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1.3k · Nov 2017
My little rain witch
Muneer Nov 2017
As she danced in the rain,
She took my breath away
With every swirl
My heart skipped a beat
Her glimmering trophy
Lights her up like the morning sun
I can't help but fall for her over and over again
Oh, what kind of sorcery is this
My little rain witch
Has me bewitched everyday
- ©M
724 · Oct 2017
Her Eyes
Muneer Oct 2017
Her eyes,
Captivating like the night sky
Drowns me into its never ending expanse.
Her eyes,
So full of life
Sets my life free of its worldly desires.
Her eyes,
So pretty and fascinating
Makes me fall in love over and over again.
My oh my,
There is no turning back for me.
Her eyes,
So mischevious and alit it could be that of a devils
But to me, always something magical.
Her eyes,
So full of fire
Burns my heart into ashes.
I could close my eyes and pretend my love for her isn't real.
But then, all she has to do is smile
And i'm down on my knees again.
- ©M
When her eyes have you in a trance..
545 · Oct 2017
My Star
Muneer Oct 2017
She is like the Sun
Her gravity pulls you in
So close
that you burn in her magnificence
Now you find yourself
rotating in her orbit
For there is no star like her
No fire hotter
No gravitational pull stronger
She is your sun
She is your life
And when her fire dies out
You want to be ****** in to her black hole
along with everything else around her.
524 · Dec 2017
Muneer Dec 2017
You are in love
When you are at war
With yourself
Love defies logic
Cause there is nothing logical about it
No explanations
No manuals
Just fighting
The battles of your heart
While ignoring your instincts
When they are screaming
Warnings of pain
For you to listen
To escape
Yet you proceed
While you know the truth
And here you are
Poisoned in its bliss
Fueled by a fools hope
Of fairy tales and longings
Gambling your way through life
While the ferry that carries you
Slowly sinks
Into your delusional present
Guided by your heart
Before you could make it
To your destined future
504 · Nov 2017
You are perfect
Muneer Nov 2017
You are a gem among the souls
Polished to sharp edges
Radiating spectrum of colors when held
A smile of the morning sun
Stretching around your simple creation
Stops time in its track
Lips of heavenly clouds
Stained my heart in a single kiss
Eyes of cocoa dream
Dancing to imaginary tunes
Drowning the roars of the ocean around
People speculating insanity
But for me
An addiction unlike other
A heart that leaves even the saints envious
Look at what you have made
What you are
What you hold
A life
Of unmade bed
And adorable pups
Filled with passion
For chocolates
And lust for adventures
Pay no heed to the whispers
That haunt your ears
For they are just jealous
Of what you have
And what they don't
A beautful life,
Of your making.
- ©M
468 · Nov 2017
Her worth
Muneer Nov 2017
Her worth is not defined by by wealth or fame
She is simply a priceless work of art
A beautiful masterpiece that leaves you captivated by it's beauty
A beauty brighter than the sun,
Lighting up everyone around her
The way her lips curve when she smiles
Leaves me tamed like a kitten
The sound of her voice ricochets inside my head
Like ripples in water, spreading through inside me
Her eyes, so captivating
Draws you into its abyss
Her hair, reflects the sun's light as if they were her own
This little witch has me spellbound from miles away
Resistance is futile
You will only be drawn further
By the time you realise
You have already fallen to far below that you can't see the light around you
Now my heart ticks like a clock
Tick tock tick tock it goes
Counting days instead of seconds
Till it goes back home, to her
So that it can shine in her light,
Feel her love coursing through its arteries
And beat to the melodies of her heartbeat again.
- ©M
460 · Oct 2017
What I seek
Muneer Oct 2017
I seek so much more than jst a physical connection
I seek to know the melodies that cross inbto your mind when you wake up
I seek to hear your voice whisper into my ears
I seek to know who your are
I seek to know your thoguhs, whims and fear
i seek to know the language of your eyeas, the stories they tell
I seek to know what sets your heart on fire so that i can keep it alit for the remainder of our lives
Oh baby, i seek to know everything about you beyond the surface.
- ©M
In too deep
451 · Nov 2017
Muneer Nov 2017
As time passes by
I keep falling for you harder
like the rain falling to the ground on monsoon
pouring its love all around
As I frantically try to reach back for a parachute
to slow down my fall
I realize that I don't have one,
And that I cannot stop falling for you.
- ©M
430 · Nov 2017
Give me...
Muneer Nov 2017
Give me a moment,
And I will give you an eternity
Give me a breath,
And I will dedicate every breath in my lungs for you.
Give me a secret,
And I will confide in you all my secrets
Give me a bit of your love,
And I will give you all of mine
Give me a smile,
And I will always give you a reason to smile
Give me a reason to come back,
And I will keep coming back for you
Give my heart a life,
And I will live for you.
Give me just a tiny piece of yourself,
And I will give you all of me.
-© M
416 · Nov 2017
Forbidden Fruit
Muneer Nov 2017
You are a forbidden fruit
One that I'm undeserving of
Maybe what attracts me the most
Is how you much effort I put
Into scaling your branches
Seeking what I can't have
Without you loosing a breath
I slip and fall
Reaching out for what I can't hold
Without you knowing
I find myself held by tangled vines
Craving what I can't get
Oblivious to the approaching cloud
Of reality and fate
Fueled by a fools hope
And fleeting kisses.
- ©M
409 · Jan 2018
Eyes - 1st Haiku
Muneer Jan 2018
I'm a prisoner,
Drowning in their temptation,
Eyes of chocolate daze.
This is my first attempt at a Haiku. Is it correct? Would love to hear some feed back on this
397 · Dec 2017
Those eyes
Muneer Dec 2017
The starry skies
The moonlit night
They don't stand a chance
Against the sight of her eyes
Gaze that sends ripples of pleasure
On anything blessed to fall its way
Such is the beauty of her eyes
Feels like a sin to stare into them
Filling you with anxiety
Making you lose yourself in them
When you wanted to lose yourself in her
373 · Oct 2017
Muneer Oct 2017
Hello friend,
Do you remember me ?
We used to date back in high school.
We havent talked much since then.
All I have been doing since then is,
search for you in others.
Now you ask me how am I?
And I said, I missed you.
You say, I am the sweetest
Oh, that must have made my day every single time.
I wouldn’t have become the man I am today,
If it wasnt for you.
I’m not a fool, nor am I fooling around.
Just telling you whatever my heart feels.
You can take my love for granted.
I’ll give it all to you.
Its always been yours,
I didn’t realise it until now.
At the end, just make me count for something.
Would you still give me a second chance?
Can you still be mine?
I hope you can stay mine, mine alone.
I keep searching for the answers in your eyes,
But all they tell me is that you are more than jst a friend of mine.
Inspired by Avicii - Friend of mine~
312 · Oct 2017
The night of Halloween
Muneer Oct 2017
in the shade of night
in the sad gloom of the moon
carved pumpkins come to life
little demons roam the streets
hoarding treats from stranger homes
tis the night where
demons are a joke
fear is a festival
myths laughed upon
where the night comes alive
streets alight echoing with laughter
and bags full of treats
300 · Jan 2018
Muneer Jan 2018
Help me escape,
From the clutches of my mind
that  hold me prisoner
behind walls
of fathomless heights.
The warden here,
cold and merciless
has me by the edge
of a bottomless pit
while holding a blade
an inch off my life.
282 · Oct 2017
Save me
Muneer Oct 2017
Save me
from these shadows
shadows of my forest
forest of my thoughts
shine your light through its trees
bring it to life
untangle me from these bushes of confusion
let there be music instead of silence.
278 · Jan 2018
Wild fire
Muneer Jan 2018
Oh yes,
She is a fierce wild fire
A fire in which
I would like to burn
myself to ashes
and let the wind carry me
with her
until she is put out
and all that remains are my ashes
over her memories.
Muneer Nov 2017
Oh, thou art fairer than the evening air
Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars;
Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter
When he appear’d to hapless Semele:
More lovely than the monarch of the sky     
In wanton Arethusa’s azured arms:
And none but thou shalt be my paramour.
One of the most beautiful verses I have ever come across. 15 years back this is what made me wanna write.

— The End —