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I believe that if everyone in the world talked to each other rather than about each other the world would be a better place.
Yet again one of my weird thoughts
Hey! I would just like to say thank you for the views on my poems. It means a lot. It's my birthday today! Whoo hoo! 3/29!
I know this isn't a poem but...thank you. It is the best present ever
Dr Zik Mar 2015
There is no use of drop like oceans
This ink of the world is too short to appreciate mother
O’ my heart, O’ my friend
Don’t worry about the letters
Words are also silent
There is no use of twinkling of stars
As the sky is also silent
As this mighty banner dare not to express its views
I am also not able to fix boundaries of your love
There is no narration able to deliver an appreciation
Mother is “Flux of eternal light”
There is no even a single example in the world
O’ my mother
As you prayed for me
A translation of my own poem written in Urdu language. The name of book is "RAH TAKTI AANKH (راہ تکتی آنکھ)"
Riot Mar 2015
i love how americas problems would be solved if kids took over

i love how nobody admires the clouds til daytime and nobody admires the stars til night
as if silently telling the world "if you don't see it, it's ok to forget it until you see it again"

i love how everyone still calls america land of the free
while we have more kinds of slavery now
than in 1770

i love how people ask people crying
"are you alright?"
because humans don't acknowlage when the answer is right in front of them

i love how i started a war that nobody will ever know about

**i don't think these things will ever change
Julia Aubrey Mar 2015
what if we could grasp things in our hands..?
I don't mean plain, concrete items,
I mean what if we could grasp the memories, the changing of the seasons,
and the people we love into one little item?
how long could we contain it inside such a microscopic view of abstract
morals and views?
how about that titian leaf lying around in the pile near your door?
go and pick it up.
what do you feel, hear, smell, see, perhaps even taste in the moment?
I think that in that moment when our minds have come to a conclusive point about the values grasped into something so simple,

we can hold it.

Who sees clearly?
It certainly isn't me.

I don't really see you,
And you will never truly see me.

Who says I see things like you do.
Do you see the same colors I see?
Is the blue I see the same as yours?

Perhaps we just learned to call them the same.
How different the world for us.
Yet we call it by the same name.
Mel Nov 2014
I wallow in a glass,
and look upon the world with disdain.
When I only have myself to blame.
Too much has changed and I can't go back.
I'm not the same nor are you.
I grow weary of this game.
Perhaps I'll wake up from this dream.
For now, I'll just keep moving along
trying to find a purpose.
Silence Screamz Feb 2015
False walls hide true words
They concede to a twisted view
and demented end game
Receiving threats from a person hiding behind the cloak of social media
Blank Space Jan 2015
I was the girl with the sharp tongue
and the overly seductive smile
the one everyone wanted to get to know but couldn't
I was the girl that made boys weak
and made girls talk

The girl that had a sense of humour
ready to hang with the boys and get ugly
the girl who could be friends with everyone
she knew when to be kind and when to be cruel

I was the girl that bets were made about
that never played by the rules
the one that made you shine when she was around
the one girls wanted to be
the one that stood out
Because she wasn't just any girl
She was The girl

I was everything to everyone
except who I actually was
Thinking back to high school bc this couple i knew back then told me this is what I was. Honestly I remember being miserable,  I have a very different view about who I was and am.
As I sat at my old PC, and stirred the spoon around my tea.
As on my cigarette inhale I clicked to look at my e-mail.
My inbox nearly exploded with messages I'm overloaded.
All from new friends that came to me, since I joined Hello Poetry.

The views I had were in the k's with lots of comments and such praise.
I haven't met those who see, the efforts of my poetry.
But many came and took the time, to read my words and thoughts in rhyme.
The things they say are really kind and absolutely blew my mind.

I answer them with thankful glee that they should take this time for me.
It spurs me on, I feel inspired from all the kindness I've acquired.
I hope that I can pass on more and that my writing isn't poor.
So I type on and get to know them to thank them for the "Daily Poem",
This is with thanks to all who made my poem, All I want for Christmas" the daily poem on this the 27th November 2014!
Thank you all for reading!
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