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zebra Mar 2019
in a kink clutch
breaking a twisted angel
on the rack of
onward Christian solders
in ecstatic flagellations
for ***** saliva  cliterature
with a mouth black window widows bite
in a white lie light  
of cruel dark night
while jazz ****
layonaise spatters
where its soft and hurts good  
and fossil **** *******
drive down the armageddon highway
in a bright burn
with ***** feet on clean sheets
and drooling tongues
K Paige Aug 2014
your bones like gravestones
prominent among the barren skin
you laugh the whisper of the dead
and your teeth fell out from caring

you were beautifully ruined
by thunderstorms in your head
your smile is all but dead
you can't stand the sight of yourself

you have fallen among the rest
skeletons of who they used to be
a wounded army of solders
fighting for peace within their souls

the body count is heartbreaking
for mothers who clean up the blood
and wish they could've been happier
as they gasped for air with burnt lungs

high school hallways are turned into
a backwards funeral procession
they mourn the living
because they all feel dead

paradise is their only cure
but what is the definition
longing for an infinite silence
muted mouths rejoice at the emptiness

everything about you is wrong
but the presence of individuality
has quieted and so has
the sound of your beating heart
shayla ennis Oct 2016
Upon a sunny day you see a girl leading a horse up a beach in the heated sun of the Roman Empire. She is a princess to a great roman king. This king’s name be Alexander the Great who in our history died young. The king dressed in white with red sashes covered over it is in the mist of trying to find his daughter a husband, one who will be fit to be king when he no longer can. The beach being sunny and warm princess Auria has chosen to take her horse for a ride while her father speaks to his men of the council.
Princess Auria: [riding her horse down the beach in a gentle stride] [clip clop………]

Suddenly the horse rears up into the air throwing the princess from its back!

Princess Auria: [haa… … screaming [smacking into the ground] thump!]

Enters: Tibius [walking up to the horse who threw the princess tibius calls for it to calm itself and then walks up to Princess Auria asking… …]

Tibius: dear lady do you need some assistance?

Princess Auria: no but I thank you for retrieving my horse. Asking herself under her breath… What could have scared you so…?

Tibius: I believe it may have been that serpent over there near the sands edge.

Princess Auria: oh that must be the reason, Thank you again. What be your name young man.

Tibius: my name lady be Tibius and you are most welcome.
Princess Auria: Tibius you say. Would you be willing to come with me to see my father and gain his thanks as well for he would be most grateful to you for what you have done this day.

Tibius: I know not why this is needed but I will follow lead the way my lady.

Princess Auria: please call me Auria.

Princess Auria leading the way takes Tibius to the king her father who sits in the throne room talking to friends and family. Walking up to her father she tells him what tibius has done. Tibius stands there after being shocked that the lady he helped was actually the princess. Not knowing what to say to the king tibius stands before him in silence.
King Alexander: you a man so young and by the looks of it having little coin save my daughter! This cannot be…

Tibius: if I may speak great king.

King Alexander: you may do so.

Tibius: I was walking along the beach when I saw a horse running in my direction but without rider. I choosing to find said owner came upon your daughter the princess Auria and thus I am now before you.

King Alexander: if this be true what my daughter says than you must in some way be rewarded. But how is the question…

Enters Princess Auria’s mother Dayanara, coming from tending the gardens within the palace walls dressed in a blue dress trimmed in silver she walks towards her husband the king.

Dayanara: my husband may I say a word or two for I have heard what was said and have an idea.

King Alexander: what idea would you have dear wife.

Dayanara: I speak this let him guard Auria from this time forward both within the walls and without them so as we her parents need not fret so when she goes off alone. I know it may be much for so small a thing. Let him be her personal protector. My other words spoken, I have word of someone who wishes marriage to our daughter.

King Alexander: this is a wondrous idea about Tibius being a protector, let as my wife speaks be done. Do you agree daughter? What about this marriage you speak of Dayanara? Who?

Princess Auria: yes father it is a pleasing reward.

King Alexander: and you Tibius. What do you say to this?

Tibius: I can do nothing else but agree for not too would be a dishonor to both you and your family king Alexander. So yes I say to what has been spoken.

Scene changes to a battle on the high mountains behind the palace near the ocean. Hundreds of men from Rome and far off Greece that comes by ship battle on the damp sands and grasses of roman earth to take what is not theirs the Greeks wish. Blood and life be spilled at all ends and innocent’s being slaughtered without care. The roman princess waiting in the palace by her mother’s side wondering what is to become of them because no word has yet come about how the battle fares.
[On the battle field]

King Alexander: men raise your blades, your shields, do not yield! Do not I say!
[Clashing, banging of armor and weapons]

King Alexander: men forward March, lances and horses ready. [Forward……!]


Enters: solder sadeen

Sadeen: my king the battle falls not to us but our enemy we lose men to fast.

King Alexander: we must find a way to get them into the water and then hit them with fire and oil that will burn greatly.

Sadeen: we could place oil along the hills and light it aflame this may drive them back if we make it strong and high.

King Alexander: see it done sadeen; see it done fast for I fear we will lose as you spoke before if you do not.

Sadeen: [riding away from the king at full gallop towards his men to carry out the orders given]
[Gallop… gallop…]

(Narrator): Sadeen follows the Kings orders by lighting aflame ***** of hay covered in oil his soldiers pushing them down the green grass hills where battle takes place to weaken the Greeks ground and might. [Greeks screaming]
[Outcry…… Shrieking…… Men dying]

King Alexander: [praying to himself that what he has asked of his men does not fail] you boy over their go to my family and give them this letter see to it that it is only to them you give it.
[Yes my lord]

The boy with the letter runs as fast as his legs can carry him back threw the roman streets to the palace and gives the letter to the queen. The queen opens it and read the news of how the battle fares and the instructions given if the king falls.

Dayanara: [calling her daughter] auria… auria…

Princess Auria: what is it mother? Why do you yell so?

Dayanara: your father has written of the battle he pleads with us to leave and go to the villa where you grew as a child for the battle does not fare well and he fears that they will lose. He speaks to us that he will send someone to find us if they win. Come we must go.

Princess Auria: I will find Tibius he can see us to safety out of Rome and to the villa.

Dayanara: go to him in silence speak to no one else only him.

Princess Auria: yes mother [off she runs with her footed sandals slapping on the marble floors as she does].

Princess Auria runs to the solders corridor and finds Tibius telling him in hurried breath that they must leave fathers words for they are in danger. Tibius gathers up his things and follows the princess back to the royal halls and they silently leave threw the gardens heading to were the villa rests dressed in peasants clothing they be. The king back in the battle hopes that the letter he wrote as found them in time. [He once more prays]

Tibius: come my ladies this way but be careful and quite

Dayanara: we walk silent but you must call us by our names not by title Tibius

Auria: mother is right do as she says for doing so will make others think we are peasants and family. It be less likely they will look our way with suspicion.

[Suddenly Greek soldiers come of darkened shadows intending to strike and **** the ladies Tibius raises his blade to stop them].

Tibius: [Crash…… his blade smashing into another]

Soldier: his blade striking back [Clashing……]

Tibius: striking the soldier down leaving blood pooling upon the marble path [rushing away]

Days later the three peasants make it to a quite villa outside of Rome and begin a new life as mere workers for those who live there. Any who ask about the owners the peasants simple tell them that they are away due to the battle. They being servants were made to stay behind to keep the place clean for when the owners returned, when that is they do not know. Weeks and more months pass with no word from the king they begin to fear that all is lost when one day a man wearing roman armor rides up asking for the lady Dayanara. Tibius stepping forward asks why? They must return this man says for the king calls them to him.

Tibius: who is the king?

Stanger:  King Alexander of course

Tibius: wait here go nowhere else

Dayanara: what is it?

Tibius: there is a roman outside he says the king calls for us

Dayanara: then we go; this is the sign, find my daughter and gather our things.

Tibius: yes lady right away

(Narrator): They return home going back the way they had left, but through the city rather than the village.

(Scene change): they are home at the royal palace before the king once more, but he was not alone.

King Alexander: you have returned safe, this makes me happy, and rushing to them he smiles [giving them fierce hugs]

Dayanara/ Auria: we are glad to be with you once more, it was worrisome and lonely without your presence being with us.

Dayanara/ Auria: who is this man that stands before us with Greek Armor?  Why is he not dead or imprisoned like the others?

King alexander: he is the prince of the Greek people and the son of King Simentos. Please be polite let me explain what has come about from the great battle on Mount Tear. [He explains]

(Narrator): alexander tells both his wife and daughter that the battle was won due to the son calling up a white flag of truce and asking that no more blood of their people be shed. (Enters Brontes).

Brontes: I am the son and prince of Greek and I wish to come up with a way to unite our lands and people. Your father mentioned that he was looking to finding you Auria a husband; I know that me being Greek may not seem a pleasant thing but I hope for a chance to prove my worth to you.

Auria: I know you be Greek but what does that have to do with the man you have become I see not. The place we are born and live helps us to grow but does not make us who we are.

Dayanara: husband I believe that Auria likes him and they seem to be getting along well [she whispers to him].

King alexander: do you think then that the idea of marriage to Brontes will suit her well, that she will love and or care for him as he will to her.

Dayanara: I do, but let them decide what their choice will be.

(Scene):  the princess and prince wonder into the garden that is covered with the roman flower called the Gladiolus which means sword lily. Speaking of many things that have happened in their lives they continue walking. She tells him that she would hope to see both her homes often if she were to say yes to this peace proposal.

Alexander/Dayanara:  we must speak with the two of you. Have you come to a decision about what this marriage may mean?

Auria/Brontes:  we have come to a final choice after our long talk. We believe that this marriage would be well placed for both of us to accept. We have chosen to wed here and stay till the spring then to travel to Brontes’s home and have a smaller wedding there to please his father. Though this set of weddings we will sign a truce treaty combining our to lands and people.

Dayanara/ Alexander: that is well thought of from both of you. Well done, I believe that this is going to be a very happy time for all of us. Let the wedding be within a months’ time.

(Narrator): the wedding takes place upon the hill where the battle was once fought this is where they will make peace and sign the treaty. The wedding is beautiful and the flowers that are thrown around them show their unity. Both are dressed in the colors of the ocean and their prospective homes. {This is the end of their tale and perhaps a new beginning for us all on earth}.

maybella snow Jun 2013
i was brutally attacked      
                                    the other day
though people were unable to see my wounds                                                                      
           i was assaulted by                                  words            
strung together in careless sentences

                                                                           they made vicious weapons
                                                                         of various differences
these word solders lined up                              
ready and eager                                                  
when they attacked                                            
it was      graceful and ruthless                                                            

the solders              
my mind          
my self-consciousness                                  
left my feelings                    
                                                                                     gasping for breath
pummeled my heart                                                                                

the      wielder     of these       word solders
     was        blind         to my        brimming tears
                                          and        hurt expressions

as my attackers continued      
                                  to rip my insides

i had to                                          
protect my fort
from      further damage              

i      ushered      my mind into a       cellar,
carried my                                          
self-consciousness and gasping feelings    
                                                              into the doors of my heart
it was total lockdown
windows   were                            shuttered
doors    were                          double locked

my     retreat     was    noticed
they now knew damage was done
but not the
                              spectrum it was on
they knew enough to see                       it hurt.

they strolled up to my heart in      lock-down
slowly     with a     white flag
      as they came closer i                                                             unlocked and looked    
through the peephole
there they were
asking    "what's wrong?"
saying     sorry    in a       roundabout way

i      opened   the door for them to       enter
we      embraced
i took a      closer look at the     flag
                                                                             it was           white
but around the edges
                                                                             it was               red

there would be  more attacks  where this came from

//... //
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
It was a hot summer Georgia morning.
The fresh smell of pine
The sounds of marching solders
Reveille played over the loud speakers

As cooks, we started our day early
Everything seemed normal
Normal for Army life, that is
Life that I got used to

I put on my uniform
Polished my boots
Walked over to the dining facility
Expecting to fail inspection, again

"Report to HHC Immediately!"
24th Infantry Division (mechanized)
"First to Fight"
This was serious

What was going on?
Confusion afoot
Kuwait was ambushed
Sadam must be stopped

We marched over to the gymnasium
There were stations set up
Line up for innoculations
Fill out your Last Will and Testament

March over to the barraks
Pack up your gear
Only what you can carry
Sneak in some comfort items

What about the rest of my stuff?
Someone will look after it
Don't worry, it's safe
Soldiers are a bunch of thieves

March over to the National Guard barraks
They look like the did in WWII
50 double bunks in a row
they smelled moldy

This was our new home
until further notice
I haven't slept
in 48 hours

No communication
to your family or firends
I snuck out
to the pay phone

Not sure what to say
other than don't worry
I love you

I am one of
the first one hundred
soldiers to depart
Single, no close family

We board the ship
It is massive!
USNS Capella (T-AKR 293)
In the Savannah Harbour

Tanks, helecopters
Trucks, supplies
One hundred ARMY soldiers
Ready to disembark

We stand along port side
at parade rest
A tear rolls
Down my face

Thousands of civilians
Waving flags
Cheers of goodbyes
Crying children and wives

The ship leaves port
slowly pulls away
the cheers fade
into the ocean depths

First day afloat
The ship rocks slowly
Hard to get used to
Motion Sickness kicks in

I worked in the galley
T-Ration for breakfast
MRE for lunch
T-Ration for dinner

I ate with the Marines
A-Ration meals
Privilege of being
a Food Service Specialist

Trash accumulated
Throw it overboard
Alongside the bow
Death to the oceans

Many days pass
I read a book
Hyperion (Dan Simmons)
The only book I had

I sit on the deck
the sea in all directions
mystifies the soul
we are alone

I wake up to discover
Another ship next to us
USNS American Explorer
(T-AOT-165) Refueling ship

We reach the Suez Canal
Egypt looks beautiful
To the east: lush greenscape
to the west: barren wasteland

Egyptian Militants
watching intensely
along the shoreline
they saw my camera

Merchants come aboard
"Good deals for you,
American G. I."
I bought some batteries

I get to phone home
satellite communication
ten dollars a minute
worth every penny

We reach our destination
Twelve day journey ended
time to unload
organized chaos

All hands on deck
mechanized disembark
crash course
on driving a tank

Transported to my unit
in the tent city
they got there first
flown by commercial airliner

time to roll out
loaded my gear
Ruck sack gone forever

Lost my walkman
lost my camera
lost my book
was in the ruck sack

to be continued.........
I joined the ARMY in 1989, straight out of high school.  Active duty station was Ft. Stewart, GA.  Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment. Desert Rogues: "We Pierce!"
Brian Miller Apr 2012
Eh, what? Some innocent people in Syria were shot by solders? Um..... I don't care. That's their problem, not mine. Besides, I don't even know them.

Eh, what? Some drug cartels in Mexico slaughtered some people in the middle of the street? Um..... I don't care. That's their problem, not mine. Besides, I don't even know them.

Eh, what? People are starving in Ethiopia? Um..... I don't care. That's their problem, not mine. Besides, I don't even know them.

Eh, What? Some guy ***** some lady in Detroit? Um..... I don't care. That's her problem, not mine. Besides, I don't even know her.

Eh, What? People in Greenland are suffering because the ice is melting? Um..... I don't care. That's their problem, not mine. Besides, I don't even know them.

WHAT?!?!? I just got beat up by some group of guys! I hate everybody! Ugh!! People are monsters!!!
Dawn Ndlovu Aug 2015
The sound of silence
pounding in my head,
numbers revolve but
formulars envade my
head like solders
of love.
An idea comes but
answers are not there,
the pressure starts to
are word comes "30minutes
left" she says.
owww my feet starts to shack,
swet starts to show,
My head is high like are
bird flying without wings.
will the pressure stop
when the world turns around
cause shes standing,
right next to me saying
"times up".
My future is gone 3hours
of pain and sorrow.
seating in an maths exam.
writing my maths exam was an experience in my life and I had to share my experience through my poems
A slit, gaping throat
where a forked, snake-like tongue hangs
- it's columbian

Wrapped 'round and *******
like the hangman's favorite noose
- It's been done again

The lies once sold here
now see their values deflate
- time solders all wounds

The serpents words ceased
A silence takes us by storm
- decayed with three moons
Haikus n ****
Andre Baez Feb 2014
Today I woke up and saw blood run down my nose,
The wetness shocked me like water from a hose,
As I searched myself I came across many lines,
Far more than a person my age should have designed,
Upon my canvas also lies a bit of weight,
Not enough for muscles just enough to be in shape,
My entire body is covered in a throw of fur,
Mentally I could never give into shaving, it's absurd,
Why should I change the Lords work?
My moms work, my pops work, it's what I'm worth,
Physically, I'm far from a perfect being,
But, who can seriously claim to be perfect, see
A crease from furrowed brows and tough thoughts,
Is what's needed for many to eventually get across,
The bridge that holds our destiny,
If we're true to ourselves then soon we'll see,
That each one of us is one of the worlds instruments,
A tool to be used in whatever way to represent,
The total collectiveness of our spirit,
The human spirit and the lives that go near it,
Social justifications for monstrous actions,
Aren't enough to give any sense of satisfaction,
The mind is only of a single individual,
As such the thoughts of others and their ridicule,
Is not enough to influence a movement or a truth,
An idea can spread contagions to the youth,
Through them and so on the ways get passed on,
Thrown out are false ideas and politicians who were lax on,
The middle and under man and their predicaments,
**** their lack of care, we are Gods fingerprints,
For whom the bells toll, hands fly up and grab,
Our faces by the cheeks and together we will laugh,
Because a world of unity comes after the stage fright,
Look at the anonymous who fight each day and each night,
The wordless texts written on marketing magazines,
The muted audio coming from blanketed screens,
A voiceless march on solders of love,
A war on peace will flare out in blood,
The thin red line that traces arches outside of my nose,
It works it's way left then right, to and fro,
A painting on the working canvas of my soul,
Colors swirling and mixing just outside the window,
Lies potential waiting to be tapped,
Along with my own, it's the wane to be attacked,
Through ambivalent works we are attached,
Malevolent words are weakness in the face of intelligence, wrath.

Wrath is the enemy of the dreams we have earned,
The dreams that have been worked for, burned for and yearned for,
Oh Lord, the chore is hard to absorb,
Which is why more is to be given,
For more are willing, to lend themselves to the cause of children,
And old men and women, trapped in prisons and similar buildings, Westboro baptist churches and terrorist organizations,
Government agents, with Wes Craven woven situations,
A nightmare is on Elm street, and your street and my street,
Even if you don't see it, you can hear it,
The gunshots may not ring off near your house,
But the ambulance goes past your house to the ER in clouds,
And out of your mouth comes "I hope they're fine, wow."
But in truth it's a passing moment in your own life, wow.

Just like that, it's the fragility of things,
A bird of Hermes eating it's own wings,
Reality based upon countless simplicities,
Recipes are made from human soliloquies,
Stories passed down ****** and through ink,
Written tales of woe and tales of victory,
Strategies to make the mind seek peace,
In mournful situations where bodies reek,
Media slavery and private prison sceneries,
Are overbearing distortions of American Dreams,
Big Brother is only a few decades from being,
Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasian countries,
Are already practicing a form of doublethink,
Freedom of thought is the freedom of newspeak,
Guy Fawkes, wake up kids, nothing is as it seems,
The revolution is now and forever recurring.
P S Bravo Aug 2011
There are roses in the road
tear soaked tissues
torn up pictures
with letters on fire.

They are the breakup play-list
for hang overs
and scratches on the hood
from relationship status updates.

The secret poems
in songs of heartache
and paintings thrown in the trash.

A fingerless engagement ring
unworn wedding dress
and a honeymoon for one.

The divorcees still wondering
and the mothers and fathers
who didn't quite make it

There is never knowing
and always wishing
but never seeing it.

Not to mentioned the ex
you can't forget
and the unfortunate person
who can't afford to leave.

all the widowed wives
who are forgotten after death.
and solders with no one
to return home to.

But all the while
a broken chord
amid the misfortune
and sorrow of the world
could not escape the
thresholds of inevitable ends
Julian Mar 2019
Flippant polymaths exude the frippery of travail for lapsed inordinate surgical gains in temporal but temporary acclaim that owes its provenance to the gullarge accentuated by the guttural tempests of silent windfalls that wrestle with sharks and snarky cagamosis with pilfered fame without rulers for rules that own the profligacy of a cineaste game

We cannot surpass our talents with ease when the treecheese of inevitable distance between equipoise and insanity is a tantamount inanity of prolixity for the sake of freedom rather than servitude to the slow meandered steps of trudged verbigeration that needs to be exorcised from the seat of authority for the plodding inconvenience of time earned that shakes the listless yearning people who lie and spurn

Demagogues are trifles because they are anoegenetic and care not for the abligurition that consumes the energy of a dismal life lived on fringes rather than reaped with grimaces for binges that continue to absorb the painful pangs of twinges that hedonists are of interest

We cannot exorcise the demons that give stygian weight to exchequers beyond the gamut of money but rather the currency of velocity of thought that owes its weight to weightlessness of spaces between the spacious and the limited tract of isolative territory that many mendicants looking for sustenance travail in insolence and in perjury of their solemn duties for self-serious honesty they lack a vista to see their crimes as more than just a pettifoggery of disputatious wranglers that wrench and then contemn the objects of their moral scruples to contend with nothing but the vacant expanse of a limitless injury for a momentary slip of cultivation and countenance

Frippery is hard to cobble with lapidary wit because succinct grievances are fallow ground for the permanence of atrocity and the temperance of felicity to conform to the desiccated pathways of limpid but livid excoriations of willful ingenuity met with aleatory rambles that sprawl incalescence with words as a dying occupation that is resurrected from the abeyance of its pragmatic utility to distinguish class from crust.

The triadic fatuousness of snarky sharks recruiting the gullarge of paranoiacs to deputized alacrity lead many strident vocations astray as they pilfer the nullibiety of spectral ignorance and defy the gravitas of the primiparas of a swollen technocracy, an outrage that scarecrows with prevenance have adumbrated against with strident accelerations of sublime velocity

So we swim in perilous straits against the demiurge of inclemency in fated rittles for the turpitude of wraiths and engineer every aborning day a new foofaraw of unalloyed atrocity
Now more than never should be deployed to ensure that the castigation of scoundrels and guttersnipes that exert a rip tide to those stranded on the shores of littoral desiccation might find the pristine beachgoing public an amenable treat proffered by exorcised sheepishness in reiterative bleats that quarkswarm only the antinomy of sentient masteries by shoveled civilizations proctor to horological insistence in design

So we designated an abeyance of heydays to create a rippled nostalgia that creeps in the winter storms that singe even glabrous ignorance with the twinges in absentia of the regal crows that circle the sun as the sustenance of the alighted moon as we reach for the heaved Richter teeming with ablution for venial commination of prolix croons that exert a Palo Alto rhyme

Phenomenological fields distal to the cephalocaudal origination of limber and the ironic counterpoint to that strife in excess rather than dearth of the henchmen behind the exchequer showcase that fluid thoughts surpass the limits of the dentistry of cosmetic cosmology simultaneously a scientific boon but a coarse albatross

We are criminals in a world stranded by ****** apostasy because of the sincerity of minstrels meets plodding human ignorance as exemplars rather than the apotheosis of divine excoriation of wastrels and flattybouches who webdoodle their way into the extinction line in some computer file swiped from eccedentesiasts who often in uncouth barbarity forgetfully abide without the temperance of floss

So what are we to make of magisterial wits of wiseacres who pilot tenable objectives like Indiana Jones flexing his comical whip when the gunfire of cacophony inundates our ears with a lisp of cockalorum imposture rich in chewing tobacco and its ungainly gripes and tenacious grip

Should we seek salvation from the treecheese of arboreous terrain amenable to the newfangled windfall of agricultural whims that dare now with caprice but not quixotic disdain to reconfigure the parsimonious levered engagement of melliferous fungible transaction between sabbaticals and chief financiers dubbing the vociferous limn of the primeval fulgurant incandescent ethereal quips?

We strive for palaces issued with dimes, dozens and scores of retinues that retain the patina of sophistry as the gullarge makes the vangermytes cozy in their defensively mechanized citadel buffered against the unheralded malversations of mammon intersecting with primordial chemistry that give the philanderer a guise of philanthropy despite professed gainsay that perjures because hucksters are winsome with fiduciary risk

So we calumniate with lapsed puns and Potter’s Spells as we dredge the indemnity of bustling heydays that extend beyond the bailiwick stated because of the prolonged trace of nostalgia that frazzles our voluntary expeditions with misanthropy as each libertine instinct becomes subject to stop and frisk

How to balk at such a garrulous repartee as proffered by swanky intransigence that shakes it off in a quaky town that hates the Swift refrain that endangers the fatalism of recuperated foresight borrowed from the armamentarium of corrupted killjoys who swim in a dalliance with the itchy myths that drift from powerlessness to voguish debauchery of insouciant internecine fringes frayed by the tomes that decry Stygian drift

Shiftless and rooted in rintinole absolved by plackiques that enchant the voyeurism of repined squalor of industrious frippery deracinated from the aureate complicity of largesse calibrated to mobilize the skittish mercurial yuppies to a dance with divestiture, taxes and an earthen death, we sprint the evergreen mile toward the scrupulous invention of enthusiastic euphemisms arbitrated by the procrustean silt of the leaky faucet of enigmatic timelessness etched by chiselers to beat “Us and Them” and warn the vanguard of the front rank about the thespian rift

Exhaustive rescue squads prepared for the dearth of monetary heft in times of perilous drought denigrate the authors of famine to the indulgent parents of inordinate sabotage of narrative for riskless arbitrage that is the outrage of sciamachies between platonic indifference and the tantrums of the feckless in the dangerous hearth of the cavernous wilderness of limitless imaginations that stagger so far beyond orbit they become satellites to vagrancy and whittled paragons too distant to dissolve in the ethereal chemistry of incalescent uproar sadly flanged by the Dopplers of ephemeral fate

Squandered by the desuetude of a snarky intervention I issue invective at the proctors of deafferented limbs for barbarous swine meeting expediency in demise, bemoaning the placid distaste of rectified cries that issue candles for each acrimony beyond the permutation of the staid inflexible limit of 88’

Bashfully we careen through argosies of curiosity to fossick the stalactites of timeworn intuition and reckon with their converse ironies that drip faucets of mildew that remain hidden unless poked by plucky flashlights to inspect the paragon of erosive filigrees of a bewildering paradox of polarized design that one meets the ceiling at inception and the cousin strives to clamber empty space to know with faint certainty the bulldozed irony of superordinate coexistence

Now we return to the majesty of a spurned wiseacre that evades the snappy parlance of a wrenched friction between the physical and the metaphysical elements that constitute a commensurate reality so supernal that its ostentation creates lifetimes of reiterative growth that spawns crimson red and bloviated blues to find a fulcrum of balance between the malversation on one hand of criminal sinister machinations and on the other hand the execrable self-righteous ignorance of a hidden vehicles of dexterity that are subsumed by a subtlety of legislative graft that owes its forbearance to the sanctimony of perseveration without the laurels of persistence

Now we wed the concepts between the ambidexterity of a monolithic titan who wanes rather than waxes himself because his glabrous head already exposed requires nothing new because the empire that struck back is denuded by the thorny imbroglio of a sunken Rose

Timmynoggies are perfect for haberdasheries of saccharine and glib excellence as measured by the ****** cacophony of unmerited applause that strains the resourcefulness of the silent mastery of magistrates in mellifluous alcoves surrounded by the soundproofed rigors of an execrable dereliction wilt into the imaginations of the few that watch movies with errantry rather than pleasantries of gaudy nonsense enchanted by a striptease of the wanton zeitgeist that some balk at but everyone knows

Time earns the spangled banners of sloganeering because of the fastidious creations of pole folders that maneuver between quips borrowed from antique movies and swindled affectations of yearning of many of all fears inevitable with the malevolent passage of the technocracy from cheers to vehement inveighed jeers

We should fear the watershed because it necessitates the evaporation of winsome ambition and implores the subservience of a guiltless fascination with abominable regress concomitant to the acceleration of money preceding a whipsawed downfall ensured by the funereal spates of requiems to oneironauts who plunged to their deaths on headlong flickering whims past the craggy landscape of lunar concordance and through the abeyance of qualms to flabbergasted self-importance in the eradication of provident fears

Memorials exist encoded in the temporal twinges of agony that straddle the cardiovascular throbs of impermanence that sweat with each simple beat to blather about the repetitious nature of a livid nature scrambled in exodus of the emigration of senseless blather to the subroutines of regimented sleepless paragons of travail in every pedestrian feat accelerated with each passing foot traversed by vigilant and eager feet

Tempests crowd the cluttered hamartithia of dredged incompetence leading to the foreclosure that precedes the simple derelictions that amount to grievous uncertainties that squawk in the plumage of the frippery decay of an autumnal fall from gracile riches landlocked without room to sprawl rigged against every track that is a surefire gleeful keepsake to meet, greet and serenade the claques adorned with the monikers of the Greeks

Trembling beneath the weight of mellifluous sauntering dingy designs that exude the anguish of our provident but incidental remonstration against the plodding indifference of the artistic clerisy we sputter against intransigent annulments of the emotive human engine calibrated with creaky pistons that rumble with furor of abrasive protest in timely haphazard elemental designs for vanguard ears

Tridents shed the fossicked leaves that are divisible by two but not inevitably glue that solders the identities of people congregated around a situation of gleeful sprees rather than wistful regress into a temerity without regret that gets dangled in the purview of the spiteful wings of armies that drawl when they sing vapid songs for vaped bongs but not the soberly cheers because of the deafening din of conformity oblivious of the honorific crescendos that still peak after so many restless years

Confederates line the avenues of bustling caverns of cumulative human disdain so willfully flouted by the wrenched corrosive frictions of vibrant deformation of the cultural narrative that encapsulates the collective bubbles chewed and jettisoned like bandied candy and then defamed without justice because  hurricanes churn up the reclusive emergence of protective vanity chased down as a sunken cost for a siphoned glory of tribal pride despite the strictures of logic

Creeping with insistence is a subaudition of governing gravel that entombs many steadfast lies that embodied people living delusory lives under a paradigm that has been subverted by the feats of science into a morass of irrelevance and the chances are many of those so deluded still breathe the air now more polluted but balk at the memories of the fallen passengers on the convalescent train that accelerates sunblind but respectfully toward a systematic engrossment of swollen intellects whimpering about the tautologic

We finance our prescient rodomontade with rodeos equipped with zany clowns who spurn the tridents of Poseidon because of the iridescent gloss of sheepish and flippant zealots who churn against the wrestling match of televised irony with accentuated eccedentesiastic disdain amended by a tolerable diversion of ennobled gallantry zip-zagging among the many valid quodlibets and missing the mark entirely on purpose to vacate the possible raillery of those who balk at time’s chosen serpentine tracks because of limited pedagogical tracts

So lets solder a forceful brunt against the senseless regalia of modern omphalos and return to the plenipotentiary fields of resourceful human inquiry into the chagrins outmoded by convenience but amplified in vociferation by the prosthetic extension of a grangull humanity outfoxing itself into a zugzwang inevitable in the future with collateral losses because of senseless invidiousness orchestrated by the immiscible dermatology of divisive facts often about race and ineluctable tax

We conclude with the optimism that refineries become gentrified by the superlunary squadrons who bask in beatific beams of anonymity and that the pollution preceding our evolution is just adventitious rather than central to the amelioration of wavy screens ennobling so many upstarts to teach themselves the majesty of lucid dreams and to capitalize on ludic ideals divorced from the urchins of radical idealisms that ironically poach rarefied air with smug pollution of narrative scares

Without trepidation we can muster the largesse of civility to create a progeny that has a recursive progeny of heirs that defiantly imagine a world bereft of specters of the soporific imagination enforced by the lapidation of insight from termagants who stride with ursine acrimony naked bare and envision a global meliorism that is careful, picaresque, pragmatic and filled with meritocratic care

With those ornaments of an aureate measure in mind

We leap beyond the enumerated infinity in time's proper design
Ayo I live in a corrupt society treated like a slave
We're forced to work an make money for a debt we'll never pay    
The world gets colder than adolf ****** when he slayed      
In an  Antarctic  setting   with  tempatures dropping every day  
Where rebels who fight the system are always convicted
An the real  actual truth seems to come up hidden
It's missing like AWOL solders who fled there post
I wanna Emmagrat with an "E" cause this country's a joke  
I feel like I've lost all hope  I can't find a save haven
Dreams of  svoboda an time that I can't save    
Waiting on people to reply back sitting there alone
These dumb ones are jesters I'm a king apon his throne
My  brain thinks of things that are unthinkable
I'm like an iceberg you see I sink the unsinkable
(To be continued)
Svoboda=Freedom in Russian
Poetic T Oct 2014
I walk among the poppies
Each one is a story of
Lives were taken far from
Never to see the smiles of
To exhale a last breath in an
Unfamiliar land,
A generation fell, never to experience
What life was meant to give
So cruelly taken away,
They are the hero's
Of old
Let us not forget there noble
For those that fell, created
What our lives are to day,
The poppies are red
Soaked up from the fallen upon the land,
We pay respect to
That paves the way for freedom
That we have each and every day.
Asch Veal Jan 2014
The coiled phone wire wrapped
around her capricious fingers,
Her chest, pitched then collapse,
air solders clings cleaves splinters,
She sighs, she suspires
And her eyes communicate a vision
veering away from her present self,
Swerving in and out of ambition,
I could never gather all that she felt,
She sights, she seeks skyward
Her mouth leaks what she muses,
her lips remind me of victorian doorways,
The wood, the skin, it bruises
as she absorbs enclosing disarray,
She cries, she is tired
The way she leans in her maroon pants
Her hands plunging in her pockets,
I fervidly hope she finds other plans,
revives abandoned passions, left in cluttered closets
For Nicole
Jeff Barbanell Aug 2013
You were mine
You owned me but I thought I bought you
To the right, straight on ‘til morning, priceless
Tundra frontier vast expanse of possibility final
Let’s settle down
Our place very fine
Satan’s little acre
Where work got done you oversaw
To the left, we kissed deep, drunk each other
Families commingled extended
Biblically umbilical making babies
Behind the audacious bleachers
Our promise broken unfulfilled
Until our hot integrity solders this metallurgy
Together again like joint work power coupled
With terpsichorean abandon unleashed
I’ll stop the world
Board the white van
Emerge my own man
And you are his
Jayanta Apr 2014
I was meanders over this land;
Bring essence of life,
Spreading blessing of earth
to make your land fertile!

Kings were traveled through my torso,
Solders moved through us,
to defend your land!

Once you feel that I am liable
for your sorrow and tears!
You wedge our thoroughfare,
I am becoming torpid!
You were becoming proud,
That you can able to controlled me
and limit your struggle!

In reality you are trying hard till date to **** me!  
But still now, I am waiting,
To meet my soul mate and my sister!

I am trying hard to gather energy
to reach my adored waiting there!
This time,
When I will start my journey,
Whatever there on my way,
I will conquer it!

This time,
You can’t stop me!!
There was a river called Kalong flowing through Nagaon, Morigaon and Kamrup district of Assam, India. Kalong starts its journey from mighty Brahmaputra and flowing through valleys (of three districts) and again meet Brhmaputra along with another river Kapili in the same spot. In post independent India, planners were becoming blind with power and half learned knowledge of technology, tamed the river at its source, in the name of flood control and irrigation. This exercise stopped the flow of water through the river channel and water for irrigation is becoming a distant dream for the farmer. But the hydrological   and seismological situation of the region indicates Kalong will revive one day and it will create its own path again; but nobody knows what will happened to villages and towns developed on its old path.
Jayanta Apr 2014
I was meanders over this land;
Bring essence of life,
Spreading blessing of earth
to make your land fertile!

Kings travelled through my torso,
Solders moved through us,
to defend your land!

Once you feel that I am liable
for your sorrow and tears!
You wedge our thoroughfare,
I am becoming torpid!
You were becoming proud,
That you were able to control me
and limit your struggle!

In reality you are trying hard  to **** me!  
But still, I am waiting,
To meet my soul mate and my sister!

I am trying hard to gather energy
to reach my adored waiting there!
This time,
When I will start my journey,
Whatever there on my way,
I will conquer it!

This time,
You can’t stop me!!
There was a river called Kalong flowing through Nagaon, Morigaon and Kamrup district of Assam, India. Kalong starts its journey from the colossal Brahmaputra and flowing through valleys (of three districts) and again meet Brhmaputra along with another river Kapili in the same spot. In post independent India, planners were becoming blind with power and half learned knowledge of technology, tamed the river at its source, in the name of flood control and irrigation. This exercise stopped the flow of water through the river channel and water for irrigation is becoming a distant dream for the farmer. But the hydrological   and seismological situation of the region indicates Kalong will revive one day and it will create its own path again; but nobody knows what will happened to villages and towns developed on its old path.
My thoughts of her have spilled out of my mind and onto my tounge
creating sentences I never should speak
My desire for her has built into an aggression for the world around
Now I drop more insults  than solders do bombs  
I cause more emotional deviation than a third world typhoon
Wounding others in ways they have tried to replicate
Becoming the ultimate form of self harm
I have withdrawals from her skin
In which my body twitches  palms sweat and
my mind is consumed in a mirage of her touch
But I cannot be detoxed from her like a common alcoholic
Even though I have purged every emotion out of my body
Like the calories I feared would store over my bones
I cannot rid myself of this burning craving of affection
That only she can give me  
For she has filled the void left by the generations
of sanitarium prisoners my lineage was cursed with
My fragile balance of living thins the longer she is away
But I am no acrobat and I don't know how much longer
I can tiptoe across this tightrope of stability
That One Guy Jul 2016
I used to wake up
To the beat of the drums
And the pitter patter
Of solders outside my door
"at ease solder,
we're going to war"

They would say
As we crossed the valley
Green men, green trees
Passing us by
Without many to try
Many would die
Except my brother and I

We would fight the good fight
Even when he was gone
Many months at a time
But one day there came a knock
With many a medallion and a glock
Two men sent my mother into shock

I miss you brother
Though I didn't know
The stars and strips buried with your body
One last mission I sent my men on
To protect your body
With a green man in your hand
Your Purple Heart will glow
Memorial to all of those who lost there lives, saving ours. Sorry if it is poorly written. I did not take the time to edit it as much as I should.
Amanda Apr 2018
I am a wicked witch
With black hair, crooked teeth
My friends call me Myrtle
My cat Jinks, who can’t spell, calls me Keith
I can turn an ugly, fat frog into prince
When I spend my nights making spells
But it’s much funnier and more often, than not
The prince is turned into a frog, don’t tell.

I am a wicked witch
I have princesses knocking at my door
Looking for true loves first kiss. Yuk!
So, they buy apples and spinning wheels
Hoping to find their prince, tough luck!
The princes are living in my pond, eating flies.
But I tell them eat the apples, ***** their fingers
One day their prince will come. Wicked me, what lies!

I am a wicked witch
The king has arrived at my door
He isn’t looking happy. I best make ready to run.
Witch Myrtle, he says, I need your help
I don’t know what to do. You are the only one
That I can rely on, no-one else can do.
A Dragon is roaming the kingdom
He roars fire, eats sheep, I need you.

I am a wicked witch
But I say kindly, my King there is no need to worry
I have the just the thing that can help
But you must promise to do everything I say
You can have no misgivings, no doubt
I have a sword that will cut through dragon scaling
And flame-proof armour, nothing like you’ve seen
So stop your crying and no more wailing
Now listen carefully. Good, he seems keen

I am such a wicked witch
Word has come back from the town
Telling of the meeting between the king and dragon
How the king stood tall and proud, despite the titters all around
Dressed in a flame proof diaper and holding a green snake tail rattle
How the dragon looked at the king, before slowly falling to the ground
People say in all their years, they had never seen the sight
Of a dragon rolling in laughter, there is no stranger sound.

Oh dear, I am a wicked witch
The king sent solders to arrest me. But I have sent them back
As rats dressed in ballet shoes and fluffy white tatu’s.
I am sure the King will like them. But then again, maybe not.
I think it’s time I left this house and pack up all my things.
I am ready to go with Jinks on my shoulder. But this broom’s too small
So, I call in a favour from a friend, and he is happy to oblige
Because dragon, really is the best way to fly, after all.
Another one written just for fun
Victoria Feb 2019
Sometimes as I step out of the steaming shower, I see myself in the mirror and cant help but question the reflection. The way my body curves oddly trying to smooth out the bones underneath, how the small red lines appear from thin air, how broad my solders appear, spread out like a mountain range instead of a blooming pasture.

Then, I remember the Greek Statues with their pear-shaped bodies, and my towel drapes across my shoulder to become my sash. The soapy water beads are my olive crown as I stand poised.

But my face isn't up to par anyway, and this isn't the Greek period.
I think my sculptor forgot that, or maybe he wasn't that good with carving faces.
MOTV Nov 2015
I conjured with my very hands.
Rays to tear the Sun from this land.

I conjured with my train of thought.
Witnesses to scorn the blocks.

I conjured with my weary soul.
Ravens to gore upon their demonic bones.

I conjured with my mute like voice.
Solders, halos shining radiantly with a crimson gold hue.

Whom of you knew that life is more than just what we see
Through lost time in the lost minds of the lost trines meaning

I am believing there are more in the minds of the man

I am believing in Divine corner slabs.

I am believing that the heathen has control of the world so torn
Until Holiness kicks in their doors.

Lost in a Mind
In a Land
In a man

Where time spans don't exist
Think about a hat that can't fit
But you still squeeze it on

Depicted as a hazard
Drug Addict

Surprised he ain't in an attic
Dam nab it
Flow is drastic

Like a flood
Taking out the lives of the lost
Are we lost?

Flowing thru subconscious

Rawr from the tundras Michael is a monsta'
Spittin heat
Eating pasta
Words are like that, coming from a mobsta'

Bats breaking necks
No naggin
Know that I ain't dense
It is hard to get out my adolescence

Mind still on herb and finding Truth in existence

Pitiful poem
Sipping on chrome
E.T. is still in need of phoning home

All dogs need a bone
Need to bone
All dogs need a bone
Need to bone

Lost my brain...
Lost my game...

Lost in strange sights...


I just might...

Stuck in torment...

Cannot move...

Thoughts seem eternally gloomed...
Doomed to a recession.
Lost in the inception.
Is there a redemption?
Thirst from women 'cause its pleasurable

Need my play- that audible

Hear me scream; need audible sound waves to come out my brainwaves.

What is lower than dirt?
It's I alone
rock bottom and I think that I might just go off the poem
and find my way home
please I need to be the be
and the be has I so let us go holmes.

I've lost my mental
black teeth who cares about my dental

* treat a ***** like a rental*
if she a Bentley I keep her for a week, then move from my GT continental
I set my soul on finding truth
where is, who needs proof?
I tried to break the bars raise the roof
a left the scene, gone, aloof
moved with the wind but still sat still
killed myself
brought me to the deep darkened will
of the uncovered man that I have found
in this land
hi son of sam
I am high
son of am

**Use your mental

It is essential

Get on the mic

**** em good

They call you daddy don't mean to be disrespectful

Not being neglectful just choosing words

If bird was the word and the word was on shurm

Learn prophecy confirmed to the date times unturned
Maya Tod Dec 2014
Your name.

Wears its own fame.

Starting with B.

I like how B blows out of my mouth.

Like a playful Boo!

child’s ambush from

a hidden corner


your surprise from behind,

hands eclipsing my eyes

and kiss in the neck,

wistful sighs.

R likes to roll on my tongue.

Wants to get out -

doesn’t want to get out.

Jumps, bounce of my teeth

and rolls like a train speeding its feet.

S likes to become shhhhh…

when I put my heavy, tired head on your

chest, nest.

All vowels and consonants

are disciplined solders, creating brigades of


always ready to march,

when desire knocks on the door of my mouth.

Hurrying deep south.
Timothy hill Mar 2017
For you war forged it's on held truths.

A man of honor who is he.

Brilliant and smart in the same instances.

With aim there quality was mint to seek blood.

Thirty solders clicks out in a hot desert breeze.

With sand dunce full of prechers.

Man of sin, and man of hate, leave this Earth yet you linger your scars of faith.

As you approach the valley of bullets.

The Earth was opened and a scary sight was then seen.

Green, colored beings where at the station of a machine, with arms made of anti matter construction.

Flee from this place, our machine will eat your city's and fall your lady.

So the men all perk, up even more ready for there conduction.

One of the beings taller than the rest came to there level of height.

Who here is the leader of your squad.

Me a beared man says!

The being hold out your left arm.

Do not be alarmed, for we are each from a far.
Life beyond earth desert sand dunce sun hot warm bright constrast
kirk Nov 2017
All the classic adverts a lot of them are missed
Adverts that are made today the producers must be ******
They're nothing like the classic ads I'm afraid I must resist
There isn't any flare or finesse so please would you desist
The same adverts are always shown there's no surprise or twist
Adverts are not liked these days I hope you get the gist
Your all just sitting there with you ***** clutched in your fist
Messing up your nice pressed suits with a swift one of the wrist
New adverts bore you to tears but it's all that you enlist
Cos your making more backhanders it's why you still persist
Stop relying on the sponsors we know there **** is kissed
And take particular notice of the old ones on this list

A skeleton with video tapes told us how its gonna be
Re-record not fade away with Scotch's lifetime guarantee
Whiskers was the food of choice according to the stats
It was preferred by at least eight out of ten cats
Noodle Doodle twisted spaghetti into motor cars and houses
He twisted it into butterflies and eek noodle doodle mouse's
A hippo made a fruity drink way down in the Congo
He danced a dainty tango and a rhino called it Um Bongo
There was only one Tea that could make you go OO!
Sue Pollard and Frankie Howard found out with Typhoo
But those little Tetley Tea Folk know without a doubt
That 2000 perforations would let the flavour flood out
You knew what to do to put the freshness back
Every time you vacuumed and did the Shake and Vac
Don't wake up and go to town use the one all over smell
Insignia's shampoo and deodorant, aftershave and shower gel
Jeremy had a roaring toothache again he liked to many treats
he could have had a crocodile smile without eating sweets
She was the Right One she would skate to get it there
Nicollete Sheridan delivered Martini anytime anyplace anywhere
A second class ticket to Dottingham a misunderstanding caper
Tunes could make you breath more easily with its Menthol vapour
Milk in every half pound one chunk lead to another
With a glass and a half for every Dairy Milk lover
Muhammad Ali and Benny Hill knew their coming fate
They watched out with a Humphrey about, drinking Unigate

If your into protection with your Mate's or a Durex
You'd get that rubber feeling during penetrative ***
Unless your like Fred Brewster and Geronimo was there
A friend that was washable and like an inner tube to wear

A chocolate bar sang about everybody's case of the Fruit and Nut
David Rappaport could tell it was Tizer when his eyes where shut
Kia Ora's to orangey for crows, it was just for him and his dog
Spuds wanted to be Smiths Crisps and not an average Joe Blog
Bars Iron Brew from Girders the Scottish people like
A second thought at junctions think once think twice think bike
You Crossed your heart for a better figure with a Playtex Bra
The Renualt Clio had a certain flair for Nicole and Papa
Flowers delivered from Interflora making your day bright
It was a taste to make you shine ohhh ohhh Vitalite
Sainsbury's world war one solders shared and called a truce
Maynard's Wine Gums set the juice loose aboot the hoose
Why would you have cotton when Galaxy was silk?
It was cool for cats when you woke up to Milk
The man from Del Monte loved fresh fruit so he said Yes
Frosty's where Grrreat, Tony Tiger expected nothing less
But Esso was the only petrol with a tiger in the tank
A galloping black horse was the icon for Lloyds bank

Its your life with Tampax you jumped around and skated
Jack Dee had John Smiths, was his Widget overrated ?
Flowers where given on Impulse hoping the ladies dated
Mr Soft loved Trebor mints a strange world was created
Flake was the Crumbliest chocolate was that understated?
Marmite was the kind of spread you loved or even hated
Michelin Man was made of tyres he was rubber weighted
A family always had there diner, with Oxo it was plated

Castlemain Four X wouldn't give anything else, Australians would preach
Unless you where Paul Hogan and Fosters Amber Nectar he would teach
But Heineken would refresh the parts other beers could not reach
Strongbow was strong straight and true made from apple and not peach
Broad at the shoulders slim at the hips Big Bad Dom Domestos Bleach
The Jolly Green Giant loved Sweet corn with his ** ** ** speech

Please broadcast something good, instead of all your trash
There is No Cornetto's from Italy! none shown from this stash
Like Cadburys and Nestle or the robot men from Smash
You had a break with Kit Kat and convenient packet mash
No Dr Whites ***** Pads I don't mean to sound so brash
Where is Castrol GTX or Buzby there's not even a rehash
All Gambling and Insurance Ads tying to get our cash
No concern about the national debt or any loan backlash

Rolf Harris teaching kids to swim in the water they did love it
I bet if they where around today they'd tell old Rolf to shove it
I felt sorry for that poor Churchill dog I admired his endurance
To put up with Rolfs wobble board that isn't much insurance

Jimmy Saville talked of safety he clunked clicked every trip
But Jimmy's mind was somewhere else thinking who he'd like to strip
And British Rail where unaware when he was trying not to slip
With Jims intent with his Railcard to get you in his grip

You may think its controversial, you may think its the wrong call?
I Guarantee the companies thought they where on the ball
I bet these ads are a blot and drive them up the wall
If they'd have known about these guys they wouldn't feel so small
These companies would not have hired Jim or Rolf at all
It doesn't matter if they're the ones who are not standing tall

Why cant new adverts be like the old ones that we had?
What's happened to production why are they so bad?
They are all so boring and there really rather sad
None of them are out there that make you feel so glad
Why do you insist on showing ones that drive us mad
Your viewers are so ******* board more than just a tad
everyone is getting annoyed even our mum and dad
stop showing the new adverts stop ruining our pad

We don't want life insurance or sponsors for every show
We don't want Go Compare adverts, the Gtech can surely go
There are no Classic overtones they've lost that certain glow
Its boring seeing the same adverts shown in the same row
Phone commercials are not wanted it may be quite a blow
Loans and expensive Sky packages the people should say no
Please would you take some advice stop keeping these in tow
And bring back all the classic ads and stop going with the flow
O'Reily Oct 2014
Other days draw to an end,
Another one opens A'Demain.
Solders talking the talk,
Tomorrow they walk the walk.

As one day closes,
And darkness falls

What a day! What a song!
Life in a day,
And then it goes on,
As the french would say,


Tomorrow hits another light,
Tomorrow waits for no man,
In a shang a lang,
Tomorrow becomes a'demain.

Morning dew wets its appetite,
Ship shape worms that snail awakes,
In glory days bigger and bright,
Birds fly on board their usual daily flight.

Whatever brings tomorrow,
A life to live, absorb and embrace,
As yesterday leaves us without a trace,
Only memories of this golden race.

A'Demain A'Demain as the french would say,
A'Demain A'Demain, tomorrow's another day,
Each day warning of tomorrow's global warming,
Climate changes but the world stays the same with different changes.

Tomorrow gets me older.
Sea Side Storm May 2014
Dark skies, howling winds. The bottom of the clouds are going to drop on this worm summer evening. If I could see the sun it would be setting. The corn stocks in rows swaying like solders anxious for battle. Standing tall over my head, their leaves dance in the wind. Moisture is thick in the air, thunder roles over head. A singel raindrop falls on my check then the clods let it all go. It's like looking threw fog. Only seconds ago I was dry, now it's like I jumped in the river. Now standing alone in the corn filld looking up at the dark clouds.
Andy wallace Feb 2015
Whipping post is where it started,
Mary knelt so broken hearted,
The babe that once nestled on her *******,
Flesh was mutilated almost beaten to death,
The agony she felt as her heart broke,
The soldiers beat him with broken glass and a rope,
After the blood flowed like water from a hose,
They put nine inch nails through his hands and toes,
Sweet mother Mary watched from below,
As the spear was inserted and the water did flow,
No bones were broken and the solders were taunting,
The crowed got more than what they was wanting,
See this man who died upon a tree,
Was taking this punishment for you and me!!!!!
Craig Harrison Oct 2013
First Letter

Each day we wake up at seven
And at the end at least six of us are in heaven
It’s one of the worst things I’ve seen
I don’t know about you but these Germans are mean

Once we played a game of football
While we played there were six German solders standing on the Berlin wall
They only had limited firepower
But took out twelve of us, only a few of us made it back to the look out tower

Apparently the war could be over at the end of the week
Five countries have already surrendered
Just Japan
The UK and US are coming up with a plan

Second Letter

Good news honey
While we searched for ******
We came across his stash of money

Also Japan have given up
So we have won the war
So see you in a few days baby

(Knock at the door)

Mrs. Shovels, I’m sorry to say but your husband has been killed
A German bomb killed his unit
The blast was so quick I don’t think he would have felt it
Once again I am ever so sorry
Another old piece here, I tried something new with this one.
She wrote to her husband
Her husband was a sergeant

At the military of the greatest force
His president announced and insisted

That the president of Iraq gained
Nuclear and chemicals at his force

That was a reason to spread devil
All surroundings, all neighbors
So they must go to clear that sand

From every worst flying at all
Weather causing threading of any development
Causing threading to his neighbor
Especially his relative Israel
She sits at the heart setting

And the gulf countries which export oil
And give money if he wanted
According to his service and his guard

They obeyed him as they were feared
Of losing their thrones and also was feared
Of threatening of their worst neighbor

They paid every cost of that military job
He persuaded the public of his want
To destroy the army of Iraq force
To establish peace and democracy plans

And make Iraq advanced as they are
To get his dream achieved
Her husband was so honest
And believed in everything that president said

The army forces flew and took every weapon
They went also by sea ships
To achieve victory over that vain

They fought and made tricked
They used bad and evil plan
The wife wrote that letter”

Oh! Lover
I saw you there
Wide, wide of my look

But you are nearest of my heart
That I saw you are the greatest hero
But I doubt when I saw sad

Cover every face of Iraq people
, the difference appeared between communities
That made me happy for our nation

Want to establish the happy all over the world
But when I saw the statue of Iraq president fallen
The wealth and ancient ruins were stolen

, the oil must be exported
, their author would become according to desire
Of political author of our land
, the poor covered all weather

After they were the richest people
And the hanging of Iraq president
To be sacrifice on the Muslim's feast

As the Muslims do on feast
They sacrificed with cows or sheep
For helping poor for their God

The message sent to all of them
You have no price
, you have no aim to look up

Obey our want
Or you will be killed
Even you are very important!

My lover! Come please
We will not share that war
It is obvious bad at all

It is for money and humbled others
To do what we want without opposed
The God doesn't order that

Jesus said in his order
Spread the love all over the world
Make the peace your symbol

Islam religion in his greeting
Peace upon you when one passed
He invited you to get food

We rewarded him by killing
God does not satisfy with that
Jesus hates the blood bleeding
My lover! Return, we will build

A palace near an ocean
We will fish and hunt
Live as our god giving  
Or we will cultivate land

The plants will grow green as your eyes
The wheat sticks are yellow as your hair
Flowing the wind as my hair
Return to complain our problems

To union in one bodies
I will make you my angel
Flying in sky, dreaming with kind
Making you forgotten yourself
And getting me forgetting myself

We will unites at one body
One heart, one mind
Return soon, I will not complain
I will be your honey you want"

She closed the letter with beauty kissing
She sent him with great longing
She waited a lot but with astonishing

Her letter returned without answering
She knew that he would come
So, he didn't receive that mailing

On the day they were telling
She waited at airport for receipting
All right solders ascended

Then, the wounded were carrying
She ran to his boss
She found coffin were downing

She looked to his boss,
Who covered his face with crying
She felt overwhelming
When she was up,

She cried," why my God
You take my love
and let who made it?

the war is the awful thing in world
Claire Wells Mar 2014
Yesterday we were playing in the meadow
Laughing under the willow
Now there's nothing more left from it
Only we stayed

They cut the grass and torn the willow apart
Like a solders on the battlefield
Killed the dreams that we dreamed.
Like a soldier after a long world war
I'm trying to find the meadow I used to know
I wonder how long it took to replace grass with tar
Standing  in the ruins of my past
Trying to find those flowers who used to grow here so fast
Suddenly I see my reflection on the other half,
Whispering :don't let go,believe and try
Maybe that reflection is why my roads always lead into this destroyed place
And tomorrow will be kinder.
Andrew Tinkham May 2015
How are you?
Do I have your attention?
How smart are you?
Never mind.
I like joking.
I know you've...
Been smoking.

Room! Room!
Let's go now.
I'm tired.
Don't need to...
Get bored now.
Hell's Angels'
We invade...
Your basements.
We paint on...
Your daughters.
The iron's hot.
It solders.
Don't bleed now.
It's miles.
Just heed now.
It smiles.
Snap and then drool
with the vastly improved
brand new
cyanide capsule

available at selected outlets
for outcasts
madmen and

you may laugh but it's coming
euthanasia will be phased in
and they will put our lights out,
in this example 'our'
refers to
all of you called me and most
of me called you
some will slip through and
I bet it will be the rich,
(the ones who should be first in the ditch)
the politicians
solders and magicians
and the boys in the City
ain't sitting so pretty
but those down in Petty France
lead us on a merry dance
up the garden path.

laugh until I cry and
then laugh until you die
new improved
Like most poets , my life has been filled with much darkness.
But Christ has been busy filling his Light into my life overflowing.
From darkness into Light through Jesus Christ is my testimony.
Christ is busy transforming his people into a race of Miracle people.
Taking what the demons meant for our destruction here ,
Transforming us into his Super-Solders ready for victory here.'
For his Holy Spirit transform us into super- soldiers in his image.
He is and has been busy creating his Super- Soldiers showing the world.
That he is still alive today doing his Fathers business through us his people.
Soeka laborde Apr 2018
After the dust has settled
The battles coming to a close
The final whistle about to be blown
We rise
Against all odds
Against all I'll sentiments
Against all discouragement
We rise

though you wish for us to fall on our faces
To trip over ourselves, and be a disgrace
We climb higher and higher
One foot over the other
Our hands reaching for higher heights
One step at a time
With our goals set, our destination in mind
We rise to claim what's ours
To break the monopoly of power

Against the wind and the rain, we rise
Against the thunder and the flames, we rise
Against the tides, with determination in our eyes, we rise
Against the fury of your despise, we rise
We were born as warriors
Groomed to be solders
blessed with victory from the skies
We were born to *RISE
Tuffy Mutombo Jul 2021
In these rivers lays unclaimed tears
Dead hopes, strangled ropes
Body parts left to float
Minds that ignored hope and faith
While hanging onto fear and distress

In these rivers
Also lays the sins of forgiven sinners
Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Sanctified and cleansed from all of their sins
In these rivers lays new bodies
Minds that surrendered pain, anxiety, stress and depression, to God almighty
these rivers heal, these rivers revel
These rivers are what we make them
Salvation or pain choose one

We can not forget that the same waters that saved Moses and his people
killed the Egyptian solders
The same waters that floated Moses to Pharaohs Daughter
Almost drowned Peter when he doubted

What God uses to save you
Could be what he also uses to destroy
Those who come after you
Trust him when he has you facing your river

— The End —