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7.2k · Jul 2015
Eriko Jul 2015
we hail from synonyms
replicate those isles of dirt
jagged colossal terrains of earth
which sprouts to scrape
the wisps of pearly clouds
where marble and stone
splintered scorches of gnarled bark  
where the soft paws of preying lions
roam within the sea of swaying golden grass
where each stroke of a feathered wing
flourishes the air with its mighty swing
and the threshold of mysterious beings
idle in mischief of deep blue seas
and those salty shores
swallow the iron hulk of ships
and ferocious savages of nature's call
groaning in mourn for her body
her crevasses and pools of spilling
crystal cerulean water
where the malachite moss
sits in stone of endless time
and trees groomed of wind and sun
prideful beneath the drink of the setting morrow
she yearns for the claim of her shape
for the purity of her waters like blood
her parched throat of sandy desert lands
amputated into wells of gorging oil
she suffocates from her very existence
a poison to herself
and as the days wan to a fast massacre
to her own suicidal mission
to feed our negligence
we label:
5.2k · May 2015
Eriko May 2015
this makeshift democracy
yearning endearing
breeding festering aristocracy
petrified on the sidelines

black hispanic asian european
the manifesting minority
which built this republic
political policy withered to marrow

echoes of Washington
fade in graves marble halls
politicians etches unsheathed
to feast in bribery sorts

the gleam of monetary value
blinded patched pockets
burning the fabric
to be later devoured
4.7k · Mar 2016
Haiku of Bowl of Rice
Eriko Mar 2016
bowl of hot steaming white rice*
faint porcelain bowl
*each grain foretelling wisdom
there is more than what meets the eye
4.4k · Mar 2016
red dress
Eriko Mar 2016
dripping rose red
clung to the curves,
the hips and *******

laced backs peeking
to shoulder blades
and pinprick skin

echoing clasping heels
ripple of fine fabric
bouncing jazz music

dazzling yellow lights
bare neck and white teeth
arms tucked to the side

fiercely dazzling
4.3k · Mar 2016
dawn and dusk
Eriko Mar 2016
I love the morning dew
yawning baby yellow
new beginnings to follow
a dawn to call my own

I love the settling shadows
waning magnificent glimmers
warm by the fireside
stories yearning to be retold
a dusk to let go
My favorite times of day
3.2k · Mar 2016
Eriko Mar 2016
soft, kissing rain and grey clouds*
trail a finger down the cold
*marble statue of Athena
3.0k · Feb 2016
a little about me
Eriko Feb 2016
some memories which have created me
I have been homesick lately.

I have lived far and wide
have seen the excursions
foreign to many eyes
my childhood born in the suburbs of Tokyo
rising to the bittersweet aftertaste
of concrete and metal,
everyday learning something new
an endless adventure,
boarding a subway and just to go
then to that of the northernmost island
Hokkaido, where I learned to love
the gentleness of snow
yet fear the brutality of the cold,
spending days and hours
entire weeks on the mountain side
wooden log cabins, wonderful blazing fires
with a snowboard strapped to my leg
oh, how I feel so powerful and graceful
flying down the mountain
carving into the chest deep snow
hear my laughter echo into the air
as I watched the stars glimmer
on the icy peaks,
and in the summer everything turned green
I went kayaking and painted
in the fluttering sweet breeze
then back to the city I found myself
eradicated from my home country
placed in Seoul Korea
my apartment that of 31st
of a 45 story building
riding the subway from and to school
that was nothing of difference with me
the city never truly sleeps
and I don't remember ever closing my eyes
with a longboard underneath my feet
hurling through crowded streets
cars honking in rush hour
the city lights seen for miles and miles
getting lost in alleyways and black markets
craning my neck to see metal scrape the sky
because of such cities, Tokyo and Seoul
I always ventured at night, a nocturnal teenage girl
skirting on the Han River, meeting so many people
being multilingual  but always alone,
never behind the closed end of the door
in Seoul that's where I discovered how to cope alone
in Tokyo I discovered the joy of the unknown
a short excursion in that of Hawaii
tasting the salty seas
riding the crashing waves every morning
watching the sun rise and feeling comfort
in the soft white sands and tall green palm trees
flying down paved roads
and underestimating sunburns
long boards and parks, going swimming in the dark
lush forests and scaling mountains
I had no money but made the best of it
then to the mainland, the big United States
I haven't been here very long, in the midwest
probably will never understand
the southern accent
and the American youth's mindset
only, I haven't been here very long
I have been stuck inside
but I have nothing to hide
it's a different society
a culture which always escapes me
I have been dreaming but remember nothing
just feeling a bit homesick
I don't want to make it sound like the U.S. is bad. No, this was just a big adjustment, a huge shift in lifestyle.
Eriko Mar 2016
watery eyes squinting against
the pink glamor of the setting sun,
casting marvelous streaks
of cherry cream soda foam
radiating from the heartfelt

dusk settling, a quiet raven
swinging in the swaying trees
and a fence line lining
the edge of evergreen forests
a white picket fence
cluttered with the ghosts
of memories

a pair of binoculars
held by a silent girl
olive and freckled
of the shower of tear drops
which cascaded from those nights
of aching compassion

facing the other side
solitude presence of one
walked of a thousand steps
back splayed by the salty foams
spat by the restlessness of the sea
an umbrella clasped in his grip

the rain drizzled, throwing
the pink sunsets into arrays
of sweet, sweet melodies
the girl of binocular
and boy of umbrella
a picket fence in between

a relief from destiny,
a rain check into reality
figures of speech echoing
slurring syllables
recounting marbles
that used to roll off
from their laughters
on lovely nights

a girl of binoculars
and boy of umbrellas
dreamt of once a meeting
of one such like this
the raven cries
fear not, deal not
what has there
to be done
when the pink
ceases to refill
your sweet dreams

and the girl smiled
the boy climbed over
the white picket fence
and held her hand,
holding the umbrella
to keep their warmth
sheltered deep within

the girl picked her binoculars
held it close to her pretty cheeks
above her lips,
navigating sights
knowing their memories
will far exceed than that
of the white picket fence
2.6k · Mar 2016
That Pearl-Beaded Necklace
Eriko Mar 2016
the sweltering muse
ringing like crackling
shimmering hue
of pearls lost
of beaded consciousness

to look me in the eyes
pearl-less and cast
aside under the parent
orb of silver moon,

a violin careening,
weeping like the thrill
of dragon scales,
magnificent and noble
yet isolated in the rubble

harder to find a hand
about the fog and mildew
crumbling pieces of tragic
memories, reminiscence
of all the hours I wait

dwelling without haste
among the lone tree tops
see you on the dark night
with owls swaying in the blue expanse

again, once again
it's going to be tough on me
pearls withstanding beauty
and clarity,
scattered into the clutches
of oblivion

falling asleep in restless dreams
the day they scattered
bring back joy and happiness
when I find the will
to settle my shaking hands

to refine the beaded necklace
I always find hope in me
even during times like now
when all I can see
is the emptiness
in my chest

(I'll be okay, really)
2.2k · Mar 2016
Calling of Sea Corals
Eriko Mar 2016
returning nightmares moonlit*
if somewhere past loses
*sea corals forging poetry
2.1k · Feb 2016
hot spring
Eriko Feb 2016
Steam spilling, white froths licking
Marble mantle pieces, stone white
Opaque ghosts swirling conspicuously,
Silently naught with disturbance and gloat
Humble in nature, the steam spills
From the open pours,
Streaming running water
spring, a delightful swing
slight melodies of sulfuric and mountain
flirting lavishly , emitting heat
an early morning bathe,
bright sunshine invades
sleeping shadows tinted cold
a chilling sensation humming
with that of the pool’s lip
--fluttering autumn leaves—
--cascading crystal flakes—
--rustling green trees—
--tickling cool rain—
The surface of the spring’s pool remains
It stirs with the slightest breath
Occupying stark bodies
Gleaming baby red
Washing away, cleansing a new day
As sunlight sparkles on the
Mirror surface
hot springs in Japan
1.9k · Mar 2016
Letter to My Homesick Self
Eriko Mar 2016
I’m so homesick. I miss the sound of the language, the feel of it…I miss the adventure, the beauty, the kindness, the presence of belonging. I miss long city walks at night, when the skyscrapers could be seen for miles and throw lights on the pavement. I miss the subway, the simplicity of walking from one place to another and watching the city whip past me as I stand, humming quietly as the rail tracks bump underneath my feet. I miss the feel of the language reverberate on my tongue and hear it chiming in my ears. I miss the generosity and rich culture. I miss the humility and simplicity; the ambition and indisputable threshold for righteousness. I miss the strength, the willingness of an ear, patience of an oak tree and the composure of respect. I miss the jagged horizons of mountains loom with calming familiarity with spectacular array of greens; and I miss the way the sky flower into a spectacular shade of pink at the break of dawn, speckled with yellow and deep orange. I miss gazing at the ocean, admiring the restlessness and salty wilderness I find inexplicable. I haven’t seen the sea in over a year…I used to see it almost everyday. I miss the delicacies, the delicious combination of rice, fish, vegetables, and more. I miss the mesmerizing subtleties in the culture, in the system and way of life which proves to be far from perfect, yet which is one I belong in. I miss Japan…Tokyo, Yokohama, Iwakuni, Aomori, Hokkaido, everywhere. I miss my home.
Please just take me back
Eriko Mar 2016
dusk settling upon moth eaten vine groves
descending black-dotted wings
powdered of grey white
solitude spoken within
every downstroke

tin fences, rusted into skeletons
turbulence trembling its stakes,
peeling the lovely yellow paint
where butterflies once nested
scrawny black cat
like smoldering black night
carrying two yellow moons
and hairs of silver light

a plain, forgotten location
where lovely sights once roamed
rosy red cheeks,
perfume of lavender melodies
afternoon mint tea
and lemon poppy cookies,
laughter bouncing in the mountain's ribcages

but the settlement has lost
of its melodies and sublime treatment
gone quiet but for the flutter
of moths eating away
the shelved books bleeding of neglect,

yet on an ordinary morning stroll
a young lady,
a lady with voices
singing soulfully in her chest
and daggers in her head
scars like crescent sugars in her eyes
stumbled upon the settlement

the lame, stone cottage
she knocked on the withered blue door
and found the hinges swing open
of it's own accord,
she stepped timidly
without a second thought
of where to go

stepping lightly through dust
and strewn rubble,
she lit a flame and drank the puddle
of beautiful rain water
collected in the porcelain bowl

the moths fluttered,
slight shadows like speckled dove eggs
she stroked the cat
and fed the young master with syllables
admiring the wild flowers,
tulips and lavenders,
daisies and roses
bloom outside the window

caressing each marvelous spine
of dusted books,
revealing the beaming beauty
hidden so well deep within,
pouring over the pages
glorious in the high mount of knowledge

she learned, learned how to tend
the overgrown garden which once stood
learned how cats breath
learned the tragedies of neglect
learned the balance of life and death,
the passage of time
the vessel of humanity
burdened with

she tended her garden
plucking tender sweet grapes
kiwis and even
sweet potatoes,
naming the black cat
that of the last waning light
before night befalls over the world,
the breath before when
time ceases to ache
and shadows are thrown
silent and beautiful,
speaking with the aching golden sunlight,

she washed the white stones
and made the path,
re-patched the teared curtains
cleaned the bile in the door hinges,
sweeping the filth from the floors
thatched the roof

she became a lovely, lone girl
with the black cat by the name
of things forgotten
remembered once again
like happiness and joy,
love and nourishment
knowledge and intelligence
a calming quiet like calm foggy mornings
rather than that of ineligible silence

she became a queen,
a lovely lady
of her own home
she refurnished from the rubble
and became a companion
of the tulips of the garden
and sweetness from
the purest water
streaming not too
far from home
1.7k · Jul 2016
Mammoth Cavern
Eriko Jul 2016
slipping away
passages of time
slips away
down through the canyon rock
where the forever makes it yawning gait
and the weight of the fossils
forces down upon the lightless tunnels
where the urchins and sea shells
learned to sing
in their petrified state,

where the smooth stone kiss
where waters were once a rushing estate
and eyeless fish swim
not knowing the difference
of light and dark in the deep lake
echoing fathers, weeping widows
silence endangers the sanity
echoed into a beating soul
forget not the smooth takeaway winds
nor the shoreless wager of nighttime gin
a mammoth cavern performing unspoken
hollowed out by all that is forgotten
1.6k · Aug 2015
Pollen Morning
Eriko Aug 2015
daunt, spun fast in sleek
of a respiratory gleam
of a momentum moment
in fast vivid sink
**** the tremor
and squander
away, away
still the vertebrate
and drink in
the reverberate sensation
calm the stuttering lurk
behind puckered lemon lips
a resolute dynamic
an opaque concentration
soaking through fabrics hung high
so the pollen can pool
and coat the white
woven thread
with glitters of gold
sweet and waxy
relative and warm
the pollen traces
across the threads
of white woven morning
1.5k · Apr 2016
Ghosting Echoes
Eriko Apr 2016
lie down embroidered in the cool darkness
startling signatures dotting infinite oblivion*
capsizing a raging fiery glow transition
singing of great chorus daunting premonition

anticipate the halt of breath prior
the splinter in time where the trees
gander the melodious swell intimate
the slumber left behind to the well of day

that fraction of a moment
my bedroom window encompassed
upon softest pastel pallets, kissing the breeze
soothing the scars and ceaseless throb

amazed, drinking in the spilling of sunlight
clouds streaking the stains eradicating, pulsing over
nature chirping and sighing with that of sage
lucid bliss settling gently on defenses in my chest

and as the day swirls and falls, pulses and cringes
coming home, bustling with stings pinching
thoughts gone quite tired and violent
the sun descends, and night begins

shadows cast, swimming in direction
like a flood of acoustic strumming
and wink of yawning black cat
the world softens and slows

lives retreat and flowers sway in the breeze
aching hearts and bitter limbs rest in sheets
linen of softest cloth, woven by threads
a comfortable place to rest my head

and the day descends and night takes full
crickets crying and mystery lurking
fingers soothing the spasms in my brain
with every turn of page, the stroke of brush

resting with the sliver lurking
everywhere I go, ghosting in echoes
reaching out with eyes quite closed
*mind swirling with undefined competence
1.5k · Jan 2018
Eriko Jan 2018
like watercolors,
like light leaking
and souls breathing
like scribbling ink
like fragrance of dusk
and friendships caught
in embrace
the dearest, the closest
to heart
crumble like that
of fragile earth
1.5k · Feb 2016
Eriko Feb 2016
you are my partner in class
my partner in crime
my partner in sadness
my partner in happiness
my friend, my love
I know we have forged
a partnership in life
no, not like that
not the way that's thought to be so
but that genuine joy
of keeping one's company
adjoined at the heart
and dwelling at the part
one day you will marry
and live in the woods
as you wish to be so
and I will find my husband
and own a studio
cluttered with paints and books
and travel the world
but you will remain my most
beloved pen pal*
and we will laugh
*until our hearts grow sore
to my best friend
I love him
an idiot, but one of a kind
1.5k · Apr 2015
Eriko Apr 2015
two opaque eyes
stared in front of me
like two pearly moons
they swirled in milky ways
as I realized
they were what have become of me

quickly, I ****** my arms out
morning spring dew fluttering in
through these cracks of conformity
the piercing chilly wind
woke the life once of me
1.5k · Mar 2016
my statue
Eriko Mar 2016
bury my toes in the cold trickling sand
the sweeping sensation of frothy waves
emerald green and soothing movement
soft popping froth drinking around my ankles
close my eyes, touch the wind
taste the salt and the shiver
what if I became a statue
as the water refuse to recede
and my veins are carved of rock,
if I became a statue
and the earth devoured me to the knees
what expression would play my face,
what would my thoughts be
on the day I decided to refuse to be

what would they name me?
what would the remember of me?
just an intriguing concept
1.4k · Mar 2016
Empress Mountainside
Eriko Mar 2016
temples spilling sunlight
empress standing mountainside
drinking in the startling thunderstorms
1.4k · Jan 2016
off the beaten path
Eriko Jan 2016
I would like nothing more
than a chance to walk out the door
there is no turning back,
for the adventure would embark
forever more

to marvel at the yawn of dawn
as the luminescent rays of gold
streak over the earthly molds
the wind carrying the salty seas

or the fire crackling in brink of night
the stars gazing and twinkling
the chilling comfort and weary feet
yet with a hand to hold into quite tight

to begin anew where no one knows my name
to catch a flight far away from here
to meet those people who travel as I do
off the beaten path, never turning back
1.4k · Mar 2015
Eriko Mar 2015
A shadow of night
Hope festering among stars
My heart clutched in
The palms of my hand
As thoughts wield into luminous scars

A lost affection resurfaced by light
A habit, that is
Whispered as time etches Her might
And through the weight of Her fists
Need not to dwell for what is missed

So I collected the remnants of my heart
And began to ask from my very vain soul
What yet that is not the light?
I turned the coals from my eyes into rubies
And my heart opened to the entire world
1.4k · Feb 2016
birch and lavender
Eriko Feb 2016
cut past, an endearing tear in emptiness
glanced upon a hilltop where
the lavender swayed without breeze
picking the soothing color
I wasn't supposed to see
misfitted, trails foraging into
tailor shops and nestle of roses
I am
nothing like those petals red and lavish
something simpler, an aged branch
of great oak trees
birch trees ghostly white
a chip of that, a glint of a knight
don't beat the drums
if the lavender can't even
grow within my sight
1.4k · Mar 2017
Eriko Mar 2017
maybe, perhaps with the heaviest glare
I am missing of an essential care
I've never sought to recover,
a dingy room lit with fireflies
and the most beautiful sunsets
without the sight to drink
within its margins,
falling through the grains of chopped wood,
of gnarled tree bark and wild white daises
feel the impressions of a breath,
the impressions of movement
floating momentarily in a golden shaft
of spring sunlight,
then only to be snatched
with green and blues
of a waning afternoon sky,
the impressions of laughter
and the impressions of noise,
the impressions of a tender touch
tingling after the love
sought without a glimpse
of knowing what's truly
there to hold a single, ever-changing
1.3k · Aug 2016
Full Circle
Eriko Aug 2016
There is something about it
The inexplicable curve in the diet
Swimming in pink grapefruit,
Sharing the stunted manifestation
Of a slice of clementine Gouda cheese
The way, the solace in a lone glass of wine
Chilled iced, purged crayfish
Flushed from the brittle salt basked seas
From the callused knuckle of stony fisherman
Casting out at the crackling array of dawn
With the waters brimming at the hulk
And the mast scraping it's white and red tusks
The fisherman who left at dawn
Leaving his beloved steeped in slumber...
Allowing her eyes flutter to the beam of pink salmon
And there is just something about it,
Pulsing from the faint flicker of overhanging bulbs
A writer stoops over a sliver of miracle
Purged from the raw etched in his vast chest
The very act of describing compassion & sin
With the ink soaked mechanism of his typewriter
The legacy of a young girl
Who wasn't meant to save the world
But to find it, the humanity whisked away,
Drowned perhaps by whiskey and alcohol
Eyesights deterred from the long lone walk
Pocketed with threats and head shakes
The writer's fingers fly,
And funny how there is something about it
How it doesn't end in full circle
That we lack the great capacity
To seize the flesh of truce
So distilled we sail,
So perturbed we write,
So empty we feast
Never quite knowing
That elemental presumption
Of something more
1.3k · Aug 2016
Many Things
Eriko Aug 2016
I've been asked
did you find love?
and I say yes, I did
with the pink glow of a sunset
the smell of salt in the oceans
and the way the cold, blue water
breathes like a weeping accordion
strangely sad which strikes at the core
I found love
in the art of storytelling
in stringing words together
I can climb to a treetop
and yell on the top of my lungs
I am an architect!
I construct words to compose
the most beautiful stories
I analyze and measure,
feel the weight of it
on the tip of my tongue
I fell head over heels
for the visual arts,
for the literacy of colors,
for the symphony of form and shape
for paint to transcend
human imagination
I fell in love,
I am still in love
with chocolate and blueberries,
with pillows and books,
with laughter and road trips,
with peculiar imagination,
with many, sublime things
but mostly I fall in love
with moments and memories
I can share
with others
1.3k · Mar 2016
Tightrope Dreamers
Eriko Mar 2016
dear to the dreamers
acquaintances to their
wallowing burning light
rummaging inside the pockets
sewn with the webs
of memories thought
to be dead and gone
yet time melts into
the streaming glare
of setting sun,
and these things
never truly bleed away
stuck between the
fear of heights
the bad and the ****** up
walk across the tightrope
you know you have
done it before
1.1k · Jul 2016
flesh and bone
Eriko Jul 2016
all that is known
clumped into masses
the reality perceived behind
angular strenuous bones

take the flesh, a living flesh
warm under a summer heat
and flushed with that of stipend excitement
the flesh, all perceived before  

and if you strike flesh
you will eventually strike bone
if one shall study the face
or the human body
one shall study the bones
and muscles which run hidden from the eye
for the bone and muscle,
layered in masses
rule the law of perceiving
a human identity
1.1k · May 2015
Tangible Redundancy
Eriko May 2015
to decipher what we are
encrypted transcriptions
in morrow's restriction
tangible redundancy
that is what we are
we run to eat
and eat to keep
this impeccable brilliance
the vision gone wary
horizons too narrow to rise
intelligence naught for
what is missed
skyscrapers and holy rollers
roaming our cliffs today
as we devour electricity
to generate more
a never ending finish
I wish to seize
our incredible neglect seethes
in our oceans and trees
try to decipher what we are
we are all drifting apart
we are nothing
but tangible redundancy
1.1k · Mar 2018
Eriko Mar 2018
my mind small,
my hands small,
my words reach
not so far
I exist only with
a heart
938 · Feb 2018
Eriko Feb 2018
while reminiscing through
the thickly pined forests,
the gurgling streams
and fiery sky, blinking
through the notches and scars
with blazing beauty,
with sea's gentle drumbeat
and silvery descendant of heavens,
caress my numbing hands
with a mitten woven with
precious gems and
924 · Jan 2016
Eriko Jan 2016
music has a way*
of simply releasing
all the pain
washing away
the bitterness and decay
no wonder we walk all day
with earbuds in our
914 · Jan 2016
Eriko Jan 2016
sometimes I see everything*
*but sometimes nothing at all
894 · Apr 2017
Morning glow
Eriko Apr 2017
The cascading rhythm of rain
Pelting at the pavement under
The guise of the cool Saturday night
Orange glow radiating from posts
And sneakers wade through puddles
And up ahead, in the dead of the night
With lightening forking the swirling sky
A single silhouette of another chirp
Picking it's way across the humming pour
Nestled in the bushes, aloft leafy trees
Hidden from the dazzling lights
Dancer of heavens yearn for dawn
Where they can reclaim their thrones
Basking in the warmth of morning glow
885 · Apr 2017
Eriko Apr 2017
sometimes I speak in all uppercases
sometimes,  in a delicate row
of quiet lowercases,

sometimes, I speak
with two mixed in between
with a comma and a period,
or twenty exclamation marks
and three questions in return
and an heart emoji
smiley faces,
crying faces
and some trees to set the scene

and I wish during those
long, starry nights
I had more commas,
where the end of the sentence
can always turn itself around
855 · Sep 2015
Eriko Sep 2015
the sporadic tension looming on shoulders
the creeping panic which eats minds alive
quick breaths, uneasy stances
the knotted fists held to mouths
afraid of the next vowels to slip
plunge into midnight terrains
at how waxy orange lamps
pool on blank pavements
and ridden sneakers scrape
and drag with all the fright  
the spilling of chilly freeze
bites in pockets of air
and crevasses deep inside the chest
the flesh of bones travel
where the feet may go,
having a mind of its own
the dew on each swaying grass blade
glinting like jewels on your feet
sitting on the cold concrete
here I wait for the shout of your presence
as you follow the tug of your dampened vigor
watching your shadow slide across
the blank howls of nightly ground
and as the lines tangle in your hair
and **** up that inner flare
remember, its okay to let go
and not to put everything within a timetable
there doesn't have to be a label
of our very own existence
851 · May 2017
Eriko May 2017
the heat pressed*
like a weighted blanket
as the bones caressed
*shivering souls
840 · Mar 2016
Eriko Mar 2016
just know,
        light footed boy
                     faint hearted girl,
glory morning dew
teared umbrella

bristling in the
fierce passion erupting like piano keys
          ignited by the spark
          of shared candles

dotting the palaces
         our maddening pursuit
                                           the soreness bristling
                                                on the bottom of my feet  
         my coarse voice
         and tired windpipes

                                                                                     my love for you ceased,
                                                                                        teared by the ricochet
                                                                                    of my failed daydreams
825 · Mar 2015
Eriko Mar 2015
Rosy red cheeks shrill as roses
Their laughter ripples smooth as honey
And crummy fingers sticking to their noses
The youth stampedes over quiescent duties

And with their tiny, spiky teeth
And eyes which devours everything
They don't hang their pride like wreaths
For what can be said, they're always smiling

And a splash in a shimmering puddle
Red boots soaked thoroughly for good
With frosting instead caking their lovely riddles
They may the wiser of the rue
816 · Jan 2016
Eriko Jan 2016
I do not want to live the American Dream
Of unfulfilling consumerism
And chastising whispers content in ways
Which have been declared as the norm
No, I would like to live
The dream of my own
And no one is going
To stop me from reaching
The destinations around
The globe
810 · Sep 2015
pseudo arguments
Eriko Sep 2015
a conclusive vocation
the righteous of power
the materialistic slur
enchants the vain
the egotistical roam
claiming to burst
while the humble keeps
a sincere throne
a pseudo argument
don't agree, don't argue
if you can't
dispense your lenses
don't fool yourself,
opinions aren't truths
and life isn't a monologue
or a one man show
803 · Mar 2016
slippery conversation
Eriko Mar 2016
a conversation in my head

It’s just a coincidence.
                                                              You sound more afraid than sure.
What defines us as the sane one?
The fact that you have voice in your head or that fact that I exist?
                                                                                   The fact that you exist.
And I’m not just a figment of your imagination.
                                                                           Then that makes me insane.
*Precisely. This is a slippery *****, my friend.
766 · Aug 2018
Eriko Aug 2018
drink in light
as if sipping soup
spoonful after each
steaming spoonful,
the smell of herbs fill the nose
and tastes rich on the tongue
on a cold, cold night
where you can barely
hold your rattling,
aching bones
drink in the good
like soup
764 · Nov 2016
Eriko Nov 2016
stretched, widening grins
plastered in red lipstick
and a smirk beloved
clapping heels and twirling skirts.

spilling red wine soaked into cloth
oozing smell of a cheeses and wood,
of cobblestone streets and cracking walls,

laughter, trickling down the brisk night air
the alleyway tight and sparkling,
the night alive with an affair
between moon and cuisine,
between human and love
758 · Aug 2015
Flared Pink and Coral Blue
Eriko Aug 2015
gray whispering breaths brush against the shore
the salty sand shifts under bare feet
the seagulls streaking to the flared pink sky
as the water push and pull, frothy tongues
tracing a marble mirror on the bank of white sea corals

gently, the clouds surge across
and the foot prints trail to yonder
sea ***** shuffle like roaming rubies
and the salty air sweeps away all gone sour
tonight, we will feast on this magnificence
before the beauty in us all expires
757 · Feb 2016
cup of tea
Eriko Feb 2016
I hug this mug of tea
this sweet, black cherry tea
warmth seep through the porcelain
a wonderful sensation blooming
on my tongue

yet, that old fellow over there
with cowered eyes flecked with grey
a long peppered beard and hair so thick
he had a crane which endured all the sick
and came to poke his gnarled  finger
at my cup of tea

dear, he said oh dear
and I tilted my head
not knowing what to be said
do you see what you have done to yourself?

I glance down down, at my fingers wrapped
around the cup of tea
the tea was not steaming, nor warmth presented
my fingers were merely frozen
and the sweetness was long forgotten

the pooling black cherry
I saw my face reflected
and I didn't recognize
the eyes blinking anymore

who gave you that tea?
the old wise man whispered
that tea was a gift to me
I whispered even quieter still
the tea have grown cold long ago
and you have been here huddled all alone
he haven't bothered an offer of hospitality
he left you to grow cold and still

and I realized, my hands shattered the porcelain
the tea dripped in a sludge
I kicked at the broken pieces
and began to spark a flame

and now why the bright orange flame?
the old man said and sat in the grass
I am kindling my own
I said with a fiery puff of breath
he chuckled and nodded
you have grown wiser
*with a rare undertone
starting to realize that some people who are not what I thought to be.
also striving to be more independent
748 · Feb 2016
mouthful of syllables
Eriko Feb 2016
a mouthful of novels
casting evasive statements
another changing feeling
an eluding ghost,
one's written pages
colliding with sentences
clashing against
of other's capsizing
paragraphs and phases
binding in and out
from another shelf,
another frayed spine
fading yellow pages
or crips, clean textures
thinking that we write
our novels alone,
my dear, how impossible
to finish such sublime material
--our own novels--
with nothing but
our syllables
what will fuel
your words,
what will lend
the structure to cover,
the world is teetering
of rippling acceleration
and moments of
seething hesitation
we all end as
books on a shelf
just make sure
your's is willing
to tell
just thinking what my novel would sound like
738 · Aug 2015
Eriko Aug 2015
the lurk of unsaid notions
twisting of knots and drum of fingers
a sullen parenthesis left to fill
the abbreviated thoughts spinning, floating
scattered by a breath's work
a moment passing
like glimmering water whispering by
the split cast of bridged resolutions
a blink of an eye
a quick catch, fast breath
the linger of touch
and warmth seeping through
folds of linen, woven
like entanglements racing pulses
and heat of cheek bones
and clashing knuckles
the sweetened gaze
brimming in the things left unsaid
a parenthesis left to fill
wonder where our feet
will follow
737 · Aug 2015
Dark Complexion
Eriko Aug 2015
my complexion darkened
by that skeletal wrist wrought with rust
dusted blood of what used to run  
an impression of who I used to be

strumming the strings to my spinal chord
that blissful music a sweet morphine
to still those poisonous lips registered
to the skittered voices taking refuge in my head

the morphine doesn't always hold
I search for that sweet spot too withdraw
the shrill eccentricity screeching I cannot suppress
the silly frigid air protrude with a single glare

breaths puff and heartbeats escalate
as eyes are met--green and brown
hazel to the cerulean blue  
the tepid synchronization of similar frequencies

how the night glimmering lights
illuminate the graffiti of complicated shadows
simmer into a wilting tilt of sorrowful flowers
how the roses are drowned and never to fill

how the match in my chest lights anew
I have to do my best to keep it alive
caress it but don't get burned by it
I can never see too far into the future

but I can only know what I am
off of glare at this present precision
how will I ever know who I am
if I cannot see two feet surrounding

alluring this flame through
the sky-scraping scent of night
delicate to the visionaries too steep
as the head begins to pound out of its keep

avoid those dark corners
I once used to brood
take a break on a flight of stairs
and gaze out the flashes blurring by

keep my teeth in my cheek
the tongue will slip out sharp and cut someone
keep the thoughts from rolling slickly off of it  
the top of my head is not a good place to stand
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