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Nina McNally Jan 2015
Aren't we all just American Psychos?
Many of us don't realize that we're all the same.
Everyone; we're all alike on the inside.
Racism, sexism, calling people gay, and so on...
It needs to STOP!
Can't you see we're our own worst enemy?
American Pyscho; that's what we are if we're
Not willing to change.

Peace; What is peace again? It's been
So long since we've had peace, but we can change.
Yes, we can! Stop with
Calling people out and acting tough!
Here and now, we're in this together.
O**ne day, we'll live in peace again. *American ******
Part two of American Beauty/American ******,
title from Fall Out Boy.
We`ll have peace some day....
©2015 McNally, Inc.
Alicia Strong Nov 2011
One person is all I ask.
Maybe they'll find the time to read this.
Even though it's sad;
One persons greatest fear,
Never quite finding it's way to the surface,
Even though it's always just below it.

Heaven finds a way to taunt me now and then,
Even though I medicate my thoughts away,
Light always fades, and darkness
Plunges through.

My story is one of fear, of despair,
Even. But maybe, I'll find a way out of this


Everyone expects me to believe that it doesn't hurt,
Even though they see how tentative I am,

They plainly see how scared I am.
History goes on for...
Ever. And ever and ever and ever.

Why can't anyone let me be in peace?
Hello, I'm looking for a way out.
Instead of helping me,
They just shut me down and out.
Everyone seems to think they know me.

Luckily for them, they don't.
Inside, I hide my true thoughts away, but that turned me into a
Ghost. A former shell of myself, wandering around aimlessly.
Help me? When will it stop? Because the white light at the end of the
T**unnel, was just a freight train coming my way.
Why do people tend to add *** to everything? Everyone seems to think that because I'm a teenager, *** is on my mind constantly. Oh, world, you don't seem to understand that I'm the absolute complete opposite. No, media, I won't sell myself out, I have my own morals to stick to, thanks.
Kendra Wheeler Oct 2010
Jolly good friends are we
Only because of “Raf-Rod” pain
Happiness when the assignments were complete.
Not far off is
Our favorite activity, but,
Not with out Dan

Best friends forever
I** repeat,
Best friends forever
Leave it or take it
Everyone’s a hater

Crammed in the truck
Only Dan, Stan and Kendra
Leaving behind the haters
Loving our route 44’s and
Eating out taters
Getting all dressed up
Everyone in this city be jealous of us.
This is an acrostic poem, spells Johnson Bible College (my school), written for a class, thought I'd share :)
Haley G Jul 2015
Treasure what has been givin,
Rely on each other, feel the
Uniqueness of your love,
Enjoy what has been given, because
Love is an unbreakable bond that
Only a few can comprehend, the
Variety, the deepness, the bond that
E**veryone desires, is yours.
SweetCindy Jul 2012
I** feel I am not good enough
No one really needs me.
Although I have many skills,
Disapproval is all I foresee.
Everyone looks for more
Questioning my future life goals.
Uncaring to my personal feelings.
Always wanting things their way.
Taking me under their control.
Everyone wants more than I have to offer.

© 1996
Nina McNally Jan 2018
Everyone has a story to tell; An-
Xiety is a "fickle *****," but one that --
Possibly- tell you when something bad might happen.
Each day that goes by
Never stop dreaming, never
Stop saying "you can't,"
Instead say "you can" and make your dreams come true.
Victory can be your's and
Everyone's, you just gotta believe!

I* became such a strange shape,
Such a strange shape From
Trying to fit it."*
Kindness will win all!
Everyone has a story to tell,
So please listen to them. (Just listen.)
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Quotes (italics) from LOST and Fall Out Boy-- my biggest inspirations.
Everyone needs someone to listen to them,so just keep an open ear and be their friend they can lean on when their in need and maybe they will return the favor for you when you need someone to listen.
Kayla Lynn Dec 2010
T* hough I know the truth
H urt still lingers in my breath
E mptying out into the street

M other to none, sister to one, daughter to two
O nly one slight problem, I want to be alone with
N othing to bother me, no one to disrupt my
S leepless nightmares, taunting day dreams
T onight I shall not rest until I find a way to
E nd these thoughts, but I will never
R est easy, not until I learn the meaning of peace

W hat have I become anyway?
I s this liar, this thief, this ******,
T he person I've always wanted to
H onor with the title of my name?
I s this black hole swirling inside my chest
N othing more than a shell of a human being?

W hy do I always end up asking the same questions?
I  may never really know who I am
L ike most drifters and loners and
L osers, I may never learn to love myself

N othing is worse than not knowing
E verything there is to know about oneself, it's
V ery unsettling, earth shattering, words don't
E ven make sense, strung together in
R epetitious strings, dangling from the ceiling

S till, a part of me, a very small part
U nderstands that my life isn't really about
B ecoming who I'm meant to be
S ometimes, it's about just learning to
I dentify with the face in the mirror, ignoring the
D enial that seeps through my heart, I know that
E veryone thinks I've lost my head. Well, maybe I have..
© December 2010 Sarah Lynn
elaine Oct 2018
d o you want me to leave you so soon?
r eality can be a deadly thing, do you want to leave this dreamworld?
e scaping me can be hard
a nd loving me, even harder.
m aybe we can live in harmony, me & you
i magine the possibilities.
n othing can replace what we have,
g ot that?

i hope you don't take me to
s eriously, it's all just a game, laugh along.

m y oh my,
y ou really are a freak, lighten up *****, it's just a game.

o nly a crybaby would cry over something so small.
n arcissist *****, you think you're actually doing something great?
l ies are all they tell you, don't feed into their stupid postivity.
y ou're only as good as dust.

e ven as you write your pointless poetry hiding that you're
s cared to be alone,
c rying because you have no friends
a nd living up up in your head all day like a ******* idiot.
p lease, give me a break from your madness
e veryone can see you're just as pathetic as me.
what else is there to do when reality is screaming at your door?
Nina McNally Mar 2017
Living in a world full of hate will get us no where--
In this life, you got to make the best of what you're given.
For only you control you--
Everyone comes into this world the same, getting a

Chance at life
And sometimes people struggle, but that's okay.
No body is prefect. We all make mistakes, it's better
To learn from them and not ignore that they happened.

Go ahead, live your life and just remember
Everyone is going
Through it as well.

Make the best of each day and try to
Understand how others might have to live-sometimes we don't get to
Choose where we're born and
Have to struggle for many, many years to get to an okay life.

Be positive with others and "keep your
Eyes wide open" and NEVER STOP LEARNING!
Things will get better-- "sometimes before it gets better,
The darkness gets bigger."
Each day, try your best and just be you!
An acrostic I wrote earlier today and edited tonight.
Title from Good Charlotte.
Quotes from Sabrina Carpenter and Fall Out Boy.
Never give up, just be who you are!
McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
Nina McNally Oct 2015
In the middle of the night,
Right in the darkest hour; Are you
Ready to live?
Everyone going nowhere fast, not
Seeing the beauty the world has.
In this moment in time,
Stop and look around you---
The beauty this world has!
I** want to go back to the
Beginning when
Life was simple and
Everyone still cared!
©McNally, Inc.
inspired by and title from Fall Out Boya
Krishna Feb 2014
Do you ever feel invisible
veryone you know is gone
                Alone with your noxious thoughts
Do you ever feel invisible
Nina McNally Jan 2015
Everyone, let's
Never forget our past.
Together we can make a brighter future,
Under the stars I
Raise above this world and
I** can see we're going no where fast.
Everyone staring at their phones,
Stop and look around. We can change the world!
song title from Fall Out Boy,
©2014 McNally, Inc.
sorry for not posting much, this year I would like to post more. :)
Nina McNally Apr 2017
Go out and change the world;
Only you can change you. Show
Others Kindness and end the hate.
Differences makes us unique.

Together is the way
Only way we can make this world

Everyone has their own beliefs, opinions, views

And we can agree to disagree--that's okay.
Life will be alright if we all got along.
I** know it ***** and hard sometimes-everyone struggles-it
Varies-person to person, but we'll be okay.
Each day is a new day-So live it like it's the last.

(Happiness happens to when you worry
About you not what others might be doing. Your
Life is yours not others--
Live it your way and forget the rest, but give respect-
Everybody has a right to
Live their own life the way they want.
Understanding all beliefs are out there is okay not
Just your's- No one is perfect, but together-maybe
All of us- can end this
Hate in this world.)
Written in a few minutes of picking the title from an Andy Grammer song. We are all in this together. Another 2 part poem.
©McNally/Flanders, Inc. 2017
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Bring all your
Used cds, dvds, & games &
Let's trade. Here's the place to sell all your cds, dvds, & games.
Let's help you find the

Music, movies, or games that you want.
Only at Bull Moose is where you can find great deals
On any cds, dvds, games, & even records.
So come on in, where
E**veryone will welcome you & help you find what you need.

Bull Moose; where music is our business!
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
wrote this to put in my application to Bull Moose ( a record store where I live)--you make your own application.
Justin G Jan 2015
In the city that never sleeps
Nobody has time to dream

No one cares for the color scheme
Everybody on these streets are mean
Women over here dress to ****

Yearning for a life to steal
Outrageous trigger happy police
Ruthless, spiteful and rigorous
Kindness comes fatally priced

No time for love or paradise  
Obsessive depression is what's subsidised
Beggars on my train struggle and scuffle
Oblivious oppression lurking
Delirious children deceived  
Yesterday's conception grieved

Craving lust is a must
Ageless shame is  
Rationalized pain
Everyone here idealizes blame
S*erenity is an absentee in this chaotic city
N N Johnson Nov 2012
Laughing like that.
you sound **A

Hide that smile.
hIde that frown.
Thank your lucky stars.

Steam from the shower
Clears the mind and
Reveals the
mArks left behind
because I am Too fair or
should I say Caucasian
looking, Hispanic
doesn't comE
acrosS clearly like the mind.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to
Everyone but me
becAuse I never got
anywheRe on my own.

Here lies the secret,
Eat it like dessert:
All of this has been done before
Little doesn't even come close to describing me.

Melt into movement
Ease into enjoyment
kNeel into knowing
Drown in deliverance.

Nina McNally Mar 2011
As I lay here thinking back to the days;

When everything was simply and alright;                   Wondering
How this all happen.              Some days I do.... really
I* do, want to go back, but I know I can't for
This is where I'm suppose to be;          This is where it is at.
Everyday I wake up, make some

Breakfast, and greet the new day.       Ready to
Live, I put on my pants, shirt, and
A smile to keep me moving through the day.                  Keeping the
Negative thoughts from my mind,   it's hard,    but
Keeping those thoughts away,       most of the time,

Prevents a lot of crap and stuff from happening.
And so here I lay as the last thoughts of the day
Goes rushing through my head;
Everyone will be fine,                     *
*In. The. End.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just came to me as I was getting ready for bed.
Inspired by the one the only LOST.
"If we don't Live Together, we're gonna Die Alone."
Micah Oct 2014
What is grace?

Grace is
Meaning that with Jesus' death on the cross, he purchased for us a right relationship with God that we could not have earned for ourselves because

Grace is
Cannot be

And once this
Gift is
Realised it
Meaning that every debt is paid, every single sin past, present and future is washed away.
So come expectantly because grace is a
Which means that as we leave the flesh behind and die more and more to ourselves, we are stepping into a movement that continues to change to world by
Communion to

God is
Because the
Gap has been
A bridge has been built, the battle has been won and
Christ is
Please no hate.
Alicia Strong Dec 2011
And here we go again.

We're searching for an end.
A* means to stop the madness,
Kicking and screaming in spite of
Everything society has to throw at us.


Calling all police officers,
Arrest us, if you can.
Let us go, if you will, but,
Let it be known, we will be back.

Fighting for freedom
Of opinion, speech, and looking for equality.
Rebelling against

The **** that the media throws at us.
How will we know where to go if
Everything around us is fake?

My friends, we must be critical.
Actions speak louder than words.
Send out a message across the
Seas, so that
Everyone can rise and
Say this with me...

Everyone is beautiful, everyone deserves to be free,
if I am true to myself, then I will be truly happy.
showyoulove Oct 2013
Jesus as you hung with arms outstretched

Even as you were rejected time and time again

Somehow you loved us so much that you would give your life

Unconditional unsurpassed love would win

Sin couldn’t hold you, death had lost its power

Over and over you showed us love

Nailed on a cross between two thieves

Three days later you came back

Hell could not hold you; Heaven rejoiced

Everyone could not believe so easily

Carrying that cross to Calgary I can’t imagine

Ridiculed, beaten, ripped and torn

Our sins you took upon yourself

So that we might have new life; so that we might be:

Jolene Perron Aug 2010
I feel like everything I do means nothing,
like what I say doesn't affect anyone.
I feel like walking away from it all,
but I just don't want to give up.

He used to make my heart fly and feelings soar,
but now he only makes me cry.
I don't want to give up on all we had,
I know we can be so much more.

She was my very best friend,
someone who I could always confide in.
Now she won't even talk to me,
and I can't figure out why...

I'm trying to make myself happy this time,
but everyone else gets mad.
It's like what I want doesn't even matter,
and what I need isn't relevant.

I've spent my life trying to make everyone else happy,
and for once I'm trying to do stuff for me.
But everyone else is throwing fits,
and everyone is ****** at me.

I can't make you all happy,
I can't make my life make sense.
I'm lost and confused and I'm sitting here crying,
I'm waiting for someone to come and climb over this wall.

Doesn't anyone see the signs?
don't you all see me, sitting here, crying, alone.
Why don't you try to help me along,
what is so wrong with me that I can't do it on my own.

I can't make my life make sense anymore,
and I'm reaching for the blade.
As long as I was clean before,
that changed and I can't make it stop.

I'm struggling and I'm fighting and I'm crying out,
but no one around seems to hear.
Please someone just make some sense out of life,
please send me some kind of guidence....

**I need an Angel
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Now here we are, what have we become?
Our world is not like it use to be... It's
Very messy now, and people not caring. What happen here?
Our world needs our help! What happen to this
Culture? We were suppose to be the dreamers
And  the creators, but wait!! It's not too late.
If* we start now, we could still save our world and maybe the
Next generation can do better; *learn from our mistakes.

Everyone: We're all in this together!!

*Together we can change our future!
Written on February 18th, 2015
©McNally, Inc.
Title and inspiration (as always) from Fall Out Boy
Just something I wrote tonight before I head off to bed.
Nina McNally Oct 2015
Back to the beginning
And back to the start. Let's
Change our future and raise our
Kids right!

Time to stop robbing banks and
Others; stop being racist, sexist, or whatever

Everyone--STOP! We are the same,
All on the inside. Doesn't
Really matter the color, ***, who we love- we are all
The same-human beings-mammals-
H**ope that helps-if not, we are like M&Ms; *fighting over your favorite color only to realize they're all chocolate on the inside.
Inspired by and song title from Steve Aoki and Fall Out Boy!
I can't remember where I heard the M&M;'s comparison but it was from a celebrity.
©McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Come here,
And together, we can do this!
Let's start the

Beware for others do not agree, as
Everyone has their own                    opinions.
From now until eternity, we are all
Others," (like in LOST) just trying to                   survive.
Ready..Set.....Stop! What are you doing?
Everywhere you turn there's guns..Does anyone   remember

The world as a peaceful, beautiful place?      *No?*     Well
Hate and Fear, has consume us and took over
Each one of us.....But there are

Still some out
There, where Hate and Fear hasn't consume them, but yet
Only fueled them to stand up against          Hate and Fear.
Ready..Set..Let's stop this Hate and Fear from growing any-
More-I mean Hate is only hat with an 'e' & *Fear is an ear with a 'f''.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written as it came to me. each word going from mind to page..not really thinking about it.
-title from Fall Out Boy-
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Some princes don't become kings,"
That is a very interesting thought
Yesterday's just a day, live

For the now--
Rught now, "The
Only thing that's ever
Stopping me is me-I'll testify; If I die in my sleep
Then know my own life was a killer dream."
"You only get what you grieve," another great lyric--

Really this album is amazing!
One day I'll get to meet these 4 boys from Chicago,
You'll see--
And I'll have a nice talk,
Laugh, and thank them for what they do!

Mania is fantastic and a great poetic aibum!
I wonder sometimes, "seems
Like the whole **** world went and lost it's mind."
Keep dreaming, "real living, fake

Tears," keep it real-- know that
Everyone goes through bad days, "But the
Alcohol never lies."
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their MANIA album.
Nina McNally May 2016
Beginning of the end is the start
Of something new;
You have the choice to be your true
Self. Don't be afraid to speak your mind!

Only you are in charge of your own destiny;
Faith---No one can tell you how to live your life.

Zoology- "Cryptozoology, you just might exist";
Understanding that everything has a
Meaning and we all have a purpose.
Moments that we should not miss,
Everyone is equal and everyone is worth it.
R**eminder: Just be you and be kind, the rest follows!
©McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Written after watching 3 episodes of Person Of Interest and quote from Patrick Stump's "Cryptozoology" song. Title- the best tour ever; Fall Out Boy, Hoodie Allen, MAX!
Nina McNally Jan 2014
Hey everyone, what's going on? Why is
Everyone running around going nowhere fast?
Yelling into their phones, driving crazy-what's going on?

Yesterday seems like forever ago and
Other days seems like they will never come.
Underneath the stars, I sit, & wonder if people even
Notice the beauty around them or if since they're
Going to fast they miss ever little
Beautiful thing around them?
Life is short. Live for the present!
One day you'll regret it.
Once today is gone, you'll never get it back.
D**on't regret. Live for the moment. Love each other!
©2014 McNally, Inc. Title from the song The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy.
Nina McNally Jan 2011
No where to go. Lost in this
Open field, of life, and it's just me.    Here.                    Alone.
Been searching for that place to call home.
Only, what is  home?
Don't give up!
You can do it. Just believe in yourself! You got the
Strength to go on.

Home is where the heart is--that's home.
Open and free, loving and caring. No
Matter where the road takes you; Remember
E**veryone will struggle in life and we will all get through it.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written for anyone out there who is struggling just like me and my family. it's a tough world, but just know you're not alone.
Don't Stop Believing! "And the hard times will come and we will keep moving on..." -Good Charlotte's Moving On.
-title from an Avril Lavigne song
Nina McNally Jan 2015
All around us, there's beauty. So
Many people in a hurry to go no where fast.
Everyone needs to stop and breathe, and
Relax! We got this one life
In this world, let's live it to the fullest!
Caring is a simple gesture with such
A** great reward! We're
Not alone! Together we can make it right.

Beauty, is everywhere; in this world, in the
Eyes of our friends, family, or yourself.
And beauty is the wild life, the flowers, and the sunsets.
Understanding that we're not alone and
That together we can change the world;
You'll live a much happier life! <3
title is the first part of Fall Out Boy`s American Beauty/American ******, I  am still working on part two and will post it as soon as I`m done.
©2014 McNally, Inc.
Geanna Mar 2019
F earing what's on the other side          
E veryone turns around and takes the longer route
E ven those who we see as hero's          
L ying is all they do and what we hear
I nventing new ways to go on with life
N umbing the pain is what we try to    
G oing too far just because of what we fear
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Raging Terror,
Like Hansel and Gretel,
Scaring Everyone to death.

Awakening Beastly within,
He's Lurking behind the closet.
Trusting Anonymity, why ?
Don't Confide the unknown,
She'll Kill for her own.

I've Warned you already, my love,
She'll Insist on feeding you junk,
Her Devlish ways,
So Obstinate,
It Will lead to death; so quickly step away !
j a connor Nov 2021
P atience
U nderstanding
T olerance
I s
N on - existent

B uffoon
O r
R eally
I ncredibly
S mart

M eets
A ll
C riteria
R equired
O f
N apolean

B lasting
I nto
D emocratic
E ctoplasm
N ow

M adam
E xacts
R evenge
K eeping
E veryone
L our

T he
R esult's
U ntenable
M r
P resident
Dark Paradox Oct 2010
H ey, Did you see what that witch just did?
A ll come hither smiles and soulless eyes:  who is she trying to kid?
L ord knows, she thinks there’s not a man on earth can resist her,
L ook how she prowls around this room, looking for her next mister.
O h no she did not do what I think she did!
W itch better watch her backside before this knife between her ribs gets slid!
E veryone knows that’s my man she’s looking at.
E vil better not even think about messin with that.
N ever gonna take my man away from me.  He knows heaven and exactly where it be!
10/11/10  Peggy Montgomery
Pinkbun17 Oct 2016
Lives forever
Open to everyone
Valued honestly
E**veryone can!
Written 10/18/07
SøułSurvivør May 2017
This is for the times
You don't know how to feel.
The times you hurt
And there's no reason why.
The days you try your
Damndest but go

H. A. L. T.

H ungry
A ngry
L onely
T ired

If you're feeling this way,

W. R. I .T. E.

W orking
R elease
I nspired
T hrough
E nlightenment

Writing about
your problems,
Gives you a mirror
to look into.

And... R. E. A. D.

R ealizing
E veryone's
A ngst
D estroys!

Some may have problems
Worse than yours. Help them.

Thank you.

♡ Catherine
Realized I've been sitting on
The pity-*** a while. I want
To get up before I have a
Ring around my *****!

Going to go talk to God
Get something  to eat,
Call a friend and apologize
Then go to bed...
In that order.

Jules Feb 2014
Really, people don't want to admit it exists
Always implicit and unspoken—too horrible for words
People —won’t acknowledge it unless it slaps them in the face
              —can't deny the fact that
E*veryone flinches at the very word itself

— The End —