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994 · Mar 2021
Dreamer's dream
I'll lay on my bed to dream again
Of that faraway land beyond
Where many say promises lay
I'll sleep to dream again

To what depth will I have to sleep
And dream again of the wondrous land
And to what height do I ascend
To behold your glorious deep

Oh you faraway land in keep
In my dream you are no more
To my reality I return, no more of you
A figment of thoughts, a dream in dream
The grass is greener here
953 · Feb 2021
In a poet eye
Text are always dancing
To an invisible rhythm
Even the static figures
Keeps jumping up and down
Seeing through many lens
Lens changing with every step
I can't place my hand on it, what brings words into your head
926 · Jan 2021
We're a new lover in a new town
Our love is forever, the town still young
Our future is bright, or is it not?
We should care what the town say
Of our love, For or Against
But then it heard our love crashed
What a knowing smile the town has
It knows we're never meant to be
So has it conspired to not let us be
I, as in I, I change not
But you, you are the devil that I know
The town is our witness
You and I should not belong
As for the town, let it always be
As a glitch that will never let us be,
We're meant to part someday, not as friend as you know it
691 · Oct 2020
I, You Deserve Better
You raised me from my birth,
Even from when I was a toddler
You promised "by you till death"
Before I even know you're a mother.

My teen years are all before you,
You nurtured me well to be strong
To stand for the right cause, any who
Needs your courage and fight along.

But, the story has changed so great,
You stabbed and pulled triggers on me
So also as the love I have turned to hate,
I deserve better O mother, even me.

Heroes of yesterday are on your street
Clothed with the blood of your brutality
You deserve better and not this hit,
When will you wake to this reality?
637 · Jan 2021
Come closer to us
We won't let you wander off
Come back to this house
You out there, be still
We here together lend our voices
Our voices in calling you back home
Come back to this house
This house is where you belong
The only place you would find rest
520 · Mar 2021
Mocker in feast
It thought of making a joke on me
I bow and greeted in an uninterested air
It laughs and shook head, it's gone
What a thoughtless action of the vain mind
To what end will you mock, o mocker
505 · Oct 2020
Hilltop rose
My rose is mine
Mine is my rose
My rose is unique
It has enchanting effect
It petals are like blades
It stalk is a trumpet
It cuts when touched
And silent when blew
But it makes me aware
Of your presence
At my door knocking
If I give you my rose
Will you keep it as my rose?
Or will you let it waste away
When you keep it as your rose?
I pray of you
Let it be my rose, mine alone.
446 · May 2021
"Will you hold me in your loving embrace?"
"You will rise with the sun in my loving arm"
"I am a cut out stalk without root in the earth"
"I will be your renewal of hope every season"
"I am a weak youngling, to and fro I go with the wind"
"By my divine guidance you will grow strong and tall"
"I have no breath, no life for my survival"
"I will be the breath, the life you so want"
"Will the sun shine on; on me?"
"It love will caress your little beautiful face"
"What says you of the windy storm, rain and seasons?"
"Mine is to defend, yours is to be calm"
"My needs are endless, I did wary you of life"
"I will provide providence when you are in need"
"All you have given, what needs you from me?"
"That you shine, and be a hope of life to another"
402 · Oct 2020
Why stand afar?
Come, let us have our fill of love
Draw closer to me, hold on tight
This is our time, never let go
Look into my eyes, and see you
The desire running through me
To have you all to myself
This is a fire to my heart
Like an arrow through my flesh
Let our emotion runs wild
Let it be untamed.
I won't yield to the temptation
Temptation of old, plaguing our love
Come, only love me dearly
Let us have our fill of love
357 · Oct 2020
Like Angels, Watching
During the darkest hour of the day
When I was all alone

I was at peace knowing this
But also there's this restlessness

As if an eye is watching me
Telling to be cautious of what I do

"who's there?" I called
It replied "I'm your consciousness"
351 · Oct 2020
Why must love hurt so?
Why must love hurt so?

All you came to do
Was to save me.
You saw all of my afflictions
From up there, you seated
On your throne of eternal glory.
Beholding me, as a fragile one
Your compassion, you bestowed.

You couldn't leave me
Alone in my groaning.
I am your hand work,
And so you thought of saving me.
To redeem me unto you again, you came
Yes, you came down here for my salvation
Your compassion, you bestowed.

For many days you lived with me,
Dining and wining all years long.
You told me of many a thing about
Heavenly kingdom, where you came from
You told me great things to come also,
I was at peace knowing you
I was full with love so deep.

But then you told me you were leaving
Going on a journey faraway.
Going back home to where you came from,
To prepare a place for me, you said.
I had no idea what you meant,
Until they came, oh, they took you away
Away, right in front of me.

I was deeply troubled by what I saw
All because you love me, They wouldn't
Let you go, it's a sin to love the condemned.
Your pains from their whips,
Oh, I heard it all with my own ears.
Your sufferings did I witnessed,
With my own very eyes.

Still, you wouldn't give up on me
You looked at me, all I saw was love
But then, they screamed,
As a man possessed "to the cross"
Oh, why must love hurt so?
All because of me, you went through
A terrible ordeal.

At the cross, your feet and hands
They drove through with nails.
On your head, a thorny crown they present.
Mocked all day, you withstood it all
All for me, for my complete salvation
By your side a spear went through, your
Blood and water rushing out like many rivers.

To me you said, "it is finished" and lived
No more, you lived no more.
All I asked was "why must love hurt so?"
Your body to the ground
Your love to the grave
Your whole to be gone, in desolation
I remembered no word of you, how hopeless!

Two days gone by, there's nothing of you
Early third day morning, there's a rumor in town.
All my doors been shut, that there's
Nothing to life, but my neighbors won't
Stop knocking, whispering about.
I gave no attention, until I heard

My bolt and nut, all swung lose
I'm going to the cross, to see the grave.
Your body I find not, nor your love in the mud
Unto me, my life returns
And my soul relieved.
Seeing you face to face, now I know
Why love hurt so.
Jesus died for me to have eternal life.
334 · Feb 2021
Heart moving songs
Song moving hearts
Rhythm breaking souls
Soul breaking rhythms
We do feel elated
Elated we do feel
Tuned for us to dance
We dance when it's tuned
317 · Mar 2021
This side of the river
And unto the new life thou promised
On it I pray thou hold thy grip
And unto thy ***** hold thee tight
Grasses here are greener than thou think
There's no place better than home
303 · Jan 2021
When you live it is for us to live
Even in death, you gave you life away
You have your life to live
Don't you think so?
But yet again you gave it all
Only that I believe in you
As one sent from the father
Is it to believe in you?
Oh, that I will gladly do.
280 · Nov 2020
Beauty from ashes
Up there
In the sky
Birds will fly
Hope will rise
With joy untold
But to earth
They return
To start
From scratch
Another beauty
From ashes
209 · Oct 2020
The Calling
Arise, O compatriots
Your father's land calls, obey
Your future generations calls, obey
Listen to the voice of hundreds calling

They all awaits, O compatriots
They all awaits your awakening
To take the lead and show them the true path
Will you sleep on, O compatriots?

If you failed, O compatriots
Then livings shall come with their deads
Singing to your hears, through clumsy voices
You failed us, O compatriots.
206 · Oct 2020
Nigeria needs help
I was charged of been a youth
Prosecuted for having fiery blood
They knew I wouldn't hold still
So they treated me as an outsider

Right from my childhood
I was told "youths are the future"
Why is the story different now?
I wonder why the story need changed

I felt the sting of death while living
And horror distorting my reality
That youths are no more the future
Why must the story need changed?

I need to scream for help
Nigeria youths cries for help
We won't go with our story untold
Today we cry to cry no more
Nigeria need saving
178 · Feb 2021
This and that
A little bit of mire
Doth make me stink
From a bit of dross
Do I change unaware
From a little of this
Do I loose myself
From a little of that
I find myself no more
My sins make me frail
And the wind sings away
172 · Jun 2021
Do you love it wild?
Like a ride on the buffalo,
Or you love it mild?
As one of them preaching birds,
Are you the passionate one?
Who cherished the cool of dawn.
Do you mind attaining lofty height?
Like swimming the high tides,
Or should I break it down?
And crave solace afforded by silent waters.
If trum-trum goes the dark rivers
Let us dive right in
And feel the by rippling rhythm.
158 · Oct 2020
Lonely words
Remember me
When you see the moon
On the door of your heart
One, two and three
The sound of my rapping knock
Under the full bright moon
Remember me
When you see the moon
153 · May 2021
Trouble has found my home
It wouldn't missed the chance
Of not coming,
Tell me if there's an escape plan
143 · Oct 2020
Give us a chance to live
A chance to live in your imagination
Even if reality does not avail us
Let us build a house in no man's land
A place where there's no sting of reality
In a dream of endless possibilities.
123 · Nov 2020
Leave a note
To say you're gone
Clear your memories
To never look back
120 · Dec 2020
This is a 'one point poem'
"We're killing the future"
115 · Oct 2020
When you get lost on the way
When the true way
No longer exists.
Remember such sayings.

Sometimes the way forward
Is the way backward,
When nothing feels right
Try the wrong one.
82 · Oct 2020
A life to live
Some words to say
Some friends to make
Some matters to think
Some jokes to laugh
Some scenes to see
Some people to love
Some changes to make
Some paths to thread
All but a life to live.
50 · Sep 29
How Things Ought Be
Neither the Mountain
to me ought a thorn be,
Nor the deep Valley
present a hurt to my fall.

This Creation,
thy little lord should be.
This Creation
a Song stirred should please.
Alas, this Creation
a Fallen Man he is.

Whence affliction cometh forth?
From whence the hurt
that ****** my aches?
What suffereth my being to wail?
And wrought bareness
to wholeness of bones?

Bringing me to heights,
the Mountain should be.
Expounding me mysteries,
the Valley should delight.

Then, why speaketh thou
sore distress for my hurt?
Why casteth thou down,
and exalt my tribulations!!!

Hath thou no pleasure
in thine maker?
Nor any weariness
of His rebuke as a sword?

Surely, He formed thee
whole in perfection,
As for me, conceived
in darkness of the fallen,
Rejoice not in this afford.
For grace shall speak, Selah.
22 · Sep 29
Today we part to path no more
We were twain entangled like webs
At the onset of our lives
But now here, to say our final words
20 · Sep 29
How we serve
In bowing and leaping
This joy, we have
Bestowed for keeping

How we fight
By word and blood
In chariot with kite
Plaguing the thorn

When we weary
Crossed with thoughts
And world we marry
Ah, a room for dross

Burdens we carry
Weighing just cruel
Though we, a Mary
Impregnated not fuel

Who shall save
Him, riding on waves
Him, we craves
Him shall save
When the battle turns sour, it's then you call on who you believe.

— The End —