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Anthony Mayfield Jul 2018
You hurt
Yet not with blood
Yet still you breathe
At least you breathe
Keep breathing

You shake
And shiver
A fearful lone quiver
Yet still you breathe
At least you breathe
Keep breathing

You live
You survive
I hope you can thrive
Forgive my lies
For you, I’ll stop breathing
Stop breathing

You hurt
I hurt
I’ve cried through the times
You’ve cried through my lies
The Blue Man is coming
For me to stop breathing
Stop breathing

At least the Blue Man
Isn’t coming for you
I’ve lured Him to me
With my silly false truths
You just keep breathing
Keep breathing
And someday
I’ll breathe again
But if I don’t
I will always love you
I had to pick myself up and save myself. But in order to do that, I had to let part of myself go.
Sarah Mann Jul 2018
i have anxiety
well that’s not true i’ve been to therapists, psychologists.
many, so many doctor appointments.
i have old medications for it, i haven’t kept up with
i don’t like the way they force my brain
to conform to the usual and to feel a certain way

sometimes it feels like my head is stuffed with an overflowing amount of crumpled paper *****
piling up crowding the available space in my frontal lobe
the things i never said, the things i should have never said,
the things that someone never said to me.
that special someone that holds hands with the prettier girl
about two feet away from me.
she’s a better fit for you. i guess
the grade that i got on my last math test but really don’t care about
because by this point i’m habituated to the sting of failure.
i sit in my room and cry by myself because my nerves feel like they are ripping apart
or maybe it’s the sensation of exploding
similar to the creation of a star, or i guess in my case,
the painful closure of a life well lived.
of a time far too stressed.

my brain feels very full while simultaneously existing almost on empty.
i wake up from a drowsy late afternoon depression nap with
my neurons firing too fast for me to catch up with and a weirdly powerful
and persevering sense of anger or maybe it’s frustration.
i feel like i’m stuck in a crevasse between the cliffs of successful and beautiful
but maybe i’ve always been here
living in the pits of my insanity stuck under the weights of my anxiety

all of these things are written on these crumpled pieces of paper
there are so many of them, i used to be in control, not anymore
the world feels as if it’s tumbling out of my hands
rolling down the hill and crushing my motivation with it
there are so many things on my mind
right now that no more would be able to fit 
in my brain, it’s overcrowded like an LA rush hour
with time speeding by, with me just sat there working from my tower.

i have reached maximum capacity
and yet i can't stop thinking things,
i can't stop saying stupid things,
i can't stop wishing things. 
i sigh, i reach up to my forehead and i swipe away remnants of exhaustion
and bend down to pick up my backpack that weighs far more than it should
with my shaky hands caused by a high intake of caffeine
that i now require just to stay awake in class
i’m tired but as i sit here avoiding responsibilities
and the anxiety that often travels along with it

i'm hoping that one day when i get to this place
of unbearable tensions in my shoulders
and stress that pulls the insanity directly from my mind
that translates to unrelenting tears falling from my eyes.
the top of my head will crank itself open
and all of these crumpled pieces of thoughts and worries
will pour out into a neat little pile
on the floor 
and disappear
at least for just a while.
that would be nice.
as my arms let go and the tension falls away along with my body
letting go of the stress and the pressures of
holding those pillars together
and fall through the sky
just so i have enough time to
take a truly deep breath.

here’s to a peaceful ending,
a crumbled paper ball fate.
May 9, 2018 2:22PM
During AP Week/theatre performance show of course.
this is she Jul 2018
i walk inside the cathedral
and take a breath
you crashed my heart
so i'm crashing yours
Rj Jul 2018
Breathe in,
My hands shake
Pins and needles in my head
And in my fingertips
Breathe in,
You've got it under control
I lie to myself,
Breathe out,
Pretending like I'm sovereign over my own body,
The silence crashes in my ears like waves,
All I can hear are my own ragged breaths
Breathe out,
Steady, slowly
Just catch your breath.
Now faster, quickly
And once you realize you've lost control,
Hold your breath.
Tw Idk Friday I had a rlly long panic attack it ****** **** also I didn't edit this so have fun w my twelve million mistakes :)
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
I think I am still in a state of shock
Staring vacantly at the wall
Trying to ignore my phone, the fact
My inbox has zero missed calls.

I'm pretending you miss me
And any moment my pocket will ring
I will pick up and hear your voice
Saying you take back every hurtful thing.

Need to touch your skin again
This empty bed haunting me
This is not what I meant when I said
"I cannot wait til the day that I'm free."

Each time I close eyes at night
I replay words in my mind
Wonder how the last few weeks
I could have been so ******* blind.

Why didn't you tell me sooner?
I whisper when you are not around to hear
After all, today was the date that would have marked
Us being together an entire year.

I could have listened and you could've shared
We couldve worked it all out
But waited until now to inform me
This is what you've been thinking about.

Think about the love we share instead
How can you not feel it anymore?
What did I do? What's the hell happened to you?
To change our romance from the way it was before.

I ponder if you're happier now
Sleeping in bed alone
Than you were laying with me
Bet you're fine all on your own.

Reminders of you everywhere
Scattered across my room and head
I cry when I think about how many times
We have dreamt together in my bed.

People assure me it will get better
That I have to be strong
It's hard to act like I'm okay
Every breath I take feels wrong.
How do I breathe without you?
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
I am on fire
Step by step feet scorched by flames
Breath by breath I burn
Let it burn
A Simillacrum Jul 2018
I quit smoking cigarettes.
Romantic ideations of death.
Thinking of the paper taste, now
brings me the same enjoyment.
Balmy, blue summer nights.
Cradled my audience of stars.
Laughing at the shape of waste,
they smile down upon me these days.
I don't know why I quit.
I don't know why I started.
Desperation. Depression.
Emulation? My grandpa, he waved
his hand with his fingers around bones,
tracing orange stories with his dead light,
of his would have been adventures
would he have had the time.

I. I.

I don't have to die
I don't have to re
tire to my

a tale.

I've been so blue.
Out of the loop
with my body
& my mind,

I. I.

I still have the time.

I've been so stressed.
Forgot I could
depress the stress
button just

On my

Now, when
I have ***,
I have the breath
for pleasure:

A Simillacrum Jul 2018
Drapes in brown &
bubblegum shades.
4 the tongue,
particular taste.
Salt of sea,
air of new &
wet fruit beneath
erected hairs of
the first tree.
Pulp for me?
Spring of life
catching at
your knees.
Pulp for me?
Tell me, if I drink,
am I eternal?
Meredith Darrah Jul 2018
My mind races with memories torn up and scattered around with my tornado of destruction
Self-hate lingers in my veins and I fight for breath to fill my crumbling lungs with something other than sorrow
My body weighs heavy with emptiness and with bruises
I soak in continuous numbness
I feel nothing
I ache to feel something other than nothing
III Jul 2018
I'm still straining
     To see the vibrancy
Of colors painting reality,

But at least I've
     Caught my breath
And found my sound.
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