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Violet Blue Jul 2015
Here I was overthinking everything
It's a bit selfish of me really
I need to expand my mind
Think of others
What they're doing
What may be masking their thoughts right now
You won't fall in love with another girl over there
I've been reading my journal today of old times with you
The memories we shared
The conversations we had
How you'd protect me and make sure I was safe
Never let me sleep until I was alright again
Solve my problems for me
Help me
Give me a hand with even little silly things
Help me see the light
Show me that it's not as bad as it may seem
Show me that sometimes my perspective isn't the only perspective and help me to see through other people's eyes
You've helped me with everything
And I'm eternally grateful
The way you look at me
The way you hug me
The way you've held my hand
The way you put your arms around me to keep me safe
I'm silly for ever forgetting that
Re reading these memories
Brought tears to my eyes
Happy tears
Because I finally realised
My mind is being silly
It's because I miss you
I overthink these things
Your extremely busy
And I forgot that
Good luck for your competition in an hour
You'll do great
Can't wait to see you again soon
And have a safe trip on Tuesday
Much love
:) x
AvA Jul 2015
Through hands a mess of particles
sliding and caressing towards it's origin.
what is the point of this…

In the vast expanse of desert.
A cold breeze leaves the mind withered.
The heart is left hollow, serene.

Alone the black seemed all consuming.
In time it envelops like satin sheets.
Oblivion turned comforting.

But this wasteland is but a mirage.
Beyond the brink is a skewed wall of glass.
Beyond the glass is a pulsing organism.
An anomaly in itself reveling in chaos.
Bringing in colors of light and shadow.
What would happen if it is let through?
Wild and exotic creatures could frolic
Vegetation can bring color to the atmosphere.

But would this hide away the Abyss?

Is this desert the reflection of death?
or is this just an illusion made by this glass?
it’s all so confusing behind these walls.

…unnecessary actions to partake in.
the particles have been gone for some time now.
maybe I’ll buy some pizza tonight.
Depression is a strange thing sometimes.
brooke myers Jul 2015
she looked at me with those big wide innocent eyes..again,
i cried,
im crying!
she doesn't care..
what a *****..
she doesn't ******* care!
i'm falling hard..
im falling for her..
i'm breaking to pieces..again.
im dying again for her.
Alan S Bailey Jul 2015
I am a dog, I am naked and alone.
I'm not the only one.
This is it, my expensive 11 square feet
I like to call my empty home.
I guess there's something to be said
For this "stupid dog" who will never *EVER

Get to "see anyone" real but might just get
The lucky joy of being ******!
Marisa Lu Makil Jul 2015
You don't understand
The way I think

When I'm with you
I seem to shrink

I don't think you get
The way I feel

Your hate eats me up
Like some kind of meal

And when we hang out
I'm so afraid

That your new victim
Will be my name

"You're stupid," you said
Straight to my heart

So when I see you
I fall apart

So just be gentle
With my broke heart

Not that it matters
You make it fall apart.
To someone I know: this is me being honest. Yes, I'm angry at you. Yes, you make me wonder why I stay around you. Then I remember - it's because everyone around you thinks I'm a good influence on you. But I'm starting to think that you're doing me more harm than good. So if you want me to stay, you better stop treating me so bad.
-love, the person you bully
Becky Littmann Jul 2015
As I sit here & look back
I should've walked out that door
Instead I stayed & slowly began to crack
In reality I need & deserve more
Month after month, hour after hour
It was my heart I let you devour
As you swept me off my feet
It didn't feel like a game
You fooled me being so sweet
My heart took the blow & you're to blame
I made such a huge mistake
I wonder if this was a devious plan
To see how long I'd stay & all the ******* I'd take
You were good at pretending to give a ****
I'll give credit when credit is due
You managed to pollute my head with fake love, I had no clue
I'm glad it finally ended
A relationship not worth repair
& over time my heart has mended
You're not even a friend, but you don't care
We are definitely, definitely THROUGH!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Took a nap HP
Just woketh up,
Now it's pop-its time
To thrown them on the sidewalk.....
To be a child again.....
Am I still five?

It's almost the fourth of July lollll......
This is true.. Pop-its and just woke from nap lol
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

shouldn't have let you get away in that cab,
tears spilling
Adrenaline pumping from all the running,
I couldn't take the car cause there was traffic,
I prepare to serve a long and hard sentencing of losing you,
inside of you I felt the love,
and it was real,
I shouldn't have let you go,
now I gladly know,
that you were there for me,
and that you cared for me,
And I was so naive ,
*ask why stupid me?
Natasha Jun 2015
Porcelain powder
Amber bronzer
Fuicsha hues for the cheeks

Sandy brows
Black mascara
Red lip stain is what you seek.

I am not just a face

I'm a ******* human being.

I am not just a body.

I am soul ever feeling.

So many men, so ******
and tasteless

So many times
I want to remain
Sigh. Constantly getting inboxes from men who simply say how much they enjoy my appearance. Thank you, but I'm here to show my artwork
I will now remain faceless
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