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Mar 2021 · 392
The Open Blues
Lance McDonald Mar 2021
The big open blues
Clouds and bubbles take the space
Can easily be plowed through

The feeling of freedom,
Weightless as it can be
Floating through the open blues

Splashing in the watery sky,
A sparkling smile hits your face.
That feeling of pure bliss,
Nothing is better

Hold onto that feeling,
This fleeting moment
Will leave on a whim.
Embrace it.
Let it flow through every fiber.

These moments are not meant to last,
A hair’s moment at best.
Take in the big blue seas,
The freedom of the open blues.
Feel the freedom
Jul 2020 · 229
Close and Contain
Lance McDonald Jul 2020
A container with infinite capabilities
Contains concern, doubt, mistrust

The emptiness is full
Filled with shapes
Things indescribable
Trapped within
No escape

Contain, hold, isolate
Same meaning, different capabilities
Choose the container’s purpose
Close it with a thought
Open it
To unveil your next path
The first poem I've written in years
Apr 2019 · 453
Together Alone
Lance McDonald Apr 2019
All the resentment
Such a tiring sentiment
I see no end to all of it

Why do you do this to yourself?

Babbling on to no end
No wonder they don’t want to be my friend.
It’s okay, it’s to be expected

There is no need for this

Walking together, alone

I am alone
It’s to be expected but…

You know the truth

Why do you do this to yourself?
There is no need for this
Because you know the truth

It’s okay to feel this way
You are not alone
It’s okay to feel this pain
You have others
It’s okay

Stand tall together
Walk together
A trip to the war inside my mind. I know I'm not alone but the thoughts will continue to haunt me to this day.
Aug 2017 · 394
Lance McDonald Aug 2017
Worrying about nothing
While nothing is everything
Aug 2017 · 646
Lance McDonald Aug 2017
Why be anyone else?
When you're more beautiful being yourself.
Just a really random thought in my head.
Aug 2017 · 364
The War
Lance McDonald Aug 2017
Since the sun came
The war was aflame

Each hour was a day
Each death was a **** to one side

Both sides never give up
They both thought they were right
Want them to stop? Tough luck.

They dictated the decisions
They ran the world

Light or Darkness
Good or Evil
Life or Death
What are these anymore?

I have lived through 264 months
8030 days
192720 hours of this war

My death will finally end it
The war,
And this world

Good luck with that.
A little trip into how my mind works.
May 2017 · 332
Lance McDonald May 2017
The nightmare will not cease
The nightmare will not relent
The nightmare feasts
On fear and regret
Apr 2017 · 896
Lance McDonald Apr 2017
A motivator
A big heart for everyone
A beacon of light
Haiku for the Youtuber Markiplier. One of many YouTuber haikus I will be making.

If you would like to hear this read in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 592
Emily Sauers
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
The star no one sees
No one sees her potential
She shines through the night
Poem for Emily. ^_^ If you would like to hear this haiku in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 382
Ashley Powers
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
Her smile shines bright
It shows greatness within her
a great soul, indeed
Haiku for Ashley Powers. ^_^  If you would like to hear this poem read in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 568
Tamantha Love
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
A love mother
With a grade A sassy mood
And a caring heart
Tamantha Love's haiku. :) If you would like to hear this poem in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 334
Ravjot Singh
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
A freedom fighter
Her soul burns bright like a sun
She will not give up
Haiku for my friend Ravjot. If you would like to hear this in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 581
Grace Kenes
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
Her name says it all
Personality of Fall
Walks beautifully
A haiku for my friend Grace
If you would like to hear the poem read in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Feb 2017 · 684
Ellie Telly
Lance McDonald Feb 2017
Has taken two forms
Creating is her passion
The flow of her brush
For my friend Ellie
If you would like to hear this in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
I Voted
Lance McDonald Nov 2016
I voted
But why does it feel empty?
Why does it feel nothing has changed?
Because it hasn't
It won't as long as I rely on that ballot

A ballot choice to be my voice?
To do the change I want to see in the world?
No way will I let that be the case
If I want change, I will give chase
I will not entrust change to anyone but myself
And my friends who have my back
Of course there are some things that I lack
But I won't let that stop me
Neither should you

You have the power to do this
But of course, that equals work
And you would rather just sit
To watch that TV and complain
While your choice doesn't do their part
So you take aim
You want change?
Stand up and get that change you preach about

With T.E Lawrence and his quote,
"All men dream, but not equally
Those that dream by night
In the ***** recesses of their minds
Awake in the day to find it was vanity
But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men
For they may act out their dreams with
Open eyes to make it possible
This I will do.

With love in my heart
And the well-being of every human
On my mind

Now I know you have heard this before
And I ain't a saint
I've done my share of sitting and hate
But sure enough, it ain't too late
Love all for who they are
Because love will always get you far

Don't let your choice be your voice
You want change, go get it, period
If you're that serious

I voted
But that ain't going to change a thing
As long as this cycle continues to sing.
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
The Flow
Lance McDonald Nov 2016
Life is easy
Society is hard
So many complicating rules
What and what not to do
While being treated like tools

Education viewed as important
But priced as a luxury
The higher your IQ
The more your laughed at
Being ignorant is the new wise
Punished for exposing lies
Was my childhood a lie?
Was I being told lies this long?
If so, then jail me now
Because I’ll expose it all.
Society is hard

People are rewarded for lies
Money handed to them on a silver platter
They will do anything for that
Meaningless thing to give their lives meaning
But the richest ones we see are on the streets
The ones that we ignore
They don’t dress the part, but they can show it
In their smile, in their actions
They are rich in the soul, which is the greatest treasure

You tell me to be myself
But then you laugh at me for doing so
Then laugh at me more for hitting my all-time low

Do this, do that
Follow this, follow that
But I can’t follow this if I do that,
But if I don’t follow this, I’ll be hated
Or killed
And if I do this, I’ll be hated for doing it
And if I follow that, I’ll be hated for following that
Society is hard

Being good leads you to the streets
Showing kindness is looked down upon
Education leads to bankruptcy
Intelligence is shunned
While nice finishes last, the cheaters have already won

I’ve been told that this is the life we live
That society is life
A human being is not meant to live this hell
Life and this society do not go well
So much death
So much destruction
At this rate, there won’t be anything left

There is no need for any of this
The river of life has been manipulated and torn
To the point no fish can swim

We must fix it
Not by fixing society
But ourselves,
These are our lives, our river

Do what you feel is right
Work together, make compromises
Go with the flow

And some of you may think, you don’t
Need change
But that just shows how closed your river is

Open your river to change
We can fix this life and we can do it
One river at a time
Jun 2016 · 291
Thunder and Rain
Lance McDonald Jun 2016
Anger and sadness
A deadly combination
Let the smile through
Mar 2016 · 613
Our Mother
Lance McDonald Mar 2016
Green is her clothing
Pure to the soul, heart of gold
Giving is her thing
Mar 2016 · 363
Angel's Seed
Lance McDonald Mar 2016
You win some,
You lose some
That’s how life works
Even though it hurts
Always a ****** road
Tends to get old
But we have to walk
No matter how much it hurts

That man found out
When that angel stole his heart
And boy, were they never too far apart

Until the lights of love faded,
And never came back.

She flew off, without a word
Not even a cough
Leaving that carcass of a man behind

No heartbeat, no soul
He begins to grow mold.
Curled up
The Earth takes the lifeless shell
Buried six feet in soil
He is still loyal

Before too long, he becomes the Earth
And sprouts something of great worth

A pink rose bud breaks through
Opens up with the man all good
As he opens his eyes,
The angel still on his mind
Takes a big yawn
And keeps walking on…
Mar 2016 · 992
Lance McDonald Mar 2016
Light with darkness
Darkness with light
They both got their backs
Nothing gives them a fright.
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
Still Alive
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
Oh, the silent night!
Still full of life!
No grasshoppers chirping,
Yet something is lurking.
The wind is not is not blowing,
But something is still flowing.
No matter how silent the night may be,
It's still lively to me.
Feb 2016 · 546
Treble or Bass
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
Your life is your song
Sing it before you're gone
Your voice needs to be heard
Being silent, just absurd.
Your life, your paper
Your thoughts, your notes
Your actions, your voice

Treble or Bass?
That is the case.
Follow your own melody
Follow it gently.
Feb 2016 · 337
Stay Happy, Stay You
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
What are you frowning for?
Ain't no need to be sad
Get away from that door,
Being you ain't so bad.

Staying original,
The greatest gift of all.
May be difficult,
But you're on the ball.

Doesn't matter what you do,
Doesn't matter where you are.
You are always cool,
You will go far.

Be true
Be you.
Feb 2016 · 463
Just Listen, Just do it
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
Your ears have been clogged
All you see is fog
Clouded by hatred, disobedience and stupidity
The mass population always rigidity
Listening and thinking before the act
Will bring the best in you, that's a fact.

Your brain? HA!
Something you don't got!
Blocking what you don't want to hear
Even though what's said is crystal clear
Shooting words in one's mouth
Won't bring benefit to one's doubt

Once you get a clue
Time to pay dues
Open your ears, open your mind
It's your time to shine
Listen and obey
That's your rent to stay

Disobedience will get you out the door
But not until you hit the floor
Ignorance is not welcomed here
Keep your attitude out there, my dear
Your life is yours to control,
To reach that ultimate goal
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Shadow, oh Shadow
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
Shadow, oh shadow
Why so naive?
Shadow, oh shadow
No mind, indeed

Shadow, oh shadow
Look before you leap
You have so much to live for
So much to keep
Surrounded by darkness
The way is shown

Shadow, oh shadow
You truly don't know
What's on the other side
Go with the flow
It's not like you're going to die

Shadow, oh shadow
What have you done?
You thought it would be fun
Do not fret, patience

Shadow...oh shadow
Thank you
Showing me what I need
A smile, long overdue
Patience, we will be set free shadow
Soon will be the day
To leave this cage, and fly away
Feb 2016 · 553
The Eternal Sentry
Lance McDonald Feb 2016
A goddess of all
Rules with a kind, playful heart
Works and plays all day,
Not a minute astray
Happiness to all who meet her gaze
They will surely be in a daze

Her face always towards paper
She'll put it down, only later.
Helps her escape...
From the madness and insanity,
Known as her world.

Betrayals and struggles...
Between her superiors
And Lust
Escape is a must

She finds herself in a realm
Under dark forces rule.
She smiles, as she fights
To forget her past so cruel

In the midst of her battles
She meets a man
Young but old
He's been here before,
From the stories he told

Their time is brief,
But worthwhile
Hail from the same realm
One human, the other a goddess
One account pleasant, the other vile

Returning to the Goddess' home of gold
The human scoffs for he can see the mold

Lust attacks,
Using her assets to keep him
More than intact
He backs away, drawing his sword
He will attack, even his lords

No time wasted
No stone unturned
As more time faded
They grew more firm

He knew he must protect her
But doesn't know why
A past obligation?
A long-awaited friend?
Was he in love with her?

Whatever it was
He never brought down his guard
Even while having fun
He never let up

From suitors trying to marry her
To her superior's tyranny,
He never let go of this sword
To expel villainy

Their individual chapters close
From having fun, to slaying foes
The sun sets, he continues his duty
Thus, opens another entry
As her Eternal Sentry.

— The End —