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Jan 4 · 172
We're here now
Mercy Jan 4
If you'd have asked me how
I wouldn't have been able to tell you
But He touched me
The energy I used trying to prove a point
I redirected it to seeking Him
I surrender.

I couldn't keep going back to
He leaves the 99 for the 1
I needed to see draw near to me as I draw near to you

Yes He touched me
Soaking my face towel in
Regrets and repentance
I felt a warm embrace

Every year I crossover
It humbles me coz who I'm I
That He favors me this way
Filled with gratitude on my knees
For He didn't allow the suicide to go through
Didn't hold my past against me
And everyday renewing His mercies
What a privilege!

So in the deep...
I'll trade my fear for trust
Guilt and shame for gratitude
Regret and reproach for thanksgiving

I said once make sure when you look back you can do it with a smile
But I'm also allowing you to look
Back with a cry coz you've made it through.

The mountains before you are now so far behind you.
The darkness that was palpable now gone to be forgotten
Coz light don't negotiate with the dark.
Finally you can breathe out and breathe in fresh air.

Pull your head out the water.
You're safe.
We're here now!
This far He's Ebenezer
Feb 2024 · 138
Fooled again
Mercy Feb 2024
They say if you were fooled once it's not on you but when the cycle repeats itself then that's on you.
Guess I saw a silhouette of my knight in shining armor in just a mere man
I own it,
It should have been obvious though,
Can't you see it
You are a too good to be true commodity
Reason why people leave you on the shelf

I'm torn, what exactly I'm i supposed to become to be seen for who I really am.
Guess it's just another journal day.
God what messed up cycle do you keep putting me through,
What exactly am I missing

Maybe it's the prayer I make about him
The him I don't know
The him I need
The him who is final
For now I'm being tested and told to be open
But I'm not a register for anyone to sign up
I am selective and I'm not about to down size myself to fit in a smaller package.

All I have to offer now is this current me
I'm more of beauty and brains and that's fine by me.
Imma keep at it.
If the cycle will keep playing the same game then it's on.
This time I won't sell myself short or fit in the idea someone else has of me in their medulla.

I'll just have to watch and learn
Jan 2024 · 160
I think I'm in love.
Mercy Jan 2024
I put my heart a way in a lock and key
Threw the key in a well
I never thought there was a force so strong
That could pull the key to
Open me up again
But he has managed.
L. O
Who would have thought,
The aloof beauty has some warmth left in her
I'm still in awe
Still scared but this time
I'm more scared of regret than jumping the cliff
I pray that the ground won't
Stretch it's lips this time to
Kiss my pretty face..
All I want is to fall in his arms,
Embrace his sweet heart as though it's mine.

Baby I don't just want to love you.
I want to hold your hand through and through
You make me feel like a small teenage girl
May 2022 · 302
Mercy May 2022
Life is a spectrum,
As by passage through a prism
It's said that the greatest war
We indulge in mostly
Is between our hearts and brain.
My question is why?
Why do two components staged to work in one anthropoid tend to differ so much?
Which one provides more clarity?
Its funny how hard it is to comprehend our thoughts in that direction.
It's sickening right?
I know...
But to get our balance
We'll have to resist.
Fight against ourselves
Our thoughts.
But the question we must ask is;
Can we do it?
Are we brave enough?
Some silence to a disturbed mind is key.
Feb 2022 · 767
Game changer
Mercy Feb 2022

What do you do when you're at the edge
That place that you keep
Landing in...
Over and over as though a melody?.

When waves of emotions stir up
As tears fight,
Trying to escape my eye lids
Maybe wash off the pain in my eyes.

Religion, relationship, career, purpose
Nothing makes sense
I'm at a loss here
What's with me
Do I enjoy the roller coaster
And why is it always painful

This knife stuck in my
Stuck., as my molten blood
Burn it down,
Melting it from it's metallic state
Consumed completely into dark
The horror.
The voices, the mock,
The evil laugh,
Of him winning
Ha!'re a seven remember
The mass that should
Predict the future behind you doesn't measure up,
Your face is pale,
Your eyes dilated,
Your knees sharp...decide whether you wanna be a girl coz ha!
Your short fat fingers ugh! Pathetic!
What was God even thinking trying to put up all this?
You're the definition of mess.

At that dark corner
I smiled,
I chuckled and in the middle of a chuckle  
I broke a tear
And laughed hysterically
For the sick joke.

Striding slowly to the mirror.
I see my reflection
I'm not sure what they saw
When they were saying all that
Coz I don't see it.
I see a reflection of God
Maker of the heavens and earth

Can't believe it broke my heart
Listening to their empty
Maybe I forget how perfect
His work is
I hope I'll snap in time
To appreciate the rhythm
For the hallelujahs we to raise

Coz everything He created was good and perfect
So next time you
Find yourself doubting
His master piece
Consult The spirit that
Hovered over the waters
When the earth was with no form
Helping the Father complete His work
Which was affirmed good.
Not forgetting Him breathing life into
You and placing you
Where He called good and perfect.

Let His words flow out of you
Changing the slow rock rhythm that keeps living you hanging on the edge
And dance on those sharp
Thorns coz even though the snake
Bites you,

The poison won't harm you.
Maybe you're a small girl which
Is perfect coz you have a big God.
Small girl big God
Sep 2021 · 337
Mercy Sep 2021
The heat emission
Burning my heart down to submission
Only to wake at eviction.
Creative drafts bins recycle reuse life poetry love fate
Aug 2021 · 1.3k
State of mind
Mercy Aug 2021
Hey long time
Was his first statement
I thought I'd be excited and ready
To face him after the long break.
I couldn't
I couldn't stand the smirk in his face
The composed frame
The focused look
Who are you?
Why the heck am I the only one bothered here?
For a moment right there I was loosing it
Deep within but kept a straight look
Unbothered by what was happening on the outside
While the inside was nothing but chaos
The long hug after seeing me
Affirmation that we will be fine.
I chuckled coz that possibility is a
Forgotten story
And I'm not willing to dig up
The skeletons in that grave.
When you left I died
My corpses gently placed in the tomb
Of never will I ever
But look at me now.
I have it all
But the saddest tell of our tale
Is that your absence
Will always drive me to
The point of never mind.
It is what it is
May 2021 · 247
Give @niamornimo
Mercy May 2021
I'm fine on my own,
I was fine on my own,
Won't stop doing so either way,
I'm halfway done almost a masterpiece,
Only if I give it my full attention to heal.

The breaking part is getting old,
I hate guessing, and been
Enlightened that con**-men give,
By earning trust, time and chance
But am on a timeline
Where it's better for nothing to be happening,
Than a download pending update

My patience I ran out
The day I realized I give
More than they deserve,
It's not why give that's eating me up,
But why consistently give when it's not something
That graces my lips to curve upwards as it crosses my mind.

If all you asking is for me to give,
Then I'll give you my regards
Sending you off to the next
Patient who has enough patience
To give you the chance to
Pull yourself together,
Time to prove your worth,
And enough time to earn each other's trust.

Am an ocean, I give beauty
And breath taking sceneries,
Smile to the sun whenever it
Smothers me with it's warmth,
Gracing me with it's glee
Brightening my core with its shine.
I give myself by embracing
My shores to it's least,
Closing-in to it's depth and surfacing my weak emotions with no weight.
That's how am built
As far as I have water and the void to fill,
Flowing will be me in waves
Through tides and against rocks.
I As the ocean accommodates the dead too
And live with it until someone
Picks out the rote in me.
As long as I have an inlet and an outlet
Expect me to give fresh water.
Remember a pin dropped in an ocean doesn't move waves.
I hate guessing and being in cycles. Overthinking dropped me in a depressions once and am not going back to that hellhole so God help me
May 2021 · 203
What now? @niamornimo
Mercy May 2021
Guess it's always a bad idea
Trying to make them understand
I mean the blind can see my
Inner feelings though
They are visually impaired
Yet the ones I try so hard
To explain to how
I feel don't even try listening let alone
Yeah it's a hard pill to swallow
But remember we said
Unless it's the *I" before "they"
I don't wanna hear it too.
So what now?
Mar 2021 · 214
Who are you?
Mercy Mar 2021
Telling a tale of
Our fairy tale
Was my favorite part of us
In the abyss of pain
The warmth was immense
Now after healing
Telling it out is equally
Irrelevant as your relevance in the story
Comes about as brush offs
Am happy
Grateful and thankful that you left
I've grown in thickness of experience
And understanding that wouldn't
Have been so if you were to stay.
Though the pain ain't there more
Once I tell of our tale
Gloom fills my room. Now am asking who are you?
Crazy love hello poetry
Feb 2021 · 309
Mercy Feb 2021
Baby stay
Calm my inner Storm
With your authoritative peace
Competing each piece
Feb 2021 · 180
Mercy Feb 2021
I promised never to
Lay it on paper if
Its all about you
But I guess it's easier
Said than done
The more I throw away
My pen and burn up
My book
The closer I get to
Reignition of hope
Maybe we were meant
To be
I should really stop doing this
Lord have your way
I need to sleep
**** my mind just can't stop
It Should be about you girl
You promised
Look at you now
Hopping back seat
Next to insomnia and amnesia
If I knew how hard
This was gonn be
I wouldn't have Loved deep
Or not at all
Wouldn't let information
Pave into my scarce world
Built-up a fortress and
Assume an island
Coz sanity now sounds like an
Insane understanding of meaning
Lost I am in the woods of
My walls
Gulping down
Large loops of
wrong choices
Right complications
Confusing ambiance
Crowned with a cover up smile
A drunkard never admits to being drunk
Dec 2020 · 380
Mercy Dec 2020
"Hey boo its festive season"
"Cmon just a day"
"I count on it though"
"Mercy please"
"Okay fine"
Guess its my turn to stop
Being a constant knock
On an abandoned
Oct 2020 · 253
Mercy Oct 2020
I thought I was
A bungalow filled
With webs
Then I met you
A son
A light
A star
In between the suburbs
Of my healing
Its hard to explain the contractions
Of my veins and arteries
Coz the excitement
Registration is new to my
Mixed signals squeezing my
System to chuckle
Blush and giggle
I think am in Love again.
So my burial was birth
To this beauty
The kissing of smiles
Chucks of imagination
I can't clearly tell coz you know
You can't keep throwing stones
When you own a house of glass.
Sep 2020 · 137
Good Old Days
Mercy Sep 2020
We were a perfect couple
you know...
you took several steps ahead
while i took few back
and realized we had
a pen with ink full
but held on tightly onto
the eraser like it was
too good to be true.

i often wonder

was it all silver lining
in the dark clouds
or a knight in shining armor???
and wake up on you know
"honey **** happens"
you see like a man
standing on the window
watching the sunrise.
As harmonious as the
scene is,
The melancholy written
on his perfect face
can't salvage his dying soul
that keeps giving in
into darkness.

I love you and
that's undeniable
as every time
am caught spacing out
Like a broken dam the
Out burst of
your existence from
my lips is overflowing
unable to make
the slightest progress
Hiding behind
A good old soul.

Am not sure
How to appreciate
The current feel
When am stuck on
The déjà s of yesterday.

Wishing i could stare
Right into your
Core through your eyes
Asking you to hold
My hand coz our
Next fall will be
In the old and grey
Greetings of
Yellow rays on our
perfect view of the
Ocean watching
The marvel unfold
And splendor of your
young old face
Giggle in flames of
yesterday to holding
our torch of tomorrow.
Love convinces otherwise sometimes...give it time
Sep 2020 · 191
Mercy Sep 2020
I made a choice
Learnt to Love just
As you taught me
Now with all the
Knowledge am confused
Where to implicate.
I try to resonate with
Possibilities of waiting as
part of testing but loose my balance on

If communication wasn't
Much of a death wish to you
Maybe our LOVE
Would still be alive.
But you can't miss
What you replaced.
You choose what poison should **** you, Ego was where you fell and fell hard.
I mean you concur your Goliath
Aug 2020 · 115
What matters
Mercy Aug 2020
I know you are mad
But am confused
On what action
To take
You went missing
And you do not want
Me finding you or
You finding me
It ***** but you know
I get my head around everything
Lately rollercoaster's been
My ride or die
I love the audacity it
Pulls in.
You can ask the
Lost Son if you
The rebellious always get a way out.
#Rage #Furious #Family #Love #Life
Aug 2020 · 113
What matters.
Mercy Aug 2020
I don't trust
This thing drumming
Inside my chest
Misled me once
And such privileges
Comes at a cost
What should I do
Trade it for a pure one
Bleach it to spice it up a lil bit
Do away with it
Stop listening to it
Ignore it
Or embrace its state coz
As much as I want to run
I own it
Been engulfed by love
To it
I am its
And its mine.
What is the matter with me
Or really what matters
Despair Nostalgia Insomnia Heart Brokenness Love Purpose Confusion Validation Life HelloPoetry Familypoetry LovePoetry
Aug 2020 · 674
Can't keep up
Mercy Aug 2020
The waves welling
Up my throat
My stomach full with doubt
Constipating despair
Irritated by questions
As my brain can't comply
My reasoning sick
And the rhetorics
Driving me crazy on what
Is the real deal here.

Who am I?
Why me?
Why all the struggle?
Then purpose drops
But the questions still
Remains unanswered
Bewildered at how people
Push through suchlike
And why?

You know yesterday
I actually found a card
He once sent me
Then reading I discovered,
He saw that coming
Us breaking up
"We may not be making each other aware of our feelings often, but the love we share, is beyond the day to day expressing...
Its a feeling that our hearts have taken for granted forever."

Am not sure what I
Feel anymore
Should it be joy
That he hoped that even though now
We might part ways
That later we will reunite
Or he saw that even though
Our love was true
It was forbidden and
The only way out to
Protect both our hearts
Was to break the bond and hurt
To nurse it all our lives.

Its hard to keep breaking
Through when all I can do
Is try keep up!!!
This breakup sure is contradicting to everything I believe in.
Jul 2020 · 342
Mercy Jul 2020
Today someone tried
To resolve my
Let go issues
I chuckled.

I can't narrate to them
The battle within
The one you let
Your guard down
Swallow your pride
And accept defeat
Despite the voice within to fight.

Another says He loves me
I look deep within
Their eyes and
Face a wolf hungry
Ready to devour their prey.

But you were my shadow
Where when the going gets
The tough kept going
And through my veins
Reigned trust
For when the light desipated
You closed-in within me
Keeping me warm.

But this time
Its cloudy and as nice
As it was to wake
Jump out to greet
You before me
This time i waited only
To get wet from the
Continuos druming
Of rain drops
My stomach flooded.

Each night oozing out
Bits of salty flows
From my fluffy reddened
Accepting some battles are
Won by bowing to
A drowned body starts by wearing off its spirit.
Jul 2020 · 364
Mercy Jul 2020
On the break
I asked..
Does he miss me?
Why has he never called?
Does he even have an idea why?
Why i left?
Why i try to be happy for him?
Why i hold back my tears?
Why i keep smiling in disguise?
Why he keeps me guessing?

Then in long solitude
I learnt you can't miss
What you replaced.
An ache is barely blown off by wind.
Jul 2020 · 211
Mercy Jul 2020
Writing was a walk
In the park
As the dew kissed
My numb feet.
I slid easily and
Words flew from my
Heart to paper
Like a broken dam.
But here i am
Unable to gup
A word just because
You said *HI
Love is stupid
Jul 2020 · 488
I miss you.
Mercy Jul 2020
Every time i tuck
My lazarus body
Under the quilt
And put the lights off
You get nigh in
Every dillusion
**** i wish
I could turn back time.
Too bad we just
Water under the bridge.
The impact of an old lover is hard to comprehend.
Jul 2020 · 168
Love complications
Mercy Jul 2020

I kept wondering why
In such a long time i
Held the memory in
The back of my mind

Pictures to scenes
Perfectly clear while
He took away
My innocence
Bit by bit

I told myself
Time heals but its a decade
Past but instead
Of forgetting becomes
More real
More pronounced.

As i listen to romantic()
Memories floods my mind
Like a broken dam,
Twisting my heart with pain
I guess the many similar
kinds of tenderness
Were also different kinds of sadness.

We've all been forgotten.
The pretty face outshone
The peach blossom
I don't know where the beauty went;
The peach flowers still smile
In spring breeze.
Jun 2020 · 364
Mercy Jun 2020
Change is inevitable
A common statement
I concur with.
Going back to first
Love highly recommended.
Prayer doesn't change things
But changes you to change things.
Rollercoaster mood has me confused on which turn to take
Jun 2020 · 184
I just can't.
Mercy Jun 2020
Everytime i stare at the mirror
Admiring my own image
You pop on my mind
Imagining magically a day
Will come that
The mirror will
not only reflect my image
But also your tall dark
Figure on the door.

I just can't seem to ever let
You go
I feel like a soldiers wife awaiting the husbands return from cold war.
Jun 2020 · 130
If only
Mercy Jun 2020
The many times
You stubbed my
Trust and thrusted it
In a drift
I promised to remain
But now only is when
The back stops with me
Before i turn to be a monster
Lemme walk away
I love too much
Jun 2020 · 197
Bitter Truth
Mercy Jun 2020
Am afraid to look at the mirror
And claim "I LOVE YOU"
Coz i'd only be lying to
Love is a complicated science that my medulla can't even process
Jun 2020 · 148
Mercy Jun 2020
Each step is scary.
Jun 2020 · 159
Mercy Jun 2020
I try to conjure up
Memories and keep up with days
Moments i failed to be supportive
Tend to your greatness
Nor accommodate your hard work
My pride ripped up open
To disappointments of my absenteeism.
So when you listen to my playlist
And note ghost and dullness
Its me punishing my blindness
And dumbness which eventually
Broke you in alternates
The sorrow you see tattooed in me
Equated my over bearing pain lostness
When you passed out after getting wet
Under the romantic kisses
In heavy rains to late replies of
"Hi babe sorry got home safe and sound
Just from a power nap*"
The piano your safe space where
I only read confidence and magic
Now a bank of heaviness released
In tunes of sad melodies
Shadow of your wings.
Over time i should have healed hence moved
But am human enough to punish my
Desires to contemplate on what was amiss
Like a federal case lawyer
I will chase down the trail of this case
Till all the burgeoning yet pending
Fawls get behind bars.
Enough damage has been caused
Now we face the recompanse of our actions.
Am sorry babe.
The scales in my eyes
Now shaded i see everything clearly.
If not today tomorrow or ever
I ask you to follow the path of virtue and heart coz it was never wrong.
I have only one life left to get you let grace speak for me.
Jun 2020 · 165
Mercy Jun 2020
A Fool For Life.
She loved him
Clearly it was as
Days  turned to months
Then years but her heart
Still held down the love she felt deeply
The moments and memories they shared together
Repeatedly played out to be written into
Her bones to never forget as long as she had breath in her
She knew one day
She will have to leave and
Afterwards her world would wither and die
She needed the few shared moments to
Survive  a barren world without him.
One-sided love is beautiful when accepted and embraced. Becomes less burdening but motivation
Jun 2020 · 178
Mercy Jun 2020
Its always a go ahead
Matters freedom
But to me its more of
Willingly taking oneself
Into captivity to breathe.
My love for sports
Has me running around
With my problems
Waiting to score through
Healing but the scouts
On the sidelines
Are offering first pain than aid.
With my shot foot
I limp on
Looking forward to a goal
As the rot on unattended wound
Starts to rick .
Guess my goal will
Be getting checked and medicated
In the hospital coz
The pain killers don't heal
Forgiveness starts by me
May 2020 · 179
The Greater Good
Mercy May 2020
"You said that you would love the kids as long as I was their mother.
But I didn't have the courage to look into your passionate eyes.
I know I can't have the baby that you want,
so I have to go away."
She stopped writing, put down her pen
and burst into tears on the table,
the liquid gushing out like water from a bursting dam.
She was alone so she was free to cry all her feelings out and sobbe loudly to let out her sorrows.

"I thought I would have a cute baby with you as long as I did what doc told me to do,
so I kept taking those disgusting medicines to adjust my body.
Even when you saw me taking those medicines by accident sometimes,
I still smiled at you and told you that I was fine as if nothing happened.

I always looked into your face when you fell into sleep.
I firstly knew how it felt to suffer from insomnia.
For a thousand times, I wanted to reach out to touch your handsome face.
But I didn't, because you might be disturbed in your peaceful sleep and wake up.
There was nothing I could do but look into your face so that I would not forget it through the dim light.
You are going to be the most memorable and precious one in my future lonely life."
With Love comes sacrifice
May 2020 · 138
No Dance No Tears
Mercy May 2020
Its easy to follow the path of virtue
But easy to succumb to vices
The fear of making a choice
An answer of Yes or No
Mostly dodged to Maybe
On the absence of assurance.
Can we be black and blue on the truth
Or keep being in denial.
Swaying with every breeze
Dancing to each attune
Till drenched hollow.
Carrying a sombre aura
With a heavy heart almost
Falling due to its weight that
Out matches our original Kg.
Its okay to have a stand.
Live life expressing not impressing
Darkness comes and goes
At the end of the day no dance no tears
Saying my stand
May 2020 · 170
We'all been forgotten.
Mercy May 2020
I said i fear most the breeze before the rain,
You said its the same for you too.
We both laughed while looking
At the sky
Talked and talked till both were crying
Seems that we both have been loved by someone before
Those dreams perfect to the point of not needing
To be remedied
The similar kinds of tenderness
Were both different kinds of sadness
Two souls that had been friends for years
Two reasons that our loves
Came and went
After changing of events
Both reminisced on the road side
That dream in which we were slapped in the face
Was like the sound of rumbling thunder
We've all been forgotten for eons
Time's a roadside thief that
Sleeve under the umbrella,
That face that's awaiting an answer.
How many words should be used to describe'love'?
You spoke so calmly and easily
I watched dark clouds fly away
Because i understand all the things you say
Love often has a beginning
But no ending.
May 2020 · 152
Mercy May 2020
The man behind my memory.
She lived in fantasy of
How and what's like,
Her whole life,
Where her pure heart was handed to you.
She was only 15 but timid.
Kept you at arms length
But after a while earned her trust.
She had a dark past down her memory lane
As she encountered
To being damaged and scarred for life.
Before you came she found her way
Around her misfortunes to almost accepting
The course her life once took being history.
Her reservations very well informed
You knew she was a rigid and fragile soul.
Down the romantic walk ways
She gave you every insight of her.
Like a woman took up the role of
Grown up and gave you her all with undivided attention.
Mercilessly biting down her trust,
Swiping off her balance to a state of confusion
She still had hope.
Regardless of the tough road
Her faith adamant in destiny like
A staunch Muslim with no demeanor.
She'll meet again hoping
You wouldn't have forgotten her
To imprint the original heartbreak.
The journey of healing
May 2020 · 154
Mercy May 2020
Overprotective you are
Am confused if its
Her you are protecting
Or you
Coz we know the cycle of rebound
Its ...she walks head over heels,
Thinking she in heaven
Unaware of the loop holes at
The end of the road.
Only after she falls harder
Then the understanding
Dawns that
She is just but a cup cake,
Once you heal
You move leaving her
But i can't blame you.
She allowed her self to land
In style.
May 2020 · 168
Mercy May 2020
Ode To You.
Every morning I see your face,
And for that fleeting second I'm in a different place,
A place where we smiled, laughed, and talked,
A place where we could hold hands wherever we walked,
I'm reminded of this each and every day.
Then the sleep clears and it's all blown away.

Realization sets in and I'm all alone.
I quickly have to check my phone
In case you've called or sent me a text.
Then it hits harder as what come next
Is the empty screen with your smiling face
And the emptiness of this forsaken place.

I wither up inside as all my hopes disappear
And the burn in my heart really starts to sear.
I sink back in my bed and think of you
And wonder if there's anything I can do.
I'm knocked back every time I try to get through,
And now the decision is up to you.

Leave me out here in the cold and the rain,
Leave me to choke on the tears and the pain,
Missing you every minute of every day,
Loving you more and more in my way.
One day, my love, this will all be like a dream.
I just hope we can dream it together in our place so serene.
flash back
May 2020 · 166
Mercy May 2020
The world agreed
We seperated
Opinions flooded our world
Gave up and in
But my heart remained
You can lie to yourself
But the heart knows best
Craving your attention, affection
End goal dying by your side
Its longivity to be real
Making me desolate
But be sure am coming to get you back
Honey we ain't done yet.
Getting back the glory
May 2020 · 201
Mercy May 2020
Too Broken To Break
Here's to the girl with the invincible spirit,
No matter how confused her soul may be.
She's been broken many times,
Searching for love that was just not there.
She's learned her lesson now, put up her wall,
And never again her heart she'll bare.
For she realized that in the end a body is still a body,
No matter whose it may be,
And love may not exist for anyone,
So we should all just settle and it'll be easy.
But she'll never give in.
All she needs is herself and whoever she is that day,
But this she'll never know,
Because life is surreal
When all she does is feel.
She thinks with her passion,
Sees the world through her heart,
Even though many times it's cold, desolate, and dark.
Yet at the same time she can see that there may be hope out there,
The one nobody else possibly can.
She's a dreamer and an idealist,
Life's greatest pessimist and realist.
She's a contradiction sure
But never a hypocrite,
Because in her soul this all somehow fits.
She wants to explore the world just to understand what she's thinking,
Dig into the deepest corners of her heart to understand the universe.
She often loses herself though,
And who she used to be she can never know.
Yet she's happy like this,
She's free and to no one she'll commit,
Except sometimes when she's all alone,
She just wants some place she can call home.
She knows every side of every story,
Because she has felt absolutely everything,
Often all at once.
This contradiction,
This ability to see in ways that no one else can,
Is it a curse or is it a gift?
Even she cannot understand how or when or why or what,
And sometimes she doesn't even know if it is.
She wants something more,
Even when she is sure there's nothing else out there.
But no, she'll never settle,
Especially for a love, if that even does exist.
She'll always hope there's something out there to bring her bliss. But she doesn't expect it and convinces herself she doesn't want it.
This is how her spirit is infinite.
Oh, how I hope there's something more than this.
Life has its ways too
May 2020 · 171
Mercy May 2020
It hurts ever day
Longing for your presence
My heart bleeding
Continuosly waiting for your return
Everytime i look at her in your arms
It kills me.
I know you are mine
She reminded me to fight for you
I hope its not gonn **** her
Coz she a jewel too
But i will fight either way
Blood you had my heart and crazily still do
May 2020 · 136
Mercy May 2020
Be yourself.
How many times have you missed the point even if the cross exists,
Looked at your reflection
Pin pointing all the negatives
That pitch it all louder
Till you can't take it no more,
The wishes and not wish
Lives left at maybe If,
Crying  your broken self
To a ditch you never imagined
Would get you,
But there you are throwing
A pity party for yourself
Using all manner of staff
To escape,
Don't matter the duration
Just the littlest glimpse of
Peace and safety to breathe
And be yourself.
Yeah i know what will they
Say or think of me,
The books,movies and other
personal testimonies declared.
Question is when are you going to
Ask the intertwined rhetoric of;
Why not you? instead of Why me?
The power to bring it all to a halt
Lies within you...
Surf it out to the surface
And embrace it like a lost
Son back to his fathers arms*
Its true time can't be reversed,
I say it doesn't matter,
Start now, right here.
Heaven is in you.
You got this.

Trynna let go and let God
May 2020 · 133
Mercy May 2020
Its said you never know pain
Till you begged God to heal you
I promise its true
Scars are maps to history
Night after night
Cried my little self
To sleep even if its just some
Power nap but I could not
The figure of him on top of
Me in that pink shawl
Claiming am beautiful only to dart
On the beauty
As if not done my own
Blood found a toy
He could jump on
And feel good
I tried to tell her
I could not bring it all
To context coz I had
Zero idea on what was happening
Forced to grow I was
Took in all trash
Re-cycling into positivity
Was my cup of coffee
Reckless and carefree my attitude
As I ran out of ideas
bashing out the wails buried in the
sea of tears in my stomach
Like a church mouse stuck in the sanctuary
Series of sermons almost
Like rehearsed songs
Swept like wind over my face
Was all fallacy
The daily inner battle of
What come may
Circumnavigating back to point zero
I needed to let go
Deep down I know
There is a girl I need to find
Face her and revive her
Torments never stop
As we journey on
In search of a better tomorrow
Just belief of scars are beauty marks
my voice my story
May 2020 · 172
Mercy May 2020
Child a mans attention is not
A down payment for your loyalty
Until he has made his intentions
Verbally clear,
treat him like a hommie
He is nothing but a friend
And when he tells you that he likes you
Promised phone calls begins to play ghost
Expect an explanation
This time we will not let it go
When he tells you he's not into labels
Go ahead and tell his bluff
Advise him to go to his coach
And tell him he ain't in it
For championship is a title
Just like naive, stupid
And i ain't raising one of them
So tell him to put a label in it
Or he can keep it,
I didn't go through the goals of
Getting children just
For the fun of it
So yeah you maybe the little
Girl who's gat to get permission
From her father for them
To get a glimpse of your beautiful soul
What kind of a mother will i be
Raising a woman who's soul
Has scars like mine
So get your Ex and have him come back
And have him explain to me
Why my daughter's heart is bleeding
Flooding my bedroom floor
I know that probably its not all
His fault
And it takes two to break a heart
But miss me on that women do it too
So you can write that poem
Coz this one is for my never be daughter
For i feel her heart grow
More and more faint
For some child of God who's playing
Freestyle with my affections!
This is not about closure
This is about accountability
Your relationship is not for
Lost and found for him
To find his intentions with you
So when he tells you He isn't ready
Ask him how much time did
Spend knees bent before
The father before getting lost at your door
So when your friends wake up to morning kisses
Meet them on highways and smile
Your value is non negotiable.
Before i pick you in pieces
Better ask that son
If his mother never taught him to return
To the sender better than found.

#End of brokenness #Commit if ready to be responsible
i'll be a good mom someday
May 2020 · 156
Mercy May 2020
Like country bumpkins
Chased down every dream
We had

In the chilly mornings
Trotting down the dew
Blinded by mist
We knew where we were going.
Through turn of events
Brushed shoulders
Got under each others skin
But stuck together
Binded by DNA
Had the choice leaving
Instead stayed
Tucked together in hugs
Warm for consolation
A better tomorrow.
Couldn’t stop the river
Of tears cascading
Our mellow yellow chic’s;
Reflects the inside unfolding.
They say it wasn’t hard
Coz it wasn’t physical
Well I wish it really was.
Maybe my explanation would
Be sensei but
No it feels nuts crying
Over mere memories
That ***** our skin
To reality then maybe
Dream on.
The everyday fight
Burning within like wax
Melting down our bellies
Making scars like maps
A lineage of scarcity as
We burn out keeping it in.
As a plant grows
From a seed so do we
The root of our pain
Channelled to generations
Through and through
Lets joke about it
I know its sick.
I long for a solution
Where the fingers that
Keep up the gear
Playing blame shift
Would take a turn
Seeking within
And start by * *
Things will someday change.
May 2020 · 156
Mercy May 2020
A man behind my memory.
She lived in fantasy of
How and what's like,
Her whole life,
Where her pure heart was handed to you.
She was only 15 but timid.
Kept you at arms length
But after a while earned her trust.
She had a dark past down her memory lane
As she encountered
To being damaged and scarred for life.
Before you came she found her way
Around her misfortunes to almost accepting
The course her life once took being history.
Her reservations very well informed
You knew she was a rigid and fragile soul.
Down the romantic walk ways
She gave you every insight of her.
Like a woman took up the role of
Grown up and gave you her all with undivided attention.
Mercilessly biting down her trust,
Swiping off her balance to a state of confusion
She still had hope.
Regardless of the tough road
Her faith adamant in destiny like
A staunch Muslim with no demeanor.
She'll meet again hoping
You wouldn't have forgotten her
To imprint the original heartbreak.
I still love you.
May 2020 · 231
Mercy May 2020
My Maybe.
Anxiety tends to over power
My capability of self control which Results to me pouting my mind without considering your feelings.
I know my pieces mostly sound as
Though you are a shadow to me.
But to be honest since its my greatest Weakness to lie, i will say as it is with no demeanour.
I have fallen for you and i'm So scared  of what my heart is feeling Right now because i know its love.
I won't lie that people discouraged me From the bold move i made saying yes to Our union, my mind racing with what-if Thoughts, but my heart constantly Reminded me that my heart is cold and Aloof to everyone but on your arrival to My world, the ice melted from coating my Heart hence subconsciously caught by Smiling with the slightest thought of you. I am more of a robot as my mind Internalises everything for my body to Execute but with you...everything seems flawless.
I rarely struggle to let you in.
As every woman who is truly in love yearns to know how/where their lovers mind and heart is,
So is my desire to know what's beneath the scales you posses?...who are you?...exeter exeter...nothing would make me happier than saying I do to you for i want to have a future with you...i know its scary not knowing what tomorrow brings.
But at-least when it comes you won't have a heart ache of loosing me.

Just so you find me missing, i'll be where i left my pen and paper
#Random thoughts#Wishfulthinking#Tomyneverbemaybe#Rebel#Strengthpursuesde­termination.
afraid to love again after first heart break

— The End —