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Nov 2020 · 461
loose change
felixmae Nov 2020
she reminded me of pennies
two faced
and in everybody's pants
Dec 2018 · 210
felixmae Dec 2018
whats the point
of falling in love
if no one is there
to catch you?
Dec 2018 · 224
Self Love
felixmae Dec 2018
Give yourself
The same love
You give others
Dec 2018 · 256
felixmae Dec 2018
He told me,
"Don't expect
Too much of
My love,
You cannot
Touch stars,
For they are
Too hot."
Dec 2018 · 323
felixmae Dec 2018
Your voice
Awakens me
From the darkness.
Slowly bringing me
From my sleep.
I awake and
I know that
You are
Dec 2018 · 208
felixmae Dec 2018
the pressure i put
upon myself
crushes me

i cannot think
i cannot breathe
i cannot do this

i need a savior
someone to protect me
to lift me from my sorrows

and tell me
that it
will be
Dec 2018 · 390
To Love You
felixmae Dec 2018
To love you
Is to love the sun
You are there
Even when
I cannot see

To love you
Is to love the moon
You are truly there
Even in
Total darkness

To love you
Is to love the sea
You always
Come back
With unimaginable strength

To love you
Is to love the sky
Your colors stay pure
Despite the few
Blemishes of the clouds

To love you
Is to love the water
You are essential to me
And I could not live
Without you
Dec 2018 · 232
felixmae Dec 2018
To love you is to love the sun
You are there
Only once
The darkness has passed
Dec 2018 · 196
felixmae Dec 2018
With you
I want to grow
With you
I want to learn
With you
I want to stay
Dec 2018 · 393
Concerns for the World
felixmae Dec 2018
I worry for the world.
I do, it’s true.
I worry for the world,
Through and through.

On this earth,
There’s so much wrong.
It decreases worth.
We’re never strong.

Echos and rings,
From the shots of war.
There’s many things,
There’s so much more.

There’s starvation, poverty,
Racism, inequalities,
All of these things bother me.
All of these things cause casualties.

Starvation and hunger
Affect many people,
Adults and younger.
All hope there’s no sequel.

I could write a book on racism.
It’s been done before,
And it’s caused quite a schism.
Drops jaws to the floor.

Inequality sickens me
And many others, too.
Everyone has the right to be.
To be who they want to.

Every person is a snowflake,
Unique in every way,
But we push them ‘til they break,
And don’t see another day.

Bullying leads to taken lives,
To sadness and to fear.
Doing awful things with knives
And shedding many tears.

Social media has taken over
Human robots, too many.
I’m lucky as a clover,
Because I don’t have any.

Parents’ expectations are too high.
Kids are failing class.
Many of them cry,
And are as fragile as glass.

Celebrities are idols,
Yet many are fools.
They’ve become our rivals,
Not as precious as jewels.

Technology is worshipped,
It’s addictive like a drug.
Society will worsen.
It’s time to pull the plug.
Dec 2018 · 914
felixmae Dec 2018
knowledge is an ocean,
its vast and endless capacity
filled with many different things.

knowledge is a book,
it is filled with information,
begging to be read.

knowledge is a black hole,
its outer figure drags you in,
and holds you captive.

knowledge is a bookshelf,
you have many books of information,
and just one is not enough to satisfy.
Dec 2018 · 300
The Storm
felixmae Dec 2018
Muted lightning flies
Thunder rumbles close behind
Torrents of raindrops
Dec 2018 · 163
felixmae Dec 2018
I have fallen for him
His eyes
His laugh
His soul
And he is mine
Jul 2017 · 390
A new angle
felixmae Jul 2017
I'm not
Sorry for anything
I'm not even
Keep watching
I'm breaking
There are so many
Self hate
I'm not okay with
I'm in love with
The idea of suicide
I hate
I love the thrill of
So I'm discouraging
Someone I'm not
I hate being

(Now read it from the bottom line up)
Jul 2017 · 188
The Flag
felixmae Jul 2017
Thirteen lines, red and white
That display how proud we fight
Fifty stars, white on blue
The states that hold me and you
Jul 2017 · 163
felixmae Jul 2017
Lithe and graceful and quick
She spins across the stage
She dips into a split
Breaking free from her cage
Jul 2017 · 157
felixmae Jul 2017
Small raindrops splatter
Quickly across the ground
With a quiet patter.
Then they begin to pound.
Apr 2017 · 411
felixmae Apr 2017
Like the bang of a gun.
The earth is done giving.
Once we are done.
All done living.

The sun will burn out
It will be all gone.
Without a doubt,
There’ll be no dawn.

The ground will freeze.
The birds will fall.
There’ll be no breeze.
No sounds at all.

People will die,
But the earth will still spin.
Babies will cry.
Peoples’ souls will give in.

Plants will wilt.
Lakes will dry out.
The earth might still tilt.
There will be a great draught.

This will all happen.
I can guarantee it now.
I won’t put it in wrappin’.
The world will end; this is how.
Apr 2017 · 372
The Blades
felixmae Apr 2017
Your arms.
Your legs.
Your wrists.
They are covered.
Covered in scars.
“Stop. Stop cutting.”
“Scars are just marks.
Marks that mean people put on your body.
They put them there because if people are mean,
You end up being mean yourself,” you reply
“Stop cutting. Please.”
“People who cut,
And have eating disorders,
Are the most gentle people
You will EVER meet.
They would rather hurt themselves than others.”
“You might cut too deep. You could hurt yourself. Stop.”
“Cutting is the only pain I can control. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“One day, your kids might see your scars.
And think it’s okay for them to do it too.”
You start crying.
“We all wish someone would notice.
But then once they do, we wish they never did.
You are that person.”
“I’m here for you.
I’ll listen to you.
I’ll hold your hand while you cry.
I won’t make fun of you.
You can tell me anything you want.
Stop lying.
You’re not alright.
So quit telling me that you are.
You’re broken.
I’ll stay with you all night.
I love you.
I can’t watch you silently suffer anymore.
I’ll help you through this.
Just one condition.
The blades.”
Apr 2017 · 272
We're Always Here
felixmae Apr 2017
You have lots of friends,
And all of us care.
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

Through the ups and the downs,
There’s no need to scare,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

As you walk down the street
And feel the wind in your hair,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

As you dance through the rain,
Without one single care,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

As you paint lots of artwork
(The bad ones are rare),
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

When you go through bad times
That you don’t want to bear,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

When you ponder and ponder
While in your big chair,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

When you’re at a sleepover,
Doing a dare,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

When you see someone you hate,
And you give them, “The Glare”
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

If you become rich,
A big millionaire,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

If ever you go,
To live in Delaware,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

If you ever get a pet,
Like a big koala bear,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

If you’re a magician,
And learn to walk on air,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.

If you ever feel alone,
Do not despair,
Wherever you are,
We’ll always be there.
Apr 2017 · 548
With you
felixmae Apr 2017
You walk very slow.
Your face is aglow
With the light of the fire
As the flames dance higher.
You stumble and trip
Do a twist and a slip.
I reach out my hand
To catch you if I can.

Your eyes are tightly covered
Their beauty undiscovered.
Your arms stretched out for balance
Reach out and grab the valance.
It tilts, almost falling.
Your name, I am calling.
You dart away and giggle
And do a happy wiggle.

Off the blindfold comes.
Your smile shows your gums.
“Your turn,” you whisper.
Your laugh is even crisper.
I take the cloth and sigh
You think you are so sly.
I wrap it ‘round my head.
I rather would be dead.

To my face, the dark blindfold clings.
My arms shoot out like little wings.
I strain my eyes, try to see.
Your arms wrap right around me.
I stumble and catch my self,
Standing up beside the shelf.
I find my way all around
My feet gently graze the ground.

This isn’t so bad I conclude.
It isn’t so bad, me and you.
I wander some more, back to the fire.
I take off the cloth and then inquire.
“Why did you do this?” I ask you so sweetly.
You adjust your dress, ever so neatly.
“I’m a kid.” You respond.
“This little game with strengthen our bond.”
Apr 2017 · 89
The Rainbow
felixmae Apr 2017
Her eyes
Were the rainbow
In the storm
Of her soul

— The End —