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Namir Aug 2014
Is it a maske?
A front or illusion?
Is it fake? Maybe a little?
Was I wrong? A trick all along?
Im not sure. Because i was blind.
But its not there now. And i can see again.
So even though it lingers still. Goodbye maske.
Soo long and fairwell.
Take it how you will.
Kav Birch Apr 2015
Handmaiden knitting alone
in a cottage of regrets
spinning her final garment of pain
sized to fit only one

Its design is intricate
spanning years of broken promises
lies, deceit, jealousies
pattern... cyclic
the story of her life
a constant journey to places
she had already been

But she'll hem that garment today
she'll ***** herself and bleed
one last time
and as she bids fairwell
she does with no regrets
not bereft
but finally happy
written January 21, 2004
chimaera Jun 2014
whispered from a far
fairwell, gentle knight

quedar en silencio

que le traera
si a ella no desea

pianga, pianga

le fleuve ne s'arrête pas

the willow set fire
on itself

three feathers blown


va via

shattered mirror
eres ella

the spell of the tower

trois plumes
il suo cuore

a willow

dans le tourbillon

whispered from a far
fairwell, gentle knight

it was but
the waves

haleter de papillons


whispered from a far
fairwell, gentle knight

she is

ma credente

endless road to
a dock in a bay

whispered from a far/*fairwell, gentle knight*/to fall into silence/what to bring him/if she is not whom he longs for/cry, cry/the river always flows/the willow set fire/on itself/three feathers blown/hurry/hurry/hurry away/shattered mirror/you are her/the spell of the tower/three feathers/her heart/a willow/drowning/in a vortex/whispered from a far /*fairwell, gentle knight*/it was but/the waves/butterflies'gasp/delusion/whispered from a far /*fairwell, gentle knight*/she is/nowhere/mistaken/but believer/endless road to/a dock in a bay
Playful free exercise in english, french, spanish and italian, upon a rondeau, a form of medieval and Renaissance French poetry, as well as the corresponding musical chanson form.
...And that last line, my tribute to Ottis Redding, of course.
Aaron LaLux Sep 2016
Lost in Lisbon,
just me and my addictions,
and when I say addictions,
I mostly mean my addiction to women,

caught in the same cliche,
but I can’t seem to get away,
like a dream that keeps repeating,
same place same case just a different day,

thinking that somehow *** can replace,
the actual act of acceptance,
thinking that regret can somehow set,
the pace for some sort of repentance,

but nothing changes,
except the weather and sometimes the faces,
found I’m still lost,
I’m a great shot but what’s the worth of a great shot that’s aimless?

No target,
no goals,
just a free market,
that’s completely uncontrolled.

There are no rules,
there’s no reality on which to base this face it,
we are all lost that is for sure,
only difference is most of us don’t want to admit it.

to the chaos it’s such a turn on,
even when I feel sick,
and my heart’s gone cold I’m still burnin’,

she’s turning,
her back on me,
says she doesn’t want to have ***,
and I understand her exactly,

sometimes I wish I wasn’t a man,
sometimes I wish we were all brilliant light,
want to leave my dull bland body so bad,
that if someone came to take my life I wouldn’t even fight.

I don’t fight her,
she says no so I sit up and ask her to leave,
it’s almost 4 o’clock in the afternoon already,
and she’s got a flight to catch that’s leaving for Italy,

and it is then that I see that she’s leaving me,
both figurative and literally,
which I guess I accept because one fact,
we all leave everyone and everything eventually,

even ourselves,
the cards we were dealt,
were bizarre as a guitar played like like a bagpipe by a Celt,
and even though we feel no more well hell at least there was a time we felt,

oh well,
I understand now that you’re timeless and your love is priceless,
we win some and we lose some I guess that’s what this Game of Life is,

blameless and shameless in Lisbon having a midlife crisis.

Living in cities of sin singing songs of wrong still trying to be righteous,
lost as a lark trying to parrot a song to carry us along and guide us,
flying through this civic blueprint climbing high we deny lies and define all aliveness,
and even though your iris is sublime and so is mine we can’t seem to see through our own blindness,
like trying to adjust to the distrust that we feel when we’re told that someone loves us,
and the ironic thing is that in your strangeness I see a similar likeness.

We lost us.

We lost us and our fondness for any sort of conscious conscience,
so now we’re in love with fervid thugs and hooligans that are heartless,
and when we’re asked why we’re in love with this life we say because we are artist,
which partially explains why I’m in Portugal in pain with a beauty that’s stunningly monstrous.

Lost in this,
constant concoction of consciousness,
lost in this,
city by the ocean caught in the North Atlantic drifts,

lost in Lisbon,
just me and my addictions,
and when I say addictions,
I mostly mean my addiction to women…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

*** is a drug...
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
In the jungle lived three lions
Their father had just died
they were sitting trying to decied who should take the crown

The three lions were wise
But only one will have the royal life

The eldest said :
My brothers with great grief i bid our father's fairwell
But its time for me to be king
Im the older and the most powerfull between you two
This kingdom cant survive if i dont rule

The younger lion replied :
my brother its true that your strong and old
But i am the smartest between you both
Leave the crown for me and i shall take care of your needs

The third lion said :
All you too have said is true
But i am the most beautifull lion between you too
All the animals in this jungle respect me
And i was the favorite for daddy's
No other lion is more courageous than me
So i think i should be king

The three lions couldnt agree
They started to fight violentley
The older lion ended up winning the fight

He looked down onto his brothers dead on the ground
He couldnt believe what he had done
What would his father think of him now?
He surely didnt deserve to be a king
Feeling miserable he walked away cursing his greed

He would leave forever and never come back leaving his father's land

A kingdom without a king...

Words Of Harfouchism
Mark Steigerwald Jan 2015
upon a city at sea

by the light in her eyes

As land gave way to ocean,
mountains of rock and earth
surrendering to hills of turbulent waves,
we stood on the deck
hand in hand

We spoke softly
danced rhythmically
and shared the night together

Once far out into the blue
the sun departed from our gaze
and the stars
one by one
began peeping out of the night sky

We laid down upon the deck
holding each other tight.

We sang softly
danced rhythmically
and drank deeply
from the cup of happiness.

Our hearts aligned
our dreams still far out
if only we knew what was coming
if only we could have seen through the shrouded mist of time.

How tightly would I have held you then,
holding you close to me
thanking God almighty for that moment
hoping it would last a lifetime.

But the moment was soon

Our hearts so newly intertwined
broken apart

Thrown suddenly apart from each other
fate had other plans for us

We were cast far away
isolated in darkness;

Heavy of heart
and weary of soul
my inner most being cried out for her.

She is worlds apart from me now
her smile
her laugh
the blue in her eyes
I must say goodbye.

Like a weight in my chest
that night clings to me
latching on whenever I am weak.

Oh to be with her once more
floating upon rivers of joy.

Yet shes gone from me
and I from her.
forever separated by fates cruel trick

At the end of all things
I stand alone

I must let her go
But I will never forget her memory.

The sensation of that night
the magic in the air
the waves lapping gently against the boat
the stars twinkling far above
the lights from the sliver of land left far behind
the smell of her perfume
the warmth of her smile
the joy in my bones
the wonder that I felt

Farewell to that girl
that wonderful girl,

Farewell to that night
that wonderful night.

Forever  will I cherish you.
TaliDaG Oct 2014
From a dark sky to a sun lit ray sun your the reason why i smile today.
clouds come and go but your the one i love the most.
keep me warm on winter days where you peek through the clouds to make sure im ok.
at the end of each day i say fairwell you give a smile with colors that swell
bright then turn back dark to a sunless night.
Beginning poetry
Enigmuse Apr 2014
In the event I drink liquids fit for automobiles and devour
the taught warm light of a match, I hope you know that
I won't say sorry for all the hardships I put you through.

I won't say sorry for the way I stormed through doors
and plowed through hearts. I won't say sorry for the way
I told you yes when I really meant no. I won't say sorry

for the time I cried over spilled milk and shrieked over
stained sheets. I won't say sorry for leaving you without
even so much as a formal goodbye, other than this one

which was scrawled on the back of an unused napkin in
the middle of a crowded Starbucks down in the city, this
being the first time I've been in either place. I won't say

sorry. Not to you, not to anyone. As for now, I bid thee
fairwell, from one poetry lover to another. I won't say sorry.
For I've already managed to blurt it out seven times.
yeah, not my best
Golden Ratio May 2010
Waiting with Spanish guitars. 
Why do I sit here?
You stamp on me so,
and still I wait.
Am I a fool?
It wasn't much to ask,
was it? 
For you to come to me?
Spanish guitars,
would have made it so romantic,
but it wasn't to be.
Fairwell my princess,
as I make my way,
to our Roman Bridge.
Mr Mojo Risin Oct 2013
I saw an old man walking by the side of the lake , he  turned and whispered somethings not right ? I walk among the creatures of night , with the moon as my shelter the stars as my light I do not walk this earth anymore somethings not right , I am a ghost of many a year gone bye , stalked by women and children that cry , stuck in a cell were no light is seen , and the god I worship cast me down like a feind , I lived a life full of Ill repute , shellfish untold before now , there was no applause to my life no fairwell crowd , a lonley man stood at my grave , Lamentations and verse about this fallen brave , but I am not , nor never I find a bit of bravery a bit peice of mind , life is cruel rotten unjust to carry on is the question of must ? For who I am you lips should say this old man who's lost his day ? am no stranger for I am you , telling the tale of what life has for you . Change you'r ways or never youl find that bit of bravery that bit peice of mind .
that one girl Nov 2013
have you ever had someone in your life who shouldn't be?

all they do is cause you pain and endless heartache but you can't seem to say fairwell.

the time and energy spent on someone who doesn't care you exists could be used to build up your nonexistent self esteem.

what does that say about your personality?

caring about someone who doesn't give a ****?

is it inspired and kind or just utterly stupid?
Sydney Victoria Oct 2012
The Ear Ringing Silence
Cuffs My Wrists
A Black Rose
Slices My Forearms
A Hand
Clasps My Neck
Pulling Me
Vertebrae Start Breaking
Along My Fragile Spine
And My Breaths Are Slowly Fracturing
And My Human Life
Flashes Before My Eyes
Nenookaasi Sits Besides Me In The Timber
Looking Away So She Didnt Have To Look
At My Shifting Body
And As I Complete My Metamorphosis
My Brindle Eyes Stare
Into The Sun's Amber Orb
And I Look At Nenookaasi
Her Dark Hair Covering Her Complection
Before She Notices
I Flee Deeper Into The Trees
She Watched Me Leave
And I Stopped And Motioned Her A Fairwell
As I Ran
To Find My Clan
She Knows Who She Is
Cedric McClester Mar 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Don’t know what to say
Other than fairwell
Death has finally claimed
Another venerable hotel
Where everyone from
Sid Vicious to Dee Dee Ramone
At one time or another stayed
And called it their home

Requiem for the Chelsea
May she rest in peace
Now that all activity inside her
Has finally ceased
Closed for renovations
See we’ve heard that before
The death knell has been tolled
She ain’t coming back no more

Nevermore to open
In its present incarnation
Cos now the Chelsea’s history
Despite the acclamations
What the future holds
Is anybody’s guess
But if I’m forced to take one
I’d say condos at best

The Chelsea was a grand hotel
Back there in the day
Name me one musician
Who didn’t book a stay
The Chelsea was iconic
What else can I say
Except that it’s ironic
That it went down that way

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
Landon Keys Apr 2023
I've always wondered
What life would have been like with you
But today I woke up
A little angry
A little sad
I've decided I'm tired
Of a memory I've never had
A boy aged young
With a soul of many
Walked down Dreadful Lane
Bravery a plenty
He walk with merry
Where others became insane

No doubt in his heart
He saw a large house
Walking down Dreadful Lane
With large spider legs
And no regard for life
This had made others insane

The boy just smiled
Waved his hand in hello
And continued down Dreadful Lane
It was a busy street
With creatures and teachers
All who were completely insane

Angry snakes slithered slowly
Cockroaches of infinite holdings
Scurrying down Dreadful Lane
Eyes with no home
the fires of souls
The dead madly insane

The bats covering the birds
The grass perfectly parallel to the rain
Flying down Dreadful Lane
A carnivor seven
And the body of nine
Where making six insane

The blood on the trees
The teeth in the curb
Riddled through Dreadful Lane
Screws screaming from the pain
Masks laughing from pleasure
And the boy was still not insane

Still with a smile
He waved fairwell
As he turned off Dreadful Lane
But on the next street
He was surprised to meet
The girl who would make him insane.
Madison Lee Mar 2015
A crowded hallway,
Patiently waiting to see if you'll magically appear.
Searching for empty words to say,
Once again, I feel myself falling hopelessly.
That smile, have mercy.. That smile,
Those eyes.. Making the stars envious of the radiant glow they gave off.
Now, my mind is racing, wondering if you'll ever come back,
It's been 34 days since the last time I can remember seeing your face.
My heart feels like it's jumped out of my chest,
My eyes have began to fill with water.
My knees have become so weak,
My breath has become shallow..
I see you right in front of me,
And to this day, I can't remember if that was our final fairwell.
Noname Aug 2013
In the begining I was blind
But now I see too clearly
The nonsense is over
And now I am growing
Fairwell to what was
Hello to fresh start
I'm building myself up
And letting the old fall apart
I quite frankly could care less
Of what they have got to say now
Because now I'm getting mines
And jealousy can ****
Not me but you
So step it up ladies and you'll be fresh too
chimaera Aug 2014
All the déjà-vus

Cut copy paste repeat

Packing time every time
in a time of endings

Always passing by,



My will is thirsty
and no fountain
is to be reached

Will you see me off, darling?

For me, pretend
a minding fairwell,

pack me a smile

for me to take
in my journey
Though it may seem strange, this text showed up while obsessively listening to the sweet tune, "Baby, it's cold outside"  (
Randy Bryte Oct 2015
Oh my heart just skipped a beat, and in that fraction of time
Without prowless, without thought, without anything relevant, i stopped with it
And I played with it
In a funny kind of way i felt for it
And I made it my friend for life
When i became complacent and comfortable
I left this place, for better or for worse
It read my mind
And told a tale of roving fields and rising waves
Blue skies and ribbons flying
With white tangled flags, and boastful conceit
I stared at it with both eyes
I bid fairwell to that moment in time
With recluse and torment
I played with it, and i made it my friend for life
That moment in time, when my heart skipped a beat.
Lexie Oct 2015
From the sky you fell
To this humble
And earthly hell

To the water
You began to swim
Like a naiads daughter

From my lips
The worlds fall
Unbidden like a kiss

Like gentle rain
You turn into a storm
And bring much pain

I watch you roll
Across the sky
Taking toll

On earth and heaven
But as you thunder
You miss the chevon

You hunger and thirst
But you lack love
Which is worst

An angry hand
Raised to the high places
You no longer command

You fell to my home
And you cry
But you are not alone

Though you know
You will never return
You must go

Fairwell demon friend
When you find home
A postcard send
chimaera May 2014
far, tree branches skim
the light satin of the moon
- unspoken fairwell
yaraly garcia Feb 2014
My heart broke,
when i saw him within
the injustice he suffered,
what they said to him.
they beat him down,
and caused him great pain,
they hurt him so much,
that he didn't get up again,
he just layed there
as they beat him down.
he didn't move,
nor make a sound,
they broke his soul,
they poisoned his heart,
they hurt him so much,
that he fell apart.
little by little he tore at the seams,
little by little they killed his dream.
the pain was too great for him to bare.
so much so that his warm heart felt to ice,
becomes a cold stare.
he bid fairwell to the world,
as he blew it a kiss,
before he fell into his depression,
His Black Abyss.
Courtney Gaura Mar 2016
A curious confection
Of mystery and death
Of hated perfection
And reasonable breath
Of nightmarish lines and finds
Of aching bones
And too many land mines
A horridous groan
Of every reasonable thought
That is slipped from your grasp
A life that ought to be wrought
And ends with short gasp
Taking care to not ruffle the feathers
Of the divine
Or trouble the lives of your betters
Oh world would you ever be mine
It's hard to define whatever I could say
That are constructed with truths and lies
If only I could live 'till may
But oh how my time flies
A sweet sorrowful fairwell
To my past to ever last
And to the future pray tell
I hope I go fast
you are my hope in sight like christ is my daily hope
In many ways i look up to you
i wonder how many times i disappoint your appetite
then each morning you return to have more
Attimes i feel my inspiration to you much as i know it breaks your heart to hear facts all the time
yes i will always blend to give a diversity of digestion but cant change my personality of factual rapture
how i like those smiles in line of appreciation
other times you go silent with hopes of failed faith
see how we get along well, can i preach to you that you are great
And your inspiration too has inspired me to inspire you
fairwell those i go no where
i stand tall to type my minc out till you erupt into good progress
you are amazing and so are you hands
they keep scrolling for my awareness
and your eyes to read history in news
i thank your mind never tiring to analyse and bake you adhere
now i head back to where you always find me
my reading writing friends
my partners in love of mining words to meaning
Rivers Kay Jan 2015
We say we're okay
That's what we just say
So don't believe me when I say
Those 4 letters because I'm lieing

I'm not fine
I probably don't eat
I cry every night
It's probably not my fault

I'm sure you won't mind it when I'm gone,
But you'll know it's not right
When I'm not there for you to torture

I'll miss this life
Time will go ...
And on...
So fairwell my friends
I'm sorry for this but I'm already gone
I'm just okay
Austin Aug 2024
same clothes and the same smell,
same room and the same hair gel–
good handwriting and the fairwell–
every now and then I just feel compelled

to lay in ash and let the heart churn.
to lay in ash and let the scars burn.
to lay in ash in hopes I’ll discern
what the past is yelling with a reverb

same clothes and the same smell,
dead heart lives in a young cell
and the water’s dried in a new well,
could I be the pool that’ll consume hell?

just a drop, just a drop
a drip of time for a broken clock
a moment merry with a single petal
until life’s hands come to cut your knot

but a word, whether auditory or a written letter
whisper to me or pick up your feather
rehash to me a time of us together
or just give detail of the local weather

same clothes and the same smell,
too familiar but I can’t tell
how the notes played don’t produce spells
is it wordplay? Is it truth–

truth is, truth is hidden by a hoodie–
silhouette, water–dirt, very muddy
with confusion, has me seeing blurry;
tears of hope sting, supper’s full of hurting and
the similarity is too concerning…

same clothes and the same smell,
but the voice, no, no the voice fails
and the face lies, quite the fox tail
this is not right, this is not real

a wolf in white wool tells me I’m his friend
the teeth in his jaw are bathed in fresh blood
we’re friends from the past and though I thought he was dead
he defeated his troubles like he said that he would (–did he?)

because of slow sense and the charm of his wit
I’m the meal and the victim, defeated in good

same clothes and the same smell but
its. not. You.
just a story, written as a poem about grieving hallucinations... maybe they're not hallucinations...
SarahJane Apr 2019
The day I said goodbye mum, I knew it wasn't the end, it was just a little fairwell, until we meet again.

You see I'm moving to a new house mum, though the memories aren't left behind, if only there was one button mum, one button to press rewind.

I'd certainly press that button mum, to see you once again. To laugh, share love and dance with you mum, and prey it doesn't end.

Though that can never happen mum, you're gone but never forgotten, i know you're beside me at my best moments mum, and at my worst when I hit rock bottom.

I feel you hold me at my worst mum, at my best I feel the same. I just wish that you were here mum and I could hear you say my name.

I wish I could wrap my arms around you, and feel you wipe away my tears. I know your with me in spirit mum and you will be throughout the years.

I love you and I miss you mum, goodnight, God bless, be free. Sending love and hugs to the stars mum, just for you from me.
Tony Luxton Dec 2019
Incomer and native,
crowned princes of Orkney arts,
the two communed together
with wind, wave and wilderness.

Their works kindled many hearts
conjured festivals of Island
arts, tragic St. Magnus Opera,
Fairwell to Stromness, poetry,
newsprint and novels.

George Mackay Brown's words,
Peter Maxwell Davies' music,
they left us their works,
left wind, wave and wilderness.
Blow a kiss and let me go
bid tempestuous fairwell
Such lies have passed these trembling lips
the truth of which I can not tell

Stand and let my shadow pass
through evening shades, to darkest black
Soothe my soul to sleep once more
with tales of never looking back.

Then **** my love to deepest hell
though countenance may break your heart
and break our spell to set me free
to live in peace now we're apart.
yahna staton Sep 2021


Skye Dec 2018
If only I could help
If only I knew how
When I hear you yelp
When you need me now

I only make things worse
I only make you cry
Makes me want to curse
Makes me want to die

My heart wants you to know
My heart can't say away
But you'll just say no
But you'll just say nay

Yet you lure me in
Yet you make me feel
My love for you will win
My heart will make me kneel

If only I could tell
If only you'd say yes
Never say fairwell
Never let me stress

But it can not be
But you'll never see

— The End —