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Joann Rolleston Jul 2014
So your wife doesn't like it
That's okay with me
I'll make a special place
For the whole world to see
My Yoda collection
Star Wars *******
Fits perfect in my house
Next to my piggy banks
And Womble mania
They make me happy
Because I believe
And that's all that matters ...
a few friends have beautiful sci-fi collections hidden away .. i say no to that .. give it to me if you can't find a better way to enjoy it .. i'm hoping anyway ..
Brewomble Jun 2021
God Brought A Beach Towel

  Written By: Breanna Womble


I’m starting to understand
The slight of hand
That it takes to see this world as an ocean
                                                So vast and deep
                                  With secrets to keep-
I spread love on like tanning lotion
(..) I forgot how the sun feels from this perspective
As my heart beats quick with/          
                             as if it’s,
                                                                         /To keep up with lost time.
I know now I hold the full Collective
all the while I stay and destroy the retina’s in my eyes.
                               This time around,
                                    Loving me is the new objective-
gazing at new found patience with what follows sunrise
                                                                      And left these sands of time-
                                                                      One grain left to fall amongst the Hour,
All this chaos I hold inside of me-
                                           In-spite of trees that Fear let tower

Ahead of me is too far gone
twin flames too, burned away...
Lake Eerie drowned our fire quickly/
                                                           a parted heart of two;
half-hearted sunsets shadowed days,
To the boy I thought I knew.

Do you suffocate with silence?
Do the sun-rays burn your eyes?

All this technicolor vision Love,
Colorblind through cobalt eyes’

(..) I know now of not tomorrow,
                                                          But sea, to my dismay;

Salt lake kisses from Oklahoma/

                                                      ...Taste like soulmates in PA.

~Breanna Womble
Mother Earth Knows What's Best
kromwellfarkus Sep 2023
With ruthless adoration
And violent embrace
You will be loved
You have no choice.

My curious insanity
Will make heads tilt
Hate will be spilt
To make room for affection.

Silly womble
No need to be troubled.

Explosive caress
Wings in full bloom
Right now is the reason
Never soon.

Soar and scream
Life and dream
Will finally entwine
With our life combined.
Brewomble Sep 2021
                        Lover of a thousand arms
                        lift me high above myself,
        strong enough to find the strength in a lowered gate;
eternally holds lock and key inside of me.

And it’s You-
               keeper of mind;

       teaching one to know better at no benefit of his own;
                      how decisively deceptive of you/

                     so open and juxtaposed in my sight
             You, who calls my soul to love free;

man of numbers;

          placing them in the stars so they project on every clock;
                               together ticking eternity;

           man who thinks more of others than he does himself;
                carefully crafting out the finest versions of me/

                 though think our thoughts are on opposition -
How dare you?

        We have plotted forever without knowing it;
                     this whole entire universe and


Can you query your deep decadence?

                    Healing my wounds from a far-
            time nor space measures a soul so boundless

                          You...carrier of divine grace

It Is You-
                       an auspicious gift from the Gods-
                       how precious is the powers that Be..

Does it surprise You?

                Millennia’s have past /
                                 circling back around,
                        I have found-

               who tastes like an eternal sweetness,
               one who bears both dark and light
                                     chooses only-
            give rise to the sun and nightfall to the moon
             Keeper of dreams-

                              are apart of every. sole. reason/
                                                         ­      to wake up

  and love …


~Breanna Womble
Brewomble Sep 2020
I can’t sleep at night
I’ve got elements I’m facing
And in my dreams I need it most to see this vision that I’m chasing
And if I wander deeper against this grain
Will I split this earth in two,
Maybe I was born in cycle, maybe I am recycled youth
I can’t sleep at night
That’s when the lost come knocking
Sleep is what is needed most
A rest from a view that I am blocking
Resist the temptation to be tired
Because it comes and goes throughout the day -
Sleepless nights, up late wondering when I will stop standing in my own way
But still
Sleepless nights
I can’t sleep
Sleepless nights
Set me free
Sleepless nights
Lie a-wake
Sleepless nights
Stand in my-way
And tomorrow is here but for the moment so I get up to live the day
Another round of forgotten souls harvest the moon’s decay
And these sleepless night keep me from seeing a life from a brighter point of view-
I can’t sleep at night
So the next day is never new.
~Bre Womble
Brewomble May 2020
Wipe me down Inside out
Turn the music up to drown Me out
Liberated women but no words come out.
Make me shiny, better than before/
This is the better way
Even maple trees, those of pine
Aspen, cherry, and oak
My rawness was beautiful, but needed a different touch
Wipe me down Outside in, I can't remember who I was Before-
Render to silence or invasive compliance
Our mothers are seeds of time
Having branches they want to climb
Now that I'm older-
I am a woman before my time.

~Bre Womble
Women can no longer be silenced.
Brewomble May 2020
Know what you want
Know who u are, don’t u ever waste any time; little things like this will keep u by the finish line.
Time on this earth goes so fast, so quick, like when raindrops fall from the sky,
Love yourself immensely, and intensely
This will be your battle cry.
Hold your ground and find your purpose your dignity, morality, your hue;
This is the formula to living life anew.
Be kind, be courageous, and always understand
Life isn’t always given, and will never come as a demand/
Please, my dear child, believe me when I say;
Love will always be the hardest when not known when to walk away,
But love yourself, be yourself, have faith in you
This is the key for others to learn to love you too/
And at the end of the day
All the sorry in the world will never mend or keep,
The contempt you aim to feel when u lay down to sleep-
And please if they ask, don’t u ever dare,
Because hollowed out lovers are everywhere.

~Breanna Womble
Today I broke up with my boyfriend and his heart again for the second time, but my reasons gave him purpose and my values gave him signs
Brewomble Oct 2020
Bones-Let’s let them be dry and ******
As if that be the way they were found
Let them crack and fracture and bruise, amongst the concrete ground
Let them have their space to break and wither away-
Let’s turn the other cheek-while behind us they quickly decay
And then let’s use their fossils for fuel, weapons or laddels in every size
As simply as to stir the ***, and smug at their great demise
If not ashes to dust, then what'll be of our bones we fast to give away-
Sewn better than not, twist an arm for play-

But simple pleasures wither too, bones we toddle but dare not fix
Let them wonder how we toyed our hearts- like a feverish game of pick-up-sticks.

-Bre Womble
A W Bullen Jun 2018
Snap back
in the orange 70s
classic catch of
school- wall monkeys,
Kodak kids invincible
With everything to play for

Me, big- head and stick limbed
you, a bowl-cut- cuddle- incarnate

They say cheeky
wasn't half of it,

  But, naughty?...

..They knew nothing...

This was us, as
Thick as fir- trees
scab- kneed muckers
of the womble- burrow
pockets full of “borrowed”

to be made....
Brewomble Oct 2020
Don’t coddle me.
I don’t like to be coddled.
In fact, I don’t like to be held.
I don’t like to be touched.
In fact, don’t breathe my air.
I’m coming down with something, it must be from here or there.
And please don’t try to conversant about the news like its traverse
You cannot sit at the table without a place to put it first.

Don’t coddle me like a child.
We both know we lost our way
Don’t speak to me in such numbers
Where it seems I’m not okay
Don’t twist my words or quarry
About my younger days
As if I don’t quite ponder what will become of my wicked ways

Don’t coddle if I’m so intolerable
Don’t call if the time is not just right
Don’t feed me to the world
Just to hide me from viewers sight

And grace reflects my mere impeachment
Lets not forget about my lucky stars
Don’t count them in their glory,
Then question where they are

Don’t nurture me into success just to strip it all away
Don’t treat me like a doll
Then give me of which no house to play-

In fact, you shouldn’t coddle; when heavied from all of which I’ve weeped
What use is it to coddle- when the wicked get no sleep.

-Bre Womble
Brewomble May 2020
I have wept in my mother's sorrows
In tears of those of lost and labored-
That life is waster when settled,
And regretted when hated.
The drugs have never covered-
They will never coat the fear that lives inside of you;
And the bottle that I've used to block the days before me
Have left me in depths of hollow and confusion,
To which the sky says yet again when I'm on my knees and looking for an answer-
I have yet to find but more questions.
This reflection I stand before shows more than I know;
Or wish to see,
Open your eyes and break the dark uncertainty.

~Bre Womble
Brewomble May 2020
There are things that we so desire;

Fragments of once could be’s left sizzling next to the wake of an open fire

A sore and unruly rest for those who bare no need to transpose,

A romantics lust for love is as sheer as the daydreamers dream I suppose.

We don’t confide the things that yearn in the hollowed depths of our soul;

That in which age and mature vastly inside us, for that they’ll never know-

And when given the chance one might never give in-

Because vulnerability is best when it’s bared in  hidden.

You can look in the eyes of another and see their truth revealed;

Their words yet still cascade fabrication of a world never revealed

We hide, we squander, in life’s most precious things,

But behind our synthetic candor; we all know why the caged bird sings

~Breanna Womble

Sleepless Nights are the poet's prime time
Brewomble May 2020
Remembrance is the pitfalls of things we wish to not understand
When the towers come falling and all is lost in demand
The fragments and pieces of parts we wish to not see
I’m lying in a 6 ft ditch of denial and mistrust this can’t all be me.
There’s people looking down, people praying up and I’m silent in the words I failed to say
I’m frozen but thawed with the life I let wither away
We’ve got hours
We’ve got time
At least that’s what they say...
Tomorrow is not enough
Let’s live for today

~Breanna Womble
August 14th
I'm trying to be better
Brewomble Jun 2020
To give in or give up,
That is the question.
And as I sit here and ponder my life’s reality
The lifestyle that’s led up to this point
I’ve realized there is no simple answer
There’s no reason as to why you find yourself struggling to find the meaning in your life
Or as to why you can’t fall asleep soundly to the silence of your own breath;
And it’s only when I’m awake and listening can I see the truth before me,
Your sound asleep with contentment in the arms of my sheets and I, well I, I am here dealing with the mess you have left me behind to deal with.
You’re hurting too,
Your kisses cannot coat the pain this time
Nor will mine
For my eyes are dry and my heart is numb
But I’m foreshadowing your next move
A dim light and a snow fall
A cold walk and a liquor coaxed dream
Only now you see me.
So when I tremble in dismay with your hand on my cheek; do not be weary,
For I have not but pondered this outcome
To give in or to give up?
That is the question.
And it is now that I realize there might be more than yet two answers
My eyes are open, my ears are sound, and my heart is still
This time 4 months hasn’t changed me;
But I still hope you will

~Bre Womble
Sunday March 31 2019
Yenson Oct 2021
typically the vainglorious narcissist
semblance and noxious substance
creeps in loftily to pontificate
see our man of plagiarised letters
the sheep in wolves clothing
uncle Bulgaria womble-ing
his two-fartings' worth
doyen of the play-ground badass
specialist negatron of enlightenment
the sound-bite poet of infamy
see him there with picture to adorn
in misrepresented conceit unfitting
our empty buffoon of little means
beckons us all does our
Mr Exemplified Narcissist
see me in pose
see my verses
I can write
read me and die

hahaha hahaha
this is inspired by a dear friend of mine who is a legend in his own mind and an ongoing joke amongst those too bored to avoid him.
I did the ***, drugs, and rock and roll thing
But it didn't actually, teach me anything
Back then, there was no internet to investigate
No books in libraries, about my kind of state
So i adopted, the then hippie style fashion
To avoid any kind, of trans bashing
It allowed me, to grow my hair long
So i was more in tune, with my kind of song
With an afghan coat, and cheesecloth shirt
Petula oil, hippy beads, but never a skirt
At the age of fifteen, i left my home
After fourteen schools, i was destined to roam
So off i ventured, into the big wide world
Waiting to see, how my life would be unfurled
After much wandering, and travelling around
Aged 27, i momentarily landed, on a different ground
I got married, then within a year, divorced
My life was still veering, way of course
Yet within five years, to subdue my fears
I met my second wife, together for 23 years
Yet still i had a secret, which i kept at bay
That i knew i was a woman, in almost every way
I knew things were ending, and life felt weird
When my wife, got me to cut my hair, and to grow a beard
I understood why, she just wanted to man me up
As i supped in the misery, like a dying buttercup
Me, and my daughter, then moved down here
Much stress was happening, i couldn't allay my fears
After two years, my daughter to her mother went back
Then returned two years later, in time for my heart attack
During those four years in total, much had occurred
Finding my mother dead, made redundant, it became absurd
I'd already seen my GP, to talk about my gender
And had gone to London several times, to put in my tender
But because of my heart, my GRS was put on hold
And thought back then, it was unlikely i'd achieve my goal
Yet 22 months, and two heart surgeries later
I was as ready, as a toothless alligator
On the 30th May 2019, i had my gender reassignment surgery
I cannot lie, it was painful, screamingly at first, no purgery
I told friends, it was done in Wimbledon, as i had some doubt
That i'd return as a Womble, or a tennis player with gout?
But all had gone as expected, and i recovered well
My butterfly wings had grown, as i flew out of my secret hell
Never imagining, that just three years on
Telling people a brief history of my life, what could possibly go wrong?
I have many friends, that are lgbtq+, without debate
But many of my friends are also straight
All my change, was thanks to the NHS
I had told them my truths, without any redress
So my message to anyone, whatever their age
Don't rush into this, do it stage by stage
Whatever you do, be you bold, or shy
You will gain you wings and be a beautiful butterfly
Find a good GP, that is helpful, and kind
That doesn't treat you, like you're out of your mind
That the whole process, from beginning to end
Is worth it, as you become your own best friend

by Jemia

— The End —