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Mallory Hutson Apr 2016
2 years old
Daddy's leaving
Mommy says we're better off without him
He can't hurt us anymore
I owe it all to you mom

5 years old
Getting on the bus
Excited to start school
Mom let me wear what I wanted
I made friends just being who I am
I owe it all to you mom

10 years old
Mom made me play softball
I didn't want to
I didn't know it would be my favorite sport
I owe it all to you mom

15 years old
Mom is really sick
Is she dying?
I better be strong, for her
I owe it all to you mom

17 years old
I got accepted to college
It's a private school
Only the best get in
I owe it all to you mom

Everything that I am
And everything that I will be
I know I'll be
a strong, smart, and successful woman and...
I owe it all to you mom
Alvira Perdita Mar 2016
all those promises of forever,
and the words whispered.
the shared secrets, the glances,
the looks when we knew what
the other was thinking.

the days spent pretending
that the rest of the world didn't
exist and the nights of talking.
the mornings of tired silence,
the random texts that were only
half a thought, and the brokenness
that we share but refuse to acknowledge
childhood bestie.
Kasey Mar 2016
He's still new.
Sipping on the same soda from the same restaurant after two years
Wearing the same shirt, same colors, same car. Two years later.
He has a new job-- new watch.
But the same haircut.
The same drunken goodnight kiss on the same mattress we've slept on after going to all of the same bars.
Paying with the same credit card, ordering the same food.
Falling asleep the same way.
But after two years
Every good morning feels so new, every good night so wonderful
And he still looks at me like I'm brand new every time.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
First time I saw you
Was in the room C17 of our high school
We had music together
But we didn't speak at all
But I remember noticing
Your red n' black
Flannel shirt
And I thought
He seems like a nice guy
And I wonder what there's hidden

Behind his blue eyes...

First time we really spoke
Was when we were together
Working in a group
For the stomp-project
You were wearing a grey t-shirt
With a sad green dino'
" All my friends are dead"
I thought to myself
He's a pretty awesome guy
And there's no way that you can't

Love his T-shirt...

Then it would be a long time
Before we actually spoke again
But to my luck
We had a common friend
Who was also a friend
Of your girlfriend
Who my family and I
Also knew

Very well...

So I packed the growing interest in you
More far than far away
And focused on just being a friend
'Cause at least I could be that
And I got to know you more and more
The feelings wasn't there
They were locked far away
'Cause liking you
Would never be

You like NIRVANA
And you remind me a little
Of Kurt Cobain
Your best friends name is Julie
And me and her,
We didn't like each other
At the beginning
But today
We're best friends
And sometimes I'm even jealous of you
Always being so close to her...

We fast became a trio
We are like the three musketeer
Your are the third girl
In our little group
And I'm still jealous
On you
'Cause your hair is so **** soft
And I just love
To play with it
And luckily for me
You don't have anything against it...

You used to sneak in on me
And Tickle my sides
Making me scream out
In the foyer
Of our school
You really thought that was funny
While I got embarrassed
But again I had to remember
My mission
That no matter what

I mustn't fall for you...

Then time passed
We were at our common friend's b-day
And your girlfriend was there too
She slept in your arms
I thought it was so cute
But I didn't wish
That I was her
Since I liked both her and you...

I loved you
But only as a friend
And I was happy
How things were

'Cause you have taught me so much...

You taught me 'bout music
You made me rediscover
The rock, metal and grunge music
From my childhood
You made me grow into an adult
It was because of you
That my interest for music grew
And you inspired me
To learn how to play guitar myself
We can more or less say
That you are the reason
For half of the person
Which I am today...

It was through you, I discovered
Plato and Socrates
And that had importance
For my choice of subject
The first semestre at the university
So it was my friendship with you

That lead me to him...

But anyway let's not speak about him
'Cause something even worse happened
During the last year of high school
'Cause halfway through it
I discovered
That your girlfriend,
She had broken up with you...

See that's where hell began

Suddenly There was no longer anything
Which kept me
From falling for you
And all the hidden feelings
Began to burst through
My heart and my mind
I suddenly realized
That I had loved you

The whole time...

After becoming aware of
How much you meant to me
I couldn't look you in the eyes
Neither could I speak
Because I felt like I
Had failed as a friend
Was everything I did
Only done because I loved you?

I kept asking myself...

But no,
At the university I discovered
While being away from you
That everything
I got to know through you
Still meant a lot to me
It seems like our friendship
Had always been real
And that we really

Had a lot in common...

And then there's the secret
Which I wanna let you know:
Do you know that it was because of you
That I wear earrings today?
You gave me the peace-pair
Which I always wear when I sleep
They didn't have to be made of silver
'Cause to me they would still be priceless
Because they're a proof
That you've actually listen to me
That you've learned
Some of my likes and dislikes
That was the biggest gift
Which you could ever give me

Price doesn't matter,
but the thought behind it does...

We played WOW and Skyped
And I often found myself
Laughing with tears in my eyes
Because of something that you've said
But when we were alone in the chat
There was only silence
Since I didn't know what to say
I know you hate dumb people
And i'm afraid to make mistakes

When I'm around you...

At new years eve
You offered me
To one day come home to me
And teach me to play dark souls
It would just have been us
You and me alone
But I never took you up on your offer
'Cause being alone with you
Makes me so **** nervous
And then you would also have noticed
That my body temperature rises

When I'm with you...

Now I'm in a state
Where I can't feel anything
I'm not in love with anyone
But I still have a longing after being in your arms
Just like the time
Where you tried to keep me warm
So I hope
That I'll fall in love
With you once again
When you come back home
To Denmark
But I can't force feelings
Neither yours our mine
And I'm pretty sure
It'll take a long time
Before there will be development,
If there will be any
At all,
In our relationship
But I know that if it happens

*Then it'll be worth
Any kind of struggle
Which I'll have to face....
I found an old love poem from my time in high school and edited it a bit...
I'll probably be releasing more old love poems since I have run out of inspiration to write new ones...So brace yourself there's an army of innocent teenage love poems coming at ya XD

[To the "You"]
Let's start over again...As friends
This time I'll take you up on your offer of teaching me how to play Dark Souls - I'll buy the pizza you just have to bring your good mood and a **** lot of patience XD
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Mister Sun light my way
You've been away to long
In the dark is where I've stay
Sorrow is my only song
I could use some fun today
But I fear soon I'll be gone

I'm so tired of the tears
I'm so tired of the lies
I'm so tired of the fears
I'm so tired of all the sighs
I'm so tired of all these years

I just want to lay down and quit
I don't want to stay here
I just want to exist
Life is what I fear
It only gives me ****

Cut my wrist, make them bleed
Throw this shity live aside
Swallow these pills so I no longer breath
I just so very much want to die
Like the main the author must die
their lives written out, bound by a books spine
Their eyes are yours, you have what's left of their mind.
How tragic the story line was?
Well that was their lives.
They give you who they are, so you can read to
throw away some time.
Months to years of their lives soaked up in a weeks time.
But yes like the main, their creator must die.
But they are immortal in another way.
Their mind might die but their world will stay.
With hands now plagued with arthritis, and blind milky filmed eyes
They cannot tell you about their mains lives.
Aged is their mind, taken by time,
But immortal is the world they created....
A whole a few hundred pages...lives carried out
and then shut down....
Yes like their main an author must die.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I used to make jokes about
That the guy,
Who I have only known
For a few months
Could be the one
Who I could end up
Loving more
Than the guy,
Who I have known
For almost
Four years...

I never thought
That the joke
Would become
I wish this wasn't true...
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Hide in plain sight
Hold back the tears
Thru all of the years
Hide all of your scars
And all of your flaws
Don't let them know
Keep it under control
Stand straight and tall
Like there was never a fall
Don't run away in fright
Hide in plain sight!!!!
Sarah Salako Mar 2016
Although I despair about the time we shared,
I just can't hate you-
For you gave me confidence to chase after the wind,
Like a lullaby you are ever so sweet,
I hope some day in the future when we meet,
We can reminisce-
Youth is golden,
Just like time,
For the time we spent together,
I will forever adore you.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Tears are stinging behind my eyes
As I try to hold them within
No one will know why
Until it is to late
To late to even count them
For soon there will be way to many
I can't even say why they are there
But soon everyone will know why
And then like me they will try to hold them back
But it will be to late
As many will stand at that flood gate
As we try to let the tears wash away the pain
But it never will
They never do
The pain that is about to be created
Will resonate for years and years to come
And all I can do is stand and watch
And brace for impact
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