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Oct 2024 · 189
Tim S Oct 2024
You grabbed hold of me.
I stood gazing - Mesmerized
You are radiant.
An old poem from 2017 and my first shared on this platform in years.
Sep 2018 · 1.6k
Tim S Sep 2018
The quiet station
Your lips were poised to meet mine.
I hesitated.
Can't remember who this is about. Clearly, I didn't follow through.
Dec 2017 · 523
Tim S Dec 2017
The window has closed.
Opportunities have passed.
My life is calling.
Sometimes you're just feeling stuck.
Nov 2016 · 7.8k
Tim S Nov 2016
I thought I would be raising a glass to freedom.
But my counterparts didn't know that history had its eyes on us.
The choices seemed apparent,
Yet, we have been left bewildered and scrambling -
Wondering whether we did all we can.

My glass is raised to freedom -
The end of freedom.
History has repeated itself.
The beginning of the end.
And thunderous applause filled the amphitheater.

Those that have felt wronged have decided the fates of those that have had no wrong doing.
Two exes.
One overwhelming Y...
It's ineffable.

We may weep and mourn today.
We may weep and mourn tomorrow.
We may be frozen in the moment -
But our legacy isn't etched in stone.
It can be changed by us all if we choose..

These sleepless nights will wear us down.
The disrupted R.E.M. may disrupt our rest.
But we must only rest until we are capable to go on.
And when we move, we will move as a force of love.

Love will oust the darkness that has descended upon us.
Love will out.
Truth will out.
We will endure the worst and rise.

And then we will raise a glass to freedom.
We will raise a glass to all.
We will raise a glass and drink to the revolution-
The revolution that will be a beacon of light for those that need it most.  

In a sea of red we will be the silver lining
In a sea of red we will be the light.
We will call those home.
We will call to those that need us most.
We will be united against the fear.

We will rise and rise and rise.
We will rise until lambs become lions.
We will overcome.
We will show them that we cannot be killed or swept aside.
We will rise up.
This is obviously based on current events in my home of the United States. I learned we are far more divided than united than I could have ever imagined. My heart breaks for my LGBT friends. It breaks for my female friends. It breaks for all of my friends that are minorities in some way, shape, or form. I've been so inspired by Lin Manuel Miranda and his work of Hamilton. This is a testament to him. This is a testament to the nation we should be.
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
Bronx Bound, Uptown.
Tim S Nov 2016
I was captivated,
Mesmerized by her beauty on this Bronx bound 5 train.
I drowned in her green eyes and did not care to breathe.

Her ***** blonde, bordering brunette hair waved perfectly.
Everything about her was beautiful.
To say I was nervous would be an understatement.
I didn't dare to tell her how radiant she looked.

Another missed connection on a subway line heading uptown.
Hopefully I will see her at Wall Street again.
It isn't likely, but I would like to redeem myself.
Or at least say , "Good morning."
Another one about Kim, the girl I would see on my way to work.
Oct 2016 · 1.5k
Blue Headphones, Green Eyes
Tim S Oct 2016
Whenever I get down into the station,
I get a fluttering of nervousness.
When I come up off the escalator,
And you're standing there -
Au Bon Pain in hand -
I get a rush.

We've spoken once and we were ill timed this morning.
Today I was prepared -
Much to my dismay, you were nowhere to be found.

Blue headphones.
Green eyes.
I transferred alone at Grand Central.
A follow up to Subway Connections. Kim and I never truly connected but there's no harm in trying.
Oct 2016 · 732
Tim S Oct 2016
I heard your voice.
It must have been Heaven.
The silvery, ethereal sound of your laughter..
Yes, it was Heaven.

The exchange was so effortless.
You spoke, I spoke.
You laughed, I laughed.
Yes, it was Heaven.

However, in the ease of conversation,
There were so many things I wanted to say.
Instead, I remained reserved.
I feared the reaction I would receive.

I've been fixated on you.
Drawn in by your deep green eyes,
Bright wide smile, and perfectly waving brunette hair.
I've been captivated by your overall beauty.

Consider this an open letter from an open heart,
Spewing out the words I could not bring forth.
There has been no other prospect to fill me with the elation that you bring.
Just one of the many poems I wrote about a friend named Molly. Apparently, we were quite right for each other but we both made excuses to ourselves that one could never like the other. Stupidity, really.
Sep 2016 · 537
September Morning
Tim S Sep 2016
The sun...

Rising over the halcyon river on this brisk September morning made for a wondrous sight.

The rising and beginning of a brand new day as this ferry makes its way to Whitehall.

A brand new day that is still riddled with one question.
Sometimes we stop to smell the roses but we cannot ignore the questions inside of us..
Sep 2016 · 2.4k
Back Burner
Tim S Sep 2016
I was a hair late.
Those mere hours were enough for her to put me on the back burner,
And move someone else to the front.
I was left wanting, waiting, and waning.

Yes, we will exchange pleasantries,
And even embrace on occasion.
But the embraces will be nothing more than reminders of how platonic I am,
Or how pathetic I've become.

The wayside by which I stand cannot be overcome by merely remaining hopeful.
Yet, the time for action has passed.
Though I still pine like the ghost of Neruda.
This is about a coworker I developed some feelings for. I said nothing for months. I finally did and she let me down very easy. Nice gal. Still friends to this day. Though, we got together for one night after this.
Sep 2016 · 2.8k
Subway Connections
Tim S Sep 2016
Subway Connections.
Your music in your ears
Your eyes to mine

Subway Connections
Where we throw our eyes at each other and then get off the train,
Only to transfer with each other and walk the same path.

But you're connected.

Subway Connections
Your smile to my cordial, inviting glance.
From my battle against your connection to a battle against my nerves

Subway Connections
They're fluttering and frightening
They're either missed or taken.

Subway Connections
**We missed.
I used to see this ******* the 4/5 train every morning. I did eventually talk to her, but this poem is the beginning of the connection.
Sep 2016 · 9.5k
The Rabbit Hole
Tim S Sep 2016
I will look at you with the same old eyes.
You will hold my gaze attentively.
And I'll go on wishing I could change it all,
When I know I can't change you.

You will be forever capitvating,
And I will be forever falling down -
Down the rabbit hole of love,
When I know I can't change you.
This is another poem in my so called "Jessica Chronicles”
Sep 2016 · 508
Tim S Sep 2016
I didn't get the chance to see you everyday,
But I thought that when I did,
It was enough.
And if I couldn't make it there,
I could always call.

You always welcomed the calls.
I thought the hardest part of this would be a life devoid of your presence.
But you always welcomed the calls.
You always welcomed the calls.
Sometimes you just want to call someone and you realize you can no longer do so.
Aug 2016 · 694
72 Hours in Ellicot City
Tim S Aug 2016
For the smallest of stature,
She was the biggest in the room.
It lit up whenever she entered,
And I did all that I could to not make a fool of myself.

It only took a weekend for me to fall hard.
She was quirky, but serious,
She was cute, but beautiful,
And I tried everything that I could to not get reeled in.

Less than seventy two hours...
That's all it took for me to feel like I had fallen seventy two stories.
And just like that,
I had to leave her and Ellicot City behind.

It was the longest three hour drive.
Back to New York City I went,
Leaving her and the weekend in my rear view mirror.
Heaven only knows when I'll see her again.
Sometimes you meet someone at the most inopportune time. This a story of one of those times. Here's to you, Alice.
Aug 2016 · 675
2-6-6-2 (ANNA)
Tim S Aug 2016
If she read this,
She would know exactly what I mean.

Her ghost is all around me.
Her voice rings in my head.

Even though it seems our chance has passed,
I'll never forget her.
Anna and I were always poorly timed. For one day in the summer of 2012 we weren't. That one day was amazing. I always thought that we should have tried to be more. This was written after reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Fantastic book if you haven't read it.
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
Dangling - A Haiku
Tim S Aug 2016
The horns played softly,
But my hand dangled freely.
And the show went on.
Jessica, the girl from the haiku I wrote called Dancing, accompanied me to a concert. It was a slow, love song and the couples were all together. Jessica and I were not together, but every part of me wanted us to be.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
Dancing - A Haiku
Tim S Aug 2016
Next to me you stood.
The music kept on playing.
I danced by myself.
I wrote this haiku about a girl named Jessica. I was head over heels for her. I think she almost felt the same. In the end, she didn't take the risk.
Aug 2016 · 658
Still Frames
Tim S Aug 2016
There was a time I felt infinite.
Maybe it was the summer sun,
the laughter, or the innocence.
It could have been the quasi starry nights shared with the ocean.
Those times were momentary sips of grace.

Their beauty culminated into you.
You wouldn't know this,
but I never took the chance to tell you.
Time stood still,
You and I were infinite.

As I stand here under another quasi starry evening,
I no longer feel infinite.
But I can feel you linger,
In my mind, body, and soul.

Those stand still frames of infinity cannot be retraced,
But if that cannot be again my reality,
What would it take to get another sip of momentary grace?
This was inspired by the poem Rider Strong wrote for his character, Shawn Hunter, on Boy Meets World. I decided to make it about an ex-girlfriend of mine.

— The End —