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Apr 2020 · 209
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
my heart was a pocket watch
you made me tick

when you threw me away
now the buttons don't click

you carried me everywhere
I served best as I could

holding on to your side
my shine always stood

one trip down the *****
and down the clock went

hit the floor hard
my gears being spent

my hands froze at midnight
still stuck on a dream

my watchman was never
the man that he seemed
Apr 2020 · 150
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
you see something wise
copy and paste
what a surprise
you may have good taste
copyright, plagiarize
not your own words
look how you summarize
trying to be heard
if you want to write poetry
then by god do so
but don't steal from others
its ink that you owe
ya'll dont know who im talking about... but almost every poem ive read of theirs are pintrest picture quotes... come on... be real
Apr 2020 · 175
who are you looking for?
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
if you close your eyes
you can find them

cause when you close your eyes

there's only you
Apr 2020 · 135
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
if my soul was a rose-bush

there would be petals on the floor

swept away on the wind

leaving hollowed thorns behind
Apr 2020 · 230
-ship in a bottle-
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
I've captured
my feelings
placed them
in a glass bottle
and thrown them
into the sea
Apr 2020 · 132
little miss sunshine
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
I'm so sorry if I sound like a downer

if you met me in person you'd sure be surprised

I sound very sad, but I'm just not a frowner

no one in my life who doesn't tell lies

poems and feelings not so sweet

so out on my pages, I scribble online

but promise me one day when we meet

you'll see I'm little miss sunshine
heres just a little bit about me:) i love when people message me questions about my work and i would love to get to know all of you... so heres the real me. im free to talk whenever
Apr 2020 · 163
final notice
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
this is the last time
I lose sleep over you

the last time
my dreams don't come true

cause I'm done
making other people happy

stop stealing my joy
you don't have power over me

I'm giving you a yellow page
so tape it to your face

this is my final notice
the rest of you I erase
Apr 2020 · 112
notice me
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
I always thought, "he'll notice me."
        "don't look his way" day after day

"play hard to get" our lips have met

          "Keep your distance" see no difference

"live your life right in front of him
           and drive him crazy" this won't faze me; lies

Little did I know
he didn't care
and he still doesn't

               except for this time I do...this time I notice you
Apr 2020 · 128
Finally Home
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
Stars' eyes once gazed upon us here
-- Transfixed in place with flecks of light
Moon glow washes us in her liquid pearl
-- Chills running down a quiver of flight
Warmth rising up like a tropic sunrise
-- Flowing thru our veins like magma
Secluded deep in a world of our own
-- where the world can't find us
Our whispers restore the stars' gaze

....we are finally home
Collab with Slate Blue:) we worked on this one together... hopefully, more in the future
Apr 2020 · 1.0k
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
confessions of an infj:


there are no easy decisions... every choice is a debate in mind

actions are not simple actions...there are motives behind everything

our minds have no off switch so it is a constant inner conversation

we are both the strongest and most sensitive hearts all at once

you cannot read us but we know you better than you know yourself

our compassion is spilled for everyone until the limit is pushed

then, you see the darkest side of us... our absence of care

can't always figure ourselves out, yet everyone else is a solved puzzle

will understand your intents are desires the most, yet completely

misunderstood and alone

wants to understand how your feeling but will never open up
if you ever have any questions or need some advice from an INFJ who gets you... message me:) im always here
Apr 2020 · 108
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
why do I feel the most alive when the world is asleep?
most real when people's minds are in dreams?
most heard when no one is listening?

same as the moon
I burn brightest
in the darkness

a candle of the living
Apr 2020 · 130
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
are the actions
of the soul
Apr 2020 · 299
strawberry fields
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
her eyes were green
with golden flecks
candy apple red staining
the center ring
flowing out into a dark forest ivy
her lips soft and plump
like bubblegum
puckered out like
a blooming flower
rosey cheeks painted
with a gentle watercolor
and freckles speckling
her little button nose
like snow
last of all her hair
the perfect strawberry field
red, auburn, ginger
smelling fresh and pure
she smiles
Apr 2020 · 179
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
I dyed my hair red

I feel like I'm dead

so much as been said

it's all in my head
i cant go back now...
Apr 2020 · 99
it's okay to admit it
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
admit it
we've all messed up
admit it
we've all hurt people
admit it
you're afraid to let anyone know your human
AND that is what makes us human
so just admit it
Apr 2020 · 92
pants on fire
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
do you want to know what my biggest turn off in a person is?


think about every problem you've ever had

someone wasn't honest

and you both know it
Apr 2020 · 174
here comes the sun
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
pain leaking
through the veins piercing
the edges of our existence
craving for a taste of lies
longing to reach out
and feel the sun once again
shine on this pale
broken soul
Apr 2020 · 91
eye contact
Ivy Davenport Apr 2020
she turned around
& she saw him

he saw her
& he kept walking
Mar 2020 · 86
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
the vaguest memory
I beg to remember

walking down
the flickering hallway

light blue gown
gently kissing the floor

heels clicking as the
sound echos

a hollow song of darkness
humming me to sleep
Mar 2020 · 85
lost in your wonderland
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
grab me and pull me in
let me fall into the depths
sinking into your eyes fixed upon me
the air rushing by
yet teacups don't zoom by
floating in air
right above me
eclipsed by your wide smile
eyes glowing bright
from out of the billowing smoke
brought to a land
not quite right
a place somewhat different
no road maps or signs
just blood-colored roses
and rabbits and times
you make me go mad
and together we fume
like teapots to boil
at the table more room
you ****** me with glances
and our fantasies
you might as well
wear a label that says
"eat me"
inspired by Alice in Wonderland;)
Mar 2020 · 215
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
ever get that feeling
that you don't want
anyone to decide
who they think you are...
that you want to crumple up
the page of yourself
in everyone's mind
and title yourself
Mar 2020 · 114
sAy WhAt yOu mEaN
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
promise= a lie
always= sometimes
forever= for now
love= playing games

then... I will sometimes play games with you, for now.  I lie.
Mar 2020 · 83
search history II
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
typing into Google*

how to |

how to kiss with a boy
how to look beautiful
how to make him want you'
how to get him to remember you
how to forgive yourself
how to get over a boy
how to forget someone
how to find a new dream
Mar 2020 · 236
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
tall, prickly, and dangerous
I see your back in town
last time here you left me
but I've made a country crown
these wildflowers are deadly
don't mess with me this time
ill rattle out in warning
don't dare you cross that line
I'm the sheriff in town now
and you've yeed you're last haw
this ain't the rodeo lass
you'll surrender to the law
I know you, oh Saguaro
how you look above the rest
but when you die its only bone
a skeleton at best
yee haw
Mar 2020 · 78
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
can a person really use
"love of my life"
more then
Mar 2020 · 2.4k
my icecream boy
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
I asked him if he wanted another bite of icecream

and he told me he wanted me forever:)

I'm not going to correct him...
it was the cutest thing in the world oml i cant even describe how sweet
Mar 2020 · 124
search history
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
typing into Google*

how to |

how to make the soul stop from feeling
how to keep your heart from breaking
how to stop your mind from thinking
how to heal a wound on the wrist
how to start breathing again
how to keep on living
how to cliff jump
every device has a history and every person has a story
Mar 2020 · 103
childs' play
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
I'm not a toy

you don't give me away
when you outgrow me

you don't toss me away
when my battery is low

you don't put me on a shelf
like the rest of your collection

I am not a toy,
Yet you are a child
wow getting toy story vibes
Mar 2020 · 177
>handle with caution<
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
let me go
slap a label on me
that reads
Mar 2020 · 93
Ace of Hearts
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Is this love?
...or are we playing cards with a deck of hearts
stop playing games with breakable objects
Mar 2020 · 112
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
slap me on a letter

seal me with a kiss

send me far away

give me one last wish
Mar 2020 · 86
come true
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
you were the wish my heart
could never throw down a well.
Mar 2020 · 78
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Alarms, timers, sirens
The tick tock threads of life
Weaving rhythm through our day
Pain, joy, and strife

Familiar with the melody
To pause would be a felony
Attuned to all the chaos
Never silent, never rest

For what are we without routine
What are we without the steady
In a world of constant change
Off book we just aren’t ready

A flicker here, a flicker there
He fixed his car, she changed her hair
Nothing new, nothing bold
Nothing to change the ways of old

Continue, continue on this path of comfort
Til struck with fear we halt our marches
Downfalls one, then another
Screams of terror, others mutter

Real or fake this nightmare spread
Parties crashed, no couples wed
Stores ravaged, panic led
Leading down to something...dead?

Come together, storm to weather
Shame our leaders
Blame our neighbors

Hide and pray soap will save the day
Let no guards stand in their way

With tubes of white and instant bowls
Bunker down and close the schools

With our timers and our alarms
We stay afloat
But it will be sirens
That sink the boat.
Mar 2020 · 88
sunshine child<3
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
long letters
          the                            cat socks
         good                                       riptide
          old                                                 long locks
         days                                   tide pool
                                  moon rocks
yellow crocs
Mar 2020 · 247
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
im always scared of matches

so quick to catch the flame

i swipe the pick against the box

then pray o jesus' name

i hold my hand out steady

the spark a-flickers bright

then marches up the stick so fast

i blow with all my might


i never needed to light this candle anyway
i do this EVERY DAY.. im buying a lighter
Mar 2020 · 127
#me too
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
who did this to you...
was it him?

I knew it was him from the very start
you just hoped he'd prove you wrong

didn't you?
i love to hear your comments, makes me feel like im not screaming in an empty room:)
Mar 2020 · 97
love song type
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
together we're like a love song
playing on repeat
blasting too loud so the neighbors hear
or alone when we retreat
the rhythm stuck in both our heads
to hum throughout the day
don't know bout you,
my country boy
I wouldn't have it any other way
Mar 2020 · 251
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
only answers when there's pictures

only picks up when I'm undressed

only tells that he loves me when

I'm looking at my best

I've stopped answering your calls

now I'm leaving you on read

I want to real love

not lust inside your bed
find someone who knows where real value lies...
Mar 2020 · 93
if people were boxes...
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
i wish people were boxes

cause boxes will always be plain

a box will hold baggage and junk

a box will stay in its lane

a box won't pretend its an airplane

that will fly you away on the clouds

or a vault to hold and protect you

from everything you might befall

a box will hold onto memories

a box will remain by your side

it may fold up and take a quick break

but its purpose will never surprise

you can take it wherever you go

it will help you out on your way

a box won't fake love though

while a person usually may
Mar 2020 · 99
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
i find a friend

and once again

i trip and then im lost

he waits for me and makes me tea

the next day out im tossed

she loved me dearly, heart and soul

but messed up was her mind

so once again im stuck in bed

no friends for me to find

he never understood my moods

but his eyes saw in so deep

i felt connection every day

but he was a friend i couldn't keep

next one was tall and boss of all

but she always kept me safe

all day long she'd yell and yawn

so i couldn't hold the pace

last one was very special

we both had shared a dream

hard to handle, much to bear

tearing at the seam

i have this terrible habit

i really need to break

trusting people with your heart

is more than it can take
looked through my pictures today... not one of the people who are in my favorite memories still care about me or can still be called "friend"

that was a harsh reminder... you never know what you have till its gone
Mar 2020 · 109
Isn't it? p2
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Isn't it funny?
How one minute you depend on someone like they hold the entire world in their hand?
How in seconds, you can't even look them in the eye without biting your lip in pain?
How at the end of the day the person whom the best memories were made becomes a wave of sickening nostalgia?
Funny...isn't it?
part 2 ayeeeee
Mar 2020 · 85
Its him
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
i look up

jet black locks whip in my direction

his eyes catch mine

a chill runs down my spine

piercing my chest

dark brown eyes

...its him
Mar 2020 · 88
dancing with my ghost
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Sitting in the light
Craving for the dark

Hoping just to hide
All the feelings in my heart

Push them down a little farther
Till just the tips you see

But just wait until the suns up
All the ******* breaking free

It feels like there’s glass between us
Filled with pictures of our past

And the only way I see you
Is through the time I saw you last

It’s like a room that’s full of mirrors
Full of shadows and of doubt

Never seeing what you want to
Never truly getting out

Glancing at the moon
Feeling so alone

Watching all the clouds
Not an empty room

All I want is to be wanted
All I feel is just no feeling

Is the grass really that much greener
Or is there any point in seeing

A giggle in my heart
A stabbing in my mind

Can’t even explain my soul
What more is there to find

Blast the music louder
Cry a little harder

Hold me a little tighter
Never let me go

The more I watch you dance
The more I wanna cry

Two more things I wish I had
Two more and no more lies
this was a poem i wrote years ago... but still hits home
Mar 2020 · 267
when i woke
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Get out
just get out...
don't look me in eyes.
a night where things seemed perfect
a morning filled with lies
so eager for my entrance
so hasty to come back
you held me like you wanted me but then YOU THREW ME BACK
you tricked me like a child
and rocked me in your arms
I gave you every part of me
you broke down all my bars
I laid there with no doubts
no sadness
no pain
you wrapped your arms around me
to a MONSTER its a GAME
you have never given everything
cause you're too **** scared to miss out on all the thrill
too **** scared to finally open up
too **** lonely to believe in real love
admit it you are scared! you don't understand real love
you've been hurt and you've been damaged
so you've tried to rise above
you have never been so...vulnerable
so you took my heart and tossed it
no second thoughts
like something that's reusable
my mind was filled with questions
you never wanted words
just where they'd been
and that is when it hit me
just a "single night of fun"
I really know you
so in the morning, you could run
when I woke that morning
instead of making an escape
not a sound
not whisper
nothing loud
GOD how can you stand there looking at me with those eyes and expect me to just forget?!
God I'm standing here screaming inside every reason I've ever loved
you and you're out here making bets
you crushed my soul like no one in my life has ever been able to
how can a person make someone feel so loved and then act like they don't exist?
God, I don't understand!
so just get out

oh wait... you already have.
wow really rough night y'all
Mar 2020 · 291
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
held in place by
a single thread

masked behind
a blushing veil

painted over
colored red

stories told
to grow a tale

pain leaks under
my skin like ink

wake up young
enough to wonder

stained forever
try to blink

filled with pictures
hard to ponder

lost to soul
dark to mind

when I wake
who will I find?
Mar 2020 · 260
Isn't it? p1
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Isn't it funny?
How the quietest moments scream the loudest?
How the silence is bursting with thoughts?
How at the end of it all... saying nothing says the most?
Funny...isn't it?
let me know if I should do a series of the "isn't it" poems...
Mar 2020 · 139
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
Two hearts
One beat
Three years across the sea
Once together
A storm to weather
Yet still considered "we"

— The End —