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Fritzi Melendez Nov 2017
I am tired with the feeling of being dismissed, criticized as to what I'm going to do next.
I am tired of forcing myself to choke back the tears, hide my barb-wired stained arms behind a long sleeve sweater.
I am tired of fidgeting to keep my sleeves past mid fingers, because my knuckles are swollen and bruised green and purple from yesterday's misdemeanor.
I am tired of insomnia always wanting to be held by me, being woken every 2 hours as if I was tending to a crying baby.
I am tired of running around and around my brain, always overthinking until I go past insane.
I am tired of how my energy stops out of the blue, leaving me nothing but to stare into the wall dazed and confused.
I am tired of making people run away from my presence, love and hurt and leave me until I'm left too sick to keep myself barely on balance.
I am tired of walking with wobbly and scraped knees, my palms are bleeding with skin peeling off, barely able to write more sad poetry.
I am tired of being hurt by everything and everyone, they say my heart is a blessing, but it has cursed my life since the day I was born.
I am tired of the cruel criticism towards me, years upon years of insecure comments that developed into PTSD.  
I am tired of having to rely on someone else's heart just to make myself feel worthy and complete, I can't help sharing my entire heart just to get it back again obsolete.
I am tired of the sickness that tells me good morning each day, opening my mouth to cleanse my body of the food from yesterday.
I am tired of looking at my skin in the mirror, as my rib cage becomes more visually clearer.
I am tired of breathing in the oxygen plagued with depression, opening my eyes to a vast blur in my vision.
I am tired of smelling the fear raid out of my body, their eyes watch as I shake and choke on my spit as I drown in the sweat caused by my anxiety.
I am tired of feeling incomplete, my hollow heart filled with thoughts of the night my soul fell to my feet.
I am tired of crying on the bathroom floor alone, shaking with ***** dripping from my mouth whilst trying to type for help on my phone.
I am tired of wanting to be loved and adored, knowing full well they'll leave me when they get bored.
I am tired of scrolling through my phone to fill the space of pleasure, because his name is screamed to me until not my legs, but my brain makes me shake as if I was having a seizure.
I am tired of being vocal about my mental illness, if it only brings me back into a bigger mess.
I am tired of ruining everything I touch, shattering like a fallen sculpture, not being able to fix it much.
I am tired of thinking until I get ******, screaming with every  punch on the wall because I'm alone and won't be missed.
I am tired of dreaming what could have been between him and I, instead I begin to think of different ways to die.
I am tired of seeing my window sill every morning, thinking about how I can just jump from it so I can avoid today's daily dooming.
I am tired of talking without words to speak, instead they're drowned out by wails until everything turns bleak.
I am tired of being told I'm going to be a failure, only because my suicidal thoughts have made me unsure.
I am tired of the pressure for me to do better in school, knowing they are just going to insult me for being an emotionally unstable fool.
I am tired of the tears kissing my cheeks goodnight, only to knock me out with the help of the looming monster that is impossible for me to fight.
I am tired of feeling and being weak and fragile, telling myself I'm strong are only words filled with false hope dripping with vile.
I am tired of the days I feel happy and alive, whilst also telling myself this is temporary and will soon deprive.
I am tired of my mouth being sewn shut as to not mutter a single word, trailed off when it finally unravels to people who refuse to have me heard.
I am tired of the numbness in my body after I break down, realizing the man-made tornado had once again ripped into my lonesome town.
I am tired of being alone and having no friends, because I'm still trying to heal from the knife twisted deep into my spine from the last person that wanted my life to end.
I am tired of keeping myself in captivity, when I know that I can free myself to feel amenity.
I am tired of the bipolarity in my decisions, always asking to be left alone but cry when I'm not given attention.
I am tired of being the family burden, an annoyance who can never do right with flaws that can not be undone.
I am tired of getting tangled into the constant mess I put myself in, they say I keep doing this to myself as I place my problems on my head with a pin.
I am tired of being ******* to the strings, in which exhaustion plays and moves me like a puppet's unescapable fling.
I am tired of being tired all the time, it's becoming so hard to find words that rhyme.
I am tired, I am just so
Lately has been nothing but terrible outcomes and I feel worn out and exhausted. I don't know how much longer I can keep these shallow breaths going.
Rondu McPhee Sep 2010
...strolling down through the night,
Attacking innocence with a frown,
You've treaded through plastic and savages,
Your face buried beneath a gown,
The odd man in the corner says,
You look so down,
It means,
The forest seems black,
You're packed,
We're all long-gone.

You can kick and scream all you want,
But you'll get lost in the cold,
'Cause the Brave New Pathway is so old.

So you're a Good Man with,
all your Good Looks,
You're a manufacturer of,
Pretty Protest Books,
But your abiding venom is
So full of False Love
You're not a rebel, though you think not,
But you're just too many levels above.

You can kick and scream all you want,
But you'll get lost in the cold,
'Cause the Brave New Pathway is so old.

With your mass thinking codas, oh how you talk,
When you don't fall, there's still the straight bold lines that you walk,
With your gathered myths and conductors, in maths you all speak,
You ask yourself, is everyone so unique?
But by now, you're feeling ill,
You may not understand it,
Those hands of yours are too virginal,
You're not some natural-born bandit.

See, you can kick and scream all you want,
But you'll get lost in the cold,
'Cause the Brave New Pathway is so old.

You've strung some fallen multitude,
Some blind-eyed folks from lost and found,
Don't yet quit all the servitude,
Such groups can't be strung around,
You need respect,
You must check,
That everyone else is bound.
So you've gotten Anarchic Insurance,
Through all these Marxist hooks,
But what an abhorrence,
Your still safe and sound,
Just look at this mess, all of this!

You can kick and scream all you want,
But you'll get lost in the cold,
'Cause the Brave New Pathway is so old.

So you look down,
As you have on your hands,
A few clowns from a circus,
You phony philosopher,
You've let all your new fraud,
Work on us.
There should be some law,
Against having you claw
Your masquerades,
And magic through every one of these sold cities.
And even though you say,
Your imagination's not dead,
You've still read,
And forced every Order of Dictation.

You can kick and scream all you want,
But you'll get lost in the cold,
'Cause the Brave New Pathway is so old.

So you walk along with your pen down,
Past each fancy, carved stone column,
Then a voice says 'don't let your terms down'.
It's a naked fool looking solemn.
But you're still glaring and weeping,
You say 'I simply don't understand'
Then the man says, all out and fleeting,
'It's time for rebirth, When will you give a hand?'

So you're giving up,
You can see, you will stop,
So you can feel something now, if at all.

Now you're wandering past this site,
Of a landscape of metal and rust,
You're in the middle of some walkabout,
Your face coated in dust.
Now, thinking you're some Human Poet,
You go write on how you feel,
When the King Palate comes storming,
And you say 'Is this even real?'

But it's going too fast,
Any truth cannot last,
You're a lie by its own.
But you think you'll still find
Your Glittering Gold.

So you run through into this room,
With this Artist named Rome,
And with his lover, Salo,
They go off and buy you a home,
They have murals of circles,
And Open City souls,
They paint the 120 Days of Flesh,
And all these dead patrols.
They say, as they go about in a thresh,
Only Night has its fantasies,
Before burning your house down.
You won't see any end of dusk comin' around,
You're always a ***,
Your lawyers are decades gone,
Go back to all your Christs and El Dorados.

So when you weave yourself,
Out of that forest,
Don't be paid so attention to,
Don't be bleak,
As every night
Has its unabashed
Intellectual freak.
And before you go,
Between the statues under some sheik,
Remember, this very night
That's when you come...
Black and Blue Oct 2013
I remember the night you sang Objects in the Mirror to me on the phone. 

I never thought that it would feel this way.

You never taught me how to heal the pain.

I wish you caught me on a different day, when it was easier to be happy.

I kinda find it strange, how the times have changed.


I remember how we used to talk about love, like it was an institutionalized little child, drug down from what glory it used to hold; how it used to transcend time and knowledge and beauty and all other emotion.

Someone like you is so hard to find.

I remember that you thought I was put together perfectly. I still don’t understand how you ever reached that end of the spectrum, completely opposite my own view. I still don’t understand how everyone around me sees someone that I don’t see when I look in the mirror. I’m anti-altruistic and unintelligent and completely guilt ridden and not at all beautiful.

All I ask is don’t you worry, I won’t hurt you, don’t you worry.

I remembered how much stock I put in you. I remember how you promised you wouldn’t hurt me, because you had been put through the same wringer as I. I remember how you just unattached yourself one day, on the bias that it was my fault. You stranded me. Probably for another, prettier, girl. 

Listen to me I will set you free,

He ain’t gonna break your heart again.

And I could never figured out what that particular line meant in the scheme of things, but I realize now, as you’re trying to drift back into my life with the drive of a listless breeze, you were setting me up for the next heartbreak. 
After all, all my life really is, is a string of heartbreak.

Go through the worst to reach the ecstasy.

Wish we could go and be free, once baby you and me,

We could change the world forever, and never come back again.

I remember the feeling that bloomed in my heart when I realized someone like you cared about someone like me. That someone like you wanted to fix someone like me. Then I reached the conclusion that depression and mental illness isn’t attractive. That you were drawn to the prettier parts of me that resembled tarnished silver, in the hopes that you would have time to break in your silver polish in the spare time and privacy of your awful little home town.

You don’t havta cry. 

And mend a broken hearted girl if you can, I don’t expect you to be capable. 

You have the world right in your hands, your responsibility is unescapable.

I realized that boys don’t like sad girls, but you could see what I could be. I thought you wanted to help me and fix me, but eventually shouldering a burden that isn’t your own gets too heavy to carry. It gets heavier and heavier through the crying, sleepless nights that you would guide me through with your lantern, which became duller each time I needed saving.

Don’t even say you’re about to end it all,

Your life is precious ain’t no need to go and **** yourself. 

Then you left.

On my watch.

On my fault.

On something that wasn’t really my fault.

I promise that I’ll be a different man,

Give me the chance to go and live again.

But here you are with nonchalance and no apologies for the tears wasted on you. 

There may be another boy toying with my broken pieces, fitting me together because he can see the beauty you saw. 

But here you are pretending you still care and still find me beautiful.

There may be beauty in this other boy who helps me, who is just as broken as me, another boy who shares my pain in what I’ve never gotten.

But here you are rehashing memories of nights spent crying over a song.

You don’t have to cry.

Let’s leave it all in the rearview.

But here I am, telling you that broken girls give second chances.

Let’s leave it all in the rearview.

But here I am, telling you that I’m halfway mended.

Let’s leave it all in the rearview.

But here I am, telling you that for me, once you’ve left you cannot re-enter.

Leave it all in the rearview.

Objects in the Mirror by Mac Miller
Fuji Bear Apr 2014
They think they see through the prison that they call home
I see them all around me
Their Eyes with tinted seals
A one way mirror.
Unescapable, improbable, impossible.
How they think they can live
In this cage
Nothing but an observer
Of a wild illusion
Life is what holds them
Rooted to a false reality.
But true freedom will never begin
Until someone sets them free.
First Poem. Enjoy.
They haven't met each other yet,
But they've already fell in love,
I can bet

Spent days talking to each other,
Without physically hearing the words,
straight from their lover

Attachment became inevitable,
When it goes on everyday like this,
Its impending, unescapable

Promises were made without a doubt
They needed to reassure each other, that the feelings won't fade out

They've already invested in the idea,
How they want a future together,
Even to naming their daughter Sofia

It all seemed so perfect,
But they were never aware, that their relationship was the imagination's effect

They still haven't met each other yet,
It's a concept that millennials get,
By filling their lives with regret
I think our generation "the millennials" tend to go through this situation at least once. We somehow could find comfort in strangers online, and finally feel attach. We fill ourselves with these feelings and finally fall for something so abstract.
Tylie Jan 2012
Beautifully, scattered, broken dreams
merely brought on by curiosity

in the ruins, and broken faith
lies a reality we can't escape

for the world is dark, hopeless, and shallow
and in the memories of deceased, we wallow.
Daisy Chain Jan 2015
I cannot trust you.
You change direction
as if its all meaningless
yet you speak with a conviction
that rattles my bones.

You make my cry
with your incessant calling
of all my failings
which I miserably hide.

I wish I could leave you
so I would never again believe you.
when you whisper to me
that I will never fly.

But there is no escape
Resolved, I am ever confined
to your drowning company
my love,
my mind.
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
Everything has changed
Yet nothing is different
You left me deranged
But I don’t think you meant it
The things you have done
Have burnt this one
Engulfed in flames
With the rage of the sun
My hearts a puzzle
For which you hold the last piece
You hold it forever
Is the way it seems
To watch my soul decrease
And my life decease
Sleeping tranquil
In eternal peace
You teased me with happiness
And punished me with pain
You pleased me with cuteness
As you played your game
You set up a smoke screen
To keep me blind
I could have never seen
The hurt and anguish
Resulting from you scheme
An unescapable pain
This is no dream
Fore this is reality
And I am love’s fatality
Anthony J. Alexander 2006
Alice Frost Oct 2013
Sweet in its own form
Unescapable but brilliant
To lose yourself into it
Throwing away
The moment or a day
A satisfying drug
A guiltful pleasure
That leaves you desiring
For that one thing
Which despises reality
Because you as well
Wish to end it
Meghan Doan Dec 2015
i had a dream last night that there was water in my lungs.
i could feel the ocean wrapping careful hands around my limbs,
caressing my thighs with soft seaweed,
my hands with gentle current.

i could taste salt on my lip,
the way a first kiss with a new lover settles and stains on the skin above your tongue,
i could taste the care the water was taking in taking my life.

taking it's time, the ebbing ocean snaked across my midriff,
hands on waist, wasting away at skin with salty touch as sandpaper
scraping away at my sense of self

i dreamt the water changing pace from calm glass coffee table top,
held flowers and coffees and your feet and mine,
overlapped and intertwined
and into
pulling your hand from my waist
and your salt from my mouth

i dreamt that i saw nothing,
felt nothing
but your salty sandpaper hand scraping skin across my collar bones
as you pulled your coral reef body away.
the glassy water turned to pavement
and you left me in rapids under black ice.

i had a dream that i was trapped under ice,
with children skating on top
and i couldn't hear or breathe or scream
but i could feel their skates on my insides
they cut my hair with their blades
and as they spun in circles above me
i spiraled further into the depths of an ocean
that felt more like a fire.

i had a dream last night that there was water in my lungs,
and it hurt less to breathe then
than it does now that you're gone.

i never thought about how it would feel to cough the water back up,
until i realized how much it hurt going down.
and i was never scared of the ocean
until i saw it's vastness unescapable
it's arms
and it's love
and i realized nothing's everlasting.

i was never scared of drowning
until i woke up puking the water i drank before bed.
and realized there was nothing more in my stomach
but salt.
Francis Sep 2016
It all starts with a kiss on the forehead from the devil.
A curse so deadly that The Grim Reaper would fear for his life.
Togetherness is a lost cause for sanity and my mind.
One of them, if not both, has been absent.

I've killed many and many before.
Homicidal cravings have polluted my veins.
Empathy has fled the scene of this heinous crime inside my head,
As the voices so gracefully moved in.

Frequent scenarios are projected in my dreams,
Like some spooky yet ****** film.
Two vampiric women kiss so maliciously,
As their lips are painted with blood.
This vision makes ****** *******.

The blood flow has not yet been drained from my vision,
As it stains the cotton of my memory.
Remorseful thoughts convert to an addiction.
I need to accommodate another fix, before my inevitable conviction.

I've once felt the feelings of the peaceful,
But reality has stolen my conscience.
A lovely soul transformed to atrocity .
This lantern gained a shortage of oil,
causing me to become lost in a field of misery and pain.

Minacious laughs frolic in my ears,
Though these giggles I'm quite familiar with.
I heard them often, so joyful and so free.
But now they've turned to evil.

An inability to move my hands when desired,
Caused by attire not aimed for warmth.
I'm a prisoner blocked by a wall of darkness,
So deliberately detaining my sanity.

I have loved a time, so long ago,
Where happiness was my most valued acquaintance.
Yet something inside of me awoken so suddenly,
Shamelessly demolishing any remote heart I once possessed.

Possession is such a polite word to use,
describing demonic forces taking ownership of your soul.
But I consider it a blessing in disguise,
Due to the unescapable fact that who I was could not be an acception,
To those who hold superiority over me.

A monster I was?
Or A monster I have became.
It would never be determined by the others.
All they fathom is that a monster is contained,
And lives will no longer be stolen by the guilty hands of this monster.

But what gives human life it's worth?
I will forever ponder that thought.
For I am the star of this so called Hell,
And where I'll be when my time has come,
No sane human would dwell.
I've always wanted to write something through the perspective of a maniac without glamorizing the act of taking a human life. This person is of course fictional, but I'm sure you could probably look up real killers who've spoken this way before their deaths.
Maria Jun 2017
You're unforgotten
I'm unremembered
We're unmistakenly meant to be...
Jameson Boone Oct 2017
How Tragic Is A Life Cut Short

An Ember put out before the Warmth is felt
A Light in the World that shines Never More,
Why do You feel the Need
The Unperishable desire that can only be Quenched,
When Your Light goes out

We tell You that People Care
But do We not realize
You do not See that,
You See
Only that Dreadful Need

To be Lonely is a Curious Thing,
The Days are Long and Empty
The Nights are full of Shadows and Unescapable Demons
Torment. Dread. Damnation.
Ever Flowing Near

I do Not speak of Those whose Live On,
But of Those Who Make
The Hardest Choice,
The Only

To Fight is to Suffer
Tooth. Nail. Tears.
Better to Not?
Why add more Suffering?
Then, Who can Blame You
When the Only Action You have
Is to Take Matters
In Your Own Hands

But You do Not See
Cannot See,
How this World Mourns
The Loss of Light
The Brightest,
A Life
That Means Everything

At the Beauty
To the Music
For No One Can
Live For You,
No One Can

My Greatest Friend, Do You Not See? Life May Seem Pointless, It May Never Seem Like It Will Get Better. But It Must. I Have Felt This. The Encompassing Loathsome Feeling. To Live Is To Feel Pain. Pain Must Not Overcome. Please, Find Me, When The Days Become Unbearable. I Will Be The Stalwart. The Silent. The Confidant.
All You Need In The Times When You Need.

We Shall Fight This.
You Shall.
For This Light,
Your Light,
My Light,
A Mother’s Light,
A Daughter’s Light,
A Father’s Light,
A Son’s Light,
A Light To All

Would You Deprive Us Of It?
amt Dec 2012
The other day,
I saw a bear.
But it's all a front.
Under the hair,
The makeup,
The clothes hides a scared,
Little girl.
The bear within cowers at the hunters,
But she acts strong.
She 'doesn't care.'
For a short period of time,
Even she began to believe it.
Caring only hurt her,
And all she wanted was to feel better,
But now it's worse.
Now the hole is deeper,
The scar more noticeable,
The vicious cycle unescapable.
Falling too fast to catch that branch on the way back down.
Leira Oct 2013
She needed to remember…..
Remember the parallels of light and the unescapable darkness
The blurred lines of reality
The sobbing woman at her side
The tall man near by
The questions tossed this way and that
As she just stared at them wide-eyed
They looked at her expectantly, hesitantly, anxiously, fearfully
But most of all, the most prominent look in their eyes was hope
It screamed at the depths of rimmed blue, brown, and hazel
It pleaded with hers, waiting for fulfilment
She said nothing
Even when they asked the most simple of questions
So they took on a different tactic
By stating where she was, how she got there, what her condition was
She semi-paid attention to the man wearing white
Picking on a view words
Car— crash— hospital— head
They were important
She knew that
They were vital to her circumstance
But their significance lost meaning with the emptiness
Of no memories, no recollection
Of her state, of these people…… of time
Lost in the blank recesses of her mind
She wanted to dig them out
Drag them in the open
Wring them free of the dust, dirt, and grim
They collected in two months’ time
But searching caused searing pain to swell in her brain
She gripped both sides of her head
Squeezing tight
Noticing bandages and scars for the first time
She had noticed the white walls and beeping machines
And the expectant people surrounding her damaged state of being
But the fine and large scars covering her arms
The bandages wrapped around spoiled tissue
Visible, uncovered reminders in sight
Appeared pink with tinging red
For some reason, that small thought
That miniscule fact brought unbridled relief
She immersed in it
Even for the briefest moment
She relished in the small victory
Then she heard the sobbing woman to her right
Looking at her, taking her in
Red rimmed eyes
Face washed of makeup
Anguish mixed with relief in her blue orbs
The girl turned her attention to the man at the woman’s side
Who could barely look at her with a clenched jaw
Eyes puffy as well
But he seemed so concentrated at some point on the wall
She gazed that way but found nothing but white….
Part 1
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
As we dance in the moonlight,
The stars all twinkle at the sight.
Your wings they unfold,
And shimmer like gold.

You with your angel’s way,
Make my heart swoon and sway.
Taming the demon inside me,
Who for so long wished to be free.

The longer we two lovers dance,
I start to know he has no chance.
Even now his eyelids grow heavy,
trapping him behind love’s levee.

No longer able to find a grip,
Into darkness he shall slip.
The end of all my evil,
His tomb; unescapable.

Fill me Alice with your light,
Turn me from this demon blight,
Into something near angelic,
A black winged angel; prophetic.
spacewalker May 2018
I do not fear death
I fear the absence of it
I fear the continual existence of life
I fear earth's inability to recycle death into life
I fear the extensive lengths man will go to extend our unescapable fates
I fear the abundance of life will take away from the quality of it
But no,
I do not fear death
I do not fear death
Dakota Schmidt Jun 2010
Wasting away from this
World full of destroyed mistakes.
My heart is shattered beyond
Repair, my soul aches.

I can't take this crushing hate,
My pain makes them thrive.
These walls are closing in,
I won't survive.

Held under the total
Annihilation of my
Confidence, I can't
Find my voice.

The games they play
Leave me in constant
Destruction, I can't
Make a choice.

Speaking against them
Will result in unescapable
Wrath, they are the ones
Who will choose my path.

I will always be held
Beneath their twisted
Way of control, constantly
****** into their menacing black hole.

If I begged for forgivness on
All that I've sinned,
My life would be on the line.
I'd be throwing caution to the wind.
Lindsey McCarty Jul 2010
You're my honey, my sweetheart, my one true love,
Your touch releases me, as twelve freed doves

Everytime I dance into your unescapable stare,
I frequently realize the pure burning we both share

As our feelings flee, hands melt to eachother,
When I look into your eyes, I can't dream of loving any other.

I couldn't imagine a life, with any meaning at all,
As i sink into my black hole, you are there to catch my fall.

You made my heart beat with a more vast sensation,
Your lips on my neck, now I'm losing concentration.

The love and lust are what keeps my soul alive,
You were what was right for my spirits to rise.
Olivia Lane Nov 2012
We all know the feeling
That unescapable sense of dread
It makes everything hard
Even just getting out of bed
You probably know someone
Who has felt it too
We can't stop it
The feeling is true
Now I know what you're thinking
That'll never happen to me
But I said the same thing
And now it's all that I see
People try to help
Though the have no clue how
Soon you'll come to realize
You are your only way out
J Jun 2016
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes
I felt everything inside you
suddenly felt everything inside me too.
Parts of me I wasn't aware existed started thawing out
I felt my bones start to shake.
I fell for you three years ago to this day.
And since then, I haven't been able to look back.

I remember the 56th time I looked into your eyes
I swore to God you were the one that made life worth living, constantly giving me something to smile about as the world seemed to crash around me in an unescapable pattern and I always fell into you.
I became comfortable with leaning on your shoulders though they too were weary but you never told me to stand up on my own
and I became afraid of being alone after the 154th time
I looked into your eyes and saw my future.

I remember the 876th time I looked into your eyes.
That day still haunts the perimeters of my mind
I felt my chest sink in that day
as you said the words "I'm not in love with you anymore"
after that every time I looked into your eyes I felt absolutely nothing.
I felt crashing, I felt sadness for a bit,
but nothing clicked like it did for years
and I felt the lump in my throat crawl into my brain
and I remember telling you I felt the same.
I wasn't in love with you anymore.
Prior to that, that thought never came up
I couldn't handle the pain of knowing I would have to move on
so I stopped looking into your eyes,
to spare myself the aching,
every time I felt a rush of blood pump to my heart
almost fast enough to make it stop,
and I wondered if it would ever start again.

The very last time I looked into your eyes
I felt a part of me die and I don't mean
it metaphorically,
I mean I felt my insides wither away so fast
they made me feel like I was losing air,
taking every bit of strength to put one foot
in front of the other just to bring myself out of there.
I said goodbye without looking at you for fear I might fall back
just like you let me for years.
I said goodbye without looking back and now I forget what
our last goodbye looked like,
but can't seem to forget how I felt at our first hello,
and I wonder if this is what hell is like.
Knowing that if you could, you'd do things right a second time,
but having that ability stripped away from you by a Greyhound bus
and a parking pass,
and always, constantly, looking back.
Gabriella May 2013
Sorrow consumes
Sorrow intimidates
Sorrow lurks
Sorrow prowls
Sorrow envelopes
Sorrow engulfs
Sorrow is unescapable
jaymie b Nov 2013
rusty linoleum
against your palms
murky water
keeps flowing
KathleenAMaloney Jul 2016
You Put A Smile
On My Face

To Truth

Comes Highest
Of All
You put a Smile on My Face
courtney Jan 2015
For this new year I
solemnly resolve to love
absolutely all of myself -
Not because it's pretty
and nor because it's a reality
unescapable, but because
someone else loved me
first, someone chose to
die so that I may live -
I think I could live my life for Him.
Escaping the seemingly ever-present prison of darkness -
I need to finally breathe again
one llucy Sep 2014
I keep earnestly asking the flowers…
ripping away,
                           each petal,
saying the magic words
eventually receiving the outcome
that I long for,
waiting for something,
to change.
believing that everything will happen
(just as the flowers have said)
                         no matter
how hard
               I try.
Always in the back of my mind,
the unescapable ,
and so,
I keep earnestly asking the flowers.
David Coppola Jul 2016
It's been about a week
Longest week of my life
We have clarified that we are just friends
I'd rather remain friends
Then not be anything at all
I begin falling into a seemingly unescapable hole
You send a simple text of "Yes we can do that"
The hole grows smaller
David Hilburn Nov 2024
Honor, I wear a discotheque
Like, a clown's first dance
Integrity, comes for permission, wicked
Opinion, salt and pepper on an egg, is a demon's problem

Little more, than a thank you
Sassafras, is no hap's ecstasy
In the proud and angry due...
We made a frank photograph, your drunk intimacy...

Is a pardoned stare, at faerie tales
Meant upheld, upheaval is a wager
Of a world, with no clash with vice fail's
Proper though, in the name of fate's mere

Mercy, with an extra shirt
Ready for a pant's relent, regret
In an unescapable kiss, of hurt
And possessing quaintness, we are the boding let...

Witness the gasp...
Of a spirit, erudite to a finish
Of levity, long before callous can ask
Is it all right, to wink at liberty's wish?
do words of wisdom have a palpable egis or cigarette in motion? go ask the ******* clown you idiot...
Hank Van Well Jr Feb 2015
Broken hearted memories,
like shadows ,
over your shoulder ,
In your ear
right behind you ,
Always touching you
This Antagonist

I’m straining and squirming in pain

In a tangling , unescapable, womb-like prison, with my favorite antagonisy

its humid, its nauseating, it’s cold

It’s so so loud

My holiday are the days it gets numb

I’m always caught on something

Is this just a part of “growing up”

Being pushed and pulled and shoved every which way

But throw aside and away and left alone only when I need someone to hold me

Pick a ******* side

Pick a ******* side


It’s something with no diction

No commentary

Just pain sometimes and I can’t escape it

This only antagonist

People use the ocean to describe it

I think it’s the instinct of fear of the unknown

Well I’m sinking , my body is paralyzed

I look still, calm, serene , dead , if you will

I’m screaming , as beautifully disgusting as I can

And it just loves the sound, and it just dulls the sound

The gripping antagonist

But the ocean gives you so much

It has so much to offer for all it takes away

I’m anchored to this honesty that Yes,

I am afriad that this fight and useless struggle

This antagonist has swallowed me up

This is me now and if I loose it I might as well fade into non-existence

This antagonist
The sullen delivery that by many are watched will only become a once again anticipated reunion that has gone from coveted to feared, my vacant eyes have triggered you plunge into the unescapable realm that strokes your soul and brings to you strange possibilities, the treasure has been secured and as I open your eyes to the faint at heart you will have to extract your tears from me, in my hand they will endlessly fall, stay calm as I reset the union of we.

Flawlessly I approach, with a huge grin intact I will start to slowly slur my emotions upon the deaf, I have ridden among this dry land for much to long and now I look for a way to lurk beneath the shadow of an unrealized dream, do not wait to encounter me, I will be coming along with much speed dismissed, shattered with faith is the chosen path, but I will never hold on hopelessly to what brings you delight, I give to you a smile from within.

You will fall helplessly.

You will conquer your demons.

You will find yourself buried in your own doubt.

You will find yourself in the arms of relief, in this moment time will be caged.

Let us go in search of this grace, I have some ideas to where it may be found.

Trust in me for I am as lost as you.

Your frown I do not wish to see, you have been given delight, you are now to share it with all.

Written By: Christopher M. Schultz
Jun Lit Oct 2017
Bouncing, rebounding
on the floor of my memory -
the ball of my elder sister’s jackstones
and the lead washer of my elder brother’s sipa
travelling to and fro
the tops and yoyos
among the imaginary bread doughs
of gathered dust
from that childhood
sprinkled with the *** of yesterday
to bake make-believe
rice puddings
and rice cakes
- they seem to be spoiled now
in the food cupboards of computers
and eventually interred
in the graveyards of cellular phones

In the cemetery of memories
the ghost of poverty still haunts
never, ever unescapable

for every gulp of you
warmly soothes
the throats of scenarios
of all dramas and movies
in that nesting home
now decrepit, debilitated:
          after the day’s toils:
          you helped me swallow the lump of aromatic rice
          - cooked by Mother - the old fragrant stock
          that she loaned from the vendor from Quezon
          not even a piece of dried fish accompanying
          nothing else, only you, my brewed coffee
          nice both as dip and soup.
A translation of my poem "Kapeng Barako III" published on October 4, 2017
NiTSUDD Nov 2016
Oh I'm so tired of this dreadful waiting
Laying home in bed and *******
With nowhere else to know
And nobody else to know

What's really getting old is aging
With this envy inside me raging
As I wait to start something new
As I'm waiting to get over you

Oh these four walls expand forever
This is an unescapable endeavor
Oh you witch you must feel so clever
But your potion won't last forever

Will it?
This dreadful waiting
MME Sep 2015
The four white walls,
could make anyone crazy.
I was just unfortunate to be one of them.

Trapped inside a room with no lock.
Trapped inside a mind set that’s unescapable.
Out in the desert I met a man, he

looked familiar yet it escaped me he

seems friendly but I was cautious, he

didn't say a word still I understood

him...and there was peace. I continued

on my voyage, an atmosphere of the

unknown enveloped the path, where

did it come from? where is it going? I

saw a figure, another man, trees

growing out of the bare sand,

surrounding  us, they blocked the

path. What is going on? I asked the

man,  he shrugged his  shoulders. Rain

is coming I cannot see the man is

fading but I feel reassured that

everything will be alright. He winked,

dissapeared... I feel calm relaxed --

message acknowledged. I was

transported to the city, a true concrete

jungle. I feel close to home although I

don't recognize any of the streets,

buildings, sidewalks. No one around

for directions except for a friendly

face, a soothing smile, a passionate

voice. This time a storm approaches, it

is unescapable, I'm completely blind

and growing desperate. His touch

startles me but I feel comfort, care,

and a promise. My sight returning the

name is gone. Looking around I see all

three together, I joined, where are we

going? We are there...!
richard Jan 2018
It is the one certainty in life.
As soon as your born it lurks in the shadows.
It has no conscious so its emotionally shallow.
Whether young or old it will undesirably come one day.
To take loved ones, friends and strangers away.
It promises for sickness or health, for better or worse.
Its mankind's only unescapable curse.
Whether rich or poor theres no negotiating.
Its coming for you, without any debating.
It encompasses us all, has us waiting in fear.
Because you never know the day or time it will be here.
For many they never see it coming.
Others see it, because theres no need for running.
Older than us all but has no end to itself.
Possibly lurking at your door depending on the cards you're dealt.
One second you're feeling fine, enjoying life with no worries, symptoms or shortness of breath.
Then unexpectedly you get a tap at your shoulder, turn around, and its death.

— The End —