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May 2018 · 414
Stand In The Rain
ShowYouLove May 2018
Stand in the rain,
Let the water wash over.
Stand in the joy and the pain,
Feel the drops upon your skin.

Stand in the darkening sky,
Feel the power and promise;
If you focus, if you really try,
You might hear the voice of God.

Stand in the sea
With the waves crashing wild.
Stand; for the one calling is He.
He is the Lamb so meek and mild.

Stand in the temple and sing,
Lift your heart to the One True King.
The waters of mercy, love’s healing touch;
A gift from the one who loves you so much.

Sometimes I’m drowning in a sea of regret,
The storm of sin is bearing down hard.
In these times I seem to quickly forget
That you gave me your calling card.

Sometimes I’m drowning in your love,
Caught up in the storm of your mercy.
You wash me as white as the new winter snow
Your rain helping me as I try to grow.

I am renewed as I stand in the rain
You are life for my soul like a desert oasis.
Strip me away until you are all that remain
In you, I take root and have my basis.

Stand in the rain; sing and dance.
Remember how we got a second chance?
After the flood that covered the earth
God sent a rainbow and a sign of rebirth.

Stand in the rain sense the peace.
Stand in the rain feel the life.
Stand in the rain know the joy.
Stand in the rain see the beauty.
Stand in the rain come alive.
May 2018 · 2.0k
ShowYouLove May 2018
Oh little flame how bright you burn
And from darkness you will turn
To bathe us in your little light
And guide us through the darkest night

Oh little flame of Holy Fire
In your simplicity you do inspire
You remind me that I too carry
A light that makes the darkness less scary

Oh little flame you are strong
And yet you are so frail
You illuminate the right and wrong
Your little light will pierce the veil

Oh little flame oh cherished glow
Don’t live too fast but take it slow
In living there is sacrifice
In giving there is a price

Oh little flame oh light divine
I hold your light and make it mine
I will shine for all to see
The difference you have made for me
May 2018 · 2.1k
ShowYouLove May 2018
My Lord and my God I am so unworthy
A sinner for all of my days
What did I do to deserve your love
When I deserve death
You died for me you love me wholly
You cleanse my soul and make me holy
By your perfect love you deem me worthy
To be with you eternally in love
You call me your friend, you call me your child
No longer slaves but free from the chains
From my sin and shame you restore me
You raise me up from the mire
Grant me Oh Lord a penitent heart
That I may turn from my ways and die to myself
In dying, you come alive in me
By rising I am born again into new life
You are worthy of all my praise and thanksgiving
You are the reason I am still living
You are worthy of all my love and affection
You are worthy of all my prayer and adoration
You deem me worthy to shine your light
You deem me worthy to listen and write
You deem me worthy to be your child
You deem me worthy of your love
You deem me worthy to be your Lamb
You deem me worthy and though unworthy it is enough
Thank you Oh Lord my God and have mercy on my soul
Help me turn my heart to you and so live in your perfect love
Apr 2018 · 556
Prayer For Our Shepherds
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Lord, on this holy day in which we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, we reflect on your love and guidance for your people as the Good Shepherd. You call us each by name and your sheep know your voice and follow you. There is so much noise in this world that distracts us and pulls our attention away from you and your loving word. Lead and guide us and keep us safe from harm. When we are lost and we stray, you bring us back to be with you again. We are a community; a living body united by you. There is strength and safety in numbers. On Good Shepherd Sunday, we pray for our clergy and especially our priests that they would be good leaders, protectors, and providers for their flocks. We pray that you give them strength, courage, and wisdom to do what is necessary. We pray for their safety and peace for, without their good guidance and council, we would be lost. Thank you Lord for giving us our Shepherds and I pray that we thank and recognize them for their leadership. Help each of us look to you, Lord Jesus, as the model and example as we try to follow what it means to be Good Shepherds for those around us. In this regard, we pray also for those in positions of authority and power that you would put good influences in their lives to help them choose the best good. Jesus, you are the Shepherd of our minds, hearts, souls and lives. Thank you!

ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Let my words fall like drops of rain upon the thirsty ground
Let the joy in my heart be felt for miles around
Let the song from my mouth be as sweet as wild honey
Let me give treasure more valuable than money
Let my praise fill the sky as beautiful as the morning birds
Let me paint a beautiful picture from the gift of my words
Let my prayers rise up like the sweetest perfume
Let my light pierce the night and the darkest gloom
Apr 2018 · 317
Life Times
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
When times are good I have someone to share my joy
When times are tough they carry me
When times are dark they give me hope and light
In the storms they give me comfort and peace
When times are dry they sustain me and give me strength
When I am lost they seek me out to find me again
When I come back they are waiting there to meet me
When times are callous and cold they are kind and warm
When times are too much they take me to a quiet place
When times are tired they give me peace and rest
When times I am sad they are present but give me space
In times of celebration they sing and dance with me
In times of need they have provided
Often times of their presence I am aware
Even when I can’t always see them there
When trouble surrounds me they will see me safely through
For strength from adversity they watched me as I grew
When the time has come at last
To look back on my colored past
I will see that in good and bad and through it all
They are the reason I still can stand tall
There was never a time when I was all alone
I was held by the one who calls me his own
Apr 2018 · 1.2k
Love Was Greater
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Love Was Greater

Love was Greater
Love was greater than our sin and hate
Love is necessary in order to create
Love was greater than suffering and pain
Love bore the weight of all our shame
Love was greater than the power of death
Love gave life with it’s breath
Love was greater than all our dreams
Love is so much more than it first seems
Love was greater than all our fear
Love is something I hold most dear
Love is patient love is kind
Love is gentle love is not blind
Love is slow to anger and quick to forgive
Love is not jealous love loves to give
Love does not boast but acts humbly
Love is what can set a prisoner free
Love never quits when things get hairy
Love will not waste nor will it tarry
Love is what flowed from Jesus’ side
Love was shown when He spread his arms and died
Love was greater than what we deserve
Love has covered over all the earth
Love is greater than all treasure is worth
Love is our heritage love is our legacy
Love is a mystery love is our history
Love is greater than words can say
Love is the message we try to convey
Love is a peace beyond compare
Love is a presence that is everywhere
Love is opening the eyes of my heart
Love has painted us works of art
Love is a secret that needs to be shared
Love was so great that our lives were spared
Love was greater than death on a cross
Love said we’re worth any cost
Love Is Greater
Apr 2018 · 399
ShowYouLove Apr 2018

Lord won’t you purify my heart and soul
Wash me clean transform this lump of coal
By the holy waters and the blood of the Lamb
In this flood I see at last who I really am
I am wonderful I am beautiful I am forever yours
I am precious I am loved by death my life restores
You have put me in a crucible a trial by fire
To purify and strengthen me to lift me ever higher
Right now all I feel is hurt and pain
But with your help my faith will yet remain
I know you’ll see me through this time and place
And on tougher days I gaze upon your face
I find the strength to get up and keep going
One day I’ll look back and see that I was growing
Refine me Lord and renew my beating heart
I know that you are creating a work of art
I am under construction and my Lord is far from done
He is building me in the sight of every one
Purify me Lord that I may be as holy as I ought
Redirect me when I forget the lessons I was taught
You are holy perfect blameless and true
Hear our prayer and make us more like you
In this mess Lord you see only beauty
Like a butterfly one day we will break free
Piece together my broken heart mend my broken wings
Cleanse me from within of sin and other things

Bowing low before your cross
I feel the hope I know the loss
Broken you healed a broken land
Kneeling you showed us how to stand
Cursed you broke the curse of sin and death
You gave your life to give us life with your last breath
You opened your arms to open our eyes
You were truth so we could spot true lies
You were the way when we had lost our way
You spoke life and taught us how to pray
Glory to God the Father and the Son
And the Spirit three in one

2 somewhat separate writings written together
Apr 2018 · 368
ShowYouLove Apr 2018

Look beyond the surface to see the deeper beauty
Look beyond the act to find a sense of duty
Look beyond the words to see the message they contain
Look beyond the fear and see that I still remain
Look beyond the weakness to see the strength within
Look beyond the death to see where life begins
Look beyond the sound to feel the timeless melody
Look beyond the healing to know the one true remedy
Look beyond the noise to the inmost quiet prayer
Look beyond your helping to find out why you care
Look beyond what you see with your eyes
Look with your mind and soul and heart
Look outside and see the morning sun rise
Look and see what was there from the start
Look beyond blind hate and rage to see the time for love
Look beyond yourself and fix your eyes on things above
Look beyond the cross to see the bridge it made
Look beyond the suffering to see the cost was paid
Look beyond the body and blood to the redeeming sacrifice
Look beyond the anger and do something nice
Look beyond your own little world to find a bigger place
Look beyond apology to see forgiveness and grace
Apr 2018 · 1.7k
This Holy Room
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Here I sit in this holy room
Surrounded by God and a heavenly host
Of saints and angels who give him glory.
Each changed by the body and blood
The power of love and beauty in the sacrifice.
Here I sit in this holy room
A witness to the saving power
A devotion to the perpetual presence
Of Christ with us and in us.
We are each bearers of light, bearers of Christ;
We carry him in us wherever we go.
Here I sit in this holy room
To listen and take in this wondrous gift.
I choose to accept this gift.
How can I not want to share this love with others?
How can I keep from singing and shouting His name?
Here I sit in this holy room
Holy Spirit fill this place and my soul,
Uplift them to the throne of God above.
Start a fire in me that cannot be quenched
And set in me the bright flame of love and passion.
Lead my feet and guide my steps along the path
Be my compass and my Northern Star
So I may never lose my way;
So I can always find my way back home.
Here I sit in this holy room
To add my voice to those around the world
At this moment praying for a change
In others and in their own lives:
Praying for safety and peace,
Understanding and patience.
Praying for survival, praying for the faith's revival.
Praying with men and women past and present
To call upon your aid as we aid those in need.
We pray for many things: our families, friends, nation.
We pray for each other, we pray for ourselves.
Lead us to you, take us closer to your merciful heart,
Love us and heal us and teach us where to start.
Here I sit in this holy room
I give thanks for the gift of undeserved love
And cast my gaze to Heaven above.
This Holy Room and He Is With Us were written during Adoration at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale. I went there on a whim one afternoon. The church was supposed to be closed, but I got lucky and I was let in to pray. It was so cool!!
Apr 2018 · 1.6k
He Is With Us
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
He is with us in our hearts and in our lives;
He is not so far away.
Reach out to him in your very breath,
Reach out and hold him in your hands.
He is with us always
To the end of the age and beyond.
He is with us always
We are never truly alone.
He has a place in my heart,
He is here in my soul,
He is the music around me,
He is the spirit that moves me.
He came down from Heaven to live as man;
He came as a human so we might understand
How much he loves us loves you and me.
He is with us at home, at work, at play,
He is beside us each and every day.
This Holy Room and He Is With Us were written during Adoration at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale. I went there on a whim one afternoon. The church was supposed to be closed, but I got lucky and I was let in to pray. It was so cool!!
Apr 2018 · 361
The Journey To Art
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Jesus holds us each in his palm
For we are each unique and hand crafted
Beautifully, wonderfully, fearfully made from the start
He is making a masterpiece a priceless work of art
We are a tile in the mosaic of life
An important part of a bigger picture
We are beautiful because we are different
We are different because we are special
We are special because we are important
We are important because we are loved
When we look right now it is unfinished
It is scarred and cracked and rough
But when we look upon the finished piece
We see love and light and peace
Through the years I was beginning to take shape
A gradual transformation was going on in me
A lifelong journey toward who I'm supposed to be
Written during a "40 Hours Devotion" started by St. John Neumann when he came to America.
Apr 2018 · 419
Mary Holds
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Mary holds the lifeless body
As tears flow from her eyes
Does she also know that
Soon her son must rise?
Mary holds her baby's hand
So little and so frail
Does she also understand
That they would be pierced by a nail?
Mary holds her son close to her chest
When they find him teaching
Does she feel so blessed that
Even to death He is reaching?
Mary holds her son to wish him a good day
As he works with Joseph at his trade
Mary holds our hand as we walk the way
God says: see the work my hands have made!
this was inspired by looking at a statue of Mary holding Jesus' lifeless body in her arms during one Adoration. Written during a "40 Hours Devotion" started by St. John Neumann when he came to America.
Apr 2018 · 960
By the Spirit of God
ShowYouLove Apr 2018
Lead us to the heart of the Father
Comfort us and show us the way
This is my son i whom I am pleased
Filled by the Spirit of God

In the body and the blood
You make us as one
Brothers and sisters all family
One in the Spirit of God

Into the desert for forty long days
Tempted and tried he remained
Faithful to the end
Led by the Spirit of God

From your neighborhood to the ends of the earth
We are sent out to share the good news
Share the love and the joy that we have
Sent by the Spirit of God

A lighthouse beacon in the stormy sea
A hand that reaches out for you and me
A rainbow stretching 'cross the sky
Hope in the Spirit of God

Out from the Ultimate Sacrifice
One man paid the greatest price
By water and blood the world redeemed
Saved by the Spirit of God

From clay and the salt of the earth
The breath of God created man
Christ died so we could rise with Him
Alive by the Spirit of God

We are his children the work of his hand
We are his sheep the flock of his land
We are his treasure our value unmatched
Loved by the Spirit of God
written during a "40 Hours Devotion" started by St. John Neumann when he came to America.
Mar 2018 · 5.2k
The Day The World Waited
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
The world waited with bated breath
What would happen to the man they put to death
The world in solemn stillness lay
It seemed that death had won and hope was far away

All his friends ran away in fright
They forgot the words of Jesus Christ:
"Destroy this temple and on the third day it'll rise
Then you will know this is true and there were no lies"
The people walked with heads bent low
As fear and anxiety continued to grow
Many went back to what they were before
And the faith of so many was shaken to the core
The sky was gray and the sun looked more dim
As if nature itself was dying with him

The world waited with bated breath
What would happen to the man they put to death
The world in solemn stillness lay
Death had won and hope had gone away

But we have seen what comes next
We have read the ancient text
We know the end of this great story
Christ alive and full in glory
Quiet love has conquered all
Scattered fear and darkness, brought down the wall
"The one who died is now alive" the angels sing,
"Rejoice! Sing Hosanna to the Risen King!"
Shout it from the mountain tops so all the world can hear
Spread the good news to all people far and near
We are people of Easter Light in a world dark and dreary
In Him we find our hope and strength when we too are weary
Rise up Oh Children like the sun on that Easter morn
Shine on, like the son for today you are reborn

The world waits with bated breath
The return of the man we put to death
Join me now with the world as together we say:
God has overcome and love has come to show the way!
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Lord you made the universe so vast with one word you spoke creation into existence. But for all of that power, still you have carved me into the palm of your hand. You knew me, all of me perfectly from the beginning of time and you love me: not just some of me, but all of me. You love me so much that you gave up everything, came as a helpless baby, were betrayed by your closest friends, tortured, bled and died for ME. I didn’t deserve it and I can’t earn it, but you gave your life away. Sometimes I take it for granted and I forget how amazing it is and how much you love me. I ask that you would help me show love to others in my life and tell them thanks and how much they mean to me. You give me the ability to breath, to smile, to put my feet on the floor and wake up each morning. I am so grateful. I pray that you would open my eyes to truly see just how richly blessed I am. From the family and friends I have, this country, this faith, the gifts and talents you have bestowed on me to share with others. There are so many things to be grateful for that we don’t even think of: food and water, shelter, clothes to wear, the seasons, having a job. Lord help me see with the eyes of a child, to look at the world with joy and wonder and awe. The rain helps the flowers grow, the beauty in a blade of grass, to find healing in the pain, joy in the sorrow. Lord, I also know that finding things to be grateful for changes our perspective, attitude, and outlook. Even on the bad days, when we look for something positive, the day seems better. Help me give thanks with a grateful heart. Even if it is a simple “Thank you God for getting me through this terrible day!!” there is always something to be grateful and thankful for. Lord, help me to look at this world and see the myriad of good things and blessings that you have so wonderfully and richly given. Help me be more mindful of this fact and then give you thanks. Grant me a grateful heart and a joyful soul. Thank you Lord for your presence in my life and all the gifts you have given me. I love you Lord help me to express that love and gratitude in a more real and dynamic way.

When we are aware of what we have been given and what Christ did for us; when we understand the depth of this love, mercy and grace, we cannot help but turn and do likewise for the world out of gratitude for this gift. We sing because we are thankful. We sing to give him praise and glory and because we are grateful for what he has done for us. We sing because we are grateful to him for the gifts that he has given us and we want to give something back to God. We use the voices and talents he gave us, to turn and give that gift to others and give him the fruits of his blessing. He doesn’t need our singing our praise and adoration, but it gives him joy that we bless him and others with the blessings he has given us.

When we pause for a moment to look around at all that he has created we are overwhelmed by the splendor and majesty of it all. How can we not say “Thank you God for all of this. How great how marvelous is your creation!”

A little bit of gratitude goes a long way as does a little bit of kindness. Congratulate someone on a job well done, give them an affirmation and see the smile on their face. That is gratitude.

Gratitude: short for great attitude.

The 9 Keys for living a life of Gratitude

G is for Grace
R is for Rejoice(ing)
A is for Awe(full)
T is for Thanks
I is for Inspired
T is for Thoughtful
U is for Understanding
D is for Dynamic
E is for Eucharist(ic) Adoration
(And Exceptional!)
Mar 2018 · 162
My Soul Sings for the Lord
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
My soul sings for the Lord
It leaps for joy at the sound of his name
The Lord is rightly to be praised
And all creation shouts with joy
Lifting our voices and hearts in song
We join with the angels in heaven above
To proclaim the world his saving love
We minister to the oppressed and the poor
We welcome the stranger at our door
We open our hearts to those in need
There is always more room to be family
We love those who have not known it
We are led in all things by the spirit
We care for the outcast the sinner the lost
And we do this all and don’t count the cost
Our God is always present and walks along side
He gave us the Bible to be our earthly guide
Angels live among us though not always known
Sometimes it’s the people we have in our lives
They touch us and carry us through our storms
Perhaps angels take many forms
The things that you just can’t explain
The relief from a bad chronic pain
The money that came at just the right time
Rainbows that appear when you ask for a sign
A tear in your eye from out of the blue
A presence you feel and you know it’s true
The perfect words for a perfect stranger
Being protected from certain danger
What is this power unseen yet so real
What is this stirring in my heart that i feel
When we look inside what will emerge
I find a quiet strength and emboldened courage
This is the Spirit of God that is living
These are the gifts that it is giving
Mar 2018 · 165
School Days, Happy Days!
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Wake up in the morning get ready for school
Excited because learning is really cool
We have music and reading and arts and crafts
Painting and science are such a blast
Writing our own story is hard but fun
Feel a sense of accomplishment when we are done
We talk about history and current events
We work with money and it makes cents (sense) haha
We get our nails done and makeup and hair
We help each other out and show we care
We play games like cards and bingo
And before we know it, it’s time to go
But don’t be sad, we’ll see you real soon
Tomorrow we’ll hum another happy tune
Mar 2018 · 137
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Lord help me trust you that I don’t worry
Help me to take it easy and not hurry
Help me quiet my anxious mind
Grant me peace if you are so inclined
Lord help me learn that in stillness waits
The keys to unlock heaven’s gates
Lord help me hear that still small voice
And block out the extra noise
Help me see with the eyes so tender
And eyes to identify the great pretender
Lord give me the strength I require to do your will
And when I need to wait, help me just be still

Lord be the food that fills and sustains
And remind me that only love remains
Walk with me in the daytime
You tell me “You are mine”
Hold me in your arms at night
Wrap me ever in your light
You are great beyond all measure
And giving you glory brings me pleasure
You are holy and powerful mighty are your ways
You alone are worthy of all my thanks and praise

Your faithfulness never falters or fails
Your word is the wind that fills my sails
Your hands of healing bind the broken
Your arms to take us in spread wide open
Your heart so full of tenderness and care
Your constant presence everywhere
My soul sings for you, a song springs from my tongue;
The words pour down like drops of rain when your praise is sung
I love you Lord my God for just what you mean
More than the fact that you restore and redeem
I love you for all that you are to me
I love you for who you are shaping me to be
I love you lord for more than words can ever do
I love you Lord for everything, I love you Lord for you!
Mar 2018 · 139
Into the Desert
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Into the desert you call me
Down in the valley below
Into a place I can can finally see
Just how much I will grow
You take me into the wild
To be tempted and challenged and tried
But I am your precious child
And to free me you hung bled and died

Into the desert I go now
Led by the Spirit within
Every morning I wake and bow
And pray for the strength not to sin
You send your angels to watch and guard
You feed my body and soul
Though the road is long and the journey hard
I know I will reach my goal

Into the desert for forty long days
To fast and pray and learn
To trust you and follow your ways
And find a gift I cannot earn
You satisfy my hungry heart
You give me strength for the miles
You are creating a beautiful work of art
And you paint me with beautiful smiles

Into the desert I learn quiet and still
Into a place of simple surrender
Free of distractions I’m seeking your will
I count on my great defender
I move past the hurt dare to look deeper
Beyond the surface into the space
In the depths of my soul I find a keeper
Full of love and mercy, compassion and grace

Into the desert to walk with my Lord
I ask for his patience his wisdom his love
He paid the price I could never afford
And I smile as He keeps watch from above
On this journey of faith you help me realize
My blindness when I see through your eyes
Mar 2018 · 121
It’s All Love
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
All my life, it’s always been all about love. The gifts and strengths that I have been given, the way I live my life, my passion, my work, my connection to the Most Holy Eucharist, and even my struggles. For me, everything comes back to love. I’ve never been a fighter, I always want peace and love and it pains me to see others in pain. I love to live and I live to love. It seems fitting when I look at the temptations I am most assaulted by, appropriate even. Love is our greatest weapon and strength and that same love leaves us open and vulnerable. But vulnerable is not the same as weak. We were designed to love each other and manifest that love as new life. We were created to be the image and likeness of the creator who is the embodiment of perfect eternal love to reflect it back to each other and in doing so reflect the same to Him.
Mar 2018 · 550
Crazy Love
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That overcomes and transcends all things
Even death itself
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That brings me to my knees yet lifts me up
Even when I fall
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That gives me hope and joy and peace
Even in the dark
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That pursues me and seeks me out
Wherever I may go
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That heals the ***** and the lame
Even raises the dead
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That I can’t earn and don’t deserve
You give it anyway
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That finds us waiting here
Even at this hour
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That changes and arrests me
Even as it frees
Jesus thank you for this crazy love
That you would pour your very blood
To save a wretch like me
Jesus thank you for this daily bread
That satisfies and keeps me fed
Along the journey
Jesus thank you for this place of rest
And in all your goodness you richly blessed
Your precious child
Jesus thank you for the God you are
That you are always close and never far
Even in your greatness
Jesus thank you for this crazy love today
Help me show this crazy love to all I pray
Especially those in need

Mar 2018 · 167
Be Content
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
You say you want to be happy
You say you want to live well
You say you want to be satisfied
But you’re not I can tell
If you only had this one thing
More time, more money, more of that
But, when you do, peace it doesn’t bring
No matter what you have
It never seems to be enough
I want you to be happy
I want you to live well
I want you to be satisfied
I want to give you peace
Be content with who I am content with who you are
Be content with what you have and where you are
I am the one who can be your true happiness
I can help you see how much you are blessed
I have you right where you need to be
I have a plan a future that you don’t yet see
You worry about what lies ahead
But you miss what I’ve just said
Be okay to live in today to live right now
Things tend to work out someway somehow
Be content to stay with me
Place your hand in mine
Listen grow and learn to see the sign
Be content to walk with me
As we travel along the way
Be content to rest in me
To be silent and to pray
Lay your burden down place your troubles at my feet
Trust that I am in control I will give you what you need
Be content to sit with me
To speak not, but be still
Be content to cry with me
For I too cried upon the hill
Be content to laugh with me
To dance and sing and run
And celebrate with me when I find the lost one
Be content with me for I am more than enough
I won’t leave you when things get tough
I softly call your name in the middle of the storm
Cry out to me and I will keep you safe and warm.
When you wonder when you doubt
That there is any way out
Cling to me and you will see
The sun slowly begin to appear
You will know and you will grow
There is nothing you need to fear
Be content with me my child
Let me be enough for you
Mar 2018 · 122
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
To the lame he says get up from your mat and walk
To the mute he says open your mouth and talk
It’s a call to action a movement come alive
It’s a summons for the people it is time to rise
To rise above the anger and pent up rage
To look forward and write a new page
We are lifted up to more than we can be
And it’s on those shoulders that we can start to see
Sometimes the only way we stand is on our knees in prayer
Sometimes it’s only looking back that we see God was there
Cast your eyes to Heaven with prayer like sweet perfume
Let it saturate the air around you and fill this holy room
We were made for more; something truly grand
And one day, someday we might finally understand
We are more than our weakness the sins of our past
We are covered in mercy and grace so vast
We will overcome heartache and sorrow
As sure as the sun will rise again tomorrow.
We have the love of Christ Crucified
We received Life when we should have died
When we die to ourselves we live for each other
We will see through his eyes to love our brother
When we stand united I begin to realize
That there is hope and from the ashes we may rise
Like the Phoenix that dies to be reborn in flame
I believe that, one day, we will do the same
Mar 2018 · 101
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Jesus you are so much more than I deserve
It’s a miracle that you would choose someone like me
But you love me beyond measure
You took on pain and it was your pleasure
You gave yourself to me fully
Still I hold back somehow unsure
From the love that makes me pure
Lord I need you more fill me up
Satisfy this hungry heart fill my cup
Let your blessings overflow as mercy abounds
Let my praises fill the sky and let heaven resound
Help me Lord to give you more
So that you can be more in me
In your greatness make me small
So that I can see you are Lord over all
It’s amazing that the one whom I adore
Wants to give me so much more
In all things Lord help me surrender
Wrap me in your arms love me soft and tender
You mean so much more than I admit
And sometimes it scares me a bit
But God be more and give me rest
Help me see just how much I’m blessed
I love you Lord help me live it out loud
As I try to live well I know you are more than proud
Make me more than who I am
Make me who I’m meant to be
Make me more than just a man
Make me all of what you see
Mar 2018 · 1.0k
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
What is more precious, more fleeting than time? So much of the world and our lives revolve around it. We have a set amount of it and all too quickly it is gone. What do we do with the time that we have? How do we spend it and what do we spend it on? Many of us try to do too much or do too little and regret our spending. We wish we spent more time with our families, our children, our friends: on the things that truly matter. This is all well and good, but how much of our time do we invest in our relationship with God, our time in prayer, worship and fellowship? How important is it and how important is it to us? Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in doing things that we forget to just be. We forget to stop, pause, or even slow down. We are always racing somewhere and we miss the beauty and the blessings that are all around. Let us take a little bit of our ever precious time and spend it with God, the one who gives us this gift in the first place. Did God ever feel lonely and want someone to talk to him? Is there someone in our lives that we haven’t talked to or spent time with in a while? Giving someone part of your time is one of the greatest and most meaningful gifts you can give someone. You give them the gift of your presence and it lets them know how special and loved they are because it’s not something that most of us give away freely.
Mar 2018 · 1.5k
Stairway to Heaven
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Along the stairway to Heaven
The angels play their harps of gold
They sing hymns of ceaseless praise
To the prince of peace and king of kings.
He came down from Heaven to take his place as man
To pay the cost we could not pay was always the plan.
I walk along the stairway to Heaven
It is a long and challenging climb
But I keep my eyes fixed ahead and I make some progress.
I do not walk alone for there are many here with me
The way we make it up is to help each other.
Mary made a path for us and Jesus paved the way
Joseph walks beside us lending us his strength
Jacob dreams a ladder stretching from Heaven to earth.
The cross became the bridge with which to cross
The Grand Canyon that is between us and God.
Sometimes I feel like I'm close to you
Other times I'm miles away and in the dark.
Be with me Lord and help me on the way
Lord give me strength for the journey.
At times the climb is more like a battle
Fighting just to keep my feet from falling
But when I lose hope I think I feel you calling.
The stairway to Heaven will last a lifetime
There are many gone before us to help show us
To guide and encourage and challenge.
Following their light to the source of all light.
The stairway to Heaven is not always an easy climb
But it has been well worth the struggle every single time.
Mar 2018 · 310
From The Cross
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
You look at me with eyes of love
There is no condemnation or reproach
You see me from your throne above
At your feet I humbly approach

You hear my cries of longing
Cries of passion and of sorrow
You hear me when I sing
And you wake me in the 'morrow

You feel my pain and heartache
As if they were your own
And when I feel it's more than I can take
This too, you have known

You reach out to me from the wooden cross
And as you finally breathe your last
I feel a sense of overwhelming loss
And, equally, mercy and grace so vast

My heart beats because of you
My heart beats for love of you
As long as my heart beats I'll live for you
Help me Lord to give it back to you

Mar 2018 · 942
What I Saw
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
I looked up to the cross and down deep inside
I saw redemption and the shame I can't hide
I looked up to the heavens and down on the city streets
Now and then I glimpsed where hurt and healing meets
I looked from the four ends of the earth
And there I experienced a kind of rebirth
I looked from the richest to the poorest of there
Where I stood there was more to wealth than what I see
I saw that they were joyful, so warm and real
They lived with such enthusiasm; such zeal!
I looked up from my little world to see what awaited
I saw there a great big place so wonderfully created
I looked back and saw that things had shifted
I began to see how I was gifted
I looked to God and saw his Merciful Heart
And in my inmost being a change would start
I looked to God and saw his Precious Blood
And I was washed clean in that Holy Flood
I looked to God and saw his Body Broken
And I saw him with arms Held Open
I looked to God and felt a kind of Power
That remains every day until my Final Hour
Mar 2018 · 1.3k
Worthy To Be Praised
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
The Lord God is worthy to be praised
Strong and mighty for all of my days
Lifted high above the earth
He died so we could see what we're worth
Jesus friend of sinners the lost and the shamed
Jesus healer of our ills breaker of our chains
Saved us by his mighty hand
But we are sinking rapidly in shifting sand
Full of compassion and rich is his love
His kindness endures and mercy rains from above
When we are lost and confused he carries us back
In the pasture of the Lord there is nothing that we lack
Green are the fields upon which we rest
The pure spring water is simply the best
The sun rises and bathes us with light
We are precious in his sight
He guides us through the valleys by his staff and rod
In the darkness we will not fear for the shepherd is our God
Mar 2018 · 893
The Lord Looks Back
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Look into my eyes Lord
Look deep into my soul.
See the work your hands have made
I see the cost that love has paid.
I gaze longingly into your eyes
And as you look right back at me
I am pierced as if by the nails.
As you hang ****** and broken,
In total surrender, you took the all;
You gave up everything so I could have it all.
Into your presence I come,
In this moment I will stay.
Let your fire fall like rain;
Hear me when I pray.
I turn back to you like the prodigal son
I ask for forgiveness, but it's already done.
I am wrapped in your cloak of grace
My soul is lifted on a cloud of praise.
In the rivers of your blood
Comes the waters of love:
Washing the earth and healing
A broken world, in need of feeling
Your peace and love and passion
And being good is back in fashion.
You satisfy the hungry heart
My soul longs for you and pains.
Like a man in the desert longs for rains
You are living water Lord; source of life and peace.
Help me surrender so that you may increase.
I come to do your will and I'm grateful for the gift
To be with you and seek the truth and then, in word, to lift
Your holy name to share the love I've found.
Take my feet and place them on solid, sacred ground
Walk with me as I try to walk this road
Help me bear, with patience, my load.
When I lose sight of the perspective,
Remind me gently the suffering you once bore.
Each day Lord, help me want you more.
I was lost and wandering, and you sought me out
I trust you Lord from within and from without.
You keep your promises, your covenant;
Help me fulfill my end of the deal.
I don't know what all you have in mind
But I am certain of one thing: it will be divine!
Written March 17th during Adoration at Faith and Fellowship Lenten Retreat
Mar 2018 · 2.1k
Praise Him for His Greatness
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Praise him for his greatness
For the wondrous things he has done
Praise him all you peoples
In the sight of everyone

Praise him for all creation
For it’s beauty and it’s wonder
Praise him every nation
With voices loud as thunder

Praise him all you children
Pure of heart and full of joy
Praise him for he lives in
Every little girl and boy

Praise him for his mighty hand
Praise him for his loving heart
Praise him for the good he has planned
Praise him for his works of art

Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow
Breathe deeply and live life well
Praise him for the rain which makes us grow
And for his presence even when we can’t tell

Praise the Lord for he is good
Worthy of our love for he gave us
His life when no one else could
Unworthy, still he forgave us
Mar 2018 · 371
Lord In Your Goodness
ShowYouLove Mar 2018
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me
My enemies surround me they plot my demise
With wicked words they seek to trap me
Day and night they scheme with evil in their hearts
I fear for my life my safety Oh Lord my God
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me

They lie in the shadows watching and waiting
Waiting for a moment of weakness to pounce
But you my God are my protector in trouble
You are my shield and my strength
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me

I cry out to you come save me from these wolves
Hear my pleas Oh Lord and save me in my distress
Deliver me from my foes and by your right hand guard me
I trust in you God come swiftly to my aid
Lord in your goodness hear and answer me
A Prayer of Trust and rescue from danger
Feb 2018 · 297
Light in the Darkness
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Even in the deepest darkness His light can penetrate
There is no place we can run or hide that He won't find us
Even the darkness is light to Him
The night is as bright as the day
The light of love can dispel all our darkness and fear
It can chase away the dark clouds
Or hold us close until they pass
Even in the shadows there must be light
We appreciate the darkness because of the light
And appreciate light because we have darkness
We find ourselves whole when we embrace
The goodness and badness in ourselves
When we accept our divinity and humanity
It is in the shadow of the cross
That we find His saving light

May we be a light in the darkness
Shining bright for all humanity
Let us be a beacon of hope to show the way
Let us radiate the love and peace of Christ
In a world that seems wrapped in despair and hate
And when we feel the touch
Of darkness in our lives
Lord, send someone to lift us out of darkness
And bring us back into light
Feb 2018 · 791
I Come Before You
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I come before you open and broken
I come before you to write what is spoken
I come before you in humble humility
I praise you for and through this gifted ability
You are the source from whom all blessings flow
You are the sea in all it's majesty
You are the wind that sets me free
You are the mountains reaching ever higher
You are the spark that started the fire
You are great and glorious
Over sin and death, you rose victorious
I come before you in deep respect
I come before you pleading you to protect
To grant peace and strength and healing
To transform this guilt and hurt we are feeling
I come before you to ask wisdom and understanding
I come to ask your strength when life seems too demanding
You are the healer for our broken heart
Each morning you give us is a fresh start
You are the song that rolls off my tongue
You are the music of life forever being sung
As you pour your love down
In this flood of love, I drown
Fill me with a presence that cannot be contained
Bless me with the courage to share it unrestrained
Feb 2018 · 392
Ode to Friends
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
When you smile, my heart skips a beat
When you sing, I move my feet
Your bright bubbly personality is a breath of fresh air
It always makes me better knowing you are there
You brighten my day and make me smile
You possess a beauty that is always in style
You shine like the sun and the stars at night
You are a constant source of warmth and light
You are my friend, this much is true
You are my friend and that's why I love you
Feb 2018 · 278
Storm at Night
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
The black clouds above blot out the light
The air becomes heavy and it fills me with fright
Shut tight my eyes and cover my ears
Hide under covers fighting my fears
Off in the distance is the sounding of Thunder
And then in one moment the sky split asunder
Dancing lightning setting fire to the sky
And from my mouth escapes a small cry
I am so small and so weak a helpless little child
Hold me close to you while the night rages wild
Feb 2018 · 397
Jekyll and Hyde (I'm Sorry)
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I'm sorry for living like Jekyll and Hyde
One life at church and another outside
I'm sorry for not loving and trusting you like I should
I'm sorry for the times when I've caused pain and not good
I'm sorry for when I choose wrong over right
I'm sorry when I choose darkness over light
I'm sorry Lord for the things I've done
I'm sorry Lord that I hurt your son
Feb 2018 · 256
Looking for Answers
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
I've been asking a lot of questions lately
Trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do
And where I'm supposed to go
I don't think I'm asking too much: just a simple yes or no
That's all I want that's all I really need
I've been asking for so long and wondering whether you can hear me
So I start to doubt and my hope wanes a little
Feb 2018 · 358
So Much More
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Your love is deeper than the oceans
Your grace reaches through the valley below
So much more than just a savior, more than just a friend
So much more than just a power that I can't comprehend
You are truth, you are grace, you are joy I can't contain
You are love, you are life, and I'll never be the same
All the stars shining down on a clear night sky
You came to save a wretch like me I can't imagine why
So much more than just a light you came into my life and now I glow
You made a home inside my heart and softened every hardened part and I start to grow
I once was lost adrift at sea the wind and waves grew wild
Afraid I prayed and through the storm you heard and you found me
For years I was blind I could not see your face
But with open eyes I see the depth and power of your amazing grace
You aren't just a man who was born who lived and died
Son of God and son of man you were crucified
You weren't just a prophet a teacher or a king
You are the author of life and creator of everything
So much more than simple stories the parables you shared
Your death to show us just how much you really cared
You aren't just a healer a doer of good deeds
You tended to our spiritual needs
You are so much more than surface going right to my core
Satisfy this longing this hunger! It's you I'm yearning for
A reflection mirroring part of Amazing Grace
Feb 2018 · 223
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Everyday I'm told to live in a way that gives you glory
Everyday I'm called to walk and tell the world your story
But I just don't know if i can really do this
So I just won't go, afraid that I'll miss
They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step of faith
It'll take a miracle because the first step is the hardest to take
And I just can't see where it is you're taking me
So I'll stay right here out of comfort and fear
They say you can walk on water if you just believe
Or move mountains with faith the size of a mustard seed
But I just don't think I'm strong enough
For the wind is strong and the waves are rough
I try to follow you and walk in your truth and light
Yet I try to avoid doing wrong and strive to do what is right
But I fall so readily and start to sink in shifting sands
So I cry out. Place my feet upon the rock, help me to dry land
Feb 2018 · 317
The Cardinal
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
A splash of red against the wall of white
He stands: still and stark in the silent snow.
The sun strikes the new fallen snow
And light dances from a million crystals and more.
Sensing no danger, he calls for his mate.
With a voice strong and clear and sweet he sings for her
To feast on winter berries and sunflower seeds,
Keeping eye and ear out as his bride feeds.
Together forever these two they shall be:
When they mate, they mate for life you see.
Here he stands upon the fence, ever faithful ever true:
Dressed in ruby regalia, he looks at me and you.
Feb 2018 · 324
Giving (Sonnet)
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Giving brings a smile to the heart
It lifts the spirit and puts a light in the eyes
To change the world, we must be the ones to start
An anonymous gift is quite a pleasant surprise

More precious than gold is the gift of our time
There are many ways to give help and give hope
Priceless gifts that don't cost a dime
In the world today we climb a steep *****

Why do we give? What makes it great?
We give to make a difference and put a smile on someone's face
We express love and set aside hate
It's always better to be kind in any case

Sometimes I feel that when I am giving,
Only then am I truly living
Written in the rhyme scheme of a sonnet. Not a pure sonnet in iambic pentameter.
Feb 2018 · 287
Wintertime (Accrostic)
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Walking through the snow
In a winter wonderland we go
Near to our hearts are family and friends
Treetops look so pure and white
Even in the dark our hearts are light
Rudolph and Frosty we watch on T.V.
Time to slow down for time goes so fast
I really wish that I could make the moment last
Memories of joy and laughter: good times in the year
Evening sky is crystal clear
Feb 2018 · 343
Sound of Spring
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Spring is finally here: winter has come and passed.
Days are getting longer, it's getting warmer at last.
Sunshine melts the snow to quench the thirsty ground,
And on Easter morning, many eggs are found.
Red and yellow roses, daisies and daffodils too;
The smile that appears whenever I think of you.
All creation comes alive with a natural symphony
That pours forth from every rock and stream and tree.
Music fills the air as the rainbow dances across the sky,
This beauty I cannot express no matter how hard I try.
Written by: Dallas, Tarik, Tony, Pam, Audra, and Cynthia
Feb 2018 · 259
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
The bird takes flight on the wings of the morn
Uplifted; into the sky they are borne
The air is filled by their joyous song
And the earth stirs to sing along
There is nothing so great as a bird in flight
The spirit soars as hope alights
Flying free upon the vast sea of blue
To feel the wind flow past, to be renewed
I am one with the sun, the sky and breeze
Moving effortlessly through the trees
There is a kind of lightness in the soul
In these times, I am made whole
Written by: Dallas and A.B.
Feb 2018 · 386
Our Love
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
When I am down, you make my darkness light
You melt my frozen heart with your burning fire
You greet me when I wake like the morning sun
When I am lost at sea you are my Northern Star
Guiding me home again, waiting like a candle
Brighter than any diamond you shine

You blind me and astound me how bright you shine
I gaze upon your beauty as you radiate light
You glow as though you are a soft candle
I am consumed by your wild fire
Your hair is like the sun and your eyes sparkle like a star
You warm my bones with your life-giving sun

I thrive in the constancy of the sun
With you at my side I can go through rain or shine
Ever constant ever true my ever fix-ed star
You bathe me in your soft warm light
I am cleansed in your purifying fire
You honor my memory with a memorial candle

Nothing lasts forever: a sacrificial candle
One day death will come even for the sun
The evening sky ablaze with celestial fire
The sun sets and the moon comes out to shine
There is balance: good and evil, darkness and light
I know all of you like I know every star

In your arms, we dance across the sea of stars
The millions of twinkling lights couldn't hold a candle
Shadows run away at the brilliance of your light
Against you, my dear, your light dims the sun
My love for you will always shine
You will burn strong and steady, an eternal fire

Here we sit side by side at the fire
A canopy of sky and a blanket of stars
Even in this darkness, still you shine
Bound together in the light of a single candle
Staying up just to greet the morning sun
To see a new day born to pure and glorious light
In the form of a Villanelle minus the last three lines that are supposed to be at the end. Written by Dallas and A.B.
Feb 2018 · 451
Follow Your Heart <3
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
When the path ahead is dark, find the light inside:
Believe in yourself and let your heart be your guide.
Reach out through the darkness and take my hand,
I will bring you from stormy seas onto dry land.
Keep the faith, the flame of hope alive
And, though you don't know the way, you will arrive.
Listen to your heart beating in your chest
Have you ever wondered how much you are blessed?
Feel my heart beat just like yours
That, when you are close, it swoops and soars.
What is this feeling? It's painful, and it longs.
I long to find a home, a place my heart belongs.
It's a feeling so tender, so clear and real
Could it be love that I now feel?
You give me joy, you are my life
My life is yours. Will you be my wife?
I promise to live as your love deserves:
Walking together in straight roads and curves.
I promise to cherish and protect you every day
To communicate and listen, to comfort and pray.
You have my heart, you are my life. The choice is yours to make:
Will we join together in heart and hand and take the leap of faith?
Feb 2018 · 740
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Send your Spirit to ignite
And let us radiate your light
Let us shine before all men
Even in the Lion's Den
Stoke the passion deep inside
Be courageous; not terrified!
In the storm and in the dark
We will be that single spark
We will start a Holy Fire
Giving hope that will inspire
A nation that is now divided
A people who are short-sighted
We can still change the course
If we could, from our selfishness, divorce
It starts today, it starts with me
It starts right here can't you see?
It takes some time to turn a ship around
But I know where my hope and strength are found
If we come together, a people all as one
We can come out of the storm to see the sun
There is a glimmer of hope in a future dark and dim
When we get past our differences and look at Him
Feb 2018 · 653
Hymn of Praise
ShowYouLove Feb 2018
Holy is Your name, exalted above all
On every ear and heart may the Good News fall.
Glory to you God, Name above all Names
For, your greatness, the earth and angels proclaim.
Every fiber sings to your majesty Lord;
Words of love and truth, from every tongue, are poured.
The rocks cry out in wonder: the very air is alive,
The very ground upon which we walk is sanctified.
We sing out your praises as they saturate the sky,
A sacrifice most pleasing to you: The Most High!
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