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cait-cait Jul 2016
I have been in love, before --
I think

The kind of love where
Your heart
in your Chest
and you
Feel like you're exploding
From the inside out and
You cannot hear
Anything at all/but them

and it was real--
I tell myself.
My friends tell me.
They told me.

As real as being young could
The kind of real you get from sobbing and laughing
While your stomach melts your
Heart and your brain fries to
From their smile..,
Or their frown.

I don't remember crying--
Just forgetting

one day my lungs were back to
Normal size and
My brain no longer

And (how) they weren't
in the obituary section
of the news.
I wrote this for l-e-v-i and csc but it's based off of personal experience. I'm pretty sure my ex bf is dead. He wasn't even my bf becuz he never asked me out, but we loved each other... I think. Happy happy summer
Faster and faster tears roll down my face, I inhale a sob at a steady pace.
My mental struggle is too much to bear, I'm falling apart without you here.
I miss the little girl I used to be, when I would see you smiling at me.
Mother, it's been ten years since you've passed, I don't know how the time went by so fast.
I smile sadly as I remember, I've grown older, and my childhood is now over.
I will remember the good times we had, and hope, that you're a peace at last.
Nik Jun 2016
i think i cry too much

i keep my mouth closed
using super glue like it's lipstick
i tie my wrists together so i can't use my tears as ink and write my secrets into poetry

is it still considered a secret even though i don't spill it from my mouth but from my eyes
a river of secrets trails its way along my cheeks until a fountain of truth begins to fill on my pillow
my pillow must have nightmares from my constant sobs that often turn to screams

sometimes i can hear my pillow sobbing with me
Pauline Morris May 2016
Another brick wall
I can't take anymore
My life is a chore
Watch me fall

Another brick wall
My head is throbbing
My heart is sobbing
My voices they call

Another brick wall
I'll just bleed
No way to succeed
Laying here in a sprawl
Lost May 2016
Ignorablity is by far my best quality.
I could be in a room full of people,
Screaming in pain or sobbing like a baby,
And still be ignored.
I'm practically invisible
Sometimes it's good,
But mostly
It's a curse.
I've been crying every day this week,
But unsurprisingly,
No one has bothered to ask me why.
I'm slowly crumbling into myself,
Starving for care.
No one
Once again, I'm stuck in this vicious cycle.
whateva Jan 2016
I don't know exactly when or how I lost my happiness. it feels like it was a gradual -process, like an illness forcing the health out of my body. too many bad things happening without the breath of fresh air of hope can be constricting.
maybe it was in the sixth grade, when even at the age of 12, I couldn't take what was going on. at 12, I was more concerned with splitting open my wrists than I was with making necklaces out of plastic beads or obsessing over boy bands. or maybe it was on my 14th birthday when even the closest of people forgot the very being of my existence.
or maybe when I realized I didn't have a future ahead of me and broke down the summer after every school year, panicking that I didn't know what to do or wishing I could go back in time and change things. whatever it was, its lead down to a slow deterioration of my character. loneliness, emptiness, hopelessness. they feed the aching sadness that feels impossible to escape from.
or maybe it was before I was even born. maybe it was the instant my parents met that it was already foreseeable that my life would just be this big and vast mistake that I'd want to get rid of for the rest of my life.
sometimes it's impossible to even pretend you're happy anymore. people start to notice you aren't who you used to be and you realize the way they think of you is how you were before you became this empty void.
i don't know when I lost my happiness, but I want it back.
Cody Haag Nov 2015
His demise, caused by his mind,
Was hardly fair.
But the universe doesn't cater,
Neither does it care.

My father, oh father,
You once had much to say;
But you lost hold of your mind,
On one fateful day.

Your sickness,
It was adamantly there,
That's why I won't complain about this burden,
Which is wholly mine to bear.

Deep down in the ground,
You now lay,
And I wish I'd known you more, for
All I have are distant memories of play.

Little boy,
Dutiful father,
Playing together,
Without a bother.

I know where you hid,
Where you went,
You became lost in your mind,
Wholly spent.

But still,
Sometimes I let myself ponder,
What we could have had together,
If you mind was not forced to wander
Cody Haag Nov 2015
You're killing your body,
It's giving out under the abuse;
Your poisonous habits ending your days;
Why are you hindering your liver's use?

Oh wait, I know, you're depressed with life,
But you do realize that to us its also been a knife?
Everything has fallen apart on us too,
But this isn't something I'd ever do.

How can a person be content with harming loved ones,
It leaves me feeling so stunned.
It's clear that you don't understand love,
If a there was a deity above, it's you he'd judge.

Not me, not the homosexual,
The cutting, suffering boy,
Who has taken a toll,
Serving as your toy.

Poison your body, go ahead;
I'm not a murderer, but these thoughts are in my head.
If you want death so bad, I'll let it take you,
But I won't let you drag me along with the things you do.
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Your daughter, you allow her to roam,
While you remain in your drinker's dome.
It's okay because your teenage son
Will watch her while you have your fun.

He doesn't need a happy life,
You've ensured him so much strife.
He should cater to you, **** his spare time,
Disobeying you is a crime.

But you punish in unfair ways,
Screaming, breaking things, making him pay.

You'll regret it some day, I promise,
His children you will come to miss,
For their cheeks will never experience your kiss.

He'll keep them, and himself, far away,
Repaying you for all the days you made him pay.
This is a really personal piece. I am the boy.
Cody Haag Nov 2015
Her tears fell like rain,
With an abundance of acid;
Whereas her lover's tears rarely fell;
As a person he was placid.

The rivers flowing down her cheeks,
Reminded him that he used to be not so weak.
When he cried, bleeding emotion like she did now,
He was a stronger person then, his soul a bough.

Now, weaker, he could accept the fact,
That when he let sadness dehumanize him, he made a pact;
No longer would tears fall down his face,
He would bury the emotions and lock them in place.

He wondered now if he was destined to be happy;
He missed the days when his trunk was damaged, sappy.
He hardened to a point far beyond desire,
Steely now, having quenched his inner fire.

He embraced her in their small living room,
Happy that tears wetted his shoulder, and that sadness loomed;
She was still human, she still bled emotion,
Something that for him was a distant notion.
Enjoy. Let me know what you think.
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