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Abigail Hobbs Apr 2018
I sometimes get stuck in January
when December was trying to be forgotten
As January rolls into February
and then into March,
time passes before my eyes
But my time with you
is not forgotten.
Forgive the past months, they're a part of you forever.
Beau Scorgie Apr 2018
Time moved through me
forgetting to carry me
with her.

And I waited.

Like the businessman
at Flinders Street Station
- stagnant -
while the world passed him by,
and time moved through him,
in fast motion;
forgetting to whisper past
his cheek
and sweep the petals
from his eyes.

For he carries a garden inside,
but all gardens
need time.
Saudia R Apr 2018
Today was a bit easier
I realized that I didn't cry when I thought about you

Instead I was laughing at something stupid that I did
Remembering that moment I spilt my drink everywhere
and all you said was


And even though I rushed to clean it up
you were right there beside me mopping up my mess

Laughing and commenting on my cleaning abilities

I felt bad that I made you wait
but you didn't care
cause that's just the type of guy you were

An easy smile and an open hand
ready at any moment to reach out
and help

I wish we could have helped you
I wish we saw something sooner
I wish I had the power to give you some of my years
cause Lord knows you would have used them wiser

But I know I shouldn't say that
think that
because it wont make the hurt go away

It wont bring you back
but that hope that you'll walk through the door is still there

I don't think it will ever go away
Today we did a tribute piece for Paolo, he was a dancer, and they redid some of the pieces he choreographed. It was...soothing, happy. The pain is still there, but it's not as sharp.
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
Now you have to live
With the same pain I have felt
For the last four years
I hope now you realize how bad you hurt the people around you. I didn't want to cause you pain but you got what you deserved. All those lies you told, money you stole, and ****** up things you did behind my back made me feel just as bad as you do right now
Rebecca Rose Mar 2018
You were diet coke and slimming tea
You were everything I could never be
You were hallway laughter and bathroom tears
You were a way to waste my teenage years
You were an excess of bitter coffee shots
You were what made up my 4 am thoughts
You were the first stolen cigarette on my lips
You every beat that my heart skipped

And now you are none of this.
It's blurry, surprisingly.
Anonymous13 Feb 2018
Nobody heard me.
There's this world of drama,
I'm told to stop my drama.

I was said you're nobody,
Lies in my head,
screams of help in my head,
Did anyone understand me?
Did anyone help me?

There were scars in my mind,
I realised that I was blind,
Blind in this world...
Blind in a world of lies...

Cried in bathroom,
Cried tears of mascara,
did anyone notice it?

Sometimes I wished,
take me demons,
Then I realised,
I have to fight.

But, in the end....
last thing in my hand was...
the ****** scar.
A A Mar 2018
Where will I be in two years?
Will I be dumbed down and delinquitized?
Will I be living on the edge with Dionysus and his friends?
Or will I be a scholarly, orderly student?
Will I be me, or will I fall into the clutches of some other identity?
Mary Frances Mar 2018
We've been friends for ten years
and he's been loving me for nine.
I don't know what I'd call it
but I know his love is divine.

We've talked about the past and the present
to patch things up for the future
Still I wondered where we'd be
and what it is I would nurture

We've been through a lot of things,
tough times and whatever life brings
I know we're not in a hurry but there are things bothering me
If he'll leave again, where will I be?

He told me to trust him and to have faith
We still have time and he's not yet too late
Well then, I'll take the bait that we'll be just fine
After all, he's been loving me for nine.
Douglas Goins Feb 2018
In two seconds.
You caught my eye.
You placed yourself in my world.
& I saw you.
Through my eyes.
& no one else's.
Your smile shined.
The way the sun & rain reflex the rainbow.
You were worth the seconds.
In two minutes.
I knew your name.
One I will never forget.
It reminded me of the stars.
On a night with the one you love.
In complete darkness.
With only the stars to show you the way.
You were worth the minutes.
In two hours.
You took me there.
Showed me the place in your heart.
Where your dreams and nightmares rest.
Trusted me.
Knowing id never hurt you.
Telling me what made you who you were.
What chapter you were in the big book called life.
You were worth the hours.
In two days.
I knew you.
From your first love.
To your first heartbreak.
What made you smile.
To what made you frown.
I felt you.
As my sunshine.
My sweet sunshine.
Warm & graceful.
A new flight.
Like Dancing.
Around & around.
Not afraid.
You were worth the days.
In two weeks.
Our lips met.
Taser pulses went through me.
Like on the fourth.
Angels clapped & played music that day.
Overwhelming the skies.
Making drops fall.
Bringing nature to life.
You were worth the weeks.
In two months.
I felt those two words.
In love.
In deep.
Deeper than were titanic sank.
Where no explorer will ever reach.
Will never discover.
So deep.
We created something rare.
Not even the book of records could contain.
I tasted what we were made of.
You were worth the months.
In two years.
You wore all white.
I wore black.
We made a promise to commit.
To stand for another.
Through thick & thin.
Better or worse.
Till death do us part.
Never moving on.
Longing to be held in traffic.
& watch the cars pass forever.
We are ahead anyways.
Where we belong.
Like the text in a book.
Or keys on a keyboard.
Or cold with snow.
& heat with sun.
Two as one.
We finished.
With two simple words.
To make it official.
You were worth the years.
Emily Miller Feb 2018
Fourteen years seems
like a long time
when you haven’t lived very long.
And it is.

But more than that,
It’s a long time,
Not to tell someone that they have you.

But no,
Not own,
Like a car or a house,
Just have,
Because have means that it’s there,
But you don’t necessarily possess it.
But even though it’s just “to have”,
Fourteen years is a bit long to be so very “haved”
Without telling someone that they have you.

I know it’s not a word,
At least not in this context,
But most people can relate,
I think,
To the feeling of being haved.
The feeling of being tied,
As a Bronte once said,
From under one’s left rib,
To a similar place in another’s frame.
The feeling of knowing that if I’m ever to sacrifice myself to the eternal flames of matrimony,
It would only be for him.

And he’ll never know,
Of course,
Unless I tell him,
That he had me on the first day of school,
A new district, a new life,
Confused and concerned,
Scared of the newness,
And all of the sudden there he was,
Wearing lopsided glasses and a lopsided grin,
Perpetually wrinkled clothes from running wild,
And me,
Nose in a book,
Incapable of noticing him had it not been for that impossible, infectious laugh.

He had me,
When he grinned and offered friendship,
Something I was unfamiliar with,
And he’s had me every day since,
Even after the turmoil of childhood,
Deaths and epiphanies,
An engagement ring,
And numerous loveless nights,
He still has me.

I’ve been “haved” from the moment we met.
Haved by the way he says my name,
Haved by the dopamine that floods my veins every time he’s near,
Haved by the silliness that returns me to grade school,
Third grade,
Playground dust on the palms of my hands,
Tossing rocks to him under a mesquite tree,
And here I am,
Already a woman,
Yearning to be a mother,
A matriarch,
Something more,
Something solid,
And yet I’m still haved by him in every way but one-
I don’t have him back.
He’s haved by everyone but me.
Dedicated to anything and everyone that happens to have him at that time,
But no matter what I do,
No matter how hard I try,
I’ll never have him
As much as he has me.
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