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shireliiy Nov 2015
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Raj Arumugam Oct 2010
I am Yun Du-seo,
dearest fellow-beings;
I lived in Korea
and this is my self-portrait
I send to you as a greeting
from the past;
I had my life to art
and loved my fellow-beings
and the creatures of the earth;
and I send this to you
just a human face
to a time that will perhaps
be more enlightened
or sunk deep in violence…
I do not know…
But I send you this face of mine
as a fellow-human being
not so much that you might guess
and confer who I was and what I did
and what I stood for and what I agonized over
but I send you this face
that you might see all of us in
and perhaps to see in this portrait
a oneness and sameness
that we can all celebrate across nations
and creed and ages;
celebrate then, friends, if this comes to you
in radiant times,
and if not, make amends…
I, Yun Du-seo,
send my love to my fellow-beings
and all life and creatures of the earth…
imagined message from Yun Du-seo, Korean painter (1668–1715)/I wish I could post his self-portrait here at this site; but you can view it at wikipedia...
emi munroe Mar 2018
So, ******>Do I deserve a life
I ask questions
They make me wonder why
You still stick around me
Out a of pity
That may be
I'm just a stupid suicidal girl who has nothing to offer
Emotionally unstable
I;m missing three legs of a table
I can fall down any minute
I'm just a stupid suicidal girl
As fragile as a snowflake
No one questions why my heart aches and breaks
But you
Why do you stick around dumb  me
Who can't stand on her own two feet
I tell you
I'm not worth it
Why haven't you quit
Making sure I don't die
It's for the better
The meaning of this letter
Is to ask you
So, Seo
Riddle me that
So, Seo
Thank you
Me and my friends give each other different names, so if we write something deep or personal or refer to each other, other people don't know who it is. Min-Seo happens to be one of their names.
a bilingual rensaku


píosa eile coiréil
            caite i dtír:
                        bhog sé – portán sligreach

another piece of coral
            washed up on the beach:
                        it moves – hermit crab


spéir gan teimheal –
            ar aghaidh leis arís
                        ag máirseáil, portán sligreach

cloudless sky –
            off again on his marches
                        hermit crab


tost ... airgeadaíonn an ghealach
            an gaineamh faoina luíonn
                        na huibheacha turtar

silence ... the moon silvers
            the sand that hides
                        turtle eggs



iompaíonn a lí
            ar an ré chródhearg
                        teitheann na réaltaí

a blood-red moon
            changes colour
                        putting all the stars to flight


cruth an choiréil ******>            cruth réaltbhuíne
                                                            i gcéin

the shape of this coral
            shape of a distant


oileáin á nochtadh
            is ag leá
an mar seo a cruthaíodh an domhan?

islands coming
            and going
is this how the world was made?


ní gá iarraidh orthu –
            seolann na crainn phailme
                        bríos chugainn

cooling breeze
            from palm trees –
                        without asking


an féileacán fiú
            glacann scíth
                        san ámóg

even the butterfly
            takes a rest
                        in the hammock


taoi foirfe, i ngach slí,
a mhuiscít; mar sin féin
fan amach uaim

you are perfect in every way
mosquito; nonetheless
buzz off


spléachadh ar thurtar
            a shúile
is a bhfuil feicthe acu

glimpse of a turtle
            his eyes
and what they have seen


lorg bídeach chosa an éin
            ag díriú de shíor
ar ghaineamh gan chríoch

faint imprint of a bird’s feet
            pointing                       pointing
towards infinite sands


isteach i bpoll sa ghaineamh
            rud a bhí róthapaidh
                        le hainmniú

into a hole in the sand
            something  too quick
to be named


níl faic ar na gaobhair
ach brostaíonn an chearc a hál
an cosán anonn

nothing in sight
yet the hen bustles her clutch
across the path


féar mara
            itheann na turtair é
                        seachas sin, n’fheadar

sea grass
            turtles eat it
                        apart from that, who knows


linnte geala
                                    a réaltaí, na himíg’!

bright pools
            of deep silence –
                        no, stars, don’t go!


nach toilltach!
            ar luas an tsolais, nach mór,
                        scairt an choiligh

how penetrating!
            almost at the speed of light
                        **** crow


an lá á ghlaoch
            chun beochta acu
                        coiligh nach bhfeictear

calling the day
            to life –
                        invisible cockerels

domhan fo thoinn
            cruinniú gearr
                        leis an mballach Napoléon

underwave world
            short meeting
                        with the Napoleon wrasse


guth dearg an choiligh
            dathaíonn spéir
                        na maidine

a ****’s red voice
                        the morning sky


coiréal inchinne cnapánaí
            gealas na réaltaí-
                        gan smaointe

knobby brain coral
            starglow -
                        no thoughts


coiligh ag freagairt dá chéile
            eatarthu leátar
                        an ré

***** echoing one another
            between them they dissolve
                        the moon


cos léi amuigh –
            tá an chuileog rómhór
                        do bhéal an gheiceo

one leg hangs out –
            the fly is too big
                        for the gecko’s mouth


anáil chiúnaithe
            na cruinne: is ansin
                        scairt an choiligh

the stilled breath
            of the universe: then


éisc ar crochadh
            faoin ngrian –
                        muir gan mhonabhar

fish hung out
            to dry
                        murmurless sea


ina gceann is ina gceann
ciúnaíonn tonnta
                        roimh réaltaí

one by one
            waves become placid
                        for the stars


scáil an turtair
            nó féar mara

turtle shadow
            or sea grass


línte reatha -
an t-iasc séabrach
ag scríobh ar uisce

fleeting lines -
the zebra fish
writing on water




                        in airde sa chrann cnó cócó


            a rat

aloft in the coconut tree
Alvin Park Sep 2015
SEO experts India is a reputed internet marketing and SEO service providing company.  This company is known to have been incredibly successful in keeping their clients very satisfied and content with their high quality of service. This is an almost inconceivable feat in the ever evolving world of online technologies.  They serve their clients with dedication and are able to increase the ranking of the company’s website on all the leading search engines, by constantly applying the latest optimization techniques. They help clients find the target audience by increasing the web traffic by using various white hat methods including authentic link building.

By reading the review  you will understand that although the company specializes in SEO services, they also offer other related services.  Some of the other services they provide include social media optimization, which basically combines organic search with social media which can get you better results. They also provide online reputation management, Pay per click (PPC) campaign management, link building services, content writing services etc.  Google is known to consider high quality links as one of the major factors when they rank websites. Content is also very important as this will make sure that the target audience gets a good idea of your products and services. Review  is made up of a good team of professionals who are all experts in their own field. They are known to use only ethical and transparent in all their dealings. They provide fully managed SEO services and are therefore one stop solution providers. Their quality of work speaks for itself and so do their contended clients.
SEO is one of the important aspect from the website point of view.If the website is not visible to others how come we get traffic on our site.So one needs to optimize its site for proper ranking on SERP' Reviews
Donall Dempsey Oct 2015
( In Irish )

Dún do shúile
(Close your eyes)                

Codail go lá ghrá séimh.
(Sleep until gentle love) .

Codail go sámh go sámh.
(Sleep peacefully...peacefully) .

Éirdeoidh an ghealach seo... rachaidh an ghrian seo faoi

(This moon will rise...
...this sun will set)                

aire 'gus grá
i gconaí
(care and love always)                

gach oíche 's gach lá
gach lá 's gach oíche.
(every night every day
every day ever night) .

Mo phlúirín!
Mo stóirín!
Mo mhuirnín!
(My little flower!
My little treasure!
My little darling!)                

Ach anois...
(But now...)                

codail go sámh go séimh
(sleep peacefully...gently)                

go fáinne an lae
(until the break of day)                

le mise
ar do taobh.
(with me
by your side) .

Losing our baby
late into the night

holding this    little thing
that only attempted to be human

unable to let go

I clasped the foetus
tightly in my hand

& buried it in the dawn
of our local park

under a recently planted
red rose bush.

In my grief
flower & baby
became one

and night after night I climbed
over high railings & even higher stars

to talk to her in the dark      in Irish.

Or sing: My Love is like a Red Red Rose.

Or cry...or...cry.

Almost got arrested one night
by an Irish cop
drawn to the sound
of Irish emerging from darkness.

Guess he let me go because -  it wouldn’t look good
on a charge sheet:

“The defendant was talking
& crying to...a flower.”

- in Irish.


duinne eagin ag caoineadh
(someone is crying)      

in a dorchasan
(in his darkness) .

Fill...fill...a run o!

Fill a run o is  na imigh uaim.

Fill orm a chuisle a stor

agus chifeadh tu an gloire... ma fhillean tu!
This is a very important poem for me and not just any poem
due to the nature of what it deals it. It took me 10 years to get around to writing it and this is about the 4th version that struggles to be even able to grasp it. It is not the easiest of poems to recite but then...

I enclose the poem itself and the bit in the Times article that deals with me.

Most times people don't know what to do with it and are generally embarrassed by what it talks about or how I faced up to it.

For me it is like gathering my baby back from the dark and making her real again and giving her a place in this world.

It is a lament and lullaby at the one and the same time and also of course a statement of love.

People who have lost babies come up to me and it is a relief for them to be able to talk about children who have vanished from this world but not from their world.

Article on Performance orientated poetry:

'Donall is 51, with wild hair and an infectious laugh, working as a special needs teacher in Tottenham. He started performing to recover from severe paralysis that made talking painful and difficult.

He reads a poem that recalls the death of his unborn child.
'Early in my wife's pregnancy, in the middle of the night, we lost the baby, it happened at home and there was blood everywhere. My wife said: 'Don't flush my baby away! ” I didn't know what to do so I buried the foetus beneath a rose bush in our local park.
You just can't be prepared for something like that, holding something in your hand that you never thought you'd be holding. The poem was my solution to the impossible situation I was in.
There had to be somewhere where I could lay down the pain.
There are people out there grateful to have this grief articulated for them, for helping them to understand, or just be aware. It is healing for them and for me.'

The poem is beautifully lyrical, written in a blend of Irish and English.
Hawk Flight Jul 2014
Tá tú an réalt ag taitneamh
i mo domhan dorcha

nach bhfuil rud ar bith sa saol seo
Ní ba mhaith liom a dhéanamh ar do shon

Ba mhaith liom dul ar fud an domhain seo
Ba mhaith liom troid ar bith Demon
Má chiallaigh sé tú a choinneáil
ag mo thaobh.

Tá tú mo Shlánaitheoir
Mo shlánú
Mo bheannacht
Ní leor faoi cheilt a dhéanamh mar sin

Is breá liom tú Kaitlyn
le gach snáithín de mo á

Is breá liom tú
Its all in Irish. My wife is Irish and I wanted to write this for her. Look on Google Translate they have the BEST translation of this.
The Universe expands for ever
As does the Heart
Plunging these melting words
Into the Heart-Universe
They no longer have a centre
Burningly I desired Your Being
Now our nature is released throughout infinity

Eolaíocht (3)

Ag síorleathnú atá an Chruinne
Is amhlaidh don Chroí
Tumaimse na briathra leáite ******>Sa Chroí-Chruinne
Níl aon lár acu a thuilleadh
Bhí do Nádúrsa uaim
Go dóite is go hiomlán
Scaoiltear ár ndúchas ar fud na síoraíochta
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Look at this old concrete wall
   Warmed by the sun.
   Soon the ants will come out
   To dance for You

   What would You like?
   Something rapid or languorous
   Or that they be perfectly still?


Féach an seanfhalla coincréite ******>Á théamh ag an ngrian.
Is gearr go mbeidh na seangáin amuigh
Chun damhsa Duit

Cé acu ab fhearr Leat é?
Gasta nó mall?
Nó iad a bheith ina stad?
aar505n Feb 2015
Tá mé codladh orm
Ag iarraidh codladh
Ach gan aon toradh

Rugadh agus tógadh
leis dearcadh difriúil
lá i ndiadh lae
An grá mícheart

Is é mo chroí ag craoladh,
faoi grá
Ag muineadh dom nach,
faoi mná

Rachainn mé go dti an trá.
an alainn trá
Déarfainn mé Dia duit ar an buachaillín.
an alainn buachaillín
Mo muirnín.

Dhéanfainn mé seo, ach
Nuair a fháil i go dtí an trá,
Ní bheidh tú in ann.
Beidh mé san áit mícheart
ag an am mícheart.

Ní haon ionadh é mar
Ní féidir leat a shéanadh go bhfuil
mo chroí,
i gcónaí mícheart
Is dán beag as Gaeilge. Tá roinnt earráidí ach cosúil leis an seanfhocal:
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, na Bearla cliste.
Bain sult as!
shireliiy Nov 2015
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Donall Dempsey Dec 2023

a day so huge
it would take a lifetime
to get across

a time so vast
it couldn't be
squeezed into clocks or watches

an unseen bird
the bard of birds
telling me the poetry

of a world
coming into being
that very moment

only in a language
I could not understand
but somehow


at peace
with the mystery
of it all

happy to stay here
but time flew
through me taking me

to become
this old man
and the scrape of a pen

trying to hold  
in words
that one eternal moment


SEO GO DEO is the Irish for THIS FOREVER...go deo meaning forever or never
Coconut Skins Feb 2015
An bhfuil duine ar bith ag tabhairt aird orm?
Níl, táim i mo thaibhse, ag siúl gach lá
Gan duine ar bith ag rá, conas atá?

Chomh imeallaithe leis an teanga álainn atá in úsáid agam.
Ní thuigfidh daoine an dán seo.
Ní thuigeann daoine mise.
My first poem as Gaeilge (in Irish).
marriegegirl Jul 2014
Ça a été une semaine de l'absurde jolis traits .mais puis-je vous laisser sur un petit secret ?Nous aurions enregistré un des meilleurs pour la fin.Judy Pak .Loli événements et Matthew Ree sont que quelques-uns des grands noms derrière ce printemps swoonfest .et vous pouvez visiter la galerie complète pour beaucoup.beaucoup plus .Vendredi heureux .mes enfants !xoxo\u003cp\u003ePartager cette superbe galerie ColorsSeasonsSpringSettingsGardenStylesRomantic de Lauren de Loli événements .Bien que brève .printemps à New York est toujours rajeunissant et passionnant .Tout semble plus lumineux .plus heureux et tout plein de vie .Ce tournage a capturé exactement cela avec une parfaite dose de glamour et de fantaisie .Les beaux motifs des jardins d'Old Westbury était une évidence comme toile de fond .Tout y est luxuriante .réfléchi et tout simplement magnifique .Notre objectif en tant que fournisseurs de mariage de luxe était de capturer une certaine beauté grave tout en s'amusant et profiter du moment .Il est si facile de se laisser prendre et d'oublier de faire une pause et de prendre dans votre environnement .Cette séance est consacrée à créer un peu d' esprit d'aventure et un besoin de juste prendre une profonde respiration lente .

Photographie : Judy Pak | Photographie : Matthew Ree | Floral Design : Tashi et Bobo | Robe : Jenny Packham | gâteau : Ana Parzych | Coiffeur : Seonghee Park | Bridal Boutique : Gabriella New York | Location de robe : petite robe empruntée |postiches : Emily Riggs | Maquillage : Seunghyn robes demoiselles d honneur Seo de KAKABOKA | Props / table : Caverne de coquelicots et Posies | Styling / Set de table design: Loli Evénements | mariage Lieu: Old Westbury Gardens

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anastasiad Dec 2016
Check out the UN46C6300 is a major struck. Featuring a silver screen measurement, you receive serious entertainment. Although the screen size is large, it has a non-reflective area. Along with Straight talk technology, your Vast screen was created having matte-finish hence diminishes insights via ambient lightning. After that it gives you and also crystal clear seeing whenever you actually touch participate in. This flat conclude of the Vast screen will keep the wanders of light even when it is not power on.

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Donall Dempsey Oct 2018

Dún do súile
(Close your eyes)

Codail go lá ghrá séimh.
(Sleep until gentle love) .

Codail go sámh go sámh.
(Sleep peacefully...peacefully) .

Éirdeoidh an ghealach seo... rachaidh an ghrian seo faoi

(This moon will rise...
...this sun will set)

aire 'gus grá
i gconaí
(care and love always)

gach oíche 's gach lá
gach lá 's gach oíche.
(every night every day
every day ever night) .

Mo phlúirín!
Mo stóirín!
Mo mhuirnín!
(My little flower!
My little treasure!
My little darling!)

Ach anois...
(But now...)

codail go sámh go séimh
(sleep peacefully...gently)

go fáinne an lae
(until the break of day)

le mise
ar do taobh.
(with me
by your side) .

Losing our baby
late into the night

holding this little thing
that only attempted to be human

unable to let go

I clasped the foetus
tightly in my hand

& buried it in the dawn
of our local park

under a recently planted
red rose bush.

In my grief
flower & baby
became one

and night after night I climbed
over high railings & even higher stars

to talk to her in the dark in Irish.

Or sing: My Love is like a Red Red Rose.

Or cry...or...cry.

Almost got arrested one night
by an Irish cop

drawn to the sound
of Irish emerging from darkness.

Guess he let me go because - it wouldn’t look good
on a charge sheet:

“The defendant was talking
& crying to...a flower.”

- in Irish.


duinne eagin ag caoineadh
(someone is crying)

in a dorchasan
(in his darkness) .

Fill...fill...a run o!

Fill a run o is na imigh uaim.

Fill orm a chuisle a stor

agus chifeadh tu an gloire... ma fhillean tu!

Part of this was quoted in THE TIMES-LONDON: SAT 31.04.07 with the tiniest bit of an interview.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2024

a day so huge
it would take a lifetime
to get across

a time so vast
it couldn't be
squeezed into clocks or watches

an unseen bird
the bard of birds
telling me the poetry

of a world
coming into being
that very moment

only in a language
I could not understand
but somehow


at peace
with the mystery
of it all

happy to stay here
but time flew
through me taking me

to become
this old man
and the scrape of a pen

trying to hold  
in words
that one eternal moment


SEO GO DEO is the Irish for THIS FOREVER...go deo meaning forever or never
anastasiad Oct 2016
In the past we've talked about the actual issues to consider were required to make Display?and also Silverlight?structured uses look for favorable, although all of us deliberately neglected two huge aspects of rich style: movies and pictures. We left those outside to make sure that we could open an independent discussion on the tips equally for movies and pictures. With out further more ado, listed below are everything you want to find out in order to make the movies and images rely when it comes to your own search-friendliness, increase your research position and finally enhance web page change.

Improving Video clip Information intended for Search Yahoo and google?particularly swallows a vested desire for video-based information because doing so possesses YouTube? in addition to showcases video tutorials normally above the fold. This can be a part of an approach termed universal seek and it is hard work to help zero-in with people?requires more speedily. On top of that, because there's even less online video articles contending for high get ranking (specially movies which are very well enhanced and also tagged) there is big area intended for boost in this market. Firstly , you must choose is to try and are website hosting them, this also largely is determined by your purpose for any video. ?Make best use of Vistas ?If this is your main goal, it is advisable for hosting film using a sharing web page like You-Tube that should influence the actual built-in targeted traffic of the third-party-site ?Delivering Visitors to your web blog ?Introduce on your own site so as to increase the degree of your site lookup testimonials.

Embed inside your web page; store them in your web site The next phase within your online video search engine marketing wonder is to generate a improved title and description in addition to Web link, which often shouldn become completely way too distinct from your web webpages. Be sure you add some keyword and also key phrase that you simply think will certainly finest express and bring about the playback quality. Stay clear of tags as well as back links inside identify and outline, because consumers are less inclined to see the matter from the substance. Period is a dilemma that could typically restrain individuals from essentially enjoying videos. This advisable to think of video clip span concerning microwaving, yes microwaving. Think of the best way difficult it is to await Five minutes for your meal to be set. It looks like FOREVER. Mainly because microwaving has the meant peed?component into it, time period turns into comparable. This is the same principle with regards to almost all information online, video tutorials specially.

Whether or not it can take 5 minutes or maybe lengthier to produce key information, prehaps you are about to get rid of anyone. Exactly what should your online video will be Ten minutes+? Stopping that directly into lesser areas will probably be the most effective guess. Currently down to much more techie factors. When you have many videos in your website, it is a good option that you can make a video site map, to obtain the yahoo and google better explanations for you to directory. Guidelines stipulate of which like the online video media file, a picture, a subject and also a information provides ideal results. As a final point, design your training video known.

Marketing and advertising is generally the secret weapon to success, along with video tutorials aren't distinctive. Help people to obtain your own video clip by simply posting this for your company social websites (Facebook? Facebook and LinkedIn? records. Enhancing Illustrations or photos with regard to Lookup Yahoo likewise rates images in their Common Investigation attribute, thus well-optimized photos is usually a further feeder point for the web-site. In addition graphics help with a image desire of your respective articles, men and women will are more likely to examine your web site or article when the word will be artfully broken up. So far as the search marketing portion, there are several key actions you can take.

One of the first ways will be to have descriptive in addition to key phrase rich document bands; this provides the search engine spiders a lot more written text to be able to get. Captioning is probably the guidelines on how to fix keyword abundant textual content to your illustrations or photos. It doesn't superior describe your current picture as well as supplier to those reading through your website content continuously, almost all provides crawlers wording in order to associate with the wonderful pictures, increasing your SERP (search results page) status. Because there are several approaches to obtain information (distinct browsers, products, and so forth.) T tag words is often an excellent mishap plan.

What an Alternative (various) label can is actually submit on an photograph in case the gadget and also internet browser can't make the picture. It fills the space together with the text that you just give so that you can inform you and provides the search engines additional items of written text in order to creep. The overall dissertation of those reports now we have published can be: don let your loaded media channels count number to your conversion process seo and search presence targets. Thing is having a dependable technology lover including Amadeus Contacting, who are able to not simply aid you in a producing associated with wealthy World-wide-web database development, but can as well optimize your site content for your net profit targets.
Relate Articles: Forget WinZip Password Can I Recover
Donall Dempsey Oct 2017

Dún do súile
(Close your eyes)

Codail go lá ghrá séimh.
(Sleep until gentle love) .

Codail go sámh go sámh.
(Sleep peacefully...peacefully) .

Éirdeoidh an ghealach seo... rachaidh an ghrian seo faoi

(This moon will rise...
...this sun will set)

aire 'gus grá
i gconaí
(care and love always)

gach oíche 's gach lá
gach lá 's gach oíche.
(every night every day
every day ever night) .

Mo phlúirín!
Mo stóirín!
Mo mhuirnín!
(My little flower!
My little treasure!
My little darling!)

Ach anois...
(But now...)

codail go sámh go séimh
(sleep peacefully...gently)

go fáinne an lae
(until the break of day)

le mise
ar do taobh.
(with me
by your side) .

Losing our baby
late into the night

holding this little thing
that only attempted to be human

unable to let go

I clasped the foetus
tightly in my hand

& buried it in the dawn
of our local park

under a recently planted
red rose bush.

In my grief
flower & baby
became one

and night after night I climbed
over high railings & even higher stars

to talk to her in the dark in Irish.

Or sing: My Love is like a Red Red Rose.

Or cry...or...cry.

Almost got arrested one night
by an Irish cop

drawn to the sound
of Irish emerging from darkness.

Guess he let me go because - it wouldn’t look good
on a charge sheet:

“The defendant was talking
& crying to...a flower.”

- in Irish.


duinne eagin ag caoineadh
(someone is crying)

in a dorchasan
(in his darkness) .

Fill...fill...a run o!

Fill a run o is na imigh uaim.

Fill orm a chuisle a stor

agus chifeadh tu an gloire... ma fhillean tu!

Daniel Magner Jan 2020
Optimization that negates authenticity,
moronic, trust me.
Feed the machine what it wants.
Find out its favorite flavors,
bitter? sweet?
Make sure to provide a constant stream
of goodies,
savory? saucy?
make the links buttery, c-lickable.
Daniel Magner 2020
I am waiting in a tall gray tower,
Whose shadow is as dark as your heart.
And every time I look out on the land,
I pray for the wind to bring you to me
So that we can be healed here together,
And this tower will touch the hands of God.

Tha mi a 'feitheamh ann an tùr àrd liath,
Tha a sgàil cho dorcha ri do chridhe.
Agus a h-uile uair choimheadas mi a-maich air an fhearann,
Guidheam gun toir a 'ghaoth thu thugam
Mar sin is urrainn dhuinn a shlànachadh an seo còmhla
Agus ruigidh an tùr seo làmhan Dhè.
Fad leis seo a thagadh cairde agus lucht gaoil an té a bhí ag imeacht chun na coigrithe. B'anseo an scaradh. Seo Droichead na nDeor

Family and friends of the person leaving for foreign lands would come this far. Here was the separation. This is the Bridge of Tears

so let us go to Falcarragh
where I kiss you by the corner
with salt on the lips
and a mouthful of chips

where my ma wants me home
by eleven at the latest
and the neighbour’s dog slobbers
its love against our cheeks

where we meet on the beach
with braids of seaweed by our feet
and the wind begins to jive
through the tangles of your hair

where we share a drink (or three)
and *sláinte
(more than once)
on the crossroads of yesterday
and the rest to come

say goodbye by the bridge
with my hands in your pockets
our tears specks of memories
we scrunch hard to keep in
Written: Febriary 2018.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. Falcarragh is a small town in north-west Ireland - in Irish it is known as 'An Fál Carrach.' Ten minutes south of the town is a location known as The Bridge of Tears. Here, in a time before many modern roads, friends and family of emigrants would go their separate ways, with the emigrants heading for Derry Port. Most of these individuals would never return - it was a final farewell. A stone close to the bridge contains the message included at the start of this poem. Please note that 'sláinte' is a Gaelic term for 'cheers', said during a toast and meaning, more literally, 'health.' All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older poems have been put on private recently by me, leaving only more satisfying pieces, alongside old university work.
Justin Lai Jan 2021
google was my babysitter
not a very good one i'll admit

perhaps more like a cool uncle
with infinitely scrolling treats

the more i tickled his algorithm {
search queries = seo && [freewheeling whims];

OR ||
stray thoughts seeking foster homes
just fronts for attention farms

reaping curiosity off the vine
while overclocking the study room

being held to father's chair like a vice
if only to keep me safe in a web

spun by a child's simple thoughts
and a sentient robot babysitter
if you craft a more elegant google algorithm then dm me ;)
Donall Dempsey Sep 2019
(In Irish)

Dún do súile
(Close your eyes)

Codail go lá ghrá séimh.
(Sleep until gentle love) .

Codail go sámh go sámh.
(Sleep peacefully...peacefully) .

Éirdeoidh an ghealach seo... rachaidh an ghrian seo faoi

(This moon will rise...
...this sun will set)

aire 'gus grá
i gconaí
(care and love always)

gach oíche 's gach lá
gach lá 's gach oíche.
(every night every day
every day ever night) .

Mo phlúirín!
Mo stóirín!
Mo mhuirnín!
(My little flower!
My little treasure!
My little darling!)

Ach anois...
(But now...)

codail go sámh go séimh
(sleep peacefully...gently)

go fáinne an lae
(until the break of day)

le mise
ar do taobh.
(with me
by your side) .

Losing our baby
late into the night

holding this little thing
that only attempted to be human

unable to let go

I clasped the foetus
tightly in my hand

& buried it in the dawn
of our local park

under a recently planted
red rose bush.

In my grief
flower & baby
became one

and night after night I climbed
over high railings & even higher stars

to talk to her in the dark in Irish.

Or sing: My Love is like a Red Red Rose.

Or cry...or...cry.

Almost got arrested one night
by an Irish cop
drawn to the sound
of Irish emerging from darkness.

Guess he let me go because - it wouldn’t look good
on a charge sheet:

“The defendant was talking
& crying to...a flower.”

- in Irish.


duinne eagin ag caoineadh
(someone is crying)

in a dorchasan
(in his darkness) .

Fill...fill...a run o!

Fill a run o is na imigh uaim.

Fill orm a chuisle a stor

agus chifeadh tu an gloire... ma fhillean tu!
Will the moment comes when we will be together,
arm in arm, embraced as we dance until the morning?

Listening to the songs of the western ocean;
a kiss upon my cheek while on you, my sacred colors adorning.

We embrace and reflect on the first glance of each others' eyes
While the earth below us is illuminated by endless, starry skies.

I never want this moment to end; entwined by land and sea.
I will bless the very day you first glanced at me.

And if the sun fades forever, and our souls become blue,
In this world or in the next, I swear, I will never abandon you.


An tig am mionaid nuair a bhios sinn còmhla;
gàirdean air a ghabhail a-steach agus sinn a 'dannsa gu madainn?

Ag èisteachd ri caol a 'chuain an iar;
pòg air mo ghruaidh, fhad 's a tha e ort, mo dhathan naomh a' sgeadachadh.

Bidh sinn a 'gobhail ri agus meòrachadh air a 'chiad sealladh de shùilean a chèile
tha an talamh gu h-ìosal air a shoilleireachadh le speuran gun stad.

Chan eil mi a-riamh ag iarraidh gun tig an ire seo gu crìch, air a cheangle le fearann is muir
Beannaichidh mi an dearbh latha a choimead thu orm an toiseach

Agus ma tha a 'ghrian a' dol fodha gu bràth agus ar n-anaman a' 'fas gorm
Anns an t-saoghal seo no an ath rud, tha mi a 'mionnachadh cha trèig mi thu gu bràth
m i a Dec 2016

to him;;

you used to be my muse,
who made me feel many different blues,
but now you're gone,
and I miss you,
i miss when it used to be blue,
I guess I'll just look for someone new,
a different muse
[inspired my samuel seo]
i'm currently working on a new series of online books, and i really need help with graphic design for my covers, if you can help please let me know!
shireliiy Nov 2015
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Relate Articles:
Donall Dempsey Sep 2020
(In Irish)

Dún do súile
(Close your eyes)

Codail go lá ghrá séimh.
(Sleep until gentle love) .

Codail go sámh go sámh.
(Sleep peacefully...peacefully) .

Éirdeoidh an ghealach seo... rachaidh an ghrian seo faoi

(This moon will rise...
...this sun will set)

aire 'gus grá
i gconaí
(care and love always)

gach oíche 's gach lá
gach lá 's gach oíche.
(every night every day
every day ever night) .

Mo phlúirín!
Mo stóirín!
Mo mhuirnín!
(My little flower!
My little treasure!
My little darling!)

Ach anois...
(But now...)

codail go sámh go séimh
(sleep peacefully...gently)

go fáinne an lae
(until the break of day)

le mise
ar do taobh.
(with me
by your side) .

Losing our baby
late into the night

holding this little thing
that only attempted to be human

unable to let go

I clasped the foetus
tightly in my hand

& buried it in the dawn
of our local park

under a recently planted
red rose bush.

In my grief
flower & baby
became one

and night after night I climbed
over high railings & even higher stars

to talk to her in the dark in Irish.

Or sing: My Love is like a Red Red Rose.

Or cry...or...cry.

Almost got arrested one night
by an Irish cop
drawn to the sound
of Irish emerging from darkness.

Guess he let me go because - it wouldn’t look good
on a charge sheet:

“The defendant was talking
& crying to...a flower.”

- in Irish.


duinne eagin ag caoineadh
(someone is crying)

in a dorchasan
(in his darkness) .

Fill...fill...a run o!

Fill a run o is na imigh uaim.

Fill orm a chuisle a stor

agus chifeadh tu an gloire... ma fhillean tu!
You were a ghost in my arms; a phantom in my bed.
I swear you had no reflection as if you were dead.
This affair’s death was inevitably beginning to show.
Chaos was in my heart, but emptiness was in your shadow.
Even though you walked like a lioness in her pride,
There was a vacuum of sorrow in my insides.
Internally, it was a cascade of dark, no-void form.
But externally, you were the one who brought the storm.
You forever etched your image across my skyline.
But alas, the sun is gone, and your image has died.

Bha thu an thaibhse an mo ghàirdeanan; taibhse na mo leabdaidh.
Tha mi a’ mionnachadh nach robh sgàthan agad; mar na mairbh.
Bha bàs an daimbh seo gu cinnteach a ‘toiseachadh a’ nochdabh.
Bha gealtach nam chridhe, ach bha falambh nad sgàil.
Eadhon ged a choisich thu mar uaill an leòmhann.
Bha mi làn bròn nam broinn.
Taobh a-staigh, gleann de chruth dorcha gun bheàrn
Ach air an taobh a-muigh, b ‘e thusa a-thig an stoirm.
Tha thu gu bràth air do ìomhaigh a dhèanamh thairis air faire agam.
Ach, thig a lorg, tha a ‘ghrian air falbh, agus tha an ìomhaigh agad air bàsachadh.
fiachra breac Sep 2019
who gave you the right
to collect other people’s misery?
heartaches and tears,
are not yours to own.

don’t you dare take my name,
it is yours no more;
not my life, not my soul,
not my home.

tá m’ainm! tá mo bhaile! tá m’anam seo!

with sweet voice,
and deft fingers,
you rewrite the pages,
to suit some plan of your own.

but my name? and his? and his?
our county, our place, our home?

stand upon your lonely ridge,
gaze down towards this fort,
and see:

taking others’ names is dangerous
when you don’t know what they mean.
Tha 's e seallad air beulaibh orm
Thàinig sin o na h-ainglean
Tha cuibhlichean na h-ùine air stad dhuinn
Mar a ràinig sinn an am seo ann an ùine
Oir mar as fhaisg a tha mi ort
Mar as fhaisg a tha mi air neambh


There is a view in front of me
That came from the angels
The wheels of time have stopped for us
As we approach this moment in time
Because the closer I am to you,
the closer I am to heaven.
Thank you to my muse for the inspiration.
fiachra breac May 2019
scríobhfaidh mé rud gaelach gach lá,
fiú má tá drochghaeilge,
agus fiú má nach mhaith liom.

mar sin, tá mo theanga seo,
's úsaidim í!
I wish I had said this before the darkness fell
Shrouding me in doubt before secrets I could tell
But time; oh dear, time cares not for what we do
And someday maybe, time will bring me back to you.
I can only imagine what goes on behind your stare
For when I'm lost in the shadows, I can only hope you're there.

Tha mi a ’guidhe gun robh mi air seo a ràdh mus do thuit an dorchadas.
A ’còmhdach teagamh orm mus b’ urrainn dhomh mo dhìomhaireachd innse.
Ach ùine. Ò Mo chreach. Chan eil ùine a ’gabhail cùram mu na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh.
Agus is dòcha uaireigin, bheir ùine mi thugad
Chan urrainn dhomh ach smaoineachadh air na tha a ’dol air cùl do shealladh
Oir nuair a tha mi air chall anns na faileasan, chan urrainn dhomh ach a bhith an dòchas gu bheil thu ann.

— The End —