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Nov 2016 · 3.3k
A Better Person
Sean Harbor Nov 2016
I want to speak French, and read more, and wear suits more often but in a casual way, and also wear a watch, and design book covers as a side job, while working for and helping children who don’t have great homes.
I want to be a morally better person, and live life to its fullest potential, and stay in shape because I want to live long, and not because I want to look good. I want to be able to have a great time and remember it, I want to remember to take my meds every day for so long that it becomes part of me and I am finally better, I want to be in a triathlon.
I want to create art that makes you feel so alone that you don’t care what happens next, but make music that makes you want to live forever because there will never be enough time to experience everything you want to feel. I want to share moments with strangers that make us life long friends. I want to feel things I’ve never even thought were possible, and fall in love with people that I didn’t even think exist.
Oct 2015 · 611
Sean Harbor Oct 2015
She's so different from who I used to love, every time I see her or talk to her it's like this ghost or something haunting me. It looks, talks, and smells like her. And it should be her. But as much as I want it to be, it never is.
Sep 2015 · 618
whatthef#ck makeitstop
Sean Harbor Sep 2015
I knew.
I knew it from the second she opened her door, her boots in my hand, not even knowing who she was.
I knew I was in love. I knew she was in love.
Both scared to admit it, but we were.
I knew we wouldn't last.
She would have to be the one to end it.
She was going to have to break my heart.
And it couldn't be a clean break.
No, no that wouldn't work.
My love was too strong.
I was prepared to put up a fight.
I knew she was going to have to smash it, burn it, then forget it in the rain.
And even then, I'd still want her.
I knew I would.
There was nothing she could do to make the pain stronger than the love.
I knew there was no end.
Right when she opened the door.
I knew.
this isn't even poetry it's just a rant I'm sorry my heart is broken but still stuck inside my chest. believe me it hurts. the broken pieces really get ya good when they're on the inside.
Sean Harbor Aug 2015
I was purchased, used, and thrown out.
I got to see a few good times. Usually blurry or something got in the way, but it was still sort of ok.

The cycle starts over.

I'm purchased, used, and thrown out.
Once again I see wonderful things,
but usually posed and fake.
It was still sort of ok.

Until the cycle starts over.
Sean Harbor Jul 2015
The thought of you makes me sick
I can't function or focus
My heart aches
My legs are weak
Crowded by my thoughts
And all I want is to be left alone
While someone keeps me company

But you can't do that when you're 180 miles away

We fall apart
Say our goodbyes
Through a fuzzy telephone line
I'm left broken but hopeful
Terrified of every option
Jul 2015 · 587
Sean Harbor Jul 2015
I just wrote a poem
but deleted it
and wrote this instead
Jul 2015 · 2.9k
Tangerine Kisses
Sean Harbor Jul 2015
Your kisses are a bite of tangerine,
Sweet and refreshing.

Your eyes are an eclipse,
Gold and magnificent.

Your laugh is sunshine,
Bursting through dark gray clouds.

Your love is a river,
Beautiful and overflowing;
A night sky,
Infinite and full of light.
Jul 2015 · 624
Fell in Love
Sean Harbor Jul 2015
I fell in love with your cat naps
And bad days
Your crazy laugh
And golden eyes

Your mind is like a puzzle
I'll never truly solve
Your body like a cloud
I always want to chase

I fell in love with your day dreams
And good days
Your sweet kisses
And soft touch
Dedicated to my love.
Jul 2015 · 426
Sean Harbor Jul 2015
With every breath I take
She takes my breath away
She stores them in a jar inside a cupboard
Waiting there for me to take them
I know they're there
It's no big secret
But I keep them there
They're hers for keeping
May 2015 · 2.2k
Sean Harbor May 2015
The water runs cold through my hair,
Across my face and down my back.
I stand there motionless,

The ground changes from dirt to mud,
Between my toes and through my soles.
I sit there motionless,

The sky pours down my back,
Into my clothes and soaks my bones.
I lie there motionless,

The thoughts in my head start to fade,
Beyond my sight and far from home.
I am motionless,
May 2015 · 5.1k
Sean Harbor May 2015
When you fell in love,
You realized how grotesque it is.
When tragedy struck,
You realized how gorgeous she is.
May 2015 · 758
Sean Harbor May 2015
This is for every poem written,
For every poem that wasn’t.

This is for every letter I've sent,
For every letter I’ll write.

This is for every feeling I've felt,
For every feeling I've yet to feel.

This is for every word I've spoken,
For everything I wished I said.

This is for every friend I've made,
For every friend I’ll lose.

This is for every memory we’ve had,
For every memory we’ll make.

This is for every toss and turn,
For every forgotten night.

This is for every one we’ve loved,
For every one we haven't.

This is for every tear shed,
For every kiss to come.

This is for every morning we awoke,
For the one morning we will not.

This is for the years I never knew you,
For the years I no longer will.

This is from myself,
For you.
May 2015 · 1.7k
Sean Harbor May 2015
I want to wash it all away
Give them a glimpse of hope
But it’s already too dark for any flashlight to help
For I am lost in this sea of sorrow
And all anyone can do is
May 2015 · 633
Sean Harbor May 2015
I am reminded every day
Of what terrible things happen
When she is alone

Yet she is always alone
No matter how many people are there
Her scars still remain

But her scars are not on skin
They lie deep within her soul
I am reminded every day

— The End —