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Sep 2018 · 651
A Woman's Glow
I have heard it said that women glow
But I never knew it to be so
Until I met you
Then I knew it was true
With your belly round
The glow profound
And with a kick or two
Our little flower grew
These months I'm counting down
Your glow bright as a Queen's crown
And it humbles me
This beauty I see
Let joy and love abound
Aug 2018 · 286
The Message
I could rhyme about ******* and hoes
******, money and clothes
But it's not the message I chose
Not worth the paper or prose
There's another way I suppose
To get your message to those
Who will choose to be foes
These are the questions I pose...

Haven't we all paid our bills late?
Never been at our lowest state?
Wondering what's going to be our fate?
Crying tears that devastate
Governments try to regulate
Congress try to legislate
Need satellites to triangulate
All the world's fear and hate
So everyone can finally relate
And can no longer calculate
The difference in color template
No it's never too late
To change your mind about hate
Why not just conversate
Through heart felt debate
Crying tears that elevate
No difference in color template
May 2018 · 467
To My Mother
Remember when we rode the London Eye and I was in a pensive mood; too often to brood... You asked what was wrong but I didn't want to tell a bitter song, so nothing's wrong. Truth be told I thought of a future I could not see, a family that might never be... those thoughts yet with family all around.

And now with family on the horizon, a future which I can almost see, adding to the family tree, wonder who this little one will be? Like me?

And I remember I had a favorite Grandmum,
so maybe my child will too
No doubt it will be you.
Dec 2017 · 404
Homeless in Heaven
I have straddled the fence all my life
That I might be so fortunate
As to slip off the right side
I would be contented
To be homeless in Heaven
For I have no need
Of mansions or gold
No need of riches untold
I shall sleep in fields
And count the endless stars
I shall quench my thirst by a stream
I shall walk the countryside
And wonder at its beauty
And though I shall only
See Jesus at a distance
My heart shall find warmth still
To be homeless in Heaven
And want for nothing forever more
Jul 2017 · 402
My Muse
This humble page use
To write such free prose
Delight in my muse
Sweet scent of the rose

Behold thy true form
This world does deem pure
Such beauty reborn
In soul evermore

Thy likeness unique
The angels now sing
How humble and meek
The light it does bring

To look on thy face
Brings tears to mine eye
Must dwell in thy grace
Did walk, now do fly

I breathe thine own breath
My lungs overflow
Even unto death
My heart shall not slow

Its strength shall increase
For my muse yet lives!
This quill shall not cease
As thy grace so gives
Jul 2017 · 463
Named After Donovan
Politics is a shame
Two Donalds to blame
So if the name is black listed
Please don't get it twisted
I'm not one of em
Named after Donovan
Let me clarify
Spell my name with a Y
Let me testify
So you can't deny
I'm not one of em
Named after Donovan
Just read about Donald Jr's emails.... never use to care when people thought I was a Donald, no disrespect to any other Donalds or Donnies out there.
Jul 2017 · 533
I Wander Lonely In The Dark
I wander lonely in the dark
Arms held out to feel through maze
This rocky road has left its mark
Much safer crawl through murky haze

How long have I been plodding on
With no sanctuary close in sight
All my humanity now gone
My heart much blacker than the night

All senses gone all reason lost
This hostile path at set of sun
Continue on no thought of cost
Must march for nothing can be won

At breaking point I cry aloud;
“Just to behold His saving light”
And wings surround me as a crowd
Fly free of gloom to glory bright!
Jul 2017 · 2.8k
Snapchat Filter
That snapchat filter will always linger
And never fade...
Those cute ears will remain
The same in that frame
A static image of humor and fun
Not didactic in any way
Except to say
I am here and forever young...
Jun 2017 · 427
When Willows Weep
On quiet afternoons
When soft winds blow
When grass covers tombs
And delicate buds grow

When drooping branches shade
And birds make nest
Before sun's rays fade
And drowsy children rest

When long days close
And innocent babies sleep
Only one who's vigilant knows
When old willows weep
Jun 2017 · 438
Of Popularity & Loneliness
What she shows the world:

She is always the center of attention
Where she goes others follow
When she smiles they feel affection
When she leaves all feels hollow

She can dance the night away
And party till the dawn
She’ll never walk alone by day
Or wake lonesome in the morn

Whatever she wants she gets
And she does not seem to try
She lives life with no regrets
Simply watching the world fly by

The globe is in her hands
So many at her beck and call
All play into her demands
For they’ll catch her, should she fall

What she feels inside:

She is all alone in this world
Though crowds do often pass her by
Her life seems to have come unfurled
In a shambled mess she does lie

With no one to pick up the scraps
She lays broken and destitute
Fighting for air her lungs collapse
And her weak cries for help fall mute

Now pondering her life thus far
She realizes it was a waste
All that’s left is an ugly scar
Her deep shame, and a bitter taste

She often lays awake at night
Waiting for loneliness to end
As darkness parts for morning's light
Sleep, her only friend
Can one be both popular and alone?
May 2017 · 1.1k
A Dangerous Love Affair
Your face exudes
Beauty and innocence
And the temptation
To trust is overbearing

Your lips part in alluring smile
But play with words
That whisper sweet nothings
Which should fall on deaf ears

Your eyes are glazed
With desire and longing
Yet are overshadowed
By deceitful intent

Your hands are delicately soft
And your caress so gentle
Yet your grip on my heart
Crushes like iron

The curves of your body
Hold me in trance and though
My mind screams in protest
I fall deep within you

The blatant truth slaps me in the face
But I cannot escape you
And I welcome your ruse
Just to press your body close to mine
May 2017 · 414
As Tragedy Falls
As tragedy befalls men
No one knows the why or when
It comes and goes as it wills
Carrying souls through valleys and hills

Some answers can never be known
Whether caused by sin and evil sown
Or by chance and trade winds blown
As chaos and fate collide then freely roam

What can be sure is tragedy’s hand
Steady and harsh with one demand
That respect is given to its power
For no one knows the time or hour

Some lose limb in lieu of life
But all is balanced on blade of knife
Which side it falls no one can say
The best of men only hope and pray

Some lose all and some the least
But loss is the nature of the beast
So who can say the why or when
As tragedy falls upon men
When innocent children are bombed at a concert one can only shake their head and wonder why
May 2017 · 703
Hustle & Flow
Picked last to join teams
No athletics in my genes
I exercise a different muscle
Words my ever present hustle
Even if I don't make nada
And I can't afford no Prada
I'll be rich in other ways
Stay lifted while I blaze
A trail only few can follow
Better catch me on the morrow
Cuz today's already past
And the future comes up fast
Wide awake to take the chance
Opportunity a dance
Stay nimble on my feet
Keep it moving to the beat
Locks swaying as I go
Cuz I gotta keep the flow
No time to take a break
In the rear view all the fake
People trying to take me down
Just wanna watch me drown
But I got a mean back stroke
I'm no longer gonna choke
May 2017 · 885
Lavender Fields
Running through lavender fields,
must protect myself with heavy shields
from that dragon; mean.
With eyes that gleam;
the fiery breath it wields.

I’ll rest under willows by the run,
when skies are pink at set of sun.
Away from monster’s gaze;
safe now from heated blaze.
Stealing sleep; no longer having fun.

Day started out with skies bright,
no worries far less danger in sight.
Then terrifying roar came;
life no more a game.
Heart skips a beat with fright.

Once awake grab shield and sword;
defensive stance with shoulders broad.
Ready for that foul beast
with sunrise in the east.
Whispering a prayer to my Lord.

Then I hear a thunderous cry;
scaly wings swoop down from sky.
I raise shield just in time
to stifle hot breath of thine!
Slashing sword across demon’s eye.

Shriek of pain that pierces ears;
wounded eye cries dark red tears.
Sword melts from acid blood;
yet creature crumples with a thud.
Last of a kind; no more fears.

With deed now done can rest with ease;
can see yellow birds flitter through trees.
Time to investigate my ****;
deftly felled with greatest skill!
Fiend raises head; the feel of sweltering breeze…

The feel of sweltering breeze…
I fall to my knees.
Flames engulf my form;
from this world I am torn.
Arrogance destroys with ease!

As I drift into the hereafter,
I can almost hear the demon’s laughter.
Only ashes remain in my stead,
always played it safe; yet still dead.
Foolish pride leapt from ground to rafter.

If only humble and cautious still;
would not be lost to dragon’s last will.
Now the hour for my soul is late,
no second chance; no new slate.
A pile of ash next to my ****.

Will songs be sung of hero’s tale?
How evil can no longer prevail?
Yet such tunes shall never reach my ears,
for in death one no longer hears.
Hidden from the living world beyond a veil.

To drift alone in this shade,
until consciousness begins to fade.
No hero’s banquet will I attend;
No afterlife of perfect blend.
Only of silence this kingdom is made.

No tomb shall mark my resting place.
No traveler will bow with honor or grace.
No maiden will lay down flowers.
Only stormy skies will offer showers;
No statue there, with likeness of my face.

For a time will lay my rusty shield
and hilt of sword I did boldly wield.
But long since my ashes have blown away
with wind and rain day after day,
my soul shall rove this lavender field.
Poetry that tell a story
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Where The Rungs Begun
To wander where the rungs begun
Where all the prose beguiled the sun
And set ablaze the yester years
Leaving old men drying tears

For darkness came and went the same
So all they name would suffer blame
To right the wrong that came about
To sing a song with whisper or shout

Take control and lose the way
Climb the rungs out of the fray
To hights esteemed on day's morrow
A little luck the heart might borrow

And see how green this other side
Where dreams and wishes do collide
For all the prose beguiled the sun
Now I wonder where the rungs begun
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Salvation's Plan
In the Garden of Gethsemane
My Lord did humbly bend the knee
Praying all night for the world at large
And wrestling with His mighty charge

Yet as His disciples prayed to God
Their weary heads began to nod
And soon drifted off to sleep
Jesus alone; they slumbered deep

In the morn He woke them saying
"Why sound asleep; you should be praying"
They had no answer for their Lord
As soliders came they slashed with sword

Severed ear fell to ground
Which Jesus replaced without a sound
He was led away in captivity
But they did not know it was His destiny

Pilate succumbed to the crowds demands
To the cross they nailed His healing hands
"Forgive them, they know not what they do"
He pleaded to God for me and you

"It is finished," He said with final breath
And the Devil rejoiced at His death
His followers mourned for Him aloud
Yet on the 3rd day He threw off His shroud

For He came to seek and save what was lost
Bringing light to a world at great cost
He freely bore the sin of every man
Securing once and for all Salvation's Plan
In honor of Easter
Apr 2017 · 995
Brightest Beauty
Brightest beauty glistening on the wave
In that moment perfection crave
That picturesque scene forever save
Remembered now until distant grave
Calm, gentle, floating on the wave
For some it really seems so brave
To let go, be free of thoughts that pave
A path so dark you wish to stave
Sky's reflection gleaming on the wave
Bright, blue, clear, such hope it gave
And worried thoughts start to behave
Eyes free, no more accustomed to a cave
Peace, tranquility, dancing on the wave
And Oh how sweet the heart can rave
Once freed from shackles that enslave
Apr 2017 · 1.8k
Addictions (10 words)
I burn ***** and write poetry
Some call those addictions
Apr 2017 · 2.3k
Silent Voice
I can write yet I can't speak
I am strong yet I'm weak
I can express my thoughts on this page
Yet I am truly hesitant of the stage

My thoughts abound
Yet my voice finds no sound
I am quiet within the roars of crowds
Yet my mind soars above clouds

Though at times I wish to change
And my silent voice rearrange
I'm more creative due to compliance
I hear more due to silence

I remain humble behind the scenes
Trapped in the confines of my dreams
Whether by fear or by choice
I possess a silent voice
Mar 2017 · 2.0k
As Sandcastles Crumble
As winds blow
And leaves scatter
As cracks show
And unions shatter

As fires rage
And trees fall
As pawns stage
And heros stall

As mud slides
And homes give way
As truth hides
And pseudonyms stay

As hope dies
And brave men stumble
As tides rise
And sandcastles crumble

We hardly even notice...
Too preoccupied with smartphones and selfies
Mar 2017 · 1.9k
The Beginning
At first a void
Then sudden burst of energy
Forces collide
Atoms split and divide
From nothing comes forth something
Radiance breaking free of abyss
Hot gaseous ball coalesces then cools
To form a planetary sphere
Which orbits a citrus giant
Giving off golden light
And warming touch
To embrace a world
And allow the basis for life
All this by chance and happenstance?
All complexity born from
Random motion and chaos?
How vast and unnumbered
The twinkle in the heavens
Yet all alone?
Oh I gaze up at yonder skies
And marvel at wonders
My eyes have never known
Mar 2017 · 603
I Long for Snow
I long for the gentle soft white snow
But not the winter and it's blistering blow
I long for Midas' precious touch of gold
Alas never again a loved one could I hold

I long for the love of a woman so dear
But dread my awkwardness and fear
I long for fame beyond what man has seen
Is it worth paparazzi coveting my dream

Mankind longs for all manner of things
But never the consequences it brings
Still in understanding I regrettably know
I will always long for snow
This one is a bit old yet still very relevant to me
Mar 2017 · 768
The Measure of Love
Is it only the size that matters?
Is it the length or width?
Is it beauty that flatters?
Or is that misconception and myth?

Is it the amount of money?
Is it ones own height?
Is it vanilla or honey?
Complexion that's dark or light?

Is it the skinnier or the fatter?
Is it the size of her chest?
Do these things really matter?
Do they measure love best?
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
The Lighthouse
The lighthouse stands tall
A warning for all
It shines so bright
It's precious beacon of light

Guiding the wary back to shore
Many voyages gone before
All safely now return
As long as oil in lantern burn

Soft cone through the night
Giving life preserving sight
Like a gentle outstretched hand
Leading sailors back to land

Oh holy spirit of my God
With still voice you gently ****
Bringing those who wayward roam
Leading the lost back to home

So let the light of the spirit shine
And touch this wayward heart of mine
May I heed the warning sign
And be guided home in time
Mar 2017 · 547
Forest Lake Academy
Writing, biology, anatomy
Where I first loved science
Found a word smith's defiance
Asian, male, teacher to blame
Don't remember his name
But he taught me well
And now I excel
White, female, teacher to blame
Don't remember her name
But she started me writing
Words come like thunder and lightning
And it's kinda exciting
Sensing synapses igniting
The proverbial bulb of light
An idea with untold height
The honor to write
Mar 2017 · 805
Pictures Through Words
Shall I paint you a picture through words
Your heart the canvas, my pen the brush
Can you see the Buffalo herds
The wide fields and foliage lush

Trees full of scarlet ibis birds
Mangrove roots drinking water
A portrait made from so few words
Poetry my true alma mater

Watercolor verse stain the page
As landscapes take shape and form
This style of art all the rage
Where wanderlust is born
Mar 2017 · 873
Come Into The Light
Come into the light
Forget your plight
Forget the spite
It's time to unite
Join the fight

Liberty never dies
No more demise
No more surprise
No more lies
Just compromise

Equal in His sight
Even despite
The blackest of night
That evil alt right
Come into the light
Feb 2017 · 660
So Easily Read
I should not be so easily read
A book by its cover, judge dredd
An enigma works for me
A minority report of my soul to be
All bets I aim to hedge
Yet a blade runner on knife's edge
With total recall I can see
The true nature of my history
So lay waste to my bones
I tire of playing this game of thrones
For I like the walking dead
Should not be so easily read...
Feb 2017 · 631
No Man's Life
A frustrated mind
What webs we weave
These thoughts that grind
And neurons deceive

A simulation of lies
This life we live
Seldom a prize
To receive or give

These layers of uncertainty
Beholden to the mind's eye
Self made complexity
We are born and then we die
Feb 2017 · 429
Sunset Upon the Sea
Orange orb softly stave ~
Thy kiss upon the open sea
Nor melt behind horizon free,
Or nimbly flee, from sight
Not ere shedding citrus light
To skim across glassy wave ~
Hover there, but yet a spell
And in this frame pray thee dwell.
To look upon thy calming grace,
Thy soft glow upon weary face.
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
Under The Vaulted Sky
Under the vaulted sky
The grass below, my soul, and I
For no one knows the inner workings there
My heart exposed, laid bare
How oft they mock and stare
Yet know not what they see
For only I truly understand what is me
And the painted vail beyond my gaze
The sun set high in morning blaze
Soak my soul with warming rays
Humbled now and always

— The End —