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Zack Ripley Feb 23
I don't know how to explain it,
But somehow, it seems like the world
Has gotten louder AND quieter
At the same time
Kaiden Feb 19
Some things
Are simply
"Explain", "I can't". Sometimes the kid is right, mother.
V3NUS Feb 2
I swear my parents arent divorced
my dad just lives in a different state
we see him on the weekends
we're going to live with him perminatly after the school year ends
yes my mom is coming too
my friend keeps telling me my parents are divorced and my explanations make it seem like I'm proving his point
maria Sep 2024
you laughed at my anger
I took it as a sign
a sign you didn't care
didn't understand me

but I was the one who didn't understand
I was the one who took your laughter as disrespect
it was just you trying
trying to calm down my flames

you were only trying to fix me
fix what's going to happen next
change it so it doesn't get bad
you were the one understanding me

I just took it as
as something I can't explain
but you can clearly explain it

break it down and explain it to me
that's what I admire but I also misunderstand you so much
I don't deserve you
I really don't...
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
If there is no one to blame,
To frame,
To claim
Did this to me
Then the arcane,
Link chain,
Rusty from the rain
But still holding me
Should be easy to explain
But it can't be

Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Oh me, oh my, even when I try I lose it all, I've never understood why
Mind and heart ravaged but can't reciprocate, what happened to an eye for an eye?
You plead for a win, I beg for a tomorrow, abused by karma without ever meeting the guy
Every day I pray for one more opportunity to watch the sun traverse the sky
If this is not allowed then please, before any enforcement, explain to me why...

Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Why do I feel the need to explain myself to myself
Using preloaded excuses from myself for myself then toward myself
Feels impossible to keep myself safe from myself
In the attempts to escape myself I've lost myself
What's it going to take to save myself from myself?
The endless battle with my mental health, fighting myself despite myself
Do I even know myself well enough to know if I should save myself?
Why, at times, do I want to be someone else?
These are the things I ask myself...
...I tell myself to keep it too yourself

George Krokos Oct 2023
There are certain feelings in my heart that I won’t try to explain
which if I were to tell you about them you’d probably complain.
The well-springs of our heart run deep and determine how we live
meaning: if we don’t allow them to flow naturally hold us captive.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Nikita Sep 2021
Explaining the feeling
Of feeling frozen
Is like explaining to a child
Why people hurt
There is no delicate way
To describe the intensity
The entrapment

Words trapped in my throat
My body wrapped in invisible rope
As though a man at each side
Pulls the rope tighter
And tighter

You want me to explain?
Honey, I can’t explain
Something I also don’t know
Paralysed in pain is my common reaction when I’m trying to process something painful to me.
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, explaining is hard:--''

search the olds

never the least

clung onto hopes I hope to cheer

drag the stick and flick them bright in chains

get the ignite and force a light for to be fight in epic

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