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Waiting4TheStop Jan 2015
Being away.
It matters not the specific amount of time.
Constantly I wish that you could just always stay. 
Previously feelings of distress and desperation; the rhyme.

HaHa, I am actually surprised that I have not made a shrine.
Although maybe I should have, to help stabilize my emotions; keep them level; in line.

I'm busy tidying my friends' house.
As quiet as a mouse.

The doorbell rings.
The short tune, it sings.

I quickly glide across the freshly cleaned floor.
Drawing back the door.

"You?...I?....Here?.....AH!......NOWAY! NOWAY! NOWA­Y!"
Despite my best efforts to self-compose.
I cannot keep the repeating chant at bay.
And judging by the look on your face, it shows.

"HaHa. So Spider Monkey, can I come in or should I just stand out here and let my body decay?"
I pull you over the threshold without delay.
"Whoa! So, I'm guessing that you missed me? Is that safe to say?"
"Hmm?...Let me think...Only more and more with each passing day!!"
(C) 2014
Nota: man is the intelligence of his soil,
The sovereign ghost. As such, the Socrates
Of snails, musician of pears, principium
And lex. Sed quaeritur: is this same wig
Of things, this nincompated pedagogue,
Preceptor to the sea? Crispin at sea
Created, in his day, a touch of doubt.
An eye most apt in gelatines and jupes,
Berries of villages, a barber's eye,
An eye of land, of simple salad-beds,
Of honest quilts, the eye of Crispin, hung
On porpoises, instead of apricots,
And on silentious porpoises, whose snouts
Dibbled in waves that were mustachios,
Inscrutable hair in an inscrutable world.

One eats one pate, even of salt, quotha.
It was not so much the lost terrestrial,
The snug hibernal from that sea and salt,
That century of wind in a single puff.
What counted was mythology of self,
Blotched out beyond unblotching. Crispin,
The lutanist of fleas, the knave, the thane,
The ribboned stick, the bellowing breeches, cloak
Of China, cap of Spain, imperative haw
Of hum, inquisitorial botanist,
And general lexicographer of mute
And maidenly greenhorns, now beheld himself,
A skinny sailor peering in the sea-glass.
What word split up in clickering syllables
And storming under multitudinous tones
Was name for this short-shanks in all that brunt?
Crispin was washed away by magnitude.
The whole of life that still remained in him
Dwindled to one sound strumming in his ear,
Ubiquitous concussion, slap and sigh,
Polyphony beyond his baton's ******.

Could Crispin stem verboseness in the sea,
The old age of a watery realist,
Triton, dissolved in shifting diaphanes
Of blue and green? A wordy, watery age
That whispered to the sun's compassion, made
A convocation, nightly, of the sea-stars,
And on the cropping foot-ways of the moon
Lay grovelling. Triton incomplicate with that
Which made him Triton, nothing left of him,
Except in faint, memorial gesturings,
That were like arms and shoulders in the waves,
Here, something in the rise and fall of wind
That seemed hallucinating horn, and here,
A sunken voice, both of remembering
And of forgetfulness, in alternate strain.
Just so an ancient Crispin was dissolved.
The valet in the tempest was annulled.
Bordeaux to Yucatan, Havana next,
And then to Carolina. Simple jaunt.
Crispin, merest minuscule in the gates,
Dejected his manner to the turbulence.
The salt hung on his spirit like a frost,
The dead brine melted in him like a dew
Of winter, until nothing of himself
Remained, except some starker, barer self
In a starker, barer world, in which the sun
Was not the sun because it never shone
With bland complaisance on pale parasols,
Beetled, in chapels, on the chaste bouquets.
Against his pipping sounds a trumpet cried
Celestial sneering boisterously. Crispin
Became an introspective voyager.

Here was the veritable ding an sich, at last,
Crispin confronting it, a vocable thing,
But with a speech belched out of hoary darks
Noway resembling his, a visible thing,
And excepting negligible Triton, free
From the unavoidable shadow of himself
That lay elsewhere around him. Severance
Was clear. The last distortion of romance
Forsook the insatiable egotist. The sea
Severs not only lands but also selves.
Here was no help before reality.
Crispin beheld and Crispin was made new.
The imagination, here, could not evade,
In poems of plums, the strict austerity
Of one vast, subjugating, final tone.
The drenching of stale lives no more fell down.
What was this gaudy, gusty panoply?
Out of what swift destruction did it spring?
It was caparison of mind and cloud
And something given to make whole among
The ruses that were shattered by the large.
mike Oct 2016
A broken mind can't fix a broken mind...
I dare you to try to find..
a good way out..

Paint the walls in dead..
paint the walls in flesh.
Die to give new breath..

the painted wall it covers me...
I'm left to be shed...
betterdays Jun 2014
when the world,
was much younger
and i was a stupid-crazy
girl-ly-chick, enamoured
with her youth.

i drove, a sunshine,
lemon, yellow bottomed, white pith on top combi van. coyly, cloyingly named Mello Martha.

it was...surfboards and swimsuits,
egg and bacon sangers,
early morning breezes,
after a blitz at the breadbox.

before... changing into
the structured, tortured baby, bank teller blues,
in the back,doors left open.

it was... rockin, knockin,
***, on credit,
to a promised future,
alluded to, but postponed,
for the moment.

it was... bruised back and
grazed knees,
harder, deeper oh god!
oh god! please... faster, fucken frenzies,
on a saturday night.

it was....running away to nowhere,
to find myself,
then finding me,
running away from,
the self i didn't want to know.
noway, nowhere, nohow.

it was... a barrel of monkeys, a barrel of laughs,
a keg of beer,
a box of wine,
under the crowded stars.

it was.... a roadtrip,
up the coast,
midnight bonfire,
midnight munchies,
playing hunches,
exploring reefs and reefers and such.

it was...far from family
and church rules,
a friendly rebellion,
of loud, proud youth.
totally and brazenly,
it was... wham! and m.j.
cindy and boy george's culture club ,paperlace,
billy idol and the beach boys.
sung with abandon,
at spinal tap level eleven.

it was... peaceful, quiet, sleeping grace.
insanely in love with...
i forgot his name.

it was.... the birth of bodaciously me.
all brass hair and bosoms,
wild and carefree.

it was long ago,

it was... yesterday night,

when i saw... Mello Martha's identical twin,
stopped at a traffic light.
it was... sunshine and lemon, bitter and sweet,
as she sailed off, down the street.
i sat and watched,
wist, full of recollect,
far and away, from my presently minded place...
sitting in, the driver's seat,
of my mom-blue subaru.
Missunderstood medicine man
plant and herbs tight in hand
veggies fruits and and tobaco plants
from tribe to civilized
plants are disected and pillized
while open awake to thrive
pharm free eating pots of honey hive
theres many that help and many that ail
tabaco dipped for death
hospitals smell stail
steel and lumber companies say hemp noway
that stuff is the devils kept
hemp went away because of that day
its back to wear and eat but not to smoke
what is this some kind of ******* joke
Aliq Sep 2020
Something happened with you soul...
Someone tells that you a fool!
Don't listen to anyone. They don't know anything.
Just listen to my whisper: "Take his ring".

Verse I:
You call me when you’re hurt and when you’re disconcerted,
You opened up to me ‘cause you disoriented.
Should I turn back time, should I give you his heart?
When you can't forget his lie you need to take that, brat...

Verse II:
Believe in me, he’s coming back.
The time is on your side, just wait.
Tears he made you cry, I’ll cry them for you
All this go back him, and you don’t have rue...
Tick-tock, tick-tock... Everything will come true...

Bridge I:
If you can’t have it, I'll just live my dear for you,
No matter how much, if it’s you I’m ready to get hurt too...

Chorus I:
From now on watch closely what I’m ‘bout to do.
If it’s you - my body is not wasted. Few...
Just say the name and I’ll bring them to you!
Tick-tock, tick tock... Everything will come true...

Verse III:
If I can’t give it to you, I'll find another way,
Nobody can treat you recklessly. Noway!
Know one: whatever reason is, you need me,
Me, that becomes a doll to fight for you. See?

Verse IV:
I shut my bleeding eyes and run,
Just please, don’t go. We have a fun!
All, that you want – I’ll give it to you,
However don’t look, what am I really do...
Tick-tock, tick-tok... Everything will come true...

Bridge II:
Even if I’m destroyed, as long as it’s in your hands,
Look, trust, hope, wait. Soon will be the end...

Chorus I:
From now on watch closely what I’m ‘bout to do.
If it’s you - my body is not wasted. Few...
Just say the name and I’ll bring them to you!
Tick-tock, tick tock... Everything will come true...

Bridge III:
I can go, I can stay,
I can take you away... (x2)

Yeah! Open the nine’s gate of hell!
Sinners who made her cry,
Cry tears of blood, they tell:
“Sing it, the song of the curse, and try
Share me the hidden fury inside of you”.
I’ll devote myself to your happiness,
My flesh is an offering to you.

Bridge IV:
If you smile just once – I will satisfied,
I’ll do everything what give you gratified...
Even if my remaining time slowly comes to end...

Chorus II:
Now they think thrice, hurt you or give you pain,
And my body will washed by the rain...
Everything that they have is loyalty and fear
Tick-tock, tick tock... Everything will disappear...

Bridge III:
I can go, I can stay,
I can take you away... (x2)

Will disappear...
Omar Abo Shama Mar 2013
Years passed ..

Year after year ..

Waiting with fear ..

Beside a closed door ..

On a cold floor ..

But won't fight more ..

Today I can tell you that we're the same ..

Today I can tell you that I can forget what you day forgot ..

Leave what you day left ..

Break what you day broke ..

Today I can tell you that you're not my princess anymore ..

Today is the time to break that door ..

The chances are forbidden ..

And noway to forgive ..

Or give ..

Any pulse of love ..

Nothing left inside ..

Nothing to hide ..

This is my last say ..

Believe me , The end is today ..

The words have been drained from this pencil ..

The pencil that started the story ..

Is the same pencil that wrote

The End .
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Hundreds of miles is where he is
And also my heart which is stone hard
Hopefully he has it kept safe
In his jean pocket, or maybe in a jar
Do we have to be so far?
Does this have to be so hard?

I'm just a young girl who's lonely
And who's slowly
falling apart
little by little
My skin is paper thin
And my body is. weak and brittle
Why is this life an
Unsolved riddle?
Why am I always stuck in the middle?
Why do I taste the fruit that is bitter?
I want him here to hold me when I cry
Without him
its like trying to live underwater
There's noway you could survive
But into his waters I want to dive
Why is sadness a regularity?
Why do I want to always die?
Why is my breath just a constant sigh?
I have nothing
You have it all
I'm the sun shining
you are gravity
Without you, I will fall.
I'm an artist
Without a pencil
How can I draw?
I'm a guitar without strings
How can I play you a song?
Will the pain go on forever this long?
Did I do anything wrong?
The sun beams
And I dream
Of the days I wont constanly weep
Of the nights I can finally sleep
But this can not be
Until I'm laying next to you
Forever you and me
Is this what you've been waiting for too?
Will you promise me eternity?
Without you
Simply I cannot be
Without you
Truly I cannot see
Will you stay forever?
Promise you won't leave?
In me, will you alway believe?
Distance won't ruin us
Wait & you will see
Distance did ruin us.
Dr Waleed G Jan 2012
I only know how to write,

A poem for her every night,

My aim is  just to bring her … a small piece of delight,

I don't know if that's sinful, or if it's morally right?
All I know is that she holds my heart like a flying kite,

A kite with a long string that she holds so tight,

She lifts it up, pulls down, steers  it left and then right,

Although it's  painful, although  it breaks my heart, 

I feel safe, because I’m sure angels don't know how to bite,

I won't even ask her to let go of me, I won't even fight...

Cause it feels so wonderful, even though she is far away and out of sight,

She's like a sister, yet we barely ever fight,

 Her soul  is light, bright, just  like a morning ray of light,

When my days go darker she's my only source of light,

Whenever she's away, absolotly nothing feels right,

But I know she's busy with a schedule so tight,

Yet,  all I need from her is a mere second  every night,

I know someday our souls will gather,.. if not on Earth, then at a different sight

Or maybe they'll never gather,  or maybe they might!

I can't ask her to love me, I don't have that right!

But all what's importan now, is that she adores what I write,

That's why I promised to write,

A poem for her every single night.  


You are  probably saying “Noway it could be him who wrote that!", or, “How could he write stuff like that?”

My Answer:

Because of you, my dear, the spark will, on its own, ignite.
Robert Jaensch Dec 2016
Hey mate didja
G’day bloke wouldja
Yo girlfriend canya
Yeah I thinkya oughta

Farkin’ inquisishin ain’t it
Leavus alone won’t ya
Youse gotta hide busta
She'd've seenus would’ve she

How’d ya be cob
‘twasn’t him inner face
Iffa ask her
She’d teller noway

Givus a ganda bud
Who’d’ve thought eh
Why’d he stick ‘is nose in
‘tisn’t nar buddy’s bisness
Ashmita Agrahari Nov 2013
Verbally or ******
Things not explained clearly  
This way or that way
Stuck here with noway
Lives go around
People who surround
Express nothing
But instinct
That lose me within
To shatter and close in
Remembering of happy days
Smile on every face
Couldn't figure out
Why so low?
Want to smile
Want to talk      
But filthy walk    
Sways the way    
With tincture of instinct
That nothing is brewing
But screeching mind aloud!
sam i yam not,
     nor will this 'lo bot go away
cuz, every coordinate in cyber space allows,
     enables and provides
     an opportunity to bray,

and thence get access
     to each excel lent power full point
     one among the beguiling bajillion,
thus this ming boggling concept proffers

     (even the generic mom and pop hacker
     tubby in her/his element field gloating
     as if they won
     the Irish Sweepstakes that day

despite neither could claim
     direct lineage, sans Emerald Eire
  analogous to Celtic temptress,
     whose grand geography

     beckons toward entranceway,
where sensory, levity,
     and ecstasy punctuate foray
boot that diverges one hundred

      and eighty degrees asper gateway
onrush of spam enters electronic hatchway
spilling forth like
     offal horrific bilge interlay

sloshing violently, revoltingly,
     and nauseatingly, witnessing a jay
bird donning mask (yule hating)
     beak coming contrivance fashioned keyway.

force full brainstorm to firewall
     to place on indefinite layaway
inundation of spam midway
between now and eternity,

     essentially noway
no more, and if necessary
     hermetically seal myself
     stationing a pal in drone willingly overpay!
jayant palana Nov 2012
Entering dark was nothing at site.
For once very existense needed light.
With passing moments visibility was right.
Nothing glared as in light but visibility was right.
Now existense had sense but fear grip again.
Before collied the thought of injury was there.
Search for light took steps somewhere.
Without knowing I entered the light.
Every thing was bright with glaze and shine.
I search behind defeat of mine.
I took care of match and candle even in light because defeat was there in mind.
I waited long to defeat dark candle was courage in sight.
Wait was endless till that dark spoke to my ears.
He said he was fighting for all this years and the result noway near.
It was decided by dark and light lets coexist dear.
Derek Dalziel Aug 2012
Many years passed,
The emotion always there.
Never strong enough,
To tell you how much i care.

I always wanted your lips,
and all your lovely smiles.
And your little flaws,
fueled my crush for miles.

But i grew the strength,
finally got my courage up.
Now the love for you,
a metal bond noway to cut.

I'm happy to say this,
Even in public in a crowd.
Your my girl always,
And that ill shout out loud.

Happy together forever,
Just to be us two.
And never forget this,
That always I love you.
Saujan Gyawali Sep 2014
When I was mid twenty
Unexpected girl purposed me for date
At the middle of night
I was embarrassed, shocked
Finally I turned on my light
She purposed me
I was confused…???
Again, my mind thought of her
And! I was confident
My heart says a name of her
I am in love
This was mid Twenty

When I was Eighteen and Nineteen
I wish to be like sweet Sixteen
But… my Mom says
Son do this and that
My Dad says
Noway Son learn this and that
I was completely feed up
I was unaccompanied
That was Eighteen and Nineteen

When I was Seventeen and Sixteen
I used to saw dream
It was much sweet as an ice-cream
Mom says Son you need to be a Doctor
Dad says no no Son you need to be an Engineer
Poor me I wanted to be a Writer!
Everyone laugh at me
Made a joke on me
This is how I made Now
This is how my society made me Now
That was Seventeen and Sixteen

When I was Fifteen and Fourteen
I was naughty Teen
Infatuation, Affection, Attraction
What made my study Distraction!
Curiosity of Love and ***
That what I was made to face
That was Fifteen and Fourteen

When I was Twelve and Thirteen
I lost my friend circle
Only because I couldn’t mingle
I was beaten by a teacher
And they said
You poor Looser you don’t have any future
I don’t know what’s right and wrong
Only used to saw to be Strong
That was Twelve and Thirteen

When I was Ten and Nine
Everyday was fun and last till twenty-four-seven
No more pain
No more gain
Life was simple as growing grain
That was Ten and Nine

When I was Seven and Six
My first Birthday celebration was fixed
Had bicycle as gift
Overwhelmed of joy when I learned
To ride it by sight by sight
That was Awesome!
That was Fantastic!
That was great Seven and Six

When I was Five and Four
I was afraid of taking shower
And! My Dad poured me into the drum
I was shouted as Crunched
That was Five and Four

When I was Three, Two and One
I don’t know who was I
My mind was blank
And I was medium
To those
Who wanna make a Prank
That was Three Two and One

When I was Zero
My Mom was Pregnant
She thought
Her baby Girl will be same like as her Mother
I was born as unexpected baby boy from my Father!
That was Zero

©Saujan Gyawali
11th September 2014
jayant palana Nov 2012
Entering dark was nothing at site.
For once very existense needed light.
With passing moments visibility was right.
Nothing glared as in light but visibility was right.
Now existense had sense but fear grip again.
Before collied the thought of injury was there.
Search for light took steps somewhere.
Without knowing I entered the light.
Every thing was bright with glaze and shine.
I search behind defeat of mine.
I took care of match and candle even in light because defeat was there in mind.
I waited long to defeat dark candle was courage in sight.
Wait was endless till that dark spoke to my ears.
He said he was fighting for all this years and the result noway near.
It was decided by dark and light lets coexist dear.
Namir May 2014
It's come to this...
An epic battle?
an amazing duet?
...not even close...

Its come to this, it's simple
a fools remorse, and a lovers choice
Though he had the answer from the start
It never showed its voice

He was to stupid to notice,
Though he does care
So he tries to sort things out
But fails as his screams pierce the air

He talks to himself
as he figures things out
But he is so contradicted
He screams and he shouts

He shouts out the pain
and screams out the tears
while during this whole time
He is quietly drowning in fears

This is a story of a lover
who is also a fool
He makes the wrong choice
and looses his cool

For his fears come around
from every which way
Though he wont speak a word
For he also fears "noway"

So this boy needs to think,
Stop being a fool!
Make the right choice!
And don't lose your cool!

For a lot is at stake with this one little choice
you could ruin your whole life, with one simple voice.
Saumya Sep 2017
I m good to you
And great with others
You see?
But oh, I'm the one
Who isn't me indeed.

I please you you today,
May please others the comming day,
And thats how
'People pleasing' flows in my way.

But you know what,
What I wanna want you know today?
'People pleasing helps one
In no ways!'

You mind may applaud you now and then,
But you heart soul will  noway,
Because pretending
What you aren't
Is sheer disgrace!

Be proud of you,
Smile and say,
'Im good, I'm great
And I  follow my heart's way,
Because it's me and myself
That knows our ways.

Why to pretend,
Why to be afraid
Pretending never helps
One anyway!
Random piece...Just a thought
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2019
Chaos will be inside the head in the time of turbulence. You can't write your chaos because you don't want that chaos last forever. Someone means so much to you, even when that has nothing to do with him/her. When your biggest dream and blessing was him/her, and there is noway for hope. Feel the time when being silent you have to stop a world of million dream. You may stay silent because you don't want in anyway to make him/her feel hurt.  You don't want their precious time to be in vain. You don't want to disturb him/her. You don't want to see beloved sad. But you don't want to stay like this, either.
Then you may write when something stimulates the inner being, You are silent, not because you like it. You are silent, not because it
makes you calm. You are silent because you may feel weak. You are tired that's why you may be silent. You are silent, because you know who is inside your head. You are silent because, you do not complain. You are silent because you can't scream. You are silent because you have to. You are silent because that is a way better than being insane. You are silent, he/she knows, why?

Even after all you will find their vibe sound to the soul. You will stay silent because they matter.
Even in silence you find a god in them.
Feel the time.
Genre: Reflection
Theme: When all are said.
Earthly treasures drag me down
Pleasures and short term comforts
All my heart's desires
feels like i cant stand a chance
but my eyes are open wide
and getting off the way is my choice

Sitting all by myself
end times signs l see
fear of death and hell covers me with a strong shivering
noway to escape for i am so blinded
looking at these beautiful and **** girls
walking half naked, cant vent

wish i could hold a hundred grand
to spend with haws and *******
enjoying life dearth is coming
feels like after dearth comes cipher
with no treasures to hold

Life is supernatural, metaphysical
we all came from something
and we are going somewhere
will i stand the taste of time
with these useless short term desires
Cover me Lord

The treasures that l hold
the beaut that i posses
they are stealing my time
Lord, would you take me as i am
show me the right way to live
and make me taste the fruits of paradise
Yes the one they call Jesus lived and died a man
A 100 years after he did they wrote the bible
A book full of contradictions letters and thoughts
As well they pay no tax and should be liable

But I held a womans hand yesterday skin touched
After which we both still ever so fine
Noway any cal refer to that as being a sin
Although it did feel at the time ever so divine

I helped children cross a busy road held up traffic
And an old lady to find after shopping her car
Carried her bags to where it was at the time
Her car it really was not all that far

Being a house painter once I gave any left over
To an older man next door why waste it anyway
I respect all who choose their own religions
Although better kept at home on any day

We all gotto live we all got to die we all love
Our lives our choices our own rejoyces too
But religion is about love not causing wars
And believe me as it goes they all do

Just live one day at a time being yourself
Not telling others how to live their lives
All as one sun up until sun done
Like endless bees all working together in hives

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
(not really, but just wanted
to get your attention.)

Thus "NOT FAKE," but
poetic quasi true anecdote
infused fictionalized
by this ole goat
with prevarication
to enliven of no note
characteristic, and certainly
not worth quote

ting - for any future
reference material, imp poet
tent to sketch a biography
of one otherwise tote
tem **** drab existence,
     that happens
moost would vote
as exhibiting blank pages,

     which means no ghost
for me life story needed since
     no words needing tubby wrote.
thus the crux of foraging
     into how the missus
snorts in her sonorous way
the one repetitive sleepy tune,

that doth not
warrant a veejay,
nor and thespian to reenact
     a zonked out spouse from

exercising at the
Y.M.C.A. today,
but each increment of time
     imposes additional wear
     and tear on the body electric,
     thus no place...(except...
Swiss Side or
Willoughby), to runaway

from senescence process
so one must savor
     to the maximum propinquity
of each moment
analogous as if one received
money for their
existence as being payday
before day of reckoning,

     which could occur any
minute, hour, second...
with no noway
opportune time will
provide any leeway,
especially for those
ping folks immediately
at ground zero, where

     husband or wife
     kept awake from partner
     mercilessly growling drones
hell bent on then simply jay

ping, when agent provocateur
awakens only to find
     themselves bound and gagged
unable to attend the
Scottish celebration of hogmanay.
Delton Peele Sep 2020
Freshly bereft of his final things
Trinkets which he had personally stitched
A little to tightly
to the tender part of innocent
Confused heart
and now an aluminum bat
On a frigid day miles away from anything he knew
On the cusp of darkness and noway
To get back home
The pinch hitter slips in out of a shadow
Grinning evil to elbow and lets go wit a peach i tells ya
Oooh Charlie .......he got all of that one!
Man you aint kidden Mr Brown thats a grand slam......right to the back of his knees .
Involuntary functioning like a pythons squeeze expelled more breath
Than his lungs could ever hope to hold
The walls of which are sticky
Pressed to firmly are stuck ..........
He feels even more pathetic than he looks ..........all alone.     And its cold
I know its already been implied  silly
Im just tryin to drive that point home
Kneeling .........clothes way to big
Not wanting to come to terms with
His new lable
a vagabond all his good intentions
Vaporised in an instant
The wells of his eyes jutted out like
Soft red burlap sacks full of dark salty depths of painfull mystery ..............mouth open in wonderment face blueish red
veins bulging
Still unable to pull in any breath
Someone has broken the glass
And done the unthinkable
Flipped the ****** off switch labeled
Dont ever flip this ******* switch please
Yes a true maverick .......tragic ideology
Thinks hes hip but poor old chum
Not.......quite ....quick enough witt
And saddly enough thinks he knows it
And manges to mangle that into his way of thinking as a sort of keep himself from being taking advantage of..........problem is it still happpens only he doesnt see it as a problem .....
Cause he gives it away
They still laugh as they walk away with his money and steal his things
They carry heavy backpacks full of his
As he sits alone lieing to himself saying
"Someday theyll look back and say the grrrreatest things about me"
In the grand scheme of things
If nothing else ill be the one stable constant maybe somehow that will help them
What he doesnt that
When this cold day comes. Broke and broken .in dire need .
All these things haunting him
Feeling like a foolish tool
That Donny Darko Day right before he frolicked away and swam in the lagoon of delirium.
He stepped into the kennel with his two massive dogs
Cut the chains and let the epic battle begin.
This time its to the death ......
And hes wanting the black one to win
Metaphorically  speaking
We all have two dogs within.
It what we use to get what we need
It represents who you are .
Because the dominate dog in you is the one that you feed.

That thought brought to you by our sponsor .
Who would like to remain anonymous.
Now lets get back to our story.
Already in progress.  

Oh. Ok sorry.
Lets watch shall we?
ill equipped to handle
The ferocity of deep disdain raging like a glowing vermillion crucible
Full of all the years riddicule
Going all the way back to school hood
Days and the hazing all the way through his marriage
His wife he pulled out of the ghetto
Like plucking the only ***** flower out of a prison yard
Adored her
put on a pedestal
His countenance fell
The day the laughter came from her lips this was his first glimpse into hell
They all try to tell him she was an infidel
He tried to forgive and forget
Till death do us part
My friend I love you
Ill be here to pick you up when you fall
And for this he received a Judass kiss and his first dagger to his heart
Her response.............
I dont respect you because you took me back.
That was the day that **** Jagger slipped into his mind through the crack in his psyche
I thought i had a good life
I dont know how to *** it bayack
My whole world a night mare
and now I cant turn bayaaak ........
If i look back hard enough into the settin suuyun
My...............well you *** the gist rieeet?
He was the golden child trained to be a lover it was her that helped him
Discover ........ . .
To this dog eat dog world
He was an oddity.
A rarity .more than a novelty
More like a real commodity
Could be said a gem of considerable quality .
Clearly a priceless delicacy
For us to devour.
Lets feed.
Finnally his lung cavity began to spazam and as the air rushed in it ripped cold through the reeds in his vocal cords resonating so painfully
In convulsive loud  squelching yelps like that of a ******* sea lion beaten with a stick.
His pupils for a second went chatoyant
Then the whole eye went black
With a long blink ...... .
Curiosly a confident smirk emerged his cover washed away
And he rememberd what he was
Chuckling at his present circumstance.
That is only for a minute
quickly it became a sickning laughter
Maniacal and diabolical.
And you know what hes gonna do
Its the big pay back *******
Hes singing .a biker stolls into his path
He rips the jacket off his back throws his hands out and yells
*** punk .....
Saunters off like John wayne into the mist.
Tune in next week to frightening  conclusion of my unamusing debut
Called im not over the coocoo's nest im in it and i ate the cookoo
Is that so rong
....i just love spelling that word rong
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
As she was parting for the last time
She leaned up and gave him one last kiss
Flat footed, she straightened his shirt
Wiped away the single tear on his cheek
She tucked her face into his chest and said
“It’s noway to live empty inside, I just need to feel alive, and so I’ll take the risk even if I die.”
As she drove away, she wondered if she’d ever be good enough
I guess she’ll just have to find out in every tomorrow
Yenson Feb 2022
The news is all of war now
watching tonight I remembered how I once saved a man's life
many many many years ago
I was barely fourteen
but I was already driving on public roads
and I was already as confident as hell

So there's a Civil war going on in my country
the oil rich Eastern regions wanted to break away
the south, west and northern parts said 'noway hosay'
the mantra all around was
to keep the Nation one is a task that must be done
so now a war raged in the eastern sector

This day I had driven to pick daddy up from work
he was a top civil servant and worked in a headquarters at Mariner
right opposite a Port where there were some Naval vessels
a wide lagoon with blue-green waters chopped and swayed
between the Port and daddy's office
parked in front of the office I was seated in the car listening to music
waiting for daddy to come out

Suddenly in front of my view I saw about four men surround a young white man
the four men were shouting and jostling this white man
he was red-faced, frightened and look confused
I got out of the car and ran to the unfolding scene
why are you taking pictures of our Naval Base screamed the four
who had grabbed the white man and locked on the the camera
that hung round his neck
a larger crowd had gathered now and slaps were beginning to
descend on the hapless white man

Well I told you I am confident as hell did I not
hey hey stop stop don't hit him I shouted moving nearer the melee
they took a look at me and immediately stopped
at that time you could always tell the top people's children
they looked different, dressed different and spoke perfect English
I looked the part to a tee and more
you have no right to manhandle or hit this man, I said sternly

The hapless white man looked at me all ashen faced and trembling
I was only taking pictures of the mariner and the sea
I know nothing of Naval Bases
liar liar spy spy, he's eastern spy shouted the crowd surging forward
lets lynch him says a voice from the crowd
you will not lynch anybody I shouted at the baying crowd
we are not savages
looking around I saw the Doorman at daddy's office come out
I shouted to him
Eddie, Eddie quick go get my father, now now quick
Eddie darted back inside

Daddy came out three minutes later
immediately the crowd hushed and bow their heads
some knew who daddy is other know you respect authority
they want to **** this poor man I said to daddy
they are doing nothing of the sort, replied my father
take him inside the car, daddy said to me
looking at the crowd he said, thank you all, stay vigilant
my son and I will now take this man to the Police
the crowd dispersed, the African sun beamed unforgivingly

We drove the hapless white man to his hotel
still trembling he thanked us profusely, you saved my life
your young son is remarkable, he told my father
you should have seen him single-handedly dealt with the crowd
yes, I know my son, replied my father, he's a right one
I was just now looking forward to lunch

War makes people crazy
and make them do crazy things
we will never know if the poor man was a spy or not
but will you sit and watch a hyper mob tear a defenceless man
to pieces in front of you, would you?

— The End —