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Elijah Bowen Apr 2019
Here in America,
we improvise morgues
as needed.
in the cafeterias
or by the lockers,
near the ticket booths,
and at the altars.
We divvy up the dead.
Tally them
and report the number
like an answer.
13, 20, 49, 58, 6
Every death count
a timely national shock.
Almost as if  
our well-televised  
monthly tragedy
was ever anything less
than a game of roulette.
anything less than a matter of time
and time and time again.
Covering them each
with our bed sheets,
we try and stifle it.
Do our best to
staunch the the sights,
the noises,
(“just like chairs falling”)
the names
that keep bleeding out
onto our thoughts  
and tongues,
Far too much and
too often
not to choke on.

Here in America,
we’ve learned that  
horror is level-headed.
It is debatable.  
It is pangless.
It seeps, deep to the core,
perverting with a silent smile.
the steady, feverish dread
weaving itself into the mundane.
the “god help us”  
annulled by the
“respectfully disagreed”
the nightmare that lies  
always just underneath,
and just out of mind,
Until it insinuates itself
Again and again...

Here, in America
We line the bodies,
death slumped, and  
bled out on the pavement.
We arrange them-
Side by side.
Most are missing things-
a hat, a piece of face.
one shoe, a dulled pencil
(fill in C)
buzzing on the ground
lit up with unread messages
(“Please call me”)
They are missing-
an upcoming  
7th birthday party,
(Star Wars themed)
They are missing-
their vacations.
their first dates.
their college applications.
job interviews.
Lined up lifeless,  
they are missing
far too many things  
to gather.
Rochelle R Jun 2014
Lest you find yourself amongst the bones,
Mask your face and quiet your soul.

Flock in lines of the mundane and meek,
Zip your lips, peacful keep.

This genocide of individuality is perverting our kind, incestually.
Perfect patterns, mechanically, processed, soundly.

The flawed are pushed aside,
The individuals are boxed up, shipped out, Pariahs.

So, don your masks, one and all!
Suit up, and watch your sheeple fall.
Waiting in the car. Pariah is my favorite word... Of the day.
JP Goss Sep 2013
What of exactly is a friendship lost?
Over minute trifles so easily tossed?
Or one that disbands in the cataract of Time?
Something worth pain and blood? Which is absolute and wonderful?
And so, too, can it be asked,
To which man is authority given,
Of such astute austerity endowed,
The man to pass such judgment in good faith and conscience,
Is none other than the crowd.
But, irrelevancies, I totter!
The worst is to be discussed,
For far beyond the scope of reason,
Have these travesties been concussed.
For here, I give to you the corpse of this bond,
This once turgid child of innocence
So, perhaps, its unadulterated substance may quickly manifest
Yet, I pray, I hope, I wonder, its marred and tattered mien profess
The noxious tonic it did consume,
Of ancient spleen and venomous ardor,
To rend its former pulchritude, to hands of untouched fury placed,
It suffered the most insufferable fate to befall upon any beast:
To reanimate, to thrive, to live once more,
In the hands of a tyrant and aimlessly exist
Necrotic at its very core.
This beast, this creature of hated stock,
Was my burden, my cross, to bear,
One, I weep to recollect, of part and parcel of my own flock.
But, I did this, I bore this, along with many others,
In spite of righted timbers,
In spite of rationale,
In spite of my fiber and moral code, that kept us forcibly constrained
For the sake of you, authority
For the sake of tranquil minds
I stood obstinate at the lineaments, between those contrasting foes,
In the self-imposed, childish Purgatory,
Completely indisposed.
Between the shining, gleaming face of holiness, and precipice of spite
For manner of serenity and cowardice perpetual,
Confronted this creature, I did not,
For the sake of you, dear authority, for the sake of stable place.
Children we were, yes, but no less severe the gravity,
For the winnowing of unity, at the yoke of caprice, is to blame.
A real friendship will endure, endure through the boreal,
Endure through the malice, the vitriol,
Will breathe new and longing appetite for breadth, for universality,
Of which all parts must maintain accountability.
It must stand resolute no matter how formidable the ballast,
It must be calm, objective, and outlast the harrowing feelings change may accompany,
Will sacrifice and encourage wellbeing,
It must imbue recollection, a past so beautiful,
Be a comfort in the presence of shame and humility,
Its essence, a friend itself.
But I can no longer pay, at the cost of sanity,
I can no longer give what little remnant humanity to forge another bond,
One made of dead and long-forgotten parts,
I can not, I will not,
I am sick, I am weary for all of the injustices I have done
To watch as the seed of hatred continues to bloom,
The veil of falsehood walk without shame,
To see her stride of perverting intent, tainting the world with touch,
Is a miserable folly to me,
A crime which I let permit,
A coward I was to not stop this, to not lay this matter to rest,
My beleaguered hands put this evil in the ground, and left it to the tides of fate,
It grew, beyond my capture, beyond my strength to control,
Into this horrid ****, this miserable plant,
Which, still!, it grows sans disannul
To take responsibility to this, on me, I cannot err
But, naturally, none to the plant, it seems,
And this is only fair.
Filmore Townsend Dec 2012
and i trek'd through the pre-dawn cold
skating along the rail tracks,
to boulder jumping a ravine
                   (where were Japhy's ducks to guide?)
and into a deaden'd grass field.
tapping tip of foot to avoid watery pitfalls
while flanked by rusted railyard
and ****-addled recreational plot;
cat ****'d chemical smell wafts from as
December's north wind fights a toothless perverting force.
the macadame is barren as rainfell desert
and the animals propel by combustion
in effort to scavenge Capitalism's ****
'fore the burliest awaken with hunger.
Adam L Alexander Jul 2010
Distorted cloudy mask
Perverting wicked task

Compulsory tears are wept
Perceived utterly inept

Definitive answers slurred
Autonomy from the herd
Bob B Jun 2018
Perverting the presidential power
Of pardon isn't hard to do
When you're Trump and the FBI
Happens to be your bugaboo.

Corner a rat, and it will attack.
Corner Trump, and he'll lash out.
Take your pick of how many
Institutions he will flout.

It's easy to see that when you have
So many crooks and thugs in your nook,
Observers will start to conclude that you--
Surprise!--also look like a crook.

Trump: the great manipulator.
Watch how he begs, steals, and barters.
Watch how proud he is at how
He can create victims and martyrs.

Arpaio, Libby, D'Souza and others--
Some convicted of the same
Crimes that people surrounding Trump
Might be charged with. What's his aim?

If Trump's people maintain their silence
And keep investigators guessing,
After they've served their master well,
The dangling pardon will be their blessing.

Another attack on our judicial
System is Trump's current M.O.
A pardon a day keeps trouble away
In Trump's daily reality show.

-by Bob B (6-1-18)
Sam Miller Sep 2012
Energy, Electric
Blue, Shocking, Stinging, Fire
It burns and buzzes in my blood

A constant presence
The ******* clad succubus on my shoulder
Whispering lustful nothings in my ear

Always on my mind
Perverting and Invading
Thoughts stained with crimson desire

Heart rate heart rate
Faster faster
Harder harder

Blush, giggle
Hide the ***** feelings one shouldn't feel
Feign the innocence that's been feigned for years

Need, want
Anything to quench this constricting fire
Black is thy name.
Black is thy shroud.
If I were to open thee,
What shall be seen?

I can feel thy Black
Soul as I spread thy
Broken wings. I hear
Each hour chime thy

Dirge and call thy
Name. I shall spread
My shoulders' blades
And feel them rise

Against my tyrannical
Skin; as thou wouldst rise
In the charcoal heavens,
Perverting it with thy

Black flock; as The Morning Star
Rose against tyrant rule
So too shall my shoulders'
Blades against my suffocating

Skin. What shall we see if
They emancipated are, or
I, eviscerated? Shall I be
Black as thee beneath my

Flesh? My ribs, and hips,
Bones, and fingers now do
The same. My bruised flesh
Shall see not the day.

What shall we see when the
Rest of it falls away? A *****
Of bones that droningly cry,
As thou screech thy name?

I think I shall be like thee,
Black in heart and Black in
Blood. I am stillborn. I shall
No longer see the day.
I would like feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
Being torn apart

Limb from limb

Knife through the heart

But it’s not a horror film

You watch it

And enjoy it

Sending chills
through my skin

You sit there and see
me suffering

With a sinister grin

I shudder within

More people must hurt

So you can give more sympathy

Perverting empathy

Because misery loves company

Haven’t you taken enough from me?

My dreams…?

…The best of me?

You didn’t reach yours goals

So you stole the ones that were left in me

Putting a dollar in the hand

Of a homeless man

So you can feel better

About your own situation

Self- Satisfaction

Public humiliation

Inside joke

Spoke with no consideration

Of the hell I’m really facing

And the thought of me failing

Keeps your heart racing

No need to lie

I can see it in your eyes

You’re hoping



For my demise…
Schadenfreude (ˈʃaːdənfrɔydə)— n delight in another's misfortune [German: from Schaden harm + Freude joy]
Oh, factious viper! whose envenom’d tooth
Would mangle, still, the dead, perverting truth;
What, though our “nation’s foes” lament the fate,
With generous feeling, of the good and great;
Shall dastard tongues essay to blast the name
Of him, whose meed exists in endless fame?
When PITT expir’d in plenitude of power,
Though ill success obscur’d his dying hour,
Pity her dewy wings before him spread,
For noble spirits “war not with the dead:”
His friends in tears, a last sad requiem gave,
As all his errors slumber’d in the grave;
He sunk, an Atlas bending “’neath the weight”
Of cares o’erwhelming our conflicting state.
When, lo! a Hercules, in Fox, appear’d,
Who for a time the ruin’d fabric rear’d:
He, too, is fall’n, who Britain’s loss supplied,
With him, our fast reviving hopes have died;
Not one great people, only, raise his urn,
All Europe’s far-extended regions mourn.
“These feelings wide, let Sense and Truth undue,
To give the palm where Justice points its due;”
Yet, let not canker’d Calumny assail,
Or round her statesman wind her gloomy veil.
FOX! o’er whose corse a mourning world must weep,
Whose dear remains in honour’d marble sleep;
For whom, at last, e’en hostile nations groan,
While friends and foes, alike, his talents own.—
Fox! shall, in Britain’s future annals, shine,
Nor e’en to PITT, the patriot’s ‘palm’ resign;
Which Envy, wearing Candour’s sacred mask,
For PITT, and PITT alone, has dar’d to ask.
Paseal Joe Mar 2019
The constant anguish that I feel
tears my heart to shreds,
unworthy words to articulate the pain lodged in my throat
It leaves me aching, speechless,
I can't breathe.

unable to share my pain,
as predominant fears arise
I wonder about the gossips, castoffs,
Judgment at being the victim I am
Yet not able to get justice for me,
my fear has left me speechless.

What a mess my life had slowly become,
tied down by fear; it's become my shadow!
the anger slowly breaking me,
the pain driving me insane,
I perceive I'm irreparable

An irony my life had become!
Shreds of what I'd dreamed of as a girl,
never imagined being in the law's dent
Yet I stand, hands clasped
as the verdict is given,
There's no relief!
I fear I won't get the justice I deserve.

For the justice that's been served,
for the molested victim, it's not enough
ten scores too little, yet a score was given,
So relishing the pain, I choose forgiveness
Perverting the anger, I choose to forget.
I admit it's my way out.

So shredding all atoms of fear and shame,
ignoring most rude whispers,
I finally feel the far fetched freedom,
Justice has been served,
Served in Forgiveness.
jeffrey robin Sep 2010

will we have a tomorrow?

i dont think so

will all be gone


oh such ****** love songs we pretend to sing!


mere possessiveness ensplendored by our
adoration of pain!

perverting the innocence

of children


on the subway


brooklyn to hell

i saw the prostiture

of my dreams


the president of the united states!

what is "the president of the united states?"

you have to go to college not to know


you might not believe this



some even in the usa!
Odonko-ba Aug 2016

I am not a beast
I am not the monster
You make me out to be

Condemned ostracized and
Castrated - a ***** of
My community

Just to **** me with impunity
Slaughter me and
Call it democracy
To silence me

It's a ******* fallacy
Perverting normalcy
Crazy all the bodies

There is not enough dirt
To cover your hypocrisy
Everything you touch
Ends in atrocities

Your lies and deceit
Cunning and chicanery
Eclipse insanity
Evokes a calamity which
Inflicts humanity

A sham on society
Your democracy
I've had enough

Sickened and alone
Barricaded in my home
Today my voice
Shall finally be heard

I speak with the blunt force

Of my
We are not animals to be hunted. Nor, are we crazy! We're tired frustrated and angry. Exchange places with me and see how you would feel.
Patricia Drake Jun 2013
I see it
the body inside sound
And images
Upon my skin
I see shadows
like masks inside light
I sense
I sense a presence
Circling my planes
Perverting perception
I see us
Our minds like bodies liberated
Reaching,  splitting
In *******
For a moment
Klaus Oct 2012

Is suffocating.

Is perverting.
and you
Setting up camp
I am caught in the headlamps of some corporate tramps with the wings of the albatross stamped on their foreheads,and quickly they come at me firing their guns at me,out of the sun, I can't see them to clearly.
Nearly got me that time
I must be beware,
corporate tramps get every where and try to disrupt me,corrupt me with credits and debits,in books I have read it that these are no good but sometimes I can't see the trees for the wood and they prey on the blinded and feeble and frail,they'll bang at your brain until they make a secure sale,it seems they can't fail,
we are bombarded with adverts perverting our minds,adverts that sell you all kinds of mindless monstrosities,colossal calamities and we **** on the corporate mammaries until we've had our fill,
then we burp and slurp it all down.
Welcome to the **** it and see almost but not quite free franchise town,
need a gown.a duck down eiderdown,brown shoes,black shoes anyway you think you win they know you lose but buy it here,buy regurgitated,variagated beer here in the franchise town.
'come on down the price is right'
the time is now
you're going to die so spend and spend and how you please ,use your cards and we will bring you to your knees,
it's depressionville,third turning past the bank of **** creek hill.
It makes you want to **** something,someone,the corporations go on and on,before to long they will run out of space,then ,
option one kicks in and kicks you in the face and puts you down.
Join the rest of us.
in the almost but not quite free, buy me here,have a beer,
franchise town
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Forsaken, mistaken, shaken
my heart's breakin'
and it's takin'
its toll on me.

Same song and dance
as I danced before
isn't there a chance
for something more?

All I do is hurt
and hit you too
but these ****** swings
shouldn't be for you

Forsaken, mistaken, shaken
my heart's breakin
and it's takin'
its toll on me.

Stop loving, heart
just to give me a break
each beat it tears me apart
There's only so much I can take

sorry for hurting
for hurtin' you too
with my sorrow's perverting,
my heart all askew

forsaken, mistaken, shaken
just stop breakin'
don't you take
another toll on me
Jesibell arz Mar 2015
Instead of looking at me I see you stare down at my lips and my chest, those are not my eyes so give the perverting a rest.
                    **(no perverts)**               
   *Instead of speaking with me to try to find the inner beauty within my mind
, you jus look at me up down while licking ur lips and winking an eye.
it seems to me the only thing the hasmster is spinning for you is ***;
I'm not the type to give it up easy or to everyone so move on to the next.
I don't approve of you touching me without my approval you fuxking creep..I don't even know you, so how are you telling me the feelings you have are deep?
  My outter appearance doesn't judge my attitude or personality, words would have to be exchanged to recognize the reality.

Just next time you see me come correct, all I'm asking for is respect >x<
Don't take to offense
Mark Toney Jun 2022
Most curious
duality ... this

Excessive tenderness,
sadness, nostalgia
corrupting modality,
distorting reality's
social edifice

fierce pressure
wielding an
assault on

Liars lie with
lessons lost
perverting civility

Root of irrational passions,
misplaced idealism—
This insidious,
tsunami of

Mark Toney © 2022
6/3/2002 - Poetry Form: Free Verse - Mark Toney © 2022
jeffrey robin Mar 2013
Give up everything!

The omens shriek!

DEATH itself
Struts majestic
Thru twisted streets
Perverting all dreams
Surrender your ego!

The dam's about to break!

And we truly shall perish here!

The past is gone
Of the ancient stories matter now
The values we cherish are meaningless

DEATH struts upon our streets

We must
Give up our egos now

It is so written in all the omens
Ablaze with ****** heat
Where we once dwelled
Devin Lawrence Oct 2015
Draped in robes
the same color
as the blood
that covered
the Cross.
It granted forgiveness-
a postmortem paradise.

You claim the authority,
given by the symbol 'round your neck,
to banish those who oppose,
and I oppose,
to the fires below
for eternity.

You take the symbol
of sacrifice and everlasting love
and you bend it at the ends;
accepting oppression,
perverting Purity.

"He's a ******!
                         She's a *****!"
Grab a mirror and remember:
the Devil was the
most Beautiful of all.

You've replaced the Father with
The Judge,
The Son with
The Priest,
and the Holy Spirit with
the Wicked Soul.

You pay your bills with my sin,
my prayers,
my Holy Salvation.

You speak in tongues-
the words like vultures,
they circle above me
and wait until I give in-
I've been consumed.

So condemn me to Hell,
Your Heaven is no paradise
for me.
Miki Jan 2015
Stringy hair
Sunken eyes
Greasy teeth
Rotten lies
Sweat soaked nightmare
Fueled with gore
Clenching teeth
Weak and sore
My mind holds this
An abominable leech
Perverting beauty
In all it sees
Polluting love
To twisted hate
Making resentment
Smear every mate
I cant look at you
Without seeing a ghoul
I dont see a goddess
I see a fool
Everyone around me
Sees the brighter side
I cant help but see
What the smiles hide
Jester Aug 2016
And the rockets red glare meant we were there.

Suits and pants, nice tie chop shop mic talk means blood sands for diamond trade.

And the rockets boom meant cash flow for the body count.

Body count and cop killing, **** the police so said N.W.A

First call for trouble when we're in trouble.

Fear changes us all, no atheists in foxholes.

Foxhole hero, fighting for a country split down the middle- no love for war, no love for peace.

Sorry to see ya go but clearly some had better plans.

Better plans to make a better plan, fail to execute said plans just because of an early execution.

Lethal injection due to a guilt verdict, brutal injunction.

Oh no- here we go again another legal scam, another injustice in a court room, law side manner out of the window again, oh no here it comes again, another broken legal system bringing red tape to justice and perverting the jury to commit another crime on the stand.

Car crash makes us feel so alive, which is why we never let tragedy die. Cop got caught up in a shoot em up, no matter white or wrong, no matter black lives will say it doesn't matter.

Nuisance doesn't exist anymore, no gives anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. It's us v them, like batman v superman too bad nobody wins and at the end we don't become friends- things like that only happen in the movies.

Hollywood drama starring real people with real lives, so let's add a crew, lights, and staged events to add reality into our T.V. sets because clearly enough of our **** is something we don't get.

I don't know what to do now, or where to go now, all I know is people will go with the flow because it's easier than fighting against the current- events like bad parenting better blame on the animal caged against it's will acting on any instinct it has left.

Beat em into submission since we can't beat our kids, but even spanking them now seems like a confession of sins.

A black night of the soul and we love to move on for effect but we hate to let go- which is why I facebook stalk my ex late at night, when I could just text her and say I hope she's alright.

But Oh no here it comes again gotta act like I don't care so it seems like I can win, keeping up appearances only makes me look older, too bad I'm not getting any bolder. Rather run from life and hide in the shade, school of hard knock life bell just rang.

And if I gotta go, let it be with a BANG!
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
What ephemera and dull is our fate.
the most judging perverting all, for its taste.
one for the fire one for deep abyss ,such a grief.
ask for the destiny, meet with predestination in odd rife.
take all  from me, i dont care; for thee all the last meaning.
what a fate for me if im preordained to bid sepulchral flaming?
wish ye may tell; between the gloom and bloom where ye toll thy bell.
cause my little fingers are empty in day, and in my nights no one cant tell.

what much distress my life behold in dragging along sol day.
though my soul singing in azure of happiness, i lust stay.
such a mud that needs nothing but a dread torment.
from the past and deep into present denouement .
but if im sea snail i will be tossed for eternity.
still, sad to be predestined to sin and piety !
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
I am not good, I am not great,
I do as I should but as a fake,
Getting by on my anxiety,
Guided by sure finalities,
I am good, God is great,
Both do as we should but so full of hate,
Meanings here and meanings where,
Meanings rare and I’m stuck there,
You’re in one, I’m in two,
Masks are fun to hide the truth,
Focused on self-defined tragedy,
Self-obsessed professed insanity,
No relief or relax from the dark,
Bruised by bottle caps and teeth marks,
Bats and owls curse spiritual slurs,
The Sleep of Reason greets Goya’s monsters,
Stuck in a poets phonetic wasteland,
Letters scattered like grains of sand,
Hunched over tables convulsing religiously,
Punching out feelings for depressions vanity,
Mutters of memory’s shadows,
Patterns of clarity in charlatans clothes,
Search for a meaning of proof,
If any as denial and distraction wage a truce,
The Artist’s Reward was always a lie,
To defy life first you must die,
Continue this imprisonment in institutional prostitution,
Reverting, perverting once innate constitution,
Create an ornate human and visceral solution,
Refusing the fusion spit out prose pollution,
Confusion in this constant cyclical conclusion
Lou Jul 2017
Devious self-interpretation of motive in silk webbed mind, stuck in the trench warfare with the bugs and captured flies.
Squirming, disarmed, rattled teeth approached by death of the natural spider.
Slender and tormenting its captives in her somber lullabies, perverting happiness into altercation.

The ceremony is stretching its legs and fangs. The dinner table is set. The knives and forks, the cups and plates.
Mangled apathetic corpses, travel the distance from television to kitchen.
Slobs and lumps gather to de-funk the contents.
Inhales. Down. Waves of hands. Snickers of teeth to stomach. Grinding, turning, swallow.

The head of the spider appears.
The waves of hands, inhales, teeth.
The spider smiles and observes the meek as they gouge in their eyes with chicken legs and apple fat pies.
"With all eight legs and all my eyes, have never seen such cold gluttony, what does that make I?"
Who is to judge the beast ? A civilized beast ?
This was written 4 years ago yesterday. Wanted to point out I have been in this game for a long time. I thought I lost this one. You could say it crawled back to me.
Vale Luna May 2017
Always the same, in every night
Words stuck in my brain
I feel meaningless
With grievingness
A silent retreat in this
The rottenness
A knife to jab into my wrists
The pointlessness
That I exist
Maybe it's cuz I'm a pessimist
I can't resist
The Devil's list
Or the urge to sink in the abyss
Well if it's true, I'm so worthless
Why can't I be blue?
Do I deserve to be hurting?
Constant self re-working
Shadows lurking
Thoughts are jerking
Evil sits inside me, smirking
Eyes averting
Words alerting
Save me from this dark converting
Self asserting
Random blurting
Worse than the ****** flirting
With my corrupt, thoughts perverting
It's clear I'm ****** up
But crying’s
Not dying
No matter how hard I'm trying
Because my brain cells are frying
Not lying
Whether or not I'm implying
Is all that I'm supplying
The only crime, is, you stand by me
You're wasting your time
Mind won't stop racing
Or re-making
The challenges that I'm facing
Just shaking
My anxiety displaying
Not praying
Or weighing
Any mistakes that I'm making
Soul fading
The sinful way I'm behaving
So every night, as I'm laying
It's these thoughts that bite
I'm meaningless
Magnifying my uselessness
A joyless
Black abyss
Wild *****, hungry for coitus
Yes, mindless
Nothing to fill the vacantness
I'm voiceless
And pointless

It's these thoughts that's destroyed us
Prevarication permits pretend perception, presenting
piquantly piqued, pimply pimping *******, plucky
pulchritudinous previously pusillanimous, prevalently
puckish, psychic packman, pokemon playing proletarian

puppeteer pygmy, peevishly *****, plummy, plumy,
pompously pushy, pampered, prefabricated pinchbeck,
pokily plying plowshear, plodding peregrination, pied
piper pitifully peppy pornographic potato pealing,

parsimonious paradoxical protagonist, proposing
preposterous panicky pacification plots, prioritization
pertinent penultimate peroration, perhaps perceiving
perjuring, perplexing, perverting puzzling pronouncements

projecting pulsating pixelated pulpy pinball pinging
packets prompting pacific, poetic, phlegmatic purplish
psoriasis plagued, plumbum pallor pallid, Paleolithic
protuberance pronounced, psychosomatic prohibitionist,

polarizing perfunctory peculiarly progressive, patriotic
postmodern pathologically proud paternal panache,
peripatetic panaceas portraying prescient perfidious
puerile president, predominantly proposing parochial

principles, plenty public parking, purposefully
promoting pharisee phalanxes, pilates practicing
paragons, perennially peaceably proficient protesters,
profitable polygamy, pugnacious pitbull powerball

players, pandering polyandry, propagating professional
palindrome pensive peeping people, peddling,
proselytizing predicating prostitution, proliferating
phenomenally, populist persona promulgated peyote

phased physicians pioneering prescription promoting
paradisiacal pricey photographic pictures, placating
phrenetic physical perturbation partaking place
purchased (paid paltry pennies) por palatial piazza.
Stanley Wilkin Jun 2017
Shadow crept into my life one dismal winter’s night
Perverting me with its touch.
They came from the shadows
Formless beings made of hatred,
Of greed.
Without a care they plucked me from my nest
My life
As if I were but a simple pebble from a beach
A memento for their wives.

I was not for their wives, however
But for those of a greater disposition.
Those of antiquated lineage
The founders of our way.
Those with jewels on their fingers,
Flowers in their hair
Perfume floating in the air.

Before long I was swept away
Into a new life of servitude,
One from which there was no escape,
No Sanctuary.
Shackles on my hands,
Lashes on my back
I did their bidding with a smile on my face
To distract me from my pain.

It was no use.
Months floated by
As if my life were but a dream.
The same routine.

Months became years
I was still theirs.
My face still belonged to the back of their hands,
My back to the clap of their whip,
My ribs to the force of their kicks.
No reprieve for a lowlife like me.

I came to accept my life in time.
It was my fault.
The woods were never a place for my kind
The son of a prefect,
The pretty little boy with slaves of his own
Who belonged to him.
Their bodies
Their souls.

Only now do I realise there was no luck involved
In fate’s betrayal of her child
I deserve this
This life of servitude.
By my son: Stephen Francis
jeffrey robin Oct 2015

so many stories to tell



One tree grew in the depths

Of the desert

One man grew in the fierce

Utter hatred of these days

••. ••

One old man

Gazing out the window

1000 men whose child

Has been slain


( oh woman ! )


--           --


What's there to say ?

what can we do ?

We ourselves are "  bwokin"

We are       Helpless




You're not gonna try to live !

You're gonna keep senselessly and lovelessly

Fuckingly and cutting

And writing about it

And.  Relating    & getting

"Bwokin "

And basically



******* !


I know


**** that ****


You know

We are all dependent on

Each other !

For love

For support


We know we are being manipulated

Into playing these perverted love stories

But we PURPOSELY keep living out

The same ******* scene



It all leads to death


Compassion !

For what


You're just

******* !


Cool foxy **** *******


( with **** for brains )


The young boy

Old cloak

Torn boots

Upturned collar

He's escsping thru the woods


The wolf follows

To protect him


The girl follows for she too

Would be free


The 1000 sons

Song of the beating heart


The 1000 lovely maidens

Cross the field

They shall not yield their dignity

To any man

The mothers throw down their fears

& pick up their righteousness

The menfolk throw down their

Religion and acknowledge their

The lovers decide to actually


To know the purpose of *** before

Perverting it with  maudlin pride


The old man looks out the window

And for the first time in centuries

He is not ashamed


And the years are washed away

And a new world is seen

Right behind this monstrosity

Of matrix

& lies

And we stop being such fuckingly *******

Content to **** & die

To hurt and be hurt

To distort and deceive

And we become human beings



Wouldn't THAT be nice ?
Alex Zhang Jun 2018
A man lies on his bedbug-ridden mattress, staring at the strange stains on the ceiling, wondering how they got there,
contemplating the stories stored in the sauces and syrups mingling among the asbestos of his overly humble abode

Ugly brown splotches like abscesses on the tattered comforter that he wraps around himself, a metallic odor stirred like a soup in the air by the creaking ceiling fan, he is reminded of those tender tattoos upon his left arm

Self-loathing pulls on his every nerve, throwing wave after wave of pain, both physical and not, onto his long-damaged conscious, his own hatred for himself plucking at his sanity, his humanity

as he becomes but a simulacrum for a swine,
not even as worthy of the title,
for even such a lowly animal has utility in this world, but not he

Drifting off to another day, one that he wished would not come,
a bright smile and laughter fills his desperate thoughts, stirring him from his weariness and softening the perpetual frown upon his ragged, unshaved face

And as he flies away from the despair of that rundown motel, reaching for the cotton candy clouds as he rides the Ferris wheel
of his childhood, the warm breeze wafting greasy goodness and fresh paint, he feels at ease for the first time in a long time,

but he snaps out of this trance, suppresses these memories, scared that he may taint them with his pathetic self and darkness, perverting the only lengths of his life that have value, the only parts dyed with an emotion that was not anger or sadness, and so he pushes them inside, keeping them buried deep, like a jealous dragon guarding treasure undeserved

And it hurts again.

From this lovely world forgotten (or rather one not to be remembered), he descends once more into this living Hell. His innards writhing like a snake, shedding its sickly green skin, tears screaming empty threats at his eyes, hollowed lies for he does not have any left to spare, he mourns the loss of innocence

Turning to see that rusted pair of scissors on the unpolished wooden desk, a paintbrush reserved for a special hue, he thought to drown his needless emotions in his art

Sitting up and reaching once more for the weapon with which he would smite the only true enemy, he painted

Long strands of crimson surfaced from his canvas, and the ground began to spin, the stars in his eyes applauding his brilliance, and feeling accomplished in having dealt sweet retribution onto this villain, he collapsed onto the ground

With time, the drawing would fade, the emotions would return, the paint would dry up, leaving behind another mark on the bedsheets, and when that happened, he will once more construct his masterpiece forged in blood
You can cut meat, but only if you intend to eat it.
ayesha roleyes Aug 2017
why does despair ensnare me
one moment i am fine and the next i’m
staggering slipping stumbling
down the slopes of stability to
crash headfirst into depression.
it isn’t a chasm cracking open
beneath me, a crumbling hole
i’m falling into freefall
but a forbidding fog rolling in,
perverting the light to turn
my surroundings into mockeries
of what they had been of
what i thought they were whereas
i am still here.
i am still me.
it isn’t darkness, plunging
me into black; i wish it were
because then i could hide,
i could ignore. it’s a
beacon baring my doubts, a
spotlight on my fears, a promise—
a whispered promise that i was wrong,
wrong about it being behind me
wrong about breaking free of it. a
show my brain puts on, where i am both
audience and performer,
chained to the stage and to the seat,
forcing me to look—saying:
look at your
helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness;
look until you are blind
to everything else and you are
nothing but a suppressed scream,
soaked in tumultuous terror; look until
your thoughts swell and swirl into a cyclone,
laying waste to the shabby shelters you built in
your deceitful, deceptive time of respite;
look until reality shatters
your pathetic platitudes of
it gets better;
it’s gonna pass;
it isn’t permanent;
because it is,
because this is what you are,
because this will always be the result,
this is how it ends.
Jesse RT Hacking Jun 2017
We’re damed to dwell in this world of death defying disillusion.

Where everything that slumps or slips

Can be cut tucked and clipped,

Until 45 is 35 but that's not enough because what the people want is 25.

at 25 you must be tan toned and thin enough to have a gap in your thighs.

don't forget you have to have the most incredible eyes, and wear glasses even if your vision right.

We don’t care whats in your mind, in fact please keep it in your mind

your thoughts are distracting us from what's on the outside.

Hey what do you think of her, she’s alight I mean her hair is nice

but her bodies not super tight

she’s one of those girls better from a distant sight

she’s a solid 7 thats enough to spend the night.

Lets not forget about the men,

we are judged based on how many “chicks” we can get into our beds-

and if you can lie to them well better yet,

but don’t pretend that thats not a life that leads to emptiness.

This is what a woman should look like: kind, loving, patient, intelligent, funny, thoughtful

And a man should be: kind, loving, patient, intelligent, funny, thoughtful

We are yelling to **** sexism until its dead

but most of the problems still lie in our own heads!

I’m not saying it only goes one way,

I’ve seen men hate women and women hate men in the same place.

we are all so caught in drawing lines between color and *** we forget that we are all part of the same human race

and are all beautiful children that God made.

I am tired of watching people inject themselves more than they eat!

I am tired of seeing airbrushed naked people on every digitalized screen!

I am tired of witnessing harassment of women walking down the street!

and I am tired, of everyone ignoring it all.

those who do speak out, do so with hate

just look at her for instance, words such as **** and ***** echo through her brain.

She only looks that thin because she starves herself to try to alleviate the pain that her dad made when he left on that day

maybe if she was thinner, he would have stayed.

If only she knew how beautiful she was.

if  only she knew her value is not based on earth but up above.

If only she knew of her heavenly fathers love.

if only she knew that before that day she decided she’d bore enough

and slit her wrist so bad she never got back up..

Look at him,

He saw his first piece of ******* before the age of thirteen

promptly plastered on the front page of a grocery store magazine.

that picture ripped through his brain prying  at the seams

perverting his perception of what love really means.

He was taught that *** equals love,

and learned to fulfill that lust by clicking new images on a computer screen until he had enough.

It wasn’t until someone came beside him teaching him to show respect and rise above

that he was able to fully appreciate and understand who she truly was.

She is not some **** or *****, or a fit body and pretty face to look for.

she is a precious soul to adore, a beautiful mind to explore,

she is a gateway to freedom, a hallway filled with open doors,

she is not JUST an image! no, she is incredibly more.

But this is what a woman should look like: tan toned and thin enough to have a gap in her thighs

and a man should look at whatever satisfies his eyes
Sabika Feb 2021
I’ve felt hell
In the centre of my chest,
Scorching heat raised
In the tunnel to my mouth.

I’ve seen hell
In the loneliness of my existence,
In the ambivalent ambiguity
Of evil persistence.
I’ve seen its fire
In the confused laughter,
Its sparks sparkling
In a ruptured rapture.

Its smoke fogs the mind,
And leaves all traces of heaven behind.
And I was left perusing it’s mirage,
Mapping arbitrary patterns on a whim,
Subjectively assuming objective meaning
Perverting the ideals of heaven,
Tearing and rearranging the truth
Limb from limb.

Have you heard of hell?
The scent of burned flesh masked
In floral perfumes,
It’s brightness casts shadows
On those who are doomed?
Hell you know,
The one you revel in,
The one you prefer
The one you preach,
The one you measure,
The one you’ll reach?

I’ve been in hell
And yet I still doubt its existence.
Its hot breath brushes on my ear
And I have dropped all resistance.

What is wrong with me?

How can I see what I have seen
And still welcome the possibility of demise?
How can I afford to compromise my fate for the pleasures gained from a state of denial?
How can I put myself on trial?
How can I withhold the urge to gain heaven’s wisdom?
How can I be satisfied in man’s kingdom?
How can I deny myself true freedom?
How can I see who the devils are
And still want to be them?

In itself is not a means to an end,
But a means to the end,
And in the end
All is left are my efforts
And its fruits.
And I cannot afford to be my own
Bearer of bad news.

— The End —