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Kirsty Lee Feb 2016
inspired forgetting
or repressed memories
push their palms to the front of my skull,
so deeply,
so urgently that dust coats their hands like a snowstorm
and i shake,
i q-q-quiver beneath the pressure
like old news tucked away in the corner of a closet,
and there's still room for one more problem,
one more echo,
one more brilliant mistake.

i am a wound with the depth of a mile long cave
and i say hello,
hello honey lovely,
to a hellion that never stays gone for too long.
it repeats in a torrent,
tugging at loose shingles
and drowning my cottages in distaste for my effort,
my attempt at normalcy,
at sanity,
and i am shamed,
i am littled into the dirt
where even dandelion seeds are bigger
and a single drop is a waterfall
and i am drowned,
beaten by it,
by him
and her
and them
and everything in the world
excepting my most sorry of selves
that is so bruised,
so cramped that breathing is a struggle
and there is no room,
no possibility of reprimand for myself.

mould is thick,
heady on my tongue
and i am buried,
tucked away beneath the weight of the world
and it is loud here,
louder than death has any right to be
and i am soothed by it
but joy is not permitted here
and his hands coil
and stretch
and shimmer
and c-c-clench against my piccolo pipes;
heaven is welcome--
i am not made to die,
not lying down in the dark.

twenty-two years
and i have never felt the prickle of wings
but here beneath the dirt,
in the filthy dark,
they split from my skin
and envelope me in a canopy of blue;
the world is a thick,
ugly bruise
and i am dying to taste it,
to touch it with hands that do not shake,
that are not chained,
and i will not bear it a moment more,
i will not submit to ribbed hands
and broken vowels like some maimed child,
desperate for company
or love
or something more.

a moment escapes the dark
and i am free
but there is no flying,
there is no great escape into the wide sky like some released dove,
just a soft succession to the earth
with the wind on my face
and my hands in my own hands,
loosely held and prideful in their reality.
Alaska Feb 2016
You had called me
a word
I had never heard.
You called me
a word
I did not know
I could be.
You called me
a word
that made me fall,
that made me fall so
**** hard for over
four long straight
All because of that
one foreign word
you had called me...
The universe that i know contains infinite infinities
The more i travel the more i see and more you think

There's an abyss of abraxas in dylan dog's comics
Here's an enstraged ghost of che on the motorcycle

We made it plausible for the pagat ultimo's elegance sake
We seek for the most Beautiful to crash us like soft waves

The immortal Beauty is the terror for the mortal passangers
The immortal Elegance is shown as an unforgettable life's style

You want the depth, you play games, cast spells, and reinvent
You want to become a persona grata, the gravity ***** you in

Today i thougt how nice is to draw a bit for a change
Today you didn't like to have hollidays from a belief

I have to acknowledge the worthwile sands of time
I have to succumb to universal subconsciousnesses

Mine unimportance is a hanging shall on a tied stallion
Mine thoughst fly high as two falcons toward your star

Thine tea is served with blood, sweat, and entrapement
Thine turtle is a giant alive planet, a colourful mounted

In one century importance becomes irrelevant.
In actual now do you consider ways to trick this fact?
Intelectual labyrinths of mind lead to a well structured illusion.
Inspirational people have borrowed the ignitors from celestial Divinities.
People have crushes for a few days or weeks
But it goes away
One for me lasted three years
Confusing my peers
I don't give up easily
Not on someone I see myself with for a while
And not for some silly date or two or a sour ending that causes turmoil for everyone
I dont want the classic soap opera
Just her hand as I take her with me
Years into it all.
kenny Diamond Feb 2016
it is always dark before the sun
My heart never  felt the same
The pain leave mark on my chest
A moment lost but tied together with lies
I can;t turn back time
It was too late fix your broken heart
I was no doc but need a degree put this back together
We don't  think of  things we  lose
We are so stuck not thinking
Only thoughts of needs of what we want
We had something great but now its gone
Just like magic trick in the wind
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