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Alan S Bailey Aug 2015
If you want recognition, buy it!
Wow, I guess all of my poems are going to
"****" from here on, but I will still "post them"
Anyway, because they are worthy of their own existence,
And I've got nothing against writing my feelings,
Real fame is brought about by skill, not monetary expense.
Kale Aug 2015
Blood reigns from
My flickering eyelash
As he tells me it's "okay"
But how can it be
When each day I am
To your stainless shoes
In my pain
You come to hush and soothe
But it turns to stinging and crying
Am I not the one you love
Am I not the one you adore
I guess not
Because even though
We are both freaks of nature
An abomination by modern society
I have come to turn
That ore mature love
Into consistent anger
Now it's my turn to cause pain
Because my fire has re kindled
And I am ready to start
Burning your life down.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2015
I dive and I sigh
where the sea meets the sky,
in the horizon reflected
on the surface of her eyes.

We're carried away by
a tepid receding tide
of the memories tied
to this time and place.

She fades.

The moon calls me,
whispers my name
into the vapid night,
I eventually came.

Yet it's never been the same,
basking in that forgotten light
illuminating my opaque pain,
it's just not right.
One simple word
Along with a digital smile
Has the power over me
To make me jump up and down
As if I’m still a preteen
Speaking excitedly to my first crush
But I’m older and have more experience
Still the idea of spending time with them
Brings my heart to full speed
And my inner innocence fills with joy
I feel so uncensored with them
There never really seems to be a need
Well I won’t say that I don’t need them
It doesn’t matter if my innocence or experience is speaking
I need them in some way
Weather to have clean fun
Or something more exciting
One and Only Aug 2015
We've all got problems,
You and I.
We've all got secrets,
some truths, some lies. *

Yes its true,
you've got things on your mind.
But don't think for a second,
I didn't give you my time.

While you rambled on,
I was always there.
Comforting, protecting,
Did you even care?

I put you first,
I did what was asked.
And now you tell me,
our friendship won't last??

You said I never shared
a piece of my mind.
Oh, I'm sorry I'm too busy!
I was just being kind.

You always spoke,
I merely supported.
You had to many problems,
I did not want to add.

Yet now you say,
I was never trusting.
That I kept to myself,
Finding them amusing.

I hate being rejected,
I am never appreciated.
You think I'm mad?
You're just overrated.
Kristina Jul 2015
It's like a ringing in my ear.

I'm stupid

Ringing through my ear and
Silence is a choking cough pushing to get out.
I need the drumming electronic waves
to deathen my body.

For I took my regular pill of
Self pity today.
It kicks in with its usual velocity
and I lay down mesmerized by its tranformation of the world.

I fear that when I open my eyes
He is not the same.
That his too rough strokes pulling my hair and
His semi sweaty hand on my face
that smells a hint of balony
is all just
Make belief.

How many times was fantasy a
Maybe it finally consumed my reality
Since this must be some kind of
This life of misery
With somebody here with me.
AM Jul 2015
She was everything but stupid
Even now, she's not stupid
She's just falling in love
with the wrong guy
Mel Little Jul 2015
This place, with its cold white walls and it's sterile gray speckled floors.
The nurses take my mouth that cusses far too often as a sign I'm on some kind of drugs, I guess. When I answer the question about what kind of medicine I take they look at me with questions in their eyes when I say "none."
I know that the bruises on my body look bad. I'm malnourished, okay. I don't have time to eat. Need more potassium. I don't shoot up ****** or snort pills. I just take ibuprofen like a normal person.
My head is spinning. But not like normal. Like it's taking me twenty minutes to write this ******* poem. I feel like passing out.
And the doctor will see you now, at the cost of 1,000 dollars to sit in this dumb bed.
I hate our healthcare system.
Why do hospitals feel so much like your trapped in their walls? And so little like they're actually out to help you.
I'm all ****** up in the head.
Storm Raven Jul 2015
empty bottles,
shattered glass,
blood lying on the floor,
What have we done?

slowely I open my eyes again,
The light is to bright,
What have we done?
I feel so sick.

There is old blood sticking on my bare skin
What have we done?
I can't remember,
My mind doesn't seem to work.

What have we done?
I grave for more,
I want to fill the emptiness in my heart,
Want once again feel your touch.

my mind is corrupted,
My heart is empty,
I tried to fill it with drugs and pain,
What have we done?

The floor need to be cleaned,
I need to get clean,
What have we done?
We were so despaired.

Our hearts were so empty,
What have we done?
we didn't see.
we didn't care.

What have we done?
filling our empty hearts with liquor and xtc,
like that could take away the loneliness,
we had in our broken hearts.

what have we done?
I ask myself as I see the bottles and the blood,
And your slowly cooling body lying next to me,
What have we done?
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