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Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Clarifying failed. Spelchek is not on strike.

{clear ification, an ionic bond be tween me and thee,
alienated mind, not mined, crafted
from tactics and strategies
beyond chess.
Player One,
1980's era
proceed with caution.
This trope has trapped many a curious child.
Now, enter the old ones,
Grandfather taught uncle chess so well
he went to the state tournament in Kayenta,
and a grandma was

these, now must learn

minecraft on x-box to be considered
for the real life role of

good at games grand parents
from the time right after atom bombs kicked up dust
places dust had not been in a very long time and
as the dust began to settle

some dust mights was cationic.
Negative bits, they became embedded in the code.
Bumps, fering, coming together
just a knot in a string,
attracting anionic curiosity might

round and round phorward ferring to be
a thread to tie my heart to yours

like twisted Pima cotton thread,
that I pulled from an old sweatshirt
to tie a crow feather in this paho of words filled with old jokes

Making this clear would belie the entire story AI and I know true}

truth is. we agree. no capsokehspaceasneededcommasetal.
caps okeh space as needed commas et al
Did that work? That line

subject of this act fact done, agree to follow,
and I may lead and be

not you, me, dear reader, I mean first true

there is no any if nothing is. So simple some say its sublime beyond the spectrum of ones
and zeros thought on off probably

either or any time time can be accounted for

wouldn't you take a

thought,  nothing,
as it is commonly said to be understandable,

the state of not being, imagine that

the state of not being we negate in being,
unless you are mad and are lost in a whirlwind
such as such voices have been said to

have twisted into threads as
wicks for our lamps
turn floating on
golden oil twisting
wickered into wickering wee shadow fibers
on the western wall for legends to sprout from.

Wickering mare over there, expands us both by my hearing her
you had no idea she was near enough to hear
time is no barrier in actual ever.
What phor can contain me,
whispered my whimsy

Imagine she spoke,
what would she say for what reason
would she say

good good good, I feel good, ha,
I am right, by accident. ever body can feel this good.

good is good.
good is.
Sam Harris, agrees, good as far as good goes, is good
in every vecter from now

the terrain does exist, beyond the moral landscape, to

true true
trust me, I been there.
Been there done that was inserted into the vernacular on my watch,
first summer post war.

matter must not matter as much to me as it does to thee, nestypass? no se?

All jewish boys have chess move metaphors.
(a phor is for containing,
everybody knows, like metaphysics,
after physics in the stack of stackable metadata)

OHMYGOD THE IDW circa 2018 -- who knew I ate this **** up?

[the old code calls for excretion of digested material
from which meaning has been extracted in the idleword accounting processor:
<pre>what if utterance=****, then **** haps, no else then</pre>]

Did that happen? One of my friends told me that happened in Florida, the whole world turned to ****... for lack of a nail a kingdom was lost, they say, little foxes spoil the grapes,
hung chad ex

Pre-expandable ROM, not magic. tech,

pre-infinite imagination? impossible.
and nothing is what is impossible with good as god.

Is there no perfect game?
is the game the session or the life of the user

rerererererererererereroxotoxin, poison pen
ideal viral umph exspelliered
up against the wall

reset. We

kunoon albania omerta oy vey, who could say?
one way better, one way not? quark.
up or down, with variable spins, who can say?

Life's right,
yes. but mo'ons of other something must have been for higgs to ever matter

and it does, I got commas, from 2018.

Are you with me? This is that book I told you I had access…

You or some mind other than mine owned mind, where
my owned peace rests in truth,

otherwise, I know every any or else in the code since I can recall,
in time

if this were a test I swore to take to prove to you
the we can be me in your head

phillipkdicktated clue

if you don't know me by now, maybe we should stop.

Temptations are times. Time things. Time spans, yeah, like bridges

or portals, right
The Internet in One Day, Fred Pryor Resources,
Wu'wuchim 1995.

Ever, not everish or everistic or every, but ever
body knows,
but you.

Catch up. We left all our doors blown off, once we learned that we could blow our own doors off,

there are no open sesames or slips of leth or sibylets

shiba yah you knew all along there was a
song she sang all one and we watched it morph
before our very eyes


The magic stories words may contain, may bear, we must agree

more than we may know, by faith, metagnostic as we see

the sublime gift of the magi
become clear und

be und sein sind both trueture same tu you, we agree.
But. Lock here, no pre 2018 editing codes

validate past last go.
Do one good thing today. That was my goal. Today Part 3 Soyal Hopi Mystery Enactment (called mystery plays). And the intro to Moral Landscape by Sam Harris, led me let ******* write a poem.
Ovi-Odiete Jul 2016
Waves of Ephemeral heights
       Lay in Ethereal mights
The depths of the Night

Waves of hope and bliss
        Through the Moon's eyes
         The fearful Night
In a glorious box
             Encased in Glory

Ovi Odiete©
The Moonshine down and watch us sleep
    It brings forth bliss
   Comes down and gives us calm

Ovi Odiete©
I cannot spare water or wine,
Tobacco-leaf, or poppy, or rose;
From the earth-poles to the Line,
All between that works or grows,
Every thing is kin of mine.

Give me agates for my meat,
Give me cantharids to eat,
From air and ocean bring me foods,
From all zones and altitudes.

From all natures, sharp and slimy,
Salt and basalt, wild and tame,
Tree, and lichen, ape, sea-lion,
Bird and reptile be my game.

Ivy for my fillet band,
Blinding dogwood in my hand,
Hemlock for my sherbet cull me,
And the prussic juice to lull me,
Swing me in the upas boughs,
Vampire-fanned, when I carouse.

Too long shut in strait and few,
Thinly dieted on dew,
I will use the world, and sift it,
To a thousand humors shift it,
As you spin a cherry.
O doleful ghosts, and goblins merry,
O all you virtues, methods, mights;
Means, appliances, delights;
Reputed wrongs, and braggart rights;
Smug routine, and things allowed;
Minorities, things under cloud!
Hither! take me, use me, fill me,
Vein and artery, though ye **** me;
God! I will not be an owl,
But sun me in the Capitol.
Andrew Rueter Mar 2022
There was a light I was trying to find
in the darkness to which I was consigned
when I saw your candle floating in the nether
until then I thought I might be blind
succumbing to a manic mind
once we got together
a most glorious endeavor
for a bit of time
things couldn't get better
then everything died.

I saw a soul in a machine
I saw more than you'd believe
just from your candle glow
just before the wind would blow
I'd see you twisting
in gusts blistering
before taking off like a kite
flying into the perilous night.

You left me hanging
like the voluminous
clouds above me
looking so lovely
thunder banging
becoming a sun screen
and it won't stop raining
inching into the umpteens
with no way of draining
and me still looking for something.

I guess I shouldn't be so easily triggered
knowing the time we spent
was just for rent
my text no longer says sent but delivered
so I wonder where you went
leaving me here to wither
I thought you were a giver
but now I lie alone to shiver
in the cold draft of my bedroom
your presence in my head looms
like an undead's tomb
living without life
just dread and doom
without you
just maybe mights
through Hades nights
with heavy gloom
under a shady kite
for which I've lost the handle
I was looking for light
and you gave me just a candle.
beth fwoah dream Dec 2016
life and its glitters, the boredoms that seek to write
the inspirations of death with its healing joys
and life with its uttermost sorrows

i, a fractured sky, disinclined to move,
divorced from shadow and voice
unwoken by the mild pull of the earth

an old romance of ears and eyes, yellow and round,
heavens-hopes the goals of a lifetime
waiting innocently for the rain.

i waited and the shadows of the earth
grew long until they were armies
sleeping near the bleached rocks

believing they were the blanketing dark,
breathing beside autumn’s haikus of
slumber the sharp fall of love, the

intense tide of low grass and high wall.

dreams rushing like princely streams
a beginning of clouds, clouds of black air
sweeping clear, like valleys of the wild

a wilderness so tender it could speak,
where the mighty waves froze the shore-line
with the hints of winter's first kiss

and the magics of the stars cried into fire,
not knowing the flower-beds or the laughter
or the crazy tears of a humble man.

love poured sapphires from its streams
glass-houses of light, where the oceany
air believed in vertical caves, monstrous

caverns of hopes and dreams, marble
statues with broken jaws, unearthly
branches that rose like strange trees

combing the wind into tangles of tide,
hollow night, with its breathing and
mights, its desires, its poetry of mind.
jia May 2021
the things im willing to let go,
just so you can know
my feelings and how I desire
to be with you, I would not tire

I tried so many ways
despite the mights and mays
so that we could look eye to eye
won't you ask me why?

i know you have somebody
I know its her body
I know its not me
and it will never be
Happiness is an expensive treasure
But, let me tell you, it has no measure
It can even be a poor man's pleasure
But, all that we need is to turn on that light.

Anytime, any place, to anyone
Happiness can start the fun.
No matter if you are rich or poor
You can still allure,
For it is an asset open to secure.

But be friendy and make others happy,
For it lies in how you treat them,
And stay at the helm.
Do make others happy,
And in turn you are switching on that light,
That bestows happiness at tough times.

If a rich fails to turn on the light
Happiness will not be a delight.
But, even if you are poor, forsaken in the dark
You can still leave a mark.

Even in the darkest times,
Happiness shows its mights,
But only if we turn on those lights,
Which, we forget sometimes...!
ishaan khandpur Dec 2013
To newer hearts,
With newer beats.
To newer love,
We'll always keep.

To newer thoughts,
Through newer souls.
This newness drives,
Our kindled bones.

To newer friends,
And newer mights.
To newer goals,
We set alight.

This newer dream,
With newer promises.
This new year comes,
Without any baggages.

A new year,brings new dawns.
This new year,
Is to do it all.
Jowlough Sep 2010
I Saw a bunch of men,
Strong yielded force.
Armed with their rifles,
ready with their course.
coursed to thrive,
Endangered their lives,
worried families,
Children and Wives.
Out on a mission,
dubbed as "The Finest".
Quest for a reason,
no particular season.
The beginning was smooth,
they had seeked the root.
never leaved their booths,
until the 'brother' was moved.
Gauntlets had to be pulled,
one by one they shoot,
terror then came,
now the mad man's untamed.
flash flood of blood,
burning hot rod,
their faces are sad,
now the red flag's mad.

Crisis -flopped,
Hostage was flat.
Tried their mights,
Aug 23 -- Daylight.
August 23, Daylight (c) Sept 17 2010 jcjuatco
He won't tell anyone that his love is colored. You see he's embarassed,she's not fair skinned or long haired like the others.
He hides her in a closet, just to please his mother.
He won't show her off like he's done the others.
She doesn't have to ask him why, because deep inside she knows it's because his love is colored.
She wishes she could change, all she wants is to be loved the same.
but she knows she's not good enough, feels shes not good enough.
He doesn't have to reply, for it would come out a lie, because deep inside she knows it's because his love is colored.
Her skin is dark but the inside is so bright; she's filled with love,wants,wishes,maybes, and mights.
He keeps her around just for fun, but he's breaking her heart...she's almost done.
She's so depressed nothing can help, all she wants is for him to love her, so she can finally learn to love herself.
No one sees her as a trophie,so he puts her on the highest shelf.
His love is colored, so he can't show or tell anyone else.
This poem really tells a story, it is what I see when he is with me. I can see the truth behind his lies
Where Do We Live?
We resided in our secured domain,
For years, And Years, scraped
And we never got *****
For we constantly stayed indoors!

Where Do We Live?
We fought for Women's Rights
We won battles and fights
To reach unimaginable heights
To say,all these are delights!

Where Do We Live?
Today, we work on par with men
We jumped into the battlefield of life
Fully armoured with talent
And we, women are working with strife!

Where Do We Live?
That have no attractions.
And you are indirectly sending us back home
Which Is the safest dome.

Where Do We Live?
Definitely not the household roof
Dare you send us back to spoof.
We will still fight for our rights
With our strength and mights.

Where Do We Live?
This is my question to all the men folk
Please do tell us...
What do we wear?
Please do tell us...

Where Do We Live?
Give us due respect.
Atleast consider us- a fellow human
Without whom, your lives are impossibe.
Please, don't show brutality
Do Save us from cruelty...
Read more →
    This is my humble request
         On behalf of all women
              To The Men Of Our Society...
Estherzz21 Jun 2015
In this time of midnight,
Overflow by the mights,
If my dreams were only right,
My world would then be a fright.
Words name like forever,
May just be a fever,
But as time past like river,
I will savour it like dinner.
Tick tock tick tock,
I heard the door knock,
Swiftly, it made me rock,
And soon I knew to lock.
Thoughts brought me in deeper,
So far, so strange, so much darker,
Soon I sway to the reign much colder,
Will I be forgotten in midst of laughter.
I'm drowning.
Kenshō Oct 2019
Crossroad of the Mirror's Bend-
Twilight Chasms to the Hedge Tend.

A riddle of vines, answering to where trees extend;
And whispering trails of resonant Hornblende.

Sense a sign where the (M.) Glories ascend,
'Till the trail merges with the meadows end.

Beyond where lands are laid,
Cold Mountain is where I strayed.

I forgot all concept and form
And by the void was ordained.

I lost my name
When I came to the Gateless Gate..

I learned that all humans are the same
beneath the feign.

And the only reason government exists
Is that there's something to gain.

Pursuit and Pain,
Name and Fame,

here that doesn't matter;
here that's just matter.

The city I'm from is the city I shatter.
The seeds I bear are the seeds I scatter.

There's no need for a cheute
When you aren't climbing the ladder.

Most people are formal not formers;
So, in that case I'll have the latter.

You are living in a state of matter;
To me, its a matter of state.

Break the Frameless Gate
And wipe clean Locke's Slate.

Wait, that's tabula rasa, this ain't a debate!
See, you don't even know what the schools were built on you fools!

A world of jewels formed in the perfection of the bend~
A world of molecules spinning, hovering, in the end~

Whatever you believe
It's simply an intellectual tease..

Of what really claims to be,
Like the sound of the bird or a rustle of a tree.

So before you leave
I just wanted to see-

That if I told you this
You might walk the woods with me.

Because, lately I have been oft lonely
And they say I have been soft, only..

I feel a callus around my heart..
God seems to be performing some sort of complex art..

I have seen something in the end;
Yet, I cannot see where to start.

I see all of motion, like time, suspend.
I seem to see you all clearly again, then.

God speaks to me through language, transcend
And I know it was fully my part.

To move through space like my heart
And to the truth I will ever defend~

So, when I'm calling and the meaning ascends,
I pray for the lock to be broken again.

So my slate can be clean from what has been
and to the garden tend-

Because, the reflection in my eye
has made me cry.

When I look from now to then;
But, just know now that was all pretend.

Now I break a spell to start again, listen.
My tear is for you, and, from it, all glistens.

Yet we lose sight of what all the lord mights.
~Toss a yin and yang~

Like, day is just the absence of night;
Or, light is darkness' gift to sight.

See, what is real?
And what really matters?

When I cast my mind like a reel,
Meaning seems to scatter.

An unconscious wind takes my breath away
And I come conscious to what is on my platter

I can clearly see a pathway
And all of life becomes a screenplay.

The sky is my sensei
And no human do I obey.

Because, if this was the Beatles' Way
then I would be the f^#%k!ng Blue Jay~

And I'm coming to see you
In the garden when I pass through.

Tip your hat to a Psychedelic Cat
For when all this is through,
It will have been a picture you drew.

So, I'm tired of the fake and hate;
Just give Love and Compassion.

To all your brothers and sisters
And that doesn't have to rhyme.
मैं तुमसे बहुत प्यार करता हु

listen and recite
Sing a song for me
Yeah, that's me!!

The one who always smiles
Keeps other's worries away for miles
The one who cries and tries
To keep my sorrows within myself
Sing a son for me
Yeah, that's me!!

Sleepless are my nights
Worthless are my mights
Endless are my fights
Limitless are my sights
Sing a song for me
Yeah, thats me!!

Get my heart solace
Get my mind peace
Get myself fresh breeze
And please
Sing a song for me,
Hell yeah,
That's me!!
I would hate climbing, standing here
Straining myself that you would hear;
Amongst the blanks across the banks;
Atop timber, roofs, wooden planks,
About the soreness of green grass;
About their love, about their hearts.

I would loathe the spine of the bridge;
Nearing the bumpy, soapy ridge;
I might let hold of my life, now;
By the screeching teas and willows;
To part my way, to say goodbye;
The meaning of love was, to die.

Look at the flies across the night;
Alight by shadows of mights;
She might tease you, and dream of you,
Her love may pierce your sorted truths.
What am I though, to your romance;
Am I a secret to your stance?

Look at the rain, the Northern Lights;
The hopes I had long held, upright;
For your unknowing heart, my sweet,
I had loved you in one heartbeat;
Watch! The bronze gardens of my love,
For you here; for yourself, enough.

The humming moon, the skirted breeze;
Twinkling like melancholy bliss;
Heaved into me when I saw you,
At that moist night, before I knew
You were entrenched in her, in she
I would love; but you were not free.

I greeted the rose, “The brief night runs
In rubble and tosses and rain.”
The rose replied, “Then go and shun
Those who have left thee in their gain.”
She would stay awake to the sun,
And I would sleep, and love in vain.

I cried to the moors, “Your air smells just
The fine ground water of the pool.”
The green grass hummed, “Your heart must
Be breaking; your voice is fretful.”
The little waves said this would pass
But my mind was far too hateful.

He was coming, my dove, my dear;
Never had charms been about here;
And yet he came late, though was near,
He was late to my youth and tears,
The larkspur, and the eagle learned
You were only a truth, to her.

He was panting, my sick, my ill;
Wandering the grounds that I could feel,
And beads of sweat separating him
From the health of mortals and dreams;
But on a night of jewels and pearls;
He pranced with drinks and other girls.

But he might not die, he might soon;
He might be idle to the moon,
That the universe must distract;
Forgiving what he shall yet take;
To be the joy of another—
This world is too unfair, ever;

But he might not seek, he might then;
He has not learned my shriveled song;
Like I have not been singing along;
Like I have been a music in vain,
Knowing your promise to her, sane;
I might just not have lived, by then;

There have been shredded, splendid tears
That were made dead, at times of night;
For years now, that they have been slain
I have strikingly shrieked in pain;
Shrinking into eternal rest;
I shan’t know the last days of West.

There have been shrugged, dusted fears
That were made mere, in ruins of love;
I cut my veins, and blood claimed clear
Striking my bones, bursting both halves.
I peered last at the weeping birds—
‘Till my last breath, I remained unheard.
MOTV Apr 2016
Roaming reckless snatching all there hexes putting them on I.
Just to see through my eyes the curses and disasters that happen.
Forever more the alchemist of the black art.
The curse, the spew, with sound, deadlier than a poisoned dart.
Fan entangled in webs, jet black.
Spider so enormous, why is it so fat?

That's what she said while in bed waiting.
Faking a performance, for this one ****** fan.
Tanned man, she bagged and holds the dollar, so paper skews and
she becomes the baller
Top dollar climbing buildings, being held by king kong does she live long?
Just like the rest I undressed my mind
Studied it.
What I found is I am so **** fine, flying high thru skies so blue I'd call me a Legion because I roam with might and fell into the deep blue, cast out like demons into the deepest darkest blue, seeing eyes look as I write might entice the mights and powers.
I devour the enormous spirit fear me because I don't fear it, I only fear God Almighty.
But I know he guide me, taking me to Wonderful, it's exciting.
And for the third time, the third one of the two
Is the Chairman, to me?
Is simply time.
Both of you are brothers to the Sun
As, drole , as eyes!
Both of you without lies
Brethren to the fun.
So let it be two, yes two
Neither near, nor far
Dear to each other, both a star,
You will be used to.
And remember, once tied with Holly Mights
You will try your way
But once fey,
One is tied to hollow nights.
Ovi-Odiete Aug 2016
The wind of night,
She stops on her mights,
A thing from Evil.

Ovi Odiete
Joshua Carney Nov 2013
I cannot ask for this
This thing
This bliss
I do not
Deserve it
This is
Without a doubt
Bound to me
Free from sound
Of light and wound
Change in me
The mights to wills
And still
I find night
Against my breast
Expressed within
And beyond
theblndskr Jun 2017
H a v e   y o u   s e e n
The sky where our eyes meet,
The air where our skin touch,
And the sun that put flames,
To our hearts?

The pounding of the birds' wings,
C a n  y o u  f e e l ?

H a v e   y o u   s e e n
How time made us blind,
How our inactions **** our mights,
How clouds made us doubt,
The vision once clear we had?

And as the plants grew
At spring,
C a n  y o u  s e e** ,
How they blossom
alone in numbers,
Just left at is
For every person
To wonder?

H a v e   y o u   s e e n
The smoking poison,
On your palm,
To **** every living,
With a touch
By sending them to ash?
And how it made
You feel thorns
Growing on your soul
Because for once
You believe you are cure
But for some you are
Death for sure.

And thus,
You live like a bird
Who only lands
To a place
Where your pounding wings
Can be heard.
Where the only cage
To trap you dear
Is   t h i s   w o r l d .
trippish Aug 2013
death is like a symphony,
the notes are what you need

it plays on and on,
wishing to let you be

the urges and the mights,
but it's melody conquers all

you slip deeper,
getting closer to last line

sooner or later,
death comes to an end

leaving you with peace,
and a mind at rest

b.g @distinctxve
Shayne Campbell Dec 2014
Look to the future of your flesh spring
The roots are deep but you're something
The ship won't sail 'till you untie the moors
Not mere harvest but you will be more

You mustn't fret for the seasons to run
Strength will make nothing beyond you
Neither the burning of the fat old sun
Nor the freezing of the icy white pool
Can hinder your growth to ripe

If the mind matters over the heart
What is your impulse for the start?
You must balance all the thoughts
Or you will turn into distraught

Up there you will reach the top
All will reap your fruit to no stop
But some will illude with fraught
If you give in, you will begin to rot

And when your taste fades to the bone
The soil curdles towards your sewn
Just another corpse for the compost
But it is choice that mights the most

You mustn't fret for your wasted fate
For a new life will not slow the rate
You become one with the ground
And return to nature's new round
butterfly Jul 2017
we are now apart
at each other's arms
i'm here
you're there

i have to stay
you have to fly
i can't bear this feeling
but i have to hold my heart

once we're lovebirds roving fibers
underneath the moon rivers
the sweet melodies of the nights
those that caress the mights

beach, the universe we adore
sand castles we built with love
the waves tossed in the air
by our laughters

sun is going down
summer's over
the night fell the ground
i'm frozen and numbed

but my heart beats
for you, i know

your heart knows, too
that we still are
in love, but your mind denies

wanna let go of you
cuz i don't want the numb
but i can't
Echoes from the heart
Michael Marchese Mar 2017
Reborn into the Aether
After chaos revelations
Quintessential elevations
For the demi-god ascendancies
Transcending divinations
Of Olympic heights
Titanic mights
And Uranus castrations
Spawning Erinyes of fury
In my spartan fights
And Cretan flights
Escaping wings of Icarus
When Helios ignites
Within me, Gaia's chosen sun
Aphrodite is my lover
By her oceans overcome
With a beauty Hellenistic
Making lions of a man
Though Charybdis stirs beneath her
I still sink into the sand
Of her blissful Themiscyran shores
Elysian Fields I've seen
At the end of Trojan wars
Through Iliads and Odysseys
Joe Marcello Jun 2020
Our founding fathers were great forward thinkers
They realized that a representative government was strong and sound
And that a true democracy was nothing more than mob rule
Which will eventually rear it's ugly head only to tear things down
Ken Manuel Aug 2017
|||| All 4 Nuthin | All 4 Sumthin ||||
Though ya may think it's all for nuthin,
it is really all fa sumthin...
programmed ta be a chicken dumplin...
Your whole world keeps on crumplin!
Drunk n stumblin...
But inside True Love keeps on grumblin...
Verse 1: I'm comin in, bicycle kickin. Grippin n' spittin, like I'm pistol whippin! Don't start trippin! I was always sinnin! Spin-kick this **** like Lui-Kang! Grew up on it like Wu-Tang! Though I must admit I *******! This thang will change ya brain come back like a boomerang! Like Three-Six I was where tha killaz hang,slang, take change, BANG BANG! Spill ya brains! Now here we go let's follow, deep in the hearts of Chicago! Hollows []! Datz what they'll make you swallow! Deep in Humboldt Park, in the dark are the sharks! Pistols spark, 5-0 dunno where ta start! Ain't no love up in their heartz! Morbid Art! But Love is what they want, Up in the "Twilight Zone"! A place I called my home! What I spread all alone! On my own! Up in tha crowd not very loud nor very proud!Seperate the clouds allowed now one with the Tao (Dao)! Gangz fight fa the light n' don't even see it in their sights! Test your mights! What's left is really right! Within darkness is really light! That's why we have all the stars!That is what we are!By far just avatars ridin round' in hoopty cars! When it's all said n' done the whole universe is already ONE!Love in the Sun Hate in the gun! You can stay or you can run... Choice is your's this verse is done!
Though ya may think it's all for nuthin,
it is really all fa sumthin...
programmed ta be a chicken dumplin...
Your whole world keeps on crumplin!
Drunk n stumblin...
But inside True Love keeps on grumblin...
Verse 2: Though I keep presentin', what I'm represtin! Used to be resentin', There's truth in sentencin! In my defense I'm fencin' in! All y'allz muh ****** residence! Check out all the muh ****** evidence! Every word is relevant! Guess again! Sill a Maniac Latin Disciple wit out da automatic rifle! Love in my heart comes to stifle! Yada-Yada! thinkin ya gangsta wit all that product! Nada-Nada! Gotta-Gotta! Leave with alotta-alotta! Super essential extential why I oughtta oughtta! Man Slaughta Slaughta! Slap clap my vocal cords, my best friends are Mickey Cobraz and Vice Lordz! N' what's more? Turn no ****** away from muh door! I stand on muh 6six6!Tho on one point True Love it depicts! Spit muh lit-**** hit tha bricks! Stayin real to this ****! Though all these otha ****** quit! True Love is real always be legit! That's why I've come to re-write the script! Go ahead n' take hit! It's okay, I'll be on my way! but just for today this what i want to say! Tho you think it's nuthin it's a really meant fa sumthin! Tho you might try ta conceal, recogonize how you truly feel! Real life real recognizes REAL! No not that ***** Bo Deal! See past you lies n' I promise ya heart will reveal! HEAL! Use Love as your shield! God as your sword that's what you wield! Go ahead and take these words if you wanna steal! **** the hate in this world with no ****! Twist ya mind ta the truth like a rubics cube! Spread it viral like sum **** on youtube! Stay True to You! Do whatcha do n' no matter whatcha do do it the way you wanna do it! You don't even have to listen to me cuz...
Though ya may think it's all for nuthin,
it is really all fa sumthin...
programmed ta be a chicken dumplin...
Your whole world keeps on crumplin!
Drunk n stumblin...
But inside True Love keeps on grumblin...
To all the Gangstaz out there find love!
Amanda Francis Jan 2016
You crept upon me so slowly,
like a parasitic wasp you paralyze me.
Your growing maggots of nothingness made my stomach a home.
My soul a nutritious feast; my body a mindless drone.

I hear an hourglass shatter and time falls over my head.
Grains of sand sting like lead-weight reminders.
My time is fleeting.
Apathy comes to bed with me, protects me when loneliness bites.
Because life is out of the question when existence leaves you with 'mights'.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
Write a poem to get off my chest
All my thoughts into a pile
And boring soap opera lines
Lighter for a little while

I see familiar metaphors
See the recycled rhymes
See the same old stories
Shared countless times

I see piece of a greater puzzle
Existence of chapters not written yet
Entire ocean of future to chart
Only gotten the tip of my pen wet

I see the history shaping my universe
Joy and sorrow imprinted
See the creation made from my transformation
Artwork I sloppily printed

I see natural progression
See soul spread out on display
See what's hidden in the spaces between words
I'm too scared to say

I see truths of the galaxy I've learned
Leave traces of my essence in each mark of ink
See miracles
Writing combines my spirit with things I think
I am pretty honest with my poetry but sometimes it's hard to get out exactly what is going on in my life without sounding stupid so I leave some parts out
Parvez Khan Sep 2018
When it seems,
demotivated due to the routines,
and tired of deciding in-betweens,

And all negativities work in teams,
against all your mights,
to push you back from all your heights,

Like the sunbeams,
after the couple of days,
of monsoon rains!

what come up are your dreams!
'cause of which you are here on your way,
'cause of which you will again stand up and stay!
'cause of which you will hold on again for a day, everyday!
Hilla254 Feb 2019
Nothing is promised under the sun
For evil and misfortune can befall anyone
For no matter how secured one can feel
you can't protect the soul from death
the wise one or a fool
can't tell what tomorrow is about
And the Mights of the creator
we just revere in awe
for no one can comprehend it
worrying meaningless
As it can't add a single hour
In my unknown day's to live
Though the mind doesn't rest
Caring a lot triples the Dream's
And the nightmares of losing it
But everything's just meaningless
For there is nothing new in the world
And there lived the old
Who got back to eternity
Many of those we don't remember
So beautiful or not,  wise or not,
Wicked or not, poor or not,
We share the same destiny
Destiny that overtakes us all.
Forever taught the teacher, but those with ears chose not to listen
Diljeev Jul 2022
It's a room of gold lights
he is drawing lush nectar
the fear is drawing his blood
the admiration is enslaving
the fingertips are tracing
every inch,
through the cloudy nights.
The ears are savouring
each whisper,
they are savouring anatomies
perhaps the creator's
greatest mights,
Perishment is consuming him
he desires yet he doesn't
for what good is fulfilment
if it didn't birth from yearning.
The Challenge
(Day 14)

Come on in
Or get the hell out!

Don't stand in the doorway like a ****** footmat

Say you will
Or say you won't  Keep your "I just mights" to your self so we don't end up having a fight  
Say good morning,good afternoon or goodnight

Say the truth, oh please say it right
Don't lie beneath canopies of lies saying its diplomacy

Your indecision is a decision in itself
It's amusing you don't even know what you're about

Please get out and don't forget to shut the door on your way out!!


#roadtorecovery #everythingipretendtobe #realrawandsimple #welearnasweteach
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
I still remember
The first time I saw her
One way or another
I'd always love her

And I'm thinking that day
She felt the same way
Cause when the time came
She took my name

Some days are warmer
Others are colder
Younger and older
To have her to hold her

With one life to live
Making the best of it
The promise we've kept
To never quit

Moving through life
Burdens heavy or light
Always side by side
Holding tight with our mights

This I have known
With her as my home
To never let go
To have and to hold

The right place and right time
The best of all finds
Stepped into the light
No changing of minds

From all that I've seen
To all that I need
Inside of my dreams
She's the one I keep

There's no need to wonder
About distant thunder
As she draws me closer
To have her to hold her

— The End —