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346 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
The anxiety
The worry
Looking at you

Flimsy as they are
They can't stop a trusting heart

A trusting heart in God
He began
He will accomplish

The challenges of life questions you but there is a God who begins and finishes perfectly
335 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
In a chaos
In a turmoil
Torn in between
Are you He?
My Lord?
The one I am to submit to

I always ask this question
Over and over again
I want to love
I want to hate
But I see just you
In the eyes of my heart
I see just you
My love for My love
300 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
In her gentle hands, I was held,
From her loving chambers, I came forth to dwell.
A woman, yet an ocean vast,
Filled with precious treasures that forever will last.

Vast and virtuous, she stands apart,
One of a kind, a loving heart.
She broods over her own with care,
Nurturing and guiding with a love beyond compare.

She provides, she supplies, and she loves unconditionally,
A blessing from God, a treasure to me.
Unspoken are the sacrifices she's made,
A true personality, in every way.

My guiding light, my shining star,
Forever in my heart, near and far.
She is the figure,
The personality I revere.
A poem to the woman of my life, My Mummy.
231 · Jan 11
Have you thought of it?  
Have you wondered about it?  
Pondered over it,  
Rummaged through its depths?  


We will stand before our Creator—  
Our lives laid bare before Him.  
He sees.  
He looks.  
He observes.  

Are you worthy of life?  
Or doomed to death?  

Eternal life is real.  
Eternal death is real.  
This is no longer a joke.  
The weight of reality presses down:  
We have a Maker,  
And He will judge.  

The last days are upon us.  
Blessed are those  
Who remain faithful to the end.
It's troubling how many live their lives with no second thought. The world lives anyhow neglecting the fact a time cometh when God shall judge. It is destined for man to live once then judgment. Your life on earth determines where you will spend eternity.
164 · Jan 6
Let's feel the breath
Embrace the air

Live in the moment
With no cares

Cast your cares on Him
They that know Him
Knows Him

But no toil

He gives His own rest
He blesses the work of their hands.
157 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Crowns bow
No question asked

It is clear
God is King
King of kings

Nations today see
One Creator, One Lord

He is the Almighty
The I am that I am

He is He
No question asked
God is Lord
154 · Jan 17
Lost in you, I drift,  
Your thought, my soul's swift lift.  

My world stops, yet spins anew,  
You alone I revolve into.  

Oh, my heart, is this true?  
A love eternal, fresh, and new.
143 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
As I stand before the altar of knowledge,
‎I am reminded of the weight of expectation.
‎The toil of my guardians, the pain they've endured,
‎To give me the gift of education, and a future assured.

‎There are no two ways about it, I must win.
‎It is not a choice, but a mandate from within.
‎I am a cub, looking up to the lioness,
‎Learning to roar, to conquer, to be the best.

‎Education is the key that unlocks the door,
‎To a world of possibilities, and a future in store.
‎It is the gift that keeps on giving,
‎A treasure trove of knowledge, that keeps on living.

‎So I'll take up the challenge, and make it my own,
‎To add value to myself, and make my mark known.
‎I'll strive for excellence, and never give up the quest,
‎For knowledge is power, and education is the best.
A poem dedicated to students
We can do this
Let's keep the passion alive
139 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
I laugh to myself—
I am learning.
I speak the French:

Bonjour, Bonsoir,
Je m'appelle...
It sounds so funny,
Yet I try.

C'est la pratique qui fait la perfection,
And so, I keep going.
134 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
My eyes red
Red as tomatoes

My heart pounding
On my chest like a baseball

I believed You
I believed You

Please tell me why
The betrayal
125 · Jan 13
It takes peace  
To close the weary eyes of the body,  
To quiet the restless whispers of the soul,  
To cradle the spirit in gentle stillness.  

It takes peace  
To unburden the bookshelves of a crowded mind,  
To lighten the weight pressing on the spirit.  

It takes peace  
To quicken the stride in life's unending race,  
To rise above the struggles that bind,  
To embrace each moment, truly alive.  

The Prince of Peace,  
The Word of God made flesh,  
Is the wellspring of all tranquility—  
He is peace himself,  
And so much more.
121 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
If life bent to our will,  
Would it truly be easier?  

I can't speak for others,  
But I believe everyone craves success.  
Who dreams of failure?  
And yet they say,  
"Destiny is in your hands."  

How true is that?  
Destiny in my hands—  

I have cried rivers.  
I have walked through storms.  
Can something be done?  

Just let me live.  
For me, life means:  
Success unshaken,  
Peace unbroken,  
A purpose fulfilled.  

I can't tell for others,  
But I must make it.  
Destiny is in my hands—  
Not because they said it,  
But because I choose it.  

I will leave my mark.  
My legacy.
When destiny and life offers you a plate you hate, you stand up firm choosing another plate. You get what you want from life and destiny.
105 · Sep 2024
Patience Egesi Sep 2024
We are the backbones,  
We care.  
For the sick, we stand and fight,  
Advocating day and night.

In the shadows of white coats,  
We follow their lead.  
Through tears and pain,  
We endure,  
Because the sick are our need.

In the turmoil of the wards,  
We calm the storm.  
We keep the hospital steady,  
In every form.

Though often overlooked,  
We are the silent core.  
The health sector's lifeblood,  
Its operating system and more.

The comfort of the sick—  
Our unwavering aim.  
Their well-being is our pride,  
And their healing, our claim.
This poem is in honor to the nurses worldwide
103 · Feb 19
Implanted by hands like no other,
Planted by a mind wider than the universe,
Watered by the river of living water.

The seed buds—
Budding, glowing, blooming—
Under the watchful gaze of the Bloomer.

He has cultivated fertile soil,
Enriched with manure of wisdom and grace.
The flower blooms, shining,
Lifting its face to His Sun—the Bloomer.

I am in Him,
Just as He is in the Father.
I am a branch in the True Vine,
Rooted, flourishing, everlasting.

Spiritual Growth
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Tick goes the time—
A rhythm unbroken,
A beat beyond our grasp.

No space to dissipate,
No void in time.
It marches forward,
Untouched by our pleas.

Time is ever-present,
Yet never ours.
It slips through fingers
Like sand in an open palm,
A constant that we cannot own.

Those who know
Feel the pulse of the clock.
They understand the watch—
It beats for those who seize it,
For those who rise to its challenge.

Do you hear it?
The whisper of moments
Passing unclaimed?

Face the ticking drum.
It's time.
Whatever you aspire or dream of, now is the time. Seize the moment and take that step though scary and uncertain, start now. Now is the time.
90 · Jan 18
Am I a poet,  
Or a scribbler,  
Doodling imaginations to writings?  

Am I a scribbler,  
Or a narrator,  
Voicing my thoughts to books?

Am I a narrator,  
Or His mouthpiece,  
Sounding the burden of His heart?  

Gifted am I,  
Not to my worth,  
But to His glory.

I am His vessel,  
Filled with His Spirit,  
Speaking His burdens to men.

I am His.
Total surrender of my poetic gift to God
86 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Across the seas, I chased my dreams,
In foreign lands, or so it seems.
Through endless books and lessons new,
My heart stayed home, forever true.

The campus life, a world away,
Could never dim the love that stays.
I held to memories, clear and bright,
Of family warmth and Christmas light.

Now stepping back on cherished ground,
Home’s joy and comfort wrap me round.
With laughter, tears, and stories to share,
I find my heart’s true solace there.
The joy of coming home after being away for too long
80 · Nov 2024
Patience Egesi Nov 2024

‎Tiny as a mustard seed,
‎Faith bursts forth, uncontainable,
‎Shaking earth, moving mountains,
‎Unyielding, unstoppable.

‎The Unshakable Word, divine,
‎Spoke life to our deepest design,
‎A promise kept, a bond sealed,
‎Forever changing, forever revealed.

‎In the believer's trembling hand,
‎This seed of faith takes root, expands,
‎Unfailing, unbeatable might,
‎Conquering darkness, shining light.

‎Unshaken, unwavering, free,
‎Faith stands, a fortress, in thee,
‎A force that earthquakes cannot shake,
‎A love that mountains cannot partake.

This poem is dedicated to the fact that with faith in God nothing is impossible
79 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
In the whisper of your name,
Our hearts collided, sparking a flame.
A bond took root, deep and strong,
A connection that echoes all day long.

Marveled by the paths that led us here,
Our love has blossomed,
Through laughter and tears, we've stood as one,
Together, our love has just begun.

Two souls, entwined, a love so true,
Forever and always, my heart belongs to you.
In your eyes, my future shines bright,
With you, my love, I know we'll ignite.

A millennium of moments we'll share,
A lifetime of love, without a single care.
Our bond will flourish, wild and free,
A love that's meant to be.
My love journey with my Dear
69 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
In this evergreen land,  
Only two seasons reign—  
Sunny or cold,  
Wet or dry.  

The sun’s golden rays,  
Rising and setting with grace,  
An awe-striking sight—  
Speechless is the heart that beholds it.  

I love my seasons,  
Breathtaking, timeless.  

Yet, my heart dreams of more—  
The dance of snow in Winter,  
The splendor of Fall’s golden hues,  
Autumn’s crisp embrace,  
And Summer, a familiar friend.  

I yearn to witness them all,  
To paint their beauty upon my soul,  
To live the fullness of their story.
A dream to witness the four seasons
68 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
I need more than life can give,
My soul aches, longing for Jesus to truly live.
I feel empty,
I feel...
Words fail me.

I need help, but I have
No words that suffice.
I cry out—help me, Lord!

Help me, Jesus.
Help me, Holy Spirit.
A simple faith in God
Earth was spoken into existence,  
Worlds unfolded at the Maker's call.  
Creatures rose in vibrant persistence,  
As life surrendered, embracing it all.  

But we, the crown of creation’s art,  
Were shaped by hands, not words alone.  
Imprinted with the Maker’s heart,  
Breathed to life from dust.  

This whispers secrets of who we are,  
Crafted with care, uniquely designed.  
A tapestry woven of spirit,soul and body.
Echoing the Maker’s eternal mind.
We Humans are fearfully and wonderfully made. Other creatures were spoken to existence but we were made by the hands of God and then breathedto life.
65 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
They prayed for a miracle.
A miracle to restore their lost crown.

Fate smiled,
Answering with grace.

An Angel, they believed could heal their broken throne.

They placed their hopes on her wings.
The Angel eager to lift their spirits,
But beneath the weight, she trembled,
Feeling unworthy, fearing she might fall.

Only a miracle,
The Angel also prays,
To lift them high,
For this is her calling,
To make them royal once more.
62 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
I dread another day.
In this moment,
This fragile moment of life,
I dread its relentless continuation.

The day slips in slowly,
Slips in beautifully.
But wait—
What does it hold this time?

My heart fears the marathon,
A marathon of chasing.
You ask,
What am I chasing?
I am as lost as you.

Another day—
A gift many would trade anything for.
So, I rise.
I continue waking up.
I rise and keep rising.
62 · Jan 7
I know of A Name
A Name

Powerful yet glorious
Captivating yet Intriguing

A name exalted above all names
The Name

At the utterance of His Name
Animate, inanimate confess
He is Lord.

I know of a Name
A Name
61 · Sep 2024
Patience Egesi Sep 2024
You are bold,
You are confident,
You are strong,
You just have to believe.

Little mistakes speak volumes.
The volumes your heart aches when told.

Low self esteem eating deep,
You got no one.

The eyes staring at you,
They accusing you
Without words, you know.

My hands and legs,
Quivering like leafs.
I hate myself for my low self confidence.
57 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
Life gazes back, unblinking.
You whisper, “I can make it too.”

Connections unravel, delicate threads
“Blood is thicker,” they insist—  
But truth sours on the tongue,  
Lies, lies, lies.  

You stand alone, a solitary sentinel,
Your shield is self-awareness,  
The only armor that holds.  

No bond can bear the weight.
The clock ticks, each second a revelation.  
Time, the ultimate revealer,  
Shows you standing, solitary,  
No eyes to meet, no hands to grasp.  

It’s a facade, a fleeting feeling—  
And yet,  
It is the truth.  

No one proves worthy.
You have only yourself,  
Your own reflection to rely upon.  

Standing for yourself—this is all that remains.
57 · Nov 2024
Patience Egesi Nov 2024
‎In the eyes you offered, I searched for a home
‎A place to rest my heart, to call my own
‎But the more I looked, the more I felt astray
‎A dance of doubts, in disarray

‎Your silent screams, a desperate plea
‎"We can't be friends," your heart would say to me
‎But mine, a battlefield, where love and fear would fight
‎Leaving me with just a shadow of what's right

‎In the infarction of our love, I felt the pain
‎A heart once whole, now fractured, in vain
‎I struggled to distinguish love from mere desire
‎A toxic entanglement, that set my soul on fire

‎Now, as I look back, I see the signs
‎A love that was never meant to be mine
‎But in the embers, of what we used to be
‎I'll find the strength, to break free.
#Wrong Relationship
# Regret
57 · Jan 21
My flesh seeks to drown me—  
And by me,  
I mean my Spirit.  

Give the flesh a chance,  
And you'll sink into the depths of depression.  
Your spirit begins to fade,  
And when I say fade,  
I mean the whispers of despair  
That tempt you toward the edge.  

Get over it!  
Life isn’t over.  
Jesus loves you.  

His joy surpasses all understanding.  
Just open your heart  
And receive the fullness of His peace.  

Oh, what an amazing feeling—  
To be lifted by His grace.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
55 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
Which path?
Oh, which path!

The roller coaster of intuitions,
Leaning on opinions.
The rising sun, mind racing-
Which path?
The rooster shouts,
Stumbling into reality.

My decisions are shaky.
Leaning on opinions-
Which path?

Which path?
Out of the writings of others,
I chose.

My heart beats with hesitation
My decision slaps me intensely.

Where are they?
I chose from their writings.

Soul awakening
I'm in it.
This is it.

The path
I chose from others-

This path!
54 · Nov 2024
Patience Egesi Nov 2024
In the depths of our souls, a tempest rages
‎Anger, bitter blood, and a heart that's caged
‎The animalistic part of us, a beast that's untamed
‎Lurks in the shadows, waiting to be reclaimed

‎We don our masks, a façade of civility
‎Concealing the destructive part, the chaos that we can't define
‎Some wear their hearts on their sleeves, unapologetic and bold
‎While others hide behind a veneer, their true selves yet untold

‎We're humans, made in His image, or so we're told
‎But like rebellious puppets, we dance to our own beat, our own gold
‎We neglect our Potter, the one who shaped and molded us with care
‎And instead, we forge our own paths, with hearts that are hardened and bare

‎In this world of chaos, where love and hate entwine
‎We search for a lifeline, a beacon that will guide us through the grime
‎And though we stumble, though we fall and lose our way
‎We'll rise again, for love and unity are the keys that will unlock our day.
The cruelty of this world in the name of civilization
53 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
Young soul waiting,
that undying passion.
It's sweet to the mind and heart.

Burning in the heart,
Love for one.

Stares deeply,
Waiting for that.
That, which could sweep her feet.
The love of that passion.

Crystal clear is the truth.
The giver of life,
Sits and tells
"I am the way"

Way to that passion
Only I
I am the Light
To ignite and sustain
This undying passion

Hopes glitter on her face.
He is mine to please.
52 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
My mind reels back to that moment
When fear's icy grip took hold
A sudden trembling seized my frame
My whole being testified to the panic's claim

I grasped the microphone, a disaster unfolding
My words, a jumbled mess, or so it seemed
Was I speaking or mumbling? I couldn't tell
My mind, a maze of self-doubt, a trickster's spell

In that intense moment, I wished to be
Glued to my seat, silent and free
No care to speak, no need to face
The fear that gripped me, a suffocating space
Fear of public speaking
51 · Nov 2024
Patience Egesi Nov 2024

‎Looking Back, Looking Beyond

‎Looking back, I see the signs,
‎A heart that screamed, yet silently aligned.
‎We weren't destined; I fought the thought,
‎My heart yearned for friendship, not love caught.

‎You sought more; I hesitated.
‎Emotionally drained, yet still I waited.
‎My mind was in, but heart astray,
‎Squinting to see a future day.

‎Tears fell, and I agreed,
‎Though tomorrow's path remained unseen.
‎Fate will tell what our bond will be,
‎If destiny or mere fantasy.

A relationship unrequited
49 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
Word like mountain

"You are the one"

Staggering legs,
Dropping heart,
She had to stand

"You are the one"
She poured out

Minds battling
You are the one

The potter blazes her core
"You are the one"
46 · Aug 2024
Patience Egesi Aug 2024
Connection meant to be
But alas, only in your eyes

Certainty crept in
But you fought the fogs

Behold, " It is"
But swept by reality.

This has to end
No connection worth you
Fantasies of the reality
I prayed
But shocked

It was a lie
All along
Wells of my eyes
I will let out
But sealed

42 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
All is busy,  
Tangled in their own rush,  
Wrapped in the importance of their world,  
A world that pulls them far from me.

I long to pour out,  
To speak my heart,  
But not in idle chatter,  
Not in words that fall flat.

Yet, they are all choked—  
Choked with the weight of their headaches,  
Their heartaches,  
Lost in their own silent battles.

So here, I remain—  
Turning inward,  
Opening my heart in prayer,  
Or letting my pen bleed truth,  
In the quiet spaces where I am free.
My life as an introvert
34 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
I will not hold my peace.
He came,
He died,
He rose,
He reigns—our Savior eternal.

My voice will not falter.
I speak with bold authority,
For He is my Commander,
And I follow His call.

My life is His,
And in Him, I live.
He is my one true love,
The eternal Lover of my soul.
34 · Dec 2024
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Appointment planned, agreed upon,
In perfect harmony, our schedules had won.
The appointed day arrived, I sat and waited,
Glancing at the clock, my patience created.

Time ticked on, the scheduled hour slipped away,
I grew annoyed, my frustration here to stay.
Just when I thought the wait would never cease,
You strolled in, with a smile, and a gentle breeze.

"Elegantly late," you said with a grin,
I raised an eyebrow, my skepticism within.
Is lateness elegance, or just a lack of care?
I pondered this, as you stood there.
Punctuality is beautiful
Lateness is irritating
33 · Jan 16
I see this far, and He has carried me,  
I stand encouraged, renewed, and free.  

I see this far, and here I stand—  
A testament to grace, by His hand.  

I see this far,  
What once were stumbling blocks,  
Now stepping stones, leading to today.  

I see this far,  
And I know, without doubt,  
I am never alone—  
He walks beside me,  
He lives within me.  

This far,  
By Grace.
Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord of Host.
Zechariah 4 vs 6
30 · Feb 9
‎A burden on my heart
‎To rest in His presence

‎A burden in my heart
‎To rest with My Comfort

‎A Spirit cries
‎The Holy Spirit
‎Looking for men

‎Oh am I worthy
‎Please, here I am
‎Am I worthy

‎Pick me
‎Dust me
‎Mould me
‎Form me
‎Make me
‎That vessel of honor yielding
‎To You - Lord

‎Oh my Love
‎Search no more
‎Here I am
‎Your burden
‎My burden
‎Your tears
‎My tears

‎I am here
‎Send me
‎Use me
‎Spend my life

‎Search no further Lord
‎Weep no more King
‎Here I am

My desire is You Lord Jesus
My ernest desire is You
A little girl yearning you.
30 · Dec 2024
A Destiny Too Heavy
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Words too heavy,  
Too heavy to utter.  

Is it just me,  
Or am I lost in delusion?  
I want to shout—  
Shout the pain in my heart.  

I want to scream,  
Not merely utter them.  
Who will understand?  

My eyes bulge with sorrow,  
Yet they speak so little of my agony.  

How I pray,  
How I ask Him:  
Why is this my destiny?  

A destiny,  
A destiny—  
Can it not be changed?  
Please, help me.
A plea for change
The hustling,
The bustling,
The endless rustling —
Journeying through,
My eyes reel,
My heart screeches,
My soul needing retraining —
This hush life not mine.

Stepping into my homeland,
I knew displacement.
The air too thick,
The pace too fast,
The noise — a rhythm I never learned.

From a country serene,
I came,
Where peace was my daily bread,
And calm held me like a lover.

But here —
Here my spirit recoils,
My heart protests,
My eyes hurl against the rush
Of this my Nigeria.

Blood of Nigeria,
But bred in another’s heart —
I tasted peace and bliss
In this, my adopted home.

Can I deny my country?
My lineage trips there,
My name sings of its soil —
But my spirit whispers
In another tongue.

A proud Nigerian —
Am I?
I laugh.

Yet still,
My roots — Nigeria.
I am torn in between accepting my identity as a Nigerian or denying it
16 · 3d
I know a Hero —  
A mother goose,  
Watching over her chicks  
With love and grace.  
Oh, my Hero.  

I know a Hero —  
She is my world.  
God knows I speak the truth;  
He blessed me with her.  
Oh, my Hero.  

I know a Hero —  
Without her, my life is void.  
Oh, my Hero.  

While other chicks speak  
Of their proud Roosters as heroes,  
I speak of her —  
Not as a Heroine,  
For calling her that  
Would only lessen her strength.  
She is my Hero.
A poem to my mother, My Hero

— The End —