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Enas Sep 2019
‪Wistfulness is the state of my existence..constantly returning to the place I come from..always feeling like a soul floating on a star ceiling watching over my surroundings..blended in a distant place that doesn’t bend to the measure of quiet detachment from the world true to my realities shift condensing together at if I already experienced reality in an incomprehensible, hypnotic stream away from my immediate present & all my five senses rendered surreal living in a constant dream..a concentrated flow to the center of my cerebrum..a view from the Rose window in the dark cathedral of my mind..where the tiny light particles in the sun beam passing through pulsate in my sight and the deep waves of silence echoing in the corners ring in my ear..where even darkness speaks dancing specs of iridescence..and colours weep intricate opaque gleams..concealed in an omnipotent and brimful beauty that passes never captured or unfathomed sacred language I can only feel..with fey farseeing  eyes and a tranquil faint a scenic sophist..where everything in a word has a world and weight as real as anything else I can overwhelmingly see & touch..and everything around me becomes one with my own soul..‬
Sep 2019 · 362
Love, elusively
Enas Sep 2019
When you truly love..
You love elusively..
You love with no bound..
You love without rules..
You love freely & unconditionally..
You love against everything..
You love your beloved in their light, in their strength..
You love them in darkness, in their fragility..
You fight for their light..
You protect their soul..
Their happiness becomes your happiness..
You love them in wholeness..
You love their very existence..
You love to their last breath..
You love them beyond time..
To truly love, you open your heart..
They possess your most vital *****..
To break, to do as they please..
To truly love..
You love with your life..
You love in purity..
You love with the wholeness in you..
You love in holiness..
You love in transcendence.
You become at distance from everything..
You feel a separation from the world..
You watch it from your own window view..
It is so is so simple..
You love in love in death..
You become in this internal state of bleeding..
You feel it seeping through your chest..
With your life in your lungs..
The weight of the world inside you..
A magnitude in your small mass..
You feel every thousand deaths..
Your greatest grief..
Your greatest silence..
You speak less, you smile less..
You listen see more..
You are humbled..
To truly love you feel an excruciating curse..
To truly love, you see God’s gift..
To truly love..
You love from the depths of your soul..
You love in eternal light..
You love in love elusively..
Sep 2019 · 478
27th. 8. 2014: The promise
Enas Sep 2019
27th. August. 2014

Once, a promise..

Stronger, kinder and wiser..

A silent seeker..

Today, a creed..

Tenacious, gracious and sagest..

A singing sophist..
Sep 2019 · 407
1st. 5. 2017: Lapis Lazuli
Enas Sep 2019
May 1st 2017..

The sky is not blue..

It’s broken pieces of lapis lazuli..a diomand prism setting fire at the’s breaks of light..A blend of almost seeming bright..a brimming sight of black, gold & silver linings..It’s a breaking balance of bold beautiful colours & so is life.
Sep 2019 · 316
Enas Sep 2019
Did you know?..

That your eyes..are exactly like your father’s?..

Eyes full of darkness, like a sky full of stars..

But you-only you in the world have eyes that can smile.
Sep 2019 · 263
The Man By The Sea
Enas Sep 2019
Who are you?..

Where did you come from?..

You are the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.

Are you real?..

I can’t see..

I can’t reach..

In you I’m lost in total darkness..

For you are nothing but a beautiful brilliance..

A red saturated sun..

You’re the man by the sea..

I am in awe of who you are..

You confuse me..

You confound me..
Sep 2019 · 398
A rose of Divine
Enas Sep 2019
Sāfar Ar Rūh..
A cosmic traveler..
Traveling in silence..
By the moon..
Beyond the sun..
Writings on the stars..
You will never know..
All that you know is gone..
Eden, a fall from grace..
Eve, a celestial embrace..
Reading between the lines..
Māktūb, in eternal signs..
To pages of the sky..
Holier than heaven..
Hallower than hell ..
Exalted above Al A’arāf..
An awakening, absolute..
A resolve, resolute..
A sacred verse..
A destined course..
To pensive paths..
In soulful senses..
Like seraphic kiss..
Of eternal bliss..
A place so refined..
A rose coloured mind..
A fate fine tuned..
A concealed meaning..
An omniscient feeling..
A sublime surrender..
In chaos asunder..
The skies are torn apart..
To painted red rose..
Blooming at the close..
A crimson sky in bloom..
A Rose of Devine..
Wārdatū Ar Rahmān..
A creation so fine..
Oh, Ancient of days..
In mysterious ways..
In magnificent design..
A moment, all mine.
Sep 2019 · 332
The Blooming: The rose
Enas Sep 2019
A body was pinned to the ground; it was the body of a young woman. In the short time she gained consciousness, all of her senses were heightened; her vision was pitch black, but she could perceive everything around her like never before, for fear was instilled in her heart fluttering like a bird trying to escape for dear life, her lungs filled up rapidly and blood coursed her veins as her body was trying to prove it is alive; in the darkness she pictured the white flash of the thundering sky, the howling wind brushing against shaking tree bushes, every rain drop that fell on her cheeks, the cold water stream seeping through her red dress, the smell of nourished grass and fresh mud under her fingernails.

Though her heart never beat as fast, it almost stopped suddenly for one thing that made her petrified more than all that obscurity; a heavy warm presence. It was so warm brushing against her body, almost super fluid and mercurial in substance, gentle and bright radiating with brilliance and grace like a crystal. It spoke to her in mellow yet strange sound she did not understand, like a singing whale.

It was almost as if time has stopped and everything happened at the same time. Though terror paralyzed her ability, her instincts widened her eye sockets, her fingers cringed when she felt something burning making its way up through her entire body to her throat. It felt like voice cords being ripped apart by someone’s invisible hand in her mouth and burning her up and making her sweat feverishly. All while her perceptions were rewinding in her mind like someone hit the back of her head bursting up questions no one can afford to think about in her state; questions that made her feel extreme anger and horrifying confusion.

“Why do I feel relieved?”

“What is it that I cannot remember?”

It was a sudden agonizing pain no human can bear, which became slower and slower as time went by. It was a slow process of something shutting down. She slowly began to feel the numbness in her finger tips to her limbs to her chest. She couldn’t sense anything anymore; not the sharp wind or the piercing pebbles beneath. Everything that surrounded her felt like white rays reflecting hints of color and her mind became empty and clear, like a white board untouched and lacking. The only thought she knew was “I am an existence.”

She opened a pair of green eyes, not that they were there or were hers. It was as if she conjured up their existence and did the same with her body. She stood on pale bare feet and long slender legs. She felt light and graceful. She opened her palm and found a red-blood rose, which thorns were piercing through her flesh, and for the first time she felt what she wanted to feel; supreme happiness as she shed a tear and thought. “I must walk.” She did not know why or how, but it was the only thing that felt normal and familiar like a far-off memory in the back of her mind blurry and barely there.

She followed it with hope unknowingly conjuring up a place; A full moon, a dark forest welcoming a storm and small water stream, which on lay a young woman in her twenties, wearing an elegant yet simple red dress. She stared at her with no expression, her brown hair flowing up and down against a large stone, her striking blue eyes wide open and her skin taking a white bluish shade. She was drenched in blood, which flowed down the stream from her chest turning the water red. Next to her lay seven fresh red roses. They were carefully arranged in orderly fashion. Every petal was still intact and every root was delicately cut.

“Eve.” she said.

She did not know who this woman was, or how she came upon her name. All she wanted was to sit beside her lifeless fragile body and hold her hand. She wanted to grieve for her, but she remembered.

“I must keep walking.” She thought.
Sep 2019 · 219
L’amour fluerit ici
Enas Sep 2019
L’amour fluerit ici

I loved.

I loved against reason,

against wrath, against doubt, against betrayal,

against the sun, against the sky,

against the stars, against heavens,

against curse and bless.

I loved against eternity.

I loved through god, through reckoning,

through creation and rebellion.

My love..they killed my love.

Killed my love.

My love.

Your rib.

My heart in your ribs.

I was your rib.

Your heart

in my ribs.

My broken ribs.

Your broken ribs.

My soul,

my sophist soul,

my dancing soul

and bleeding feet

dance in worship;

prayers and pleas,

poems and pardons

at our grave.

At dust.

Your ashes and dust

seep through my hands,

seep through my soul

from water through my eyes,

from wounds through my skin,

from words through my lips,

from your ashes and dust;

from a grain of sand;

A cherry blossom tree..

your dreaming tree

blooming in my skin;

the amber in my bones;

the roots in my veins;

Oh my love.

My divine love.

L’amour fluerit ici;

Love blooms here.

Heaven is here.

Your soul is here;


Your soul eternal.

Grass is not greener on the other side;

grass is a holy tree;

an eternal tree;

a holy tree.

Oh holy,

my holy,

my holy angel,

my angel Gabriel;

stillness answers wrath,

faith answers doubt,

love answers betrayal,

and trees are eternity.

Oh holy tree;

my holy tree;

I pray to thee.

L’amour fluerit ici.
Sep 2019 · 298
Enas Sep 2019
October 4th 2016

You know what day this is.

I was smiling quietly when you told me. I suppose I could say I feel happy & proud beyond measure, but that’s not quite all of it; more than that, in this big day, I’m fulfilled, four words that mean the world are realised & a dear promise of a lifetime on a torn page sees the light of day because of you.

You are my bliss.
Sep 2019 · 216
Enas Sep 2019
They leave like leaves.
They leave from naked trees scattering their colours to the winds; in search, in death, in life, and the stronger the winds blow them away the more wary of their nakedness they become, but somehow the winds carry them back & the trees turn onto new leaves.
Sep 2019 · 171
A love larger than life
Enas Sep 2019
Distance encloses death.

When we lose a loved one, pieces of ourselves also pass away.

When we remember how grievous this loss feels like and weigh the scales, the torment of knowing them triumphs over the torment of losing them.

We acknowledge they were here and alive and we realize that there is no price to life.

Then the suffering someone can cause us becomes so small & insignificant, for our hearts are wide open; stretching and transforming, though the remaining holes are harrowing and never replaced, they are rather revered and remembered as future reminders; these scars become inscriptions on chest walls; eternal epitaphs on gravestones and spoken stories on bold bones solidifying our marrows with sorrows & solace.

We realize we are all fallible and fragile beings who only came to be & leave. That is when suffering does not torment us; only remind us to find a place of unbound, unbreakable and open objectivity; of serene surrender and crystal-clear acceptance.

This love becomes an act of letting go. A loving act larger than life.
Sep 2019 · 446
A wish upon snow
Enas Sep 2019
Miriam completed her work promptly that day, cleaned up her workstation and stretched out her sore arms. She wanted to leave in time to take her photos from a studio close by her residence. She glanced out the window at the purple sky. She stared at the small photograph at her desk for a few seconds in silence.
Then she took her gold brown purse and crimson scarf and took off. When she stepped out of the building, her black boots sank into the ground. She cupped her red and cold small button nose with her small hands and looked up at the sky. It was snowing deep that day too, she pondered.

She passed by the studio and took her photos after a long chatter with the vendor, as the dark blue of the sky lurked above. When she reached her house with envelope in hand, at last, she did with her lips open.

“What’s the matter?” she said in bewilderment and little aggravation.
“Come and sit. I have something to tell you, dear.” her mother, Mona, said decisively.
Miriam went inside the house. She walked up the stairs to her room and closed the door. She put the brown envelope of her photos, carefully on her desk and sat on her chair and took a deep breath.

She opened her eyes at the sound of Mona knocking.
” Miriam, I need to talk to you. It is very important.” Mona said.
Miriam got up and opened the door, she followed after her mother downstairs into the living room and sat on a comfortable sofa by the inviting fireplace and looked at her mother.
They sat in silence for a minute.
“We got a call from…” Mona said in hesitation, with her lips wavering.
Now, Miriam’s eyes were focused on her mother’s face. On her brows. On the slight frown in her forehead. On the wrinkles that emerged and faded as she uttered every letter between her trembling lips.

“Joseph is dead. He’s dead, Miriam.” Mona said.

Miriam was not facing her mother anymore. She was gazing at the window, at the little white snowflakes swirling slowly with the wind.
“I see.” Miriam said.
“They said…he was killed in action. He was…” Mona said.
“There is no need to tell me anything more.” Mona said disrupting her.
All she did was stand up and walk to her room wordlessly. Tears streamed hot ardently down Mona’s cheeks, dripping from her bony jaw line.

Miriam locked the door. She threw herself in her bed staring at the brown envelope and reaching one arm to open it. She took out the photographs and took her time with each one.
She stared at each one with an indolent expression.
She frowned when she saw one photo of Joseph, striking a pose at an airport.
What a terrible sense of fashion. What was he thinking? She thought.
He was wearing an olive green knitted sweater with a red-nosed deer pattern, ill-fitting baggy jeans and a dark brown knitted scarf.
Then she beamed at the one dimple that appeared when he grinned.
She traced his features and expression; a long nose, a pointed chin and brown almond eyes. She traced them with her fingers. With her memory.

A tear dropped on Joseph. On his dark brown hair.

She shredded the photographs to pieces, slowly one by one and threw them very gently on the floor.

She clenched to her blanket tightly. She pressed her arms against her chest as hard as she could trying to hold something scorched in. She felt her ribs melting.
She kept gaping with her eyes wide-open, focused on the ceiling on the buzzing neon lights. After a while, her swollen eyes surrendered and her thick-lashed lids closed. Her breaths became deeper and her grip on the blanket loosened up a little.

It was long past midnight when she woke up. She got up and took off her clothes. She stared at the photographs on the floor with her mouth open. She opened the window and stood at the balcony at the break of dawn, unwary of her nakedness or the frosting cold. The heavens snowed generously as the sun rays glittered on the icy glass, on the white streets. She took the torn pieces of the photographs. She took a brief final glance at them, at a piece with almond eyes, then threw them off the balcony scattering them with the wind.

Take to the air away with the snow, just like it took Joseph away from me, Miriam thought.
She made a wish upon every snowflake to bear her grief and make her heart colder.
Sep 2019 · 1.9k
Enas Sep 2019
Her aurora voice, her sunlight soul;
like rays, she walks on different colours and breaks into million dancing pieces.

Her scent of light, her cherry blossom lips,
ivy in her veins, lilies on her skin
and a lotus blooming in her heart;
for a petal she drifts.

Luminous, she shines against all light.
Is she a friend, a lover or a stranger?
She only greets my soul by breathing.
She’ll release me, she’ll save me!
Sep 2019 · 684
Black butterfly
Enas Sep 2019
She was that stranger..

A stranger to her eyes..

A stranger in her mind..

It hurt, it really hurt,

but with time she loved it.

She was a stranger..forever-changing.

Always born living and dying,

like a leaf on a breeze..

always on the flow..

swirling and dancing in a sundress.

Like the moon,

she will always fade and glow.

She will always rise and break,

silently like a wave on the water surface.

She will always be reborn, and transform..

like a black butterfly.

She is life and she is death..

She is a black butterfly.
Sep 2019 · 655
Enas Sep 2019
She is but stardust

written across the skies

of haze and wanderlust

with wayfarer soul eyes.

Like ultraviolet rays,

she cannot be seen,

she reaches in waves

shinning in dark scenes.

Wish upon her,

this shooting star;

gaze upon her,

a celestial bell jar.
Sep 2019 · 271
Enas Sep 2019
This soul sleeps in metamorphosis; resting not for it is neither like rain nor snow; but air instilled in cloud. It is neither fire nor smoke; but the seamless light in wood. It is no more the earth worm, not yet the butterfly, only a silent soul in chrysalis; it told of a spiritual sublime and altruistic authinticity, of tender truths, breaking beginnings & endearing endings.
Sep 2019 · 199
Enas Sep 2019
I’m at the river bank

drowning in your tears, Ophelia.

Why call for me?

Your soul rests in Rue.

Your Soliloquy lives in Aloe.

You’re a haunting echo.

I listen to your eulogy,

my heart is speechless

and wonders in a water dream-escape;

in remembrance it feels,

in freedom it breathes

and in love it lives.

A lotus blooms in my depths,

Lilies grow in my skin

and Roses bloom in my palms.

I wish you would see me walk on water, Ophelia.
Sep 2019 · 247
10th. 12. 2016: Scenic soul
Enas Sep 2019
December 10th 2016..

She tears not in tears..

She woes in words..

She cries in colours..

She is neigh nature..

A scenic soul..

An oceanic oblivion..

A looming lotus..

A delightful darkness..

A ballerina of blues..

A revelation of fire reds..

A puzzle of purples..

And a quiet question.
Sep 2019 · 10.2k
I am so sorry
Enas Sep 2019
I am so sorry.

For every time I hurt you..

For every cruel word I’ve ever said to you..

For not seeing what you needed most..

For not being kind to you as much as everyone else..

For every tear you have wasted..

For every time I stepped on your heart..

For every time I didn’t believe in you..

For every time I didn’t listen to you.

I am so sorry.

For ripping you apart..

For destroying the beautiful things in you..

For always making you pay the price..

And I apologise for all the wrongdoings I caused you!

Forgive this fallible human that is you.

I am so sorry.
Sep 2019 · 193
Enas Sep 2019
Wandering soul, keep searching,

roaming this desert in peaceful pace.

A year without rain, a well you find;

hollowness it is, too deep

and all dispersed.

Fall in, unyielding devil;

veiled in the darkness,

no souls, only echoes,

aching thirst, numb fingertips

and beams of hope.

Close your eyes, dark angel,

float down a water dreamscape;

your yearning heart is speechless,

in memories, it believes

in a well flowing with tears.

Dive deeper, weeping well;

all is concealed but a thank you,

transcend into a sapphire ocean.

In this flowing freedom, you live!

for a dear face, for a new promise.
Sep 2019 · 197
Enas Sep 2019
A familiar shore

they’ve known before.

A pink sea shell

with a story to tell;

the memory it saves

in the sound of waves;

in wondrous lands

they hold up hands

as love is home

& time is sea foam.

It is love in mist

with a tragic twist

and woven fates

as time awaits.

Their souls are sinking

Listen, they’re singing

euphoric elegies

& resonant apologies.

They close their sight

on broken dancing light

in deep ink ocean

in still worded motion;

embracing for infinity

as their love an eternity.
Sep 2019 · 189
Children at dawn
Enas Sep 2019
Near dawn she opened her eyes..

The moon glinting in the sky and the sun about to rise..

He threw a stone at her window; something he had to say..

a strange feeling led her all the way..

She climbed a tree down as they held hands..

They ran across the beach and played with golden sands..

They built a fancy castle as their eyes unable to meet..

blushing cheeks and glances incomplete..

When she turned away, he felt dead..

So he took his breath and said..

all the words at her smiling face..

about how she made his heart race..

He counted every pulse his heart beat..

and her face reddened in summer heat..

as they stared at their own tiny feet..

The stars were fading..

The waves were breaking..

and the castle was erased..

as they quietly embraced..
Sep 2019 · 193
The constant
Enas Sep 2019
The stillness of change has spoken,

for their brand new life,

but not the stars across the wide-open

and the never-ending strife.

It follows through steady and broken

tempting fate not to twist the knife.

It fades against the city lights,

against the sleepless nights;

of shadows in sleeping denial

trapped in collective spiral

on marble pedestals taking higher

the dreams born in mire.

Ocean eyes see the heart of things;

Souls like birds each passing day

with eccentric hearts of silver wings.

Thus, wind come what may,

listen when the day sings

to the bird caged in clay.

Souls long for tranquil still;

a soothing thrill

of listening to eternal gratitude,

the sole friend in solitude,

which never decays

and within, it always stays.

They gaze up the stars above,

at eternal earnest love,

waiting forever for the lofty sky

to finally decide and cry

a one shinning tear

to reside with them here.

— The End —