2019
Haiku 2013
Amanda Apr 2019
He was everything
that I was scared to become.
I hope he's okay.
504 · Aug 2014
I Might As Well Sleep
Amanda Aug 2014
It’s almost 1AM,
and here I am wondering why
you never wished me a good night,
or even tried to tell me that you love me.
Amanda Jun 2018
Her powerful grace, and her torrent of waves-
They collapse me onto my scarred knees,
bearing my head down low, submerging it beneath the surface.
She somehow willingly heals my past scars, and as she does,
gives me a warning that future ones may hurt just the same.
With bated breath, my mouth breaches the barrier, and I tell her that as long as I don't drown alone, I'm willing to take the risk.
483 · Mar 2018
Haiku 014
Amanda Mar 2018
I lust for his lips,
the cherry red pout that makes
life a bit sweeter.
483 · Apr 2015
Dear Him,
Amanda Apr 2015
I still share stories of us...
to strangers, and to people that never knew you.
I paint a lovely picture of those memories and my tool is the knife you left stabbed in my back, right between my shoulder blades.
The blood has this thickness that helps portray this realness that
is unlike any other medium once it's delicately laid upon a canvas.
I've passed your apartment stoop, hoping you'd be sitting there with a stale beer and a cheap menthol drag dangling from your *******.
Even though it's never you sitting there, the same stench of *** and
the aroma of Svedka still drifts around the humid city air.
It causes a whirlwind of emptiness in my head and I'm never
able to clear my thoughts of you completely.
When I look up at night and see the millions of stars making their headlining appearances in the dark, I always wonder if we'll ever be
discovering the exact same one like we found each others hearts.
But then I remember, just like losing sight of a star in the sky, we lost each others hearts and you chose to never try searching for mine again.
481 · Oct 2013
Someday You'll Miss Me
Amanda Oct 2013
I wrote ‘I love you’ with my fingertip
on your knee as you held me in your arms.
You kept trying to guess what I was saying,
and could never figure it out.
The part that breaks my heart the most,
is that you never did.
479 · Oct 2013
I Think We'll Be Okay
Amanda Oct 2013
The stars burning in your eyes
used to be the diamonds
of the rough days we passed,
and the success seared
golden like a California sunrise.
When your lips pressed against
the crooks of my collar bones
and eased their way to
my gaping mouth,
you left me stranded
with the longing and passion
of what we used to be.
Now it’s 3am and I’m alone,
wondering where you’ve gone
and why you didn’t take me with you.
When we pass each other on the street,
the stars I once knew
in the workings of your eyes
have been turned to merely the shine
of a dull glass you might find
on the shelf of a second hand store.
466 · Nov 2018
Orange and Yellow Haiku
Amanda Nov 2018
The horizon tries
turning me to the night, but,
I know better now.
465 · Aug 2016
Haiku 001
Amanda Aug 2016
Wood floors underneath
my ****** and dragging feet.
Maybe you should leave.
448 · Jul 2018
Haiku 041
Amanda Jul 2018
Crackle, sizzle, snap,
Fire burns intensity
Too hot to notice.
439 · Jul 2019
Haiku 391
Amanda Jul 2019
I am your weakness,
No matter what in the end,
It is always me.
437 · May 2018
Soak It In
Amanda May 2018
The ocean is a powerful, all-knowing being.
She causes the wind to whip my hair over my shoulders,
while the salt stings my eyes, making it hard to see clearly.
She leads me along the damp sand and entraps me there.
This endless, all-knowing being whispers in a low gravelly hum,
to let the cold bitter waves soak my feet.
I bravely oblige and turn my body towards the water,
stopping to feel each wave gain new control over me.
I'm getting what I deserve.
434 · May 2019
Haiku 704
Amanda May 2019
Forgot my halo,
I left it on your nightstand
right next to your horns.
Amanda Mar 2014
If I could sew
every hole in my heart
back together
that was created
by your touch
and your words
then I would need
an infinite amount of thread
and a steady hand
to successfully free
the last few demons
that made home
in the crevices
of my damaged soul.
434 · Jan 2015
Syrup Drenched Lies
Amanda Jan 2015
Buttermilk pancakes
and their sweet tasting batter.
Reminds me of when we stood in
your tiny Boston apartment kitchen
trying to cut lemons into slices
that we'd use as chasers
for our alcohol binges.

Sometimes I picture us back
on your roommate's couch
trying to make sense of the
useless television we put on.

The lies didn't cloud my vision
then like they do now.
If only you didn't leave me
like I meant nothing to you.
427 · Feb 2018
You and I
Amanda Feb 2018
I imagine myself standing on the edge
of a skyscraper,
and we're holding hands
looking each other in the face.
The wind whips my hair
and the hard rain clears my senses.
We give each other a glance,
wondering if we'll let the voices win,
and then when we meet eyes,
we know that we need to jump together.
I love you.
Amanda Nov 2014
I'm still
picking out
the shards
of your words
out of my skin.
421 · May 2019
Haiku 144
Amanda May 2019
Golden sun, shining,
illuminates the moon, now
we shine together.
415 · Feb 2018
Dew Haiku
Amanda Feb 2018
My lips are glowing,
color, reflecting dew that
illuminates rooms.
412 · May 2018
Swaddle Me
Amanda May 2018
My Victorian gold bordered mirror
shines the withered teal tides back at me,
wrapping my body in such a way
that doesn’t feel too loose, or too tight.
It's a comforting embrace that reminds me
of the swaddling technique mothers use
on their newborns, so they feel safe again.
Internally, I hope this finally makes me
feel like everything is going to be okay.
411 · May 2019
Haiku 510
Amanda May 2019
It's been six years now
and I still wonder about
what we could have been.
410 · Nov 2020
Amanda Nov 2020
Point the barrel at me.
Let me see my future
unfold right before my eyes
as you pull the trigger.
You killed me.
400 · Sep 2019
Haiku 09
Amanda Sep 2019
Autumn approaches.
Pumpkin spice, apple cider,
the flavors of fall.
398 · Oct 2020
Haiku 215
Amanda Oct 2020
Molding lumps of clay,
Sticky, earthen residue,
shaped to doughy love.
393 · Jul 2018
Haiku 066
Amanda Jul 2018
Red hand-picked cherries
leave behind a residue
on smudged, brittle lips.
Amanda Aug 2014
The conversation took a turn.
A turn, I wasn't expecting.
Like when a yield sign
is on one side of the road
and you have to brake anyway
for the people that don't follow it.

"I'm sorry," you breathed,
hugging your legs close,
tucking your hands behind
your kneecaps.

Your bed suddenly felt
like I was sitting on stone.
"You don't want me anymore,"
I shouted in a pain-ridden voice.
I pulled away, sinking further
into myself and bending over.

You pull for me.
Your hand snags my shirt
and then my arm.
You attempted to pull me
in closer to you.
I never understood why
you wanted to give me
a protective embrace.

"You said you don't want me anymore!"
I reiterated, looking at him with
tear-streaks on my cheeks.
Any hope left was in this one moment,
and it turned out to be the moment
you let me go.
378 · Jun 2017
Amanda Jun 2017
Milk and honey;
one is more luscious and inviting
dripping down your pouty, cherry red lips.
The other is warm and tempting,
but for some reason,
I can't stand to stomach it.
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