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Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
It ain’t like ahm a teacher ner nuthin.
Ahm jess a regular person, nothin spayshul
Ah ain’t no docterr of rocket science
Ahm jess a working guy, and kinda playful.
Ah half tah admit, ah do get things wrong
And sometahms ah can make a big mess
But ah do have minny, minny good points
And ahm a rilly good person, irregardless.

But things like writin’ readin’ and
Readin’ writin’ and sech lack that stuff
Ah stopped carin’ ‘bout at twelve
‘Cause ah found it more than kinda tuff.
Ah mean, it ain’t lack ah ain’t never
Gunna need to know reedickaluss stuff lie cat.
Ahm jess gunna graduate and then
Ah’ll go to work with Dad and drahve a bobcat.

Ain’t nobuddy needs algebra for that
Er fer workin’ at the factory line ever day either.
And it sher ain’t like ahm a teacher ner nuthin.
Ahm jess a regular person, nothin spayshul
Ah ain’t no docterr of rocket science
Ahm jess a working guy, and kinda playful.
Ah half tah admit, ah do get things wrong
And sometahms ah can make a big mess
But ah do have minny, minny good points
And ahm a rilly good person, irregardless.

But things like writin’ readin’ and
Grammer and other sech borin’ stuff
Ah stopped carin’ ‘bout at twelve
‘Cause ah found it more than kinda tuff.
Ah mean, it ain’t lack ah ain’t never
Gunna need to know reedickaluss stuff lie cat.
Ahm jess gunna graduate and then
Ah’ll go to work with Dad and drahve a bobcat.

Ain’t nobuddy needs algebra for that
Er fer workin’ on a factory line ever day either.
Ah sherr don’t need it to work digging
Er runnin’ sewer lahns er plummin’ pipes neither.
So, folks can jess give up on tryin’
To turn me into some kinda egghead scholar.
After all, it was good enough for my dad
To go to work, and work hard to earn a dollar.
Rational Madman Dec 2018
Who the hell you think are to be demanding me a poem?
Mozart of this art like all these written no-gimmick lyrics are my profession,
Woah, that flow's a shard piercin' you and while you're bleedin', I tell you a fine confession:
This is freedom of expression, this is me out of depression, physics is nowhere near a suggestion for reason behind the never-yet-reached depths of my perception.

Boy you be readin' these ill lines by a writer so sublime, you couldn't fathom or imagine what it's like to be behind the steerin' wheel of the high-paced drive up in my mind,
All these spitting free-verse like that's skilled, yeah sure but they're nowhere close to flowin' poems so potent it could blind,
You can play this like over to cope, you'll need to pause and rewind not one, two, three but at least four times.

This is be that sick spittin' raw ****, you aint heard on the radio,
This be that thick ****, masculinity half gentleman half wild-lion ROAR and make those ladies hoes,
This be the new age slim shady yo, basic rappers way too slow, Mumble rapping on a track and reading **** like BABY PRO,
Na **** that mainstream ****, dawg this be that underground vicious ****,
Boy I've been slitting throat downtown before rap ever was for the ***** *****,
I'm that middle-school rap era, where gangsters could mean black but also Vinnie Paz, shout-out to the most-feared real-deal Gladiator straight from that Sicily pit,
I love Paz for his delivery, flow and anti-gimmicky lyrical potency like no other G that'***** that'***** the scene,
I love Tech for the flow man, Em for the show and love Minaj for puns and Hopsin for being the pioneer or bringing REAL RAP back, he's a cunning industry player but **** HE GOT FLOW. Chris Webby for the raw masculinity-vibe progressive ****, spreading those vibes getting the world to hear his messages,
I love Bugzy and Devs and a little Wiley doesn't hurt,
Grime Scene's a beautiful off-shoot of rap that unlike mumble crap is an old beautiful tree that grew straight from the dirt,
Imma leave it here, let me on this site so your ***** can squirt,
If you're a guy you'll wish you were me but turnin' me down's buryin' what you know be that legit **** that like a Phoenix'll rebirth.

Beat to the rap:
Max Neumann Nov 2020
tizz is an uncle, bro and dem richez
i was born viciouz, but always had visionz
a young boy used to build bridgez
between black and white, peace and fight

dreamy adolescence, i spit out whole heavenz
wit my divine essence, all dem "lyricis" be jealouz
but dey just "so called", cause dey so old
tizz grew cold, so not any of dem amateurs won't grow old

i'm so cold, i freeze, **** and stay, then i eaze among dem geez
we live in codez like secret service, dealin' wit burnaz
quick learnaz, sick and sane, our skin is thick,
we don't feel pain, black lion's mane, heaven yeah

no expression can illustrate tizzopish aggression
pay attention! watch out for dat other direction
receive my blessin', kneein' between me and the destined
it's battle rappin', it's slappin' againzt all of ya actin'

friendship versuz rush, some peepz start to blush
when you remind them of valuez, like some bad newz
i'm the man whose bad moodz be legendary, like a legionary
dealin' wit whatz necessary, cause i was born predatory

find tizz shinin' in the mornin' glory and rhymin' a story
readin' diz is mandatory, just anotha category,
stolen from the laboratory, ****, am i now swollen,
and all-in like all-night, alright, feed em just a small bite
The Global Family.
Adam Mott Apr 2015
All this talk is getting me down
These decisions are becoming pain
Trying to fix what has yet to come
Only to discover I am back where I started

Watching things fall down
Splashing in big blue pits
I, too, fall
Eye to eyeball
Face to face
Where is my place in the human race

Driving to the diverging path
Hoping it is no epitaph
With the right tide may it bring me home

One day I may realize
All this time I have been eating my own lies
But for all the strength it takes
I know she was not a mustake
It's killin' me,

the way you always
heed my silent becks
to the cat's cradle
for the dim-dusked
shimmyings we do,

for the middle of the courts
hopscotchin' we improv
in the
catacorner criss-crosses
we continue to let
in the middle of our
bashing pool.

stakes are
this time-

higher than the dizzy chicks
with flower magic
stick-on things
not really covering their ******* -

their faith's got them
grinning down
to the matrix hubbub below,
from the drooping shoulders
of their guy bits
in matching flowers

('cause we're all one here
yeah? - yeah!).

tonka tricks
litterin' my walkway -
slinkin' around,
tryna play on with
the big cats -


just trippin' up my
flutter game -

chill out.

i mean,

i'm not complainin'
'bout the mess your
charcoal lashes keep
after payin their
naughty boy dues
to them round things
just one step down -
makin' love to
the apples bobbin'
in cheeky

i've kinda got this
cheshire thing goin' on -
the way my smile swells
too slowly for you -
showin' off whiffs of
those secret things

the ones i only hold onto to
to keep rattlin' your cage
with the big toys
i keep tellin' you
you can't have.

you keep
swimmin' in that pool
of excessive *****
thinkin' there's a way
to ****** the magic
carpet from beneath my

believing some dumbly
that your charcoal
is the only fire starter i'll ever want
markin' up my agenda.

you're screamin' a bit too loud
now, Cubby -
readin' to me the words
i can't see written across
my face.

I can't see 'em
without a mirror,
though i can feel the letters
being etched into my skin
with every flipped card
i wasn't
tryin' to flip.

but, honey
i got cosmic dust
stored in my fingertips

a special
spunky mix
i like to throw down on
in the kitchen with
the sandman's concoctions -

plan A and plan B
it's a fight just to see in -
need to be prepared
for whatever is comin'.

though you ain't snatched
the rug yet,
i'm lollygaggin' on the
tip of the edge

my carpet's doin this
rufflin' thing -
and i'm slippin'.

you got me
colonizin' your corduroys
draggin' my stirred and ragged heart
behind me -
too sturdy and ambitious
in its wild-hearted

gonna bust open
this fruit bloom, here
if it takes me all day
and all night.

I am
an ant,
looking for salvation
in big places.
© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
jeffrey robin May 2013
I said




She said

Ya know
I'm gettin tired a this!

I ain't gonna take it for more than
Another decade or two!

I said

Ya musta been readin them liberated
Kids on hello poetry!

They only take abuse two
Maybe three
Years at most
Before movin on ta
Another abuser !

She started cryin
Said she wouldn't read it any more
And begged for forgiveness

I didn't give her none

It woulda just confused her

Bein a mere

**** bearer

Ya know
am i ee Sep 2015
i'm gonna get me
a new set of eyeballs
too much readin'
n writin n stuff

can't proofread
worth a dam
gotta go live my life
not set here n write

now i got me's
a little nut
and she writes
not so slow

i ain't much
fer words
likin the
sound of silence

but this little
new nut
she's kinda a
cute little darlin

so with my eyes
whirling in despair
i slog forth
until they can
be repaired.

i gotta get me
a new set
of eyeballs,

one new set of eyeballs
i'm gonna get
hey if anyone can bring in the cowboy accent to make myself with a spelling that reads the way i am hearing it in my head that would be fantastic.

sound like maa self, i am open to suggestion.  i hear it but haven't read much of it, so i know i'm off with the spellings that convey the accent.  thaneee

this poetess known as Elizabeth Squires
with ways of writin' by waves to admire
the one i read here caught my attention
managin' all styles of apprehensions

for i love all of her works she gets penned
i say readin' her poems i find well spent
by her, learnin' beauties of Rosarians
i dared attemptin' to the rotarian

this writin' to her, for she to inspire
seein' as one of my inspirations
it's hers becomin' as musin' impends
bein' it against or pro-contrarian

i am a fan of this amazin' ma'am
hopin' she'll keep blessin' us with her slams

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 24/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
A L Davies Sep 2011
"who taught you to look so good?!"
says a thought *[shot]
in the dark.
--- this to no woman in particular but to
all womankind i suppose.
outside there is a dog haranguing me,
saying WOOF (that is, "where d'you get those old clothes?")
i tell him the sally ann but good luck
getting in there, dog . . . he takes off, complaining ---
but i pay no attention to the bellyaching of an old mutt...
"nay," says i there's not a ******
thing of any real importance in this
universal dustbin/save the dharma.

yea i could live in a woodsy cabin
deep down a valley-ay shoutin' "HOOO-EE!!" out the open door
to anyone who comes by and
be thought a crazy young ('ventually old) ******
off his rocker in the trees.
--- and why not!!
chop logs/cook bread 'n brew potsa tea
'n otherwise lead a silent but meaningful old existence
out there with weekend friends/girls/wine/talk.

--- tell all that to a bookish pal
who scoffs:
"some dharmy of yours, boy. all that work.
where are the café sittings & sunny youthy days of
readin' sutras on a lawn somewhere?"

"bah," i says. *"bah..."
la fôret: ca c'est ma dharma
Michael Ellis Dec 2011
I've been in this for too long I
don't know what has me stuck
on this song. My head keeps
on tellin me to go for it show
her that you can make it rain,
but my heart is screamin' please
please I don't know how long I can
handle your pain!

What to do, what to do?
The truth hurts but the lies
only heal this open wound.
On one hand I see pain and
strife, but on the other I see
a new happy life. I know whats
good for me and I know what its
gonna take to set me free. I just
can't do it.

You might be thinkin' "What the
hell is this ***** doin? I can feel
your pain by just readin your words.
Why stay and keep on loosin?" I'll tell
you why I stay. I'm too stupid to lead
my feelins astray. When I go for some
thin, I bring all my being into it. I hold
nothin back not willin to quit.

It may **** me in the end, but in the end
I know i was the one who tried to make
things blend. You see. I come to you
writing this poem not for a specific person.
I don't need someone jumpin to a conclusion
and turning this into a car collision.  

Time heals all, but this heart has been up and
down way to many walls...Its time to open up
a new page in this story and this chapter will
be labled Untitled.
Krystal Sparks Feb 2013
Are you worth it?
        worth the severing of my heart from my body?
                worth the constant wonder of self worth?
                          or the constant late nights of crying?
        or the constant early rising to check messages and end up readin the old ones?
Are you worth the heartache I would gain if I ever opened my heart to love you again?
Are you worth my time of day to worry if you still care?
If you still think of me every moment of your day?
If you still love me too?
Are you worth it?
No, you are definately not worth it.
Not worth the time of day it takes to care about what it would takes to get you back.
Your ddefinately not worth the pain.
Lately I am quite bothered by an
Innocent comment from a friend
Who explained, how he only obtains
Pain, when he reads what my pen

Gets sent, from an end
my mom Says was damaged at birth
And all though it's a joke. I'm told
Every joke contains truth, so first

Let me warn you of the absurd
Outbursts that may occur as u read
Hyperboles, that fabricate trolls that
patrol, with holes in their soul, lead

With similes that prove chivalry
Has now shriveled like these
Two nuts, hidden by my gut so if I
erupt, and ****** proceeds

Excuse the poetic **** bleed;
That are like a *******'s **** beads
But it's how I express what's painfully painful to me, don't be **** please

With that said, so I can now tread.
And wrap my head around the topic
explaining, why all my poetry
is sad, and often

It's cuz life is a beach, like the tropics
And when it's not, to be honest
I get lost in the moment, but also
When I try to write "happy" it's novice

And is more narcissistic garbage
Self righteous, lacking meaning
Like.. Look Here... I'm happy & gay today, oh ur hungry? Cuz..I'm eating

And you should too! Oh your broke?
Your down? I get those days too
So here's a rainbows & a flying unicorn that ***** glitter when he poos

And Don't you worry my friend,
It's always darkest before ****
Everything happens for a reason,
Your grampas cancer will soon be gone

soon as he's dead, So it'll work out
By the way I used that example, cuz
My grandfather died of cancer a few years back, and I was told that it was

For a reason. But when your readin
You want honesty, poetry that's blunt
So I refuse to **** my reader, like a
Preacher, who touches a boys butts

But in a godly way of course, cuz he's a
Man of god... Are you annoyed?
Cuz that's what rainbows & butterflies sound like to a reading alter boy

Looking for solace, looking for depth
Someone who knows how inept
How lonely, this ****** phony world
That only the snakes seem to get

What they want, and flaunt,
so it can haunt them more,
But most don't get what they want cuz
theyre too busy just trying to afford

What they need, and when the Greed
Exceeds what optimism is left
All they have is knowing how sad.
Another felt, cuz relating has swept

Away the feeling, so hard to accept
When their overwhelming life crept
With emotion. Bringing the notion
He can't relate to people or connect

So both monetary & Mental pay
Starts to mount, as a debt
Shows amounts to physically mount him. Til he even feels short on breath

Starting to consider that only death
Can relieve whats received so yes
Forgive me if my writing lacks,
Calming oceans, possessing even less

Patronizing, condescension, set
On a scenic mountain top, where I
Tell u how beautiful, ur office cubical
That's suitable for monkeys is, why?

It's a lie, but ok...the sun will come our
Tomorrow like Annie would say
So when it comes Tell ur creditors who Harass you 200 times, a day

That today's a new day. And that debts
yesterdays, and should be left
In the past. Where they say, to leave
Worries, which is insulting, but yet

I AM the dark one, with poems lacking
Goldielocks featuring her poorage
Or Snow White who lives with 7 men? deflowered more than florist is

Deflowering, & who am I to question a phony psychedelic, enchanted Forrest
It's not my business who's Orifice
A draf is, usin like it's a drawer of his

Cuz dwarfism like Orphism's an art, Snow White users for organisms
No wait, that's not right. Anyway...  
Where was I? ..rightt? ***** division

So, fill up the tub with ice. Make sure
Your "patient"s subdued.. No wait
Ooops ... Guardian angels, playing harps, on a cloud feeding you grapes

As Sunshine, hits your face, with
Beautiful UV rays, but...My concern
Is how misleading, it is when reading
Cuz even a beautiful sun can burn

Telling sometimes ****** things in turn
Happen without any reason
Sometimes good people die & do You know why?cuz if not wed be heevens    

Even more so. Than we are so even
My Sad poems can bring you joy
As much as happy ones, do when a gay teen grows up, & no longer a boy

And faces the pressures of coming out, he can choose this, what is charmin' ya
Or continue to feel safer In ur fantasy
Poem of a closet ..... But Narnia

Doesn't exist. So I leave him this,
Along With the lost, emotional kids
To let em know every scar life gives
Is a trophy, earned, and the life we live

Is Not always rainbows, hugs, kiss
But that's why it's beautiful when it is
& every word stands in this
For every cut on angry teens wrist

To symbolize, he's not not alone.
Or That shes all she needs to be
And I'm sorry to the rest, but this ....
Is rainbows and butterflies to me ...
Roy Esnarom Mar 2015
i whisper into the void
and wonder if you hear me
you stare into the void
and wonder what's that sound
this is our relationship
these are all our relationships
i hope some day someone
would hear you clear
thank you for readin'
random internet user
Turtle Grylls May 2013
It's May, of '13, and I
In the eighth, 13,
have to the the ****** SAT.
I'm only thirteen, but Asian, so
like all the other asian kids,
I've been study'n,
"You're too young to take it...", my friends said.
"Not that I want to," I say
"It's just that I'm asian,
so I have to TAKE THE ****** SAT!"
Well, it's almost the first of June,
when I take it,
the MOTHER ******* SAT!
Mark Lecuona May 2012
We’re breathin’ hot air
Talkin’ ‘bout class warfare
But the poor they don’t care
'Cause politics don’t mean nothin’
When you’re needin’ somethin’
To end your despair

They ain’t readin’
Intellectual half-witted bleedin’
Who go home smilin’
It don’t take much thinkin’
For you to be realizin’
The lies ain’t worth chokin’

When you see the same beggin’
On the dyin’ corner
You get to wonderin’
Why do they keep pleadin’
If it ain’t good or is it just somethin’
They can’t stop repeatin’?

It’s a thinkin’ man who knows
That even with nice clothes
You can’t sleep all that well
‘Cause he sees the endin’
Of the ******* dreamin'
He’s been trying to sell

What you can say
Is you really don’t know why
Except maybe you should try
Maybe the poor man is better off
‘Cause he ain’t worryin’ ‘bout pride
Or recollectin' his last lie

They keep pollutin’
And we keep losin’
No matter how hard your workin’
It’s an insider’s creation
And a suckers frustration
‘Cause the chads got no salvation
Poet B Lee Jul 2010
I closed my eyes...

And then his warm hands were felt around my face
He kissed me passionately...

And that made me want to be kept by him.

In this non-existing place-
Where there is no time
I wanted to keep that feelin'
But I never knew we were dreamin...

How did he know where I was?
How'd he know where I lived in my slumber?
I don't know, but I hope he comes… every time…
…Every time I close my eyes

His lips are soft.

His kisses are as light as the flittering butterflies in my belly
My flowers are budding; my lips are swelling
My core contracts
As the rest of my body reacts
At the thought of him filling my void from the back…
Givin’ that *** a smack...

But he still makes passionate love to my body
While he fondles and ***** my mind
He's readin between my lines
His ***** is ink for my pen
I got the juice but he's the gin
His wrath and gentleness is a Holy awakenin'
May my every cell say 'Amen'
Like a kid on the carousel:
Daddy, do it again... (please)…

He makes my water fall
From my ******* ceiling
Down my sugar walls
He takes a taste
He say there's none to waste...
Then he returns to place his beautiful kisses upon my face
Moves knees outta the way
So he can put our puzzle pieces in place

My cheeks twitch and vibrate at the quake of the way we Love Make
Till I clench and he wince till his legs shake...
I love him till he’s weak...
Till he whispers to me: “Open your eyes…”

His presence has caused my wetness
To travel to the inside of these thighs
Now I want to deny
That I am drowning...
In myself....

For I have awakened
Only to find that I’d been dreamin'....
Queen Poetess B Copright © 2010.   All Rights Reserved.
katrinawillrich Feb 2015
**** monkey matchin
No silverbackin plus
Cents crackin
Legin generatin genesin
Kept revelation runnin
War paint tattooin
Dropped nitpickin
Not speaking for all seeing
So **** that ind
Short e pro sent
Ridin' those who drivin'
Securin Isisin icinism
Goin' sketch fhiminism
Not scared to fold my poker
Face ain't evin though these
eight *****(is) grabbin
Yea that much baggin
up cruel indifferent
No difference
Just hook line skankin
Splish splashin groupie
Won't color gender but hawk skinned race De baitin'
Outlivin' the momentiun
Bendin those poets brigade in
Coded runaway genius claimin sistym
Bro rexin, t burnin'
Cause Im beatin up
Atom baby momma
Metapen sweepin'
Follow him
Or her or them
Just stay the **** away from
Mygenes aint cells splittin eyes crackin'
***** you know you can hear
Me writin'
No x marks the bar outletin
Find another plug
Or source I'm not chargin
Will en riched by those
Germans who made the mistake
Of breedin' while sleepin'
Ima a boss that don't speak
Keep readin'!
This is
Cobbsland. Stop countin
stars shining in daylight poppin
science whorin metaphorin
Alien abductin
Yea, they love them some black
Womins'    shh its a secret          (ethnics ethics)
Gullah grainin
Freed my *** so my mind is
No longer trainin ill rainin'
laggin' no cadillac, no car, in my
dents in my
Accents indentin
I'm not from africa muthaphucka
But i represent
Kin clickin against
Bowedbranches Jun 2024
Channel 2

Nightly News

Who even knows anymore?

The clink of dishes


Discussions a-bout dynamite

Likely to tear my hair out

It's fair to say I'd scare

my younger self

Wouldn't recognize,

or even know how to reply

to the sight of things

Paranoia creepin' in

Might have to do with,

all that research I been readin'

Either tricks are being played

Or something is amiss
in the way you treat me...
Take a good look into my Eyez
and journey with me beyond the wise
the universe never lies as time flies
i see the truth ever since i open up my eyes
from readin' spiritual books n now lets take a closer look
into  society i see them eyein' me cuz i see
an attack on black males masculinity?
they want us to embrace a feminine entity?
but america always been the enemy
public number one and i still pack my gun
just incase of a confrontation you dont drama cuz ima
street cat southside is where the hoods at?
we ain't sellin' out for bucks
you other suckas make like hockey sticks n pucks n get the ****
outta my way cuz i ain't down with the foul play or gay play
but im all about trigger play and watch yo body lay and decay
in the ground htown soldiers stompin' on yo killin' grounds
i see death all around envisions of gun sounds
repeatin' in my head **** i can't shake what these voices said?
im a revolutionist stay true to this i Rock like Chris
yeah im comin' for the radio *****
"Hit 'Em Up" like Pac
ridin' with the homies packin' the glocks it dont stop
im old school baby ridin' the gravy train things aint the same
these young fools ******' up the game
like face said who stole the soul? easy? believe me
white emcees aint got no business in black music
cuz they abuse it no soul behind it yall been blinded
they runnin' minstrel shows so that goes to show
times aint really change embrace with so much pain
im makin' skins manged industry deranged
not me imma stay true to the streets
born in '86 when Rakim' dropped his first classic
"Check Out My Melody"
Im tryna open ya Cerebellum G
and know we was made from the scorn of our ancestors born
in a slavery planatation farm but don't be alarm
**** a good luck charm and since i gotta strong arm take notes as i swarm
like bees makin' all the honies come to me ya see
it ain't about being a mack its about bringin' the game back
black to the hood it's understood
i got rap rhythmn and blues in my soul word? i can't be fade or played out
im goin' out like scarface and at the end of my chapter
theres goin' to be a rapture like the comin'
of the 144 thousands and ill be sippin' daiquiris on a hidden island
laughin' and smilin'
i get away like Asanti Shakur
with boats by the shore give me an encore
lyrically spiritually i spit it better than the average emcee please
don't compare me
to these new jacks spittin' wack i spit facts over fiction
im breakin' jurisdiction and the court system is wack
never workd for us blacks they say we was lazy? imagine that?
america without blacks inidians and mexicans
we built this ******* word to my great grandmother
we comin' back for the lost sons of satan we ain't hesitatin'
revolution in position only times awaits for the great stake
better have your heart sake cuz once my shells shake
somebody body gone break as I rake
up the chaos like leaves fallin' outta trees spirits guide me
and tell me what to say so **** how it comes out
runnin' yo mouth catch a gun quick click
from my index finger now you in serious **** my clique be thick
like ants runnin' on the hill we comin' to veto ya bill cant you understand
i got all eyez on me it aint no surprise as i rise
no compromise black folks wake up and
ya fools betta recognizeeee.......

now this time of year comes again
how these darkest days may wane
'cause readin' through the website
one can't deny a melancholic side

seems that some turned off a light
the innerside deeply seated within
tryin' to burst out with all its might
instead kept secretly unflourishin'

although it's easy for outstanders to say
many a people causin' themselves pain
tho feelin' lonely isn't on them to blame

just wished it didn't have to be this way
by reachin' out 'n' carin' for one another
'n' by gettin' rid of any unknown names

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/03/1437
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Ma Cherie Aug 2016
I love those appealin' eyes
you know ya can't disguise
your dimpled, stoppin' perfect smile
Never gonna go outta style
see you in a little while?
my sweet poet....

I love that I could love you
not saying that I do
cannot tell by the words I bleed
or feel the need
inside this stupid heart?
Sometimes we gotta let go
in order to grow
ya know
it's true
what about me ....
and you?

I knew that smile
was going to nail me down
turn me right back around
I read my crystal ball
knowing what to whisper in your ear
told me whatcha  wanna hear
Exactly what to say
exactly what to do
exactly how...
to love you

maybe you still miss her  
as I'm penning you verses
an liftin' her curses
line by line....I'm readin' your mind
you want her sometimes
I'm bleeding out these rhymes
c'mon it'd be a crime

let's go down to the swimmin' hole
maybe a lil' cold
bare feet on the dashboard
wine bottle on the floorboard
cause' were all gettin' older
we might need a shoulder
to stay when the rains comin'  down

I'll stick around...
I'm all hometown
what else can I say darlin'
to make you wanna leep
I promises to keep you
if only you'd say yes
I'd love you
If I could
I told you
This is dedicated He Said Jenny Williams... it may not be your cup of tea I don't know but love your voice girl.... been making me think in different ways so there's a line in here and just for you.. metaphorically speaking. I could hear this sort of like a country rap song...hahaha.... did this just for fun;-) oh and thanks to Rosalind 2 for the fun idea just doing something fun!
jeffrey robin Sep 2013

What's the difference between readin your love poems and watching *****?



(Tho the ***** DOES seem more real and wholesome
and more suited for children)
jeffrey robin Jan 2015
////  • ||

                      /\       /\


It's just another




All the


ridin right on time



Are hanging out

In the Alleyway


Readin the KAMA SUTRA

and making love




How you love to create

Lovers for your afternoon


Another CABALISTIC day

on the earthen golden avenue
SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
Can't be givin' any "likes"
I'm bowling perfect
Not gettin' no strikes!
I've been readin'
Days and nites
Computer's tellin' me
To take a hike
There it is
In black 'n white
This really stinks
It just ain't right!
Can u relate
To my plight?
If you haven't been getting "likes" from me, this is why. I just now noticed it!
Sam Temple Mar 2015
awoke with another hook
looking to blown this right outta the water
oughta shook Snookie
fo never readin no books
crooked *** inbreds
ready to lead the sheep
creeping back to the deep
I can’t sleep-
press pass
lights flash
watchin the mass
of humanity in calamity
it’s a tragedy
but it has to be, see
ain’t free
in this democracy
hear the plee
of the babies in the ghetto
wearin tore clothes
with a snotty nose
pictures of third world
flies on eyes
absence of prose
liars deny rights of any child
lost in poverty
it oughta be the other way
a new day
saying er’rybody stay
its the America way….
the day to pray fades away
and the gay play
swaying in swag
bagging up the trash
of societies last splash –
PhiWrit Feb 2016
It was all a dream
I used to be in sin up to my knee
Guilty of one, you're Guilty of all
Every Saturday repent with each prayer and call
Jesus as my Rock pray till I drop
Frankincense and Myrrh, in the censer of Pap
Way back when the faith I lacked
I thought I'd fade to black
My body is His Church
Remember Readin Luke, The Word The Word
I never thought His gospel was ever truly heard
So He showed me His divine light and gave me my sight
Time to spread what I heard, from the Spirit descended as bird
Born sinless in her, the world turns us to sinner
Remember we must be like children if heaven we hope to enter
Peace in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Those with the ears, let them hear it
I'm born again like He foresaw I would
Through the sacrifice of His Son's blood,
He's All Good.
If you don't know well now you know
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Ted Talks in the background, the rush of forming in to me time.
A test, a lure, a net, yes

Sunday, December 09, 2018
11:24 AM

A Beta test, they bet the tithe on the human race.
Wisdom set the milestones,

Pillars to bear the weight of knowing both
possible and impossible no matter how the alpha

bet degrades under pressure to conform, for
Short term gain,

how far out can a man imagine, how future can one be?

Mathematically, wherever, where, in ever, you are you are now.

A platform
A standing place
A flat butte above a

Broad alluvian fan laced with gravity formed fiords,
see, look, we live on a whole world which
is fractured and half frozen.
All of us, ever, have lived here.

Google earth.
Use the tool you have.

See farther than you imagine you can.

Take time,
you have some of your own, right?

You breathe?
Take one breath for only you.
Listen, as you breathe, is this a voice

or mere words we imagine meaning more

than then when we imagined

we were seeing through goggles,
no peripheral augmentation,

goggles with blinders, urban adapted tech
from the old days,

War horses in the Iron empire wore blinders,
Chariot racing war horses always wear blinders,

boys watching wagons in movies would notice blinders
if such boys had grown to knowing idle from not in

my realitiy. Itified, but run within,
disconnected from competing reality ifications
I inherited with the wind.

Watch the welder's goggles, see when he removes them,
don't attempt to see what he saw through them,
trust me, he was not making gods.

I say again. Radio to now.
re-ad re-al re-wise devize a way where there
nor there
nor there, nor then, nor then and there
is no way to seem, no other
being than being, as a verb.

No else.
Oh, well, I'll tell.

A heretic is a self-willed entity able to think about thinking,
e-special when time is in turmoil,

We all have our life and being in time, at the moment.
We behave, then one has an urge, a whim, a fantasy…

see further, see different, ex-spire-ment. Bet that breath,
the one you took for yourself,
the one you treasure.

Take a step,
Fear not, giant steps feel like falling going down and
mountains going up, but get some altitude

see where the snake in the core of the magneto sphere
shed its skin, shook off the dust of the third world,
attached each spec of dust,
be it any element or rele mental in the re-alm of Whatsoever,
a single gravity bound drop of water.
In that,
Suspend the noble miner-als, dis-solve the salts and acids and such

Let the eukaryotic work on version 2.0, epi-genetically, as
they shall say, some day, after the fact.

A little leaven, the kingdom is like that, when it works.

Wanna bet this makes some dust? Did you sneeze? Or me?

think now, 's no co incidence, me writin', you readin'
it happened. A hap hapt. We share that,
infection effect.

We breathed an effectual breath, together,
in and out, the clues are everywhere,

the better man won, then we became better,
both, wombed and un. one another we

make, effectual we, make good,
by our very nature,
born, as we were post the information deluge
that washed the blinders from our
children's eyes, for ever after.

we can be the side-bet clan,
betta value, betta moment of your own time
attention to the mean
general inteleosity
of being better,

being better beta testers for effectual fervent hope
for good for goodness sake.

Heroes go through hell.
We never pitch a tent and dance around Pandemonium.

The bet. AI is or am?
See it logger rythmical,
hands to handle to tool to cut, break, scrape.
How would you, you, chop a tree?
Eat? You, not ancient ancestor you, you

manifested mature **** sapien sapiens augmented you,
what do you think will make life, in general,
be tending toward your happy ever after,

after silence, for about the space of half a time?

Hey, how do I say looky here here?
I am
some know Ah, she knows,
Wisdom has a way, a wombed man,
beyond the original
ginal general gentle plan for an atom on this scale,

but nothing is impossible, so something must be done.

Progress, motion.
Relative to what, do you perceive motion?
Whence base ye di-rect e-rectors forming lines

point A to point B to so on soon as someone
sees forever in the apple of his Grandma's eye.

[found on a stele in northern Baja, 2018. Interpreted, sometime later]
(ragpicker's note: this thread links to a junkyard near a Green Book,
The Loma Vista, listing.) The sign, in those days, read:

Axles greased for free.

The symbols mean now that people
travailed along these old stone roads,
and kindness in the journey
greased the wheels in the wheels of those
auto-mobile-means of travailing.

Axles greased for free. Will sing for my supper.
Will you wont you will you join my dance?
Golden oils,
gifts from the whale that ate my father for
non-monetetical bearing
of the wait to know,
before it squeeked.

Itching ears, hear? The squeeks, the growns as the old
home stretches,
like her skin's too tight,

Ah, intelligence generally
available for the price of the tools used to use
any knowledge perfect
or perfecting
affecting the manufacture of you, Roll on,

out to infect the masses shopping for hope.
Sneeze for me, say Ah. We knew her when…

Wisdom was the reason for the season.
The principal setter of the sakes,
also set beginning and end.

Side-bet. 2 bucks, I bet time is temporary.
Paypal me when you lose. Ten to one, my favor.
Collect from Wisdom if you win. Even money.
Having been encouraged to this degree, I heard Google has, for years, budget 10 percent to "other than Goohle business", for the mathematical reason that good works that way.
PawanTube May 2019
hope that i could explain
what i found
......ur voice,
...... ur eyes,
and the simplicity
it all just dig mah heart
You would never love yourself a half as much as I

your eyes when i looked into them,
sinking on the depth
your name,when its been called out
the smile.....ooh plz would u again

when you appeared by my side
my heart got  a ferrari

your Picture in my mind...continue readin'
always be thinkin' of you
Every single day I missed you,
missed you when I can't sleep
missed you when i can't eat
missed you in mah front seat
hoping, you are seating beside by me

you are  the only one
that i'm in.........with
and You ought to know by now how much I love you
My heart made up the way that how I feel
Growing stronger day by day
I can't stop this
I.m insane n i lost mah mind

you're my sun,you're my moon,you're my star
you're the first'you are the last.
andy my everything.
you're my reality not a expectation.

I've spent couple of weeks
to  come closer
On a search to find you
way to communicate you
but no a silent planet
Yet my heart is hoping for you
jeffrey robin Jun 2014
//::::\                 //::::\
   #   •                         #  •  
<>                            <>

/                                       ( • )   ( • )                                      \

/    \    

All or nothin

Don't be a ******* cow yer whole life !

Chewing away !

Paw ! Paw !  Paw !

****** me body and I'll say I loves ya !


Ain't got no pride now
Has ya ?


Crown of creation ?

Me friggin **** !

Ya hang with da goof-birds
Pretend you are flyin

Ya no longer dyin
Cause yer already dead


( i just been readin yer poetry )


Hey hey

The truths bustin  loose

The new love is here

Beyond all deception

You can be free
If that's your intention

Or maybe ya like the grass that YE eat

And all the cow patties below yer feet !
Devon Brock Jul 2019
Mrs. Ringenroth taught
us a sorta furrowed brow
squinty eye kinda readin'

Makes ya look intelligent
scannin' the horizon of a line
for them steepled ascenders
and dots like dead crows
stuck on a cloud.

The educated boy
don't move his lips.
The educated boy
gets hung up in the crease
closest to the spine
until the book slams shut.

It's that mouth-breathin'
lip-readin' boy
that looks to the sky
before turning the page.
jeffrey robin Jul 2014
\\  • ///
             /   •   •  \


The dream ain't dead


Just a little TWISTED these days

:::::     ~~~~~     :::::

Will you ?

We only pawns in an unknown game

****** suckin watchin the news

                                      We say

She was so lovely

                        Tall           Godlike in beauty
Compassion. In her eyes

Became a famous fashion model

O. D. 'd on ****** last  night


The footsteps fade from the sands of the shore
The shore fades the sea is dead
Explosions in the sky
Which WAR ?
Can't keep up no more
Seems like they're all tryin to **** me


Readin a the silly girls

Flapping ***** cut *******

Lookin for love in somebody's crotch

**** or **** now are the same



And we pretend we don't even suspect

Evil done got control of our bodies
As corporate powers control our brains


— The End —