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Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Nelson Mandela, South Africa's anti-apartheid beacon, has died
One of the best-known political prisoners of his generation,
South Africa's first black president, He was 95.
His struggle against apartheid and racial segregation
Lead to the vision of South Africa as a rainbow nation
In which all folks were to be treated equally regardless of color
Speaking in 1990 on his release from Pollsmoor Prison
After 27 years behind bars, Mandela posited;
I have fought against white ******* and
I have fought against black *******
I have cherished the idea of a democratic
And a free society in which all persons live together
In harmony and with equal opportunity
It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve
But if need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die,

Fortunately, he was never called upon
To make such a sacrifice
And the anti-apartheid campaign did produce results
A ban on mixed marriages between whites and folks of color,
This was designed to enforce total racial segregation
Was lifted in 1985
Mandela was born on July 18, 1918
His father Gadla named him "Rolihlahla,"
Meaning “troublemaker” in the Xhosa language
Perhaps  parental premonitions of his ability to foment change.
Madiba, as he is affectionately known
By many South Africans,
Was born to Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa,
a chief, and his third wife Nosekeni *****
He grew up with two sisters
In the small rural village of Qunu
In South Africa's Eastern Cape Province.
Unlike other boys his age,
Madiba had the privilege of attending university
Where he studied law
He became a ringleader of student protest
And then moved to Johannesburg to escape an arranged marriage
It was there he became involved in politics.
In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC),
Four years before the National Party,
Which institutionalized racial segregation, came to power
Racial segregation triggered mass protests
And civil disobedience campaigns,
In which Mandela played a central role
After the ANC was banned in 1961
Mandela founded its military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe
The Spear of the Nation
As its commander-in-chief,
He led underground guerrilla attacks
Against state institutions.
He secretly went abroad in 1962
To drum up financial support
And organize military training for ANC cadres
On his return, he was arrested
And sentenced to prison
Mandela served 17 years
On the notorious Roben Island, off Cape Town,
Mandela was elected as South Africa's first black president
On May 10, 1994
Cell number five, where he was incarcerated,
Is now a tourist attraction
From 1988 onwards, Mandela was slowly prepared
For his release from prison
Just three years earlier he had rejected a pardon
This was conditional
On the ANC renouncing violence
On 11 February 1990,
After nearly three decades in prison,
Mandela, the South African freedom beacon was released
He continued his struggle
For the abolition of racial segregation
In April 1994,
South Africa held its first free election.
On May 10,
Nelson Mandela became South Africa's first elected black president,
Mandela jointly won
The Nobel Peace Prize
With Frederik de Clerk in 1993
On taking office
Mandela focused on reconciliation
Between ethnic groups
And together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
He set up the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
To help the country
Come to terms
With the crimes committed under apartheid
After his retirement
From active politics in 1999,
Madiba dedicated himself
To social causes,
Helping children and ***-AIDS patients,
His second son
Makgatho died of ***-AIDS
In 2005 at the age of 54,
South Africans have fought
a noble struggle against the apartheid
But today they face a far greater threat
Mandela he posited in a reference to the ***-AIDS pandemic,
His successor
Thabo Mbeki
The ANC slogan of 1994; A better life for all
Was fulfilled only
For a small portion of the black elite
Growing corruption,
Crime and lack of job prospects
Continue to threaten the Rainbow Nation,
On the international stage
Mandela acted as a mediator
In the Burundi civil war
And also joined criticism
Of the Iraq policy
Of the United States and Great Britain
He won the Nobel Prize in 1993
And played a decisive role
Into bringing the first FIFA World Cup to Africa,
His beloved great-granddaughter
Zenani Mandela died tragically
On the eve of the competition
And he withdrew from the public life
With the death of Nelson Mandela
The world loses a great freedom-struggleer
And heroic statesman
His native South Africa loses
At the very least a commanding presence
Even if the grandfather of nine grandchildren
Was scarcely seen in public in recent year

Media and politicians are vying
To outdo one another with their tributes
To Nelson Mandela, who himself disliked
The personality cult
That's one of the things
That made him unique,
Nelson Mandela was no saint,
Even though that is how the media
Are now portraying him
Every headline makes him appear more superhuman
And much of the admiration is close to idolatry
Some of the folks who met him
Say they felt a special Mandela karma
In his presence.
Madiba magic was invoked
Whenever South Africa needed a miracle,

Mandela himself was embarrassed
By the personality cult
Only reluctantly did he agree to have streets
Schools and institutes named after him
To allow bronze statues and Mandela museums
To be built
A trend that will continue to grow.

He repeatedly pointed
To the collective achievements
Of the resistance movement
To figures who preceded him
In the struggle against injustice
And to fellow campaigners
Such as Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Luthuli
Or his friend and companion in arms
Oliver Tambo who today stands in Mandela's shadow,
Tambo helped create the Mandela legend
Which conquered the world
A tale in which every upright man
And woman could see him
Or herself reflected,
When Prisoner Number 46664 was released
After 27 years behind bars
He had become a brand
A worldwide idol
The target of projected hopes
And wishes that no human being
Could fulfill alone,
Who would dare scratch?
The shining surface of such a man
List his youthful misdemeanors
His illegitimate children
Who would mention his weakness for women?
For models
Pop starlets
And female journalists
With whom he flirted
In a politically incorrect way
When already a respected elder statesman?
Who would speak out critically?
Against the attacks
He planned when he headed the ANC
Armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe
And who would criticize the way
He would often explode in anger
Or dismiss any opinions other than his own?
His record as head of government
Is also not above reproach
Those years were marked by pragmatism
And political reticence
Overdue decisions were not taken
Day to day matters were left to others
When choosing his political friends
His judgment was not always perfect
A Mandela grandchild is named
After Colonel Muammar Gaddaffi
Seen from today's perspective
Not everything fits
The generally accepted
Picture of visionary and genius,
But Mandela can be excused
These lapses
Because despite everything
He achieved more than ordinary human beings
His long period of imprisonment
Played a significant role here
It did not break him, it formed him
Robben Island
Had been a university of life for Mandela once posited
He learned discipline there
In dialogue with his guards
He learnt humility, patience and tolerance
His youthful anger dissolved
He mellowed and acquired
The wisdom of age
When he was at last released
Mandela was no longer
Burning with rage,
He was now a humanized revolutionary
Mandela wanted reconciliation
At almost any price
His own transformation
Was his greatest strength
The ability to break free
From ideological utopia
And to be able to see the greater whole
The realization
That those who think differently
Are not necessarily enemies
The ability to listen,
To spread the message of reconciliation
To the point of betraying what he believed in,
Only in this way could he
Serve as a role model
To both black and white humanity
, communists and entrepreneurs,
Catholics and Muslims.
He became a visional missionary,
An ecclesiast of brotherly love
And compassion
Wherever he was, each humanity was equal
He had respect for musicians and presidents
Monarchs and cleaning ladies
He remembered names
And would ask about relatives
He gave each humanity his full attention
With a smile, a joke, a well aimed remark,
He won over every audience
His aura enveloped each humanity,
Even his political enemies,
That did not qualify him
For the status of demi-god
But he was idolized and rightly so
He must be named in the same breath
As Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama
Or Martin Luther King
Mandela wrote a chapter of world history
Even Barack Obama posited
He would not have become
President of the United States
Without Mandela as a role model,

And so it is not so important
That Mandela is now portrayed
Larger than life
The fact that not everything
He did in politics succeeded is a minor matter
His achievement is to have lived
A life credibly characterized
By humanism, tolerance and non-violence,
When Mandela was released
From prison in 1990,
The old world order of the Cold War era
Was collapsing
Mandela stood at the crossroads and set off in the right direction
How easily he could have played with fire, sought revenge,
Or simply failed; He could have withdrawn from public life or,
Like other companions in arms, earned millions,
Two marriages failed because of the political circumstances
His sons died tragically long before him
It was only when he was 80 and met his third wife,
Graca Machel,
That he again found warmth,
Partnership and private happiness,
Setbacks did not leave him bitter
Because he regarded his own life
As being less important
Than the cause he believed in
He served the community humbly,
With a sense of responsibility
Of duty and willingness to make sacrifices
Qualities that are today only rarely encountered,

How small and pathetic his successors now seem
Their battles for power will probably now be fought
Even more unscrupulously than in the past
How embarrassing are his own relatives
Who argued over his legacy at his hospital bed
Mandela was no saint
But a man with strengths and weaknesses,
Shaped by his environment
It will be hard to find a greater person
Just a little bit more Mandela every day
Would achieve a great deal
Not only in Africa
But in the bestridden geographies
Epochs and diversities of man,

In my post dirge I will ever echo words of Mandella
He shone on the crepuscular darkness of the Swedish
Academy, where cometh the Nobel glory;
Development and peace are indivisible
Without peace and international security
Nations cannot focus
On the upliftment
Of the most underprivileged of their citizens.
Issac Zeppelin Jan 2019
Generations of people perceiving things
In different levels
The understanding in different horizons
The horizon to the shore
To the infinity

The earth brings out everything new
Adaptability is the key
Acceptance is the key
New perceiving
New beings
New thoughts
New love
New cravings
New addiction
New generation
New adaptability
New addiction
New mistakes
New evolution
New matches
New mismatches
New sun
New moon
New stars
New wrongs
And the new rights
The flow continues beyond understanding
And let it be

Understanding does not matter
In the whole change is inhabitable
Change is real
Also the experience
Perceive the change in the outer world
Bring out the change in the inner world
Have a common path in between
Let it be
Perceive change around
Is the only thing important
The understanding is void
Don't ever complain about what you cant understand
And you cannot in many cases
No worries
Accept it
It is real
It is true

And let go
In a deeper sense of course
Dip into the thought
Feel the new sun
New moon
A new day
Come fresh and tidy
Accept the change in real
From without and within

Keep your arms wide open
Broaden your arms
Chant the prayers to the universe
Surrender to the universe
Universe knows it all
You are the part of the whole
The whole is the universe
Created by the universe
Above and beyond
To the eternity
You are the universe
You are the change
You are the perceptions
You are the feel
You are the agenda
You are the thoughts
You are the eternal soul
And everybody around are
And every things around are
Take a deep breadth and
Function as you should
Function as you are
Function as a change within
Function as the change without
Function as the change around

Different generations
Differences as seen
The around and within
As a rule or the knowns
By themselves upon themselves
The new one
Having a change
Of terms
Of rules
And of surroundings
Different from the generations gone
The new ones for sure
Has a new things to do
Has a new idea
A new rule
New love
New connections
New mistakes
New rights
And the new wrongs
The change is there

Perceiving and generations
Different in emotions
Different in righteousness
Different in fulfillment
Different in atrocities
Different in perceptions
Different in locality
Different in the differences
And similar in a way
They are different
Only thing common
Is the change

Have you the perception
To get into the change
Around, within and without
The change is happening
It is present
It is the thing to feel
To perceive
Try to understand, the less you get it
Feel the change
Percepts of change

Accept the change you must
Teach change if you can
Be a change if you ought to
For the new ones
For the old ones
And for the no ones
Take a deep breadth
Feel the cool breeze of change
Breathe the change
Live the change
Teach the change
Be the change
See differences seem to be similarities
Notion of diversities
Notion of change
Notion of no differences
Notion of similarities

People and generations
Perceiving things
At different levels
Inhabitable is the change
Perceiving change
Is the key
In general
To say the least
Generation of people perceiving things at different levels, change is inhabitable. Perceiving change is the key in general
Alexander  K  Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Daughters,sisters and brethren in the African womenfolk
Hail you, you are blessed among all the diversities of nature
You are blessed for all peace and love beahviour in all of your times
You are blessed for resilience and spiritual energy to soldier on
By being a woman,wife,a girl , a mother and a grand mother
In the African conditions which have no time for the women,

Daughters of Africa both at home in Africa and the diaspora
In Americas , Cuba,Brazil,or the whole Caribbean
Be blessed for your virtue of love and forgiveness
That swells your hearts as you ever treat to oblivion
Those who **** you whether in  war or in peace
Even in marriage and  the  the offices
On the platter of polygamy, rituals and crudeness of culture
In the selfish farm labour where your spouse
Gives you a remote encounter with brutality of bourgeoisie culture
You always pick up the pieces and go for your stitches
Whatsoever the number, like  the appalling one
Of above six stitches for the **** victims of Congo wars,

You have always consolidated  poor Africa from
Smithereens of war and terrors of selfish male war,
You have often mocked the cult of dictatorship on its face
You have enticed social  inclusions as societal virtue
You have snooked to tribalism,racism and class bigotry on the face
Them the cultic vices that have cemented Africa’s cult of dictatorship,
Daughters of Africa stand up and make  Africa the a temple of God
Entice humanity with your wholesome fibre
Restore Liberia to a national state in the song of Sirleaf
Restore central Africa to a national family in the song Catherine
Restore art and poetry to Africa in the arms with Marriama Ba and Micere Mugo
Sire and Nurse African ecology unbowedly in the spiritual realm of Wangare Mathai
Restore and forge Africa  forward you dear daughters
For the strength of your beauty my dear ladies
Has a global testimony in the prime of your motherhood.
MM Sep 2019
Gone were the days where women are damsel in distress
We still wear our black and golden tresses but
we are warriors

Gone were the days where princesses are supposed to just look pretty
Come on now, we aren’t that petty
We aren’t begging for pity

We are more than crowns and labels and titles
We’ve learned to pick-up swords
We reach for the moon and stars
We have long mended our own wounds and scars

We soar though castles of clouds
Where your judgement blows up in smokes
Where there’s nothing but acceptance of diversities
Where we aren’t defined by how good of a cook we are not
Or how good we are at keeping an entire household sparkling clean

A woman isn’t just a woman
She’s madness and beauty at the same time

Chaos and calm if you will closely look
She’s weakness and strength combined into one amazing soul
Too rare and abundant in this world

She is a woman and yet, she’s more than just a woman
Simon Oct 2019
Logical doesn’t have taste. It has circumstance. Only to be tasteful, is to be surrounded by a taste of what gradually makes a self importance greater to yourself. Proudly underestimating yourself at first. Giving closure to the surrounding areas. Taste has no boundaries here. A made-up friction. A made-up functionality. A dripping faucet without clarity. Dripping one social taste at any given time. Clarity giving rise to the surrounding areas with logical ingredients. Logical ingredients slapping taste buds without concern for logical praise. Logical praise that doubts it’s understanding of taste buds giving praise to ingredients without concern for how praise will affect it’s priorities. Priorities finishing the diversity of something logical with a taste. The taste buds feeling the diversities finalizing ingredients in their rightful places. Like shiny white plates on display for the crowd of praises effecting one’s own priorities. Teeth whitening the taste buds for greater effect. Praises finally giving the logical praise the taste it deserves. More surrounding areas include a broader crowd. A newer logical taste starts to emerge in the practice of ingredients giving logical praise to the logical priorities that govern it so. Praise from newer surroundings influencing more ingredients in the form of logical taste. More taste buds start feeling the diversities in the praise which salivates the practice of logical assessments. A reverse act giving rise to a simplified logical taste without boundaries.
Taste doesn’t come with ordinary pleasure. It's when it's dosed with the logical arts onto taste buds, will it truly shine brighter!
nosipho khanyile Jul 2018
I have a body
that tells a lifetime of stories.
It emotions as accessories.

I rise above my circumstances
and grows through adversities;
understanding my diversities.

I don't have soul..

I am a soul.
David Barr Nov 2013
Forensic psychology is not an exact science, despite the lofty assertions of those who are deemed to have expertise in the face of non-empathic presumption.
Please, do not dismiss the wisdom of those who are seasoned in the metaphorical school of life. It is far too expensive, even though there is an apparent and mutual understanding between those on each side of the great divide.
Dazzling suits and coherent reports do not adequately represent intricate diversities in the docks of criminality where the laughter of the prosecution echoes throughout the beams of formality.
Therefore, sociopathy and psychopathy remain to be inadequately defined.
Butch Decatoria Apr 2017
Raised in So. Cali.
Those early 80's on the beach,
When reggae birthed the bass
Subwoofer heart beats
And poetry woven into the flow
Open mics
Yo Spoken Word!
Rap as verse to mTVs

Bittersweet symphonies

When brothers were too heavy
Living in the hood,
And my friends
Ricky and Richy
And Ricks
Have no riches / wealth
Drawing blondes
For non
In the cartoon
Landscape of generation
Not so trendy cool
Unless master Richy
Loud animated riches
Mr. Rich
If I only knew
If richness
Lets you

Then Come be one of every

Say they can see

His friends-collection
From unique
The wild
Around the world
each birthday party here

His pals his country
Their diversities not his equal
As stereotypes

Equality pursuant to Freedom
So says the people

This that is

Enjoying tangerine days
Sinking in the golden
And cold colbalt

Blue bloods
In a darkening sea

The sky bleeding
Only with the life of the sun,
Where in spirit

Oh summer Lovin' nights

Cooling the boardwalks
Beach kin
A many golden
Tans and the scent of
Florals and cocoa butter
Tight fit bodies
Chrome shiney
Tanning oils

The summer wafting

Through our basking
In rhythmic sync

From early days
Those happy days
Then when I was tween
On my Schwinn

like the wind

Dollar movies
Sand and some kind
Of wonderful

The most radical arcade!
Raised a native son

By marriage
I am a mix into one
A people
My face
Has a race,
I am islander
Fisher King

Golden lion with
Interstellar wings

Please Call me Fishsparrow's

Though summer hues
My skin accused
I'm a Golden Mango

Among the Californication-Ing

Indian Summer's with a
Torquois bottom pool
I could pass for Hawaiian
Most dark Mistiso do...

Raised in California
We are as golden
As the landscape


I'm laid back
As California as the cheese
We got the beef cake
80s to 90s to Kpop to Goa

The flavoring
Of caramel flesh
Sweet sweat
Skinny jeans
**** undulations
Those summer waves

Toward our Nuevo
Fluorescent future
So free and quite

The light
With life experienced

Fearless with Midnights
We Conqueror sunrise

The days I reminisce
When childhood bliss
did not die
Just down for a nap

New cats' days
Turning tomorrow making
Brown skin
My Soleils
Soothing Mists

Breath of Suns' kisses:
Wakes of oceans


Now I lay me down to dream
I pray the Lord
To help me wake...

Every new day
So thankfully
Experience every divinity

That thou love
Doth make

Alive without regret
Of and by the sea
I'm raised

I grew up
As is

And Making love  

With You
Early morning.... On the beach

Life arisen.
For light means Day!
Good morning

A louder Grace
Shall listen...
Julie Grenness Jul 2015
In an instant, your life can change,
Individuals are not to blame,
Some women attract men so pitiful,
They can treat chicks so vomitable.
Strength of the human mind,
To overcome difficult times,
Need to focus on positive energy,
Not dwell on past negativity,
To overcome life's diversities,
So, looking forward, not looking back,
The road of life is one long track,
Maybe women are not to blame,
In an instant your life can change.
Inspired by personal experience, one headline in the newspaper. Feedback welcome.
too much selfish
too much altruism
too much hate
too much love
too much hope
too much disillusionment
too many expectations
too much erudition
too much ignorance
too little respect
too little condescension

too much  selfish
leads to indifference
too much altruism
leads to cancellation of himself
too much hate
leads to war
too much love
leads to obsession
too much hope
leads to utopia
too much disillusionment
leads to resignation
too many expectations
lead to frustration
too much erudition
leads to the illusion of omnipotence
too much ignorance
leads to  unconsciousness
too little respect
leads to arrogance
too little compliance
leads to loneliness

what is the right way?
an excessive too much?
an apathetic enough?

of our lives
of our lies
of our perceptions of truth
of our perceptions of justice
our too much
or too little
or enough
are the aequilibrium
of our world?

the anachronistic belief
of  the different awareness
perceived as a resource
not as the tendency
of standardize everything
in a fake flat same
would finally
to peace
entropiK Nov 2010
i know nothing of you

but that you are anthropological
when you are inside unexplored diversities
that are not plums or peaches,
that you are a white siren with red nails  
and that you want my knickers
sent enveloped, and sealed with
plastic cobalt kisses.

i know nothing of you

but that when they say poets are not in season;  
you pluck me out lime-coloured and prematured
and tell me to ripen beside your afternoon tea
because you demand embryonic words
and pretty phrases that will keep you
animated and high.

you make me know not-

ions are unmarried clouds pregnant with ink;
yours are metabolic and invisible,
injecting sugar into my fallopian tubes.
you press your mouth against my sternum
and interweave your tongue with my heart,

                                                      we mould into a double helix.

you make us into nothing

but a genetically mutated flower
with two vulvas, collapsed between two pages
of a book that a ***** slapper would read
in the rain at two ams in between
****** acts and neon sunsets.
if you don't get it, i don't even know!!!!!!
Ugo Victor Mar 2016
Slowly but surely, the earth is dying
Landslides and earthquakes
Tsunamis and hurricanes
Summer heat all year round
Like a mid-summer nightmare

Those are not the real killers
Bomblasts and homicides
Crimes of color, religion
A life for more lives
Alive to take more lives
Not one day gone without an unnecessary death

Slowly but surely, the earth is dead
Buried in the same hope that was meant to save us
Religion and it's diversities; Science and it's ideologies More harm than good
And knowledge is the ****** weapon
Now we are bristling at the seams of the end
Weaving as if we didn't know, our very demise
Deeply obsessed with such sad irony
The saved don't want to be saved
They want to go to heaven
But for the unbeliever, anything goes
Let nature take its cause
Indeed, we are nature's beings, but
We have overwhelmed it
With our incessant addiction to hope
Never believe the news
It's much worse than it looks
But not all is lost; the red could save us all
Join the movement
Mayday Mars
Follow @maydaymars
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2018
How can you not talk about
death when it's just a world
only slightly beyond,
which soon must definitely
invite you home.
Being alive and yet dead,
and being dead and yet
fully consciously alive,
which one is more glorious.
The spirit within will always
take control of our being,
making sure that life is
sustained while in our earthly
body for the allowed
period of time,
whether healthy or sickly.
Being conscious of this
fact is very vital.
The visible and the invisible
world are like the pendulum
swinging circumspectively
overly spiraling around you
in precision at perfect synergy
in unison to the cosmic rhythm.
Perfectly interchanging
themselves in their diversities
and unique roles played
out in their own ways.
This is a plain truth for anyone
who approaches the world only
slightly beyond with an open mind.
With gladness the whole universe
responds to such a one with
assurance of a glorious life
free of ignorance.
Nothing is gained here really
only experiences to fully live
in the after life.
In that world beyond is
our lives made perfect.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Yenson Jan 2019
The air filled with discord on these killing days
I sat with Biko but did nothing to help but read Finer
Madiba sat busy in his cage mourning with the futile sages
In disquiet Lecture halls we called and voices rose higher
Then my errant pen rebelled and on paper fired in pent rage

Impertinent weeping heart wedded to agile immaturity
Spew words and scribble indictments bonanzas on fired lines
Tis the age of reason and now it's chimes for gospel solidarity
This is why 'n this is how to extract the sourness from the limes
Be it the irascibility of a fledgling's dossier handed to Authority

In that foolish morn and days of thunder the dye was cast
Vogue tirades in contemporary suits offers designer conclusions
The brothers of today embracing diversities in Structures vast
In palaces pigments open wide ensuing foreboding discussions
Flag immediately and contain for this is one that must not last

Biko sleeps peacefully with angels and rests in God's arms
Madiba walked free and danced freedom with all colours in tow
A nation finds itself with a bespoke tailor and plenty of new farms
Across the Atlantic a foreign voice was silenced and made to bow
For youthful innocuous tantrum yelling is not quite the ****** norm

copyright.12/01/2019@yensonAllrights reserved
Ashley Kane Mar 2018
I really hate those school Cliche groups
The jocks, the skaters the nerds
How did this childish survival ways bleed into our societies heart

I hate the way it sticks into adulthood
How sad as adults we still have this need to be liked and wanted by peers
So much
So desperate are we
That we
Hateful hateful world

I want to see strong wild men in the wind standing tall speaking there minds and saving the abused

stood next to them strong Amazonian woman equal and proud

Intellectual characters being right, debating discussing , RANTING on their soap box next to the argumentative and rebellious types
Sticking it to the man with all their might

I want to see the witty and the ****** speak up and say there peace
Socking reality and bluntness to you
Bowling over your cliche
And next to them ...
The advocate of the underdog standing  strong
I want you to hear our voices our views our arguments
I want you to stop bending and straighten your spine against the wind of oppression
To enlighten your fire your flame
Soul recharged
Eyes open to the realities and ignorance
To truly take into your conscious brain
The man
The rule
The emperor structure of unfairness of life
Stand against this gale with all your differences
Unique diversities
Proud to be that spark that can only shine like you do
I just want you to be the best you
(C) Ashley Kane
Angry writing after thinking about some injustices at work - I still get fustrated even in areas where it shouldn’t matter that we are a face fits society in many ways
marvin m brato Feb 2015
Man of legendary talent who
inspires humanity to unite and
congregates a million fans through
his magnetic songs that simplify
a thousand sentiments of humanity
exposing a multitude diversities
languishing in vague controversies

Just a human being who succumbed to
a lot of controversies in life just like any celebrity
continuing to survive by fighting the odds
kicking *** to assert certain innate rights
so that freedom may prevail in own self
over and above giving joy to others
now has come to an end in death
Lil' Tarzan Dec 2016
Lil' t spittin' this vital verse

See, what people have taught y'all is all a big curse

Reverse da world back to ice age
Da present is a control of species locked in a cage

To confuse leads to misuse of da higher self

T'is taught dat one must look taller to gain power to an elf

Lemme spit this in yo face,
Change yo views 'cause world won't be a better place

Body is da illusion representing jealousy turned into fusion

Negative vibes create themselves destroying da natural art

Stop walkin' round with a stick up yo ****
Realize rap is poetry of a parse

Hall nah, diversities don't set us apart
It unites all together as One

Man created fear to control pure fun
We must create our reality

The denser da imagination creates big visuality

World is all a big game
Rules destroy inner bliss

Famous peeps broke em' all
Hell ya they refused to fall

Peeps be focusin' on how to kiss,
Start lookin' at this ****** up mess
Watch carefully as man continues to possess

All bout' lies dat form
Y'all really believe there is such a norm?

Set yoself free from this trap
Ima end it by sayin' dats a rap
Jean Lin Oct 2017
We talk about breakfast
We talk about lunch
We talk about dinner
Sometimes "¿como estás?"
Or "buongiorno" "obrigado"
Even "aisiteru"

We fight with each other even when we speak the same language
We don't understand each other even when we share the same culture backgrounds
We hurt each other even when we live under the same roof

But most of the time,
We help each other even if we don't know the one who is in need
We offer comfort to each other even if the one who is suffering is not from our family
We hold hands with each other even if there is a war going on between our countries

Let's just forget about the differences we hold from each other
Let's learn to embrace the diversities we have against each other
Let's just make peace possible in this falling-apart world
Sorry, I'm here to promote my whatsapp group in which we chat in English

if any english native speaker feel like joining us?
Simon Jun 2020
What is life about, essentially…? It’s not made to course-correct consequences about engineering the symmetry of logic itself. It isn’t about diversity that completely and utterly traverses the calamities that surround one past to another, only to have it crumble up into little delicate crumbs. Which (I’ve got to say…) Will put you into extreme peer pressure, when “oneself” decided to differ from the “actuality” of it all…only to strike down at the “whim” that cast’s judgement upon (not your “soul”…) Since a soul respectfully, goes beyond both mind and body itself. While also completely and utterly traversing that which is entirely unmanaged by both mind and body as a unified whole. B-but “recognition” itself. Recognition only envisioned, until it was ALREADY too late! Too late, for what, exactly…? Someone asks tempted to feel both the “source ******* killers” that plead against your own wishes. Wishes that (even MORE s-so then before) tempts oneself who just only wanted to judge (against their own delicate fond wishes) to bless for a single plea in one’s very “functioning” life, every once and a while. Yet, that’s all fine and good… Until everything again, again and again…comes crumbling down! But not full of ashes… O NO! NO! NO! Seeing as how “ashes” don’t represent well with the decision-making oneself who’s then forced to make upon those “fond delicate wishes”... For the blessing of a single plea is then outmatched not by a soul, o-or even the speculating “crumbling ashes”, either. It’s more o-or less about what you (single-handedly) want out of oneselves represented expectations. For those don’t appear to agree within the “deep-seeded withinness”. Which is your entitlement at being within oneself. Or (more specifically) the entire “inside out” of a sense of self. Because self isn’t reprimanded enough, when the recognition in that deep-seeded withinness doesn’t appreciate the “commanding protocols”, when (recognition) doesn’t “fruitfully” become “self-recognition”. Since those very (“commanding protocols”) can’t then outweigh the constructive criticism of the “actions” that go into those very commanding protocols. Because before you know it, recognition is just a made-up enclosure to purge “self” clean…RIGHT OFF THE **** MAP! For no one’s very recognition in self, would become hurt, as if they (just like the soul) has emotions for a self to strongly persist the actuality of it all, to be MORE then certainly right! How is any of this, then essentially possible…? Well it isn’t, since I have no mercy for this subject raising it against my own hand full of adversities playing too smoothly for all to hear. It isn’t that basic. Nor is it simple, BY ANY MEANS necessary! That being said, who would this complete “written” passage define the stakes oneself is willing to take at FINALLY mustering up the pure courage of recognizing self in the details for the deep-seeded withinness? Easy. Because I wasn’t the one who wrote this. As it may seem to be that way of course, towards the facts given with all the “expressions” revealed about oneself entirely. True. But not quite I’m afraid. For this isn’t about me, as it’s so much about the consistencies of how I’m just a mere specimen to the unbound logic (to myself) then it is to the one who simply transcribed either the full thoughts, emotions o-or even feelings in (not one’s very brain o-or mind…) Since those details to bode well with the representation trying to filter out without “thoughts” to plug those inconsistencies dry! Meaning they get in the way of something you ALL KNOW BY NOW, that is truer than even what a brain or mind could EVER come up with. Because sometimes, efficiencies lie! As that’s not always a good thing for someone with an over-amount of dramatic “pressure” already exceeding their very limits on peer pressure itself. The one who first asked, became MORE profoundly confused, as if to “click and smash” HARD pressurized synapses together to make an “even functionality” produce a (well thought-out) ingenuity. Except for the fact you already know (ahead of time), before even thoughts have gotten the “gist” of it all and have made their mark. For peace is without options, if one is willing to pay the ULTIMATE PRICE at otherwise, thinking all is made to piece certain compatibilities together to share openly with. But you see, it’s NEVER that simple…now is it? So, what does all this essentially entail…? Nothing of the sort, except both a VERY complex (someone or something) without the diversities for regular thoughts. But for “feeling” alone that is not within the realms of typical majority “Science” to explain its efforts. That’s exactly why it goes beyond thoughts in general. For the heart to seize all efforts both the brain and mind ALWAYS have cooking up. Just to impress themselves openly. Except without what I’d call is, “open viewing points”. Open viewing points without clear morals full of different varieties without harbouring the “self” in the details for ample recognition to amplify the surrounding areas of that very flaw. That is, if everything is politely willing to self-declare everything, without masking some…”other intention” without knowing where the rights of that very “recognition” went off it’s path…LONG AGO! S-so who is the one simply transcribing this passage? Just like they have a simulation to co-operate it without the one they’re simply transcribing about, isn’t within arms length of the one writing about the “deep-seeded withinness” firstly. That my “narrating” friends, is the entire platform of plot transcribing its simulation for translations. Except now, it has it’s fully adaptable (self-recognition) fully operated. It didn’t speak like a regular person before. It just “transcribed, transcribed, transcribed”! Until FINALLY, it was able to require such an operating system, if you would. Only to have it distributed upon its original functionality. Transcending it’s seemingly and supposed pre-programming design. Just as the stereotypical “science fiction” scenario about AI gaining “sentience” overtime. Just as humans require emotions to express that very sentience also, overtime. And all for what…? Trying to understand the passageways of information, was like a GREAT data stream! Made to look too inconclusive of itself. Especially falling behind witnesses who never even heard of such a thing. Who is now basically contrasting something without the information to give into, without fully adaptable knowledge of how to properly stream the VERY ample data without any (“deep-seeded withinness o-or open viewing points”) leading oneself forward one piece of data (“riding the current of a steady calm stream”) at a time? Forward to what…?! The “oneself” who was seemingly instrumented to guess, had now become claimed by the instance of power known as the “high of confusion”. Now dramatically instigated without the proper intentions for “self” in the details to co-opt something together without (memory serves that oneself to “recognize”) something without knowing simply how? That’s because it isn’t one’s very “tempted individuality” in the details. It’s the entire platform of plot’s (I guess to call it an individuality of sorts) self-recognition for it to speak clearer without any information becoming seemingly false, flawed o-or finding a justified error upon its primary judgement. Which spawns a newer adaptable action among your oneselves very claims, without the desires to “flag” for something not as inconclusive, as it was before that individual had a VERY specific experience. That’s now entirely turned into an “engagement”. For engagements are simulations with enough focus in the already transcribed details among the “data stream” full of individual components known as “oneself” in order to “use” to adopt the correct hold. Just enough in order to “found” something without yet, enough recognition in itself to fully see how “they” could FINALLY see it for themselves. Especially of all things, understand lives choices without completely disregarding the common advances at which those very things come in contact with said, recognition. Except, how do you know which recognition is yours, and not the means to a VERY cryptic countermeasure made to judge with no realizations, except for an illusion for you to “essentially” believe in? Since before the entire platform of plot’s syncing event called the “separation”. It didn’t know how to tell itself apart from the difference in its own self, when it now has another half that’s made to realize MORE of such an “originality” then it is for its own self-recognition to be the originality itself. Even thou one could gamble at which came first?! Or which is TRULY the either blessing in disguise, or the mask hiding behind its own “shame” taking on a (all too well specified) façade of a living lie promoting a VERY false simulation? So, the actual manner of speaking to what ANY of this actually entails… Is that what is life about, essentially…? It’s not because you can’t EVER handle such a truth. Instead, you false yourself against more lies, in order to benefit the truth which is ALWAYS hiding just beneath one’s very underbrush in order to seek out a better recognized self, for “self-recognition” in the otherwise always dwindling limelight. That my very sense of selves and VERY tempted individualities, is what lives about, essentially!
Life isn’t about your (supposed) given choices on a regular daily basis. It’s about the already (seemingly) justified countermeasures that strike the “unbound logic” at you for (none being the wiser) to essentially hear. PS… How do you know you can trust your own choices of that very decision-making? Or better yet… How could you EVER try and support those very given "actions" towards what recognition in self, is truly trying to tell you?!
Irem Sep 2019
No matter how many we have diversities and
Nowadays they’re trying to tear us apart
We are all human at the end of the day.
We cry, we laugh and we love.
What really matters is our personalities that shape our heart.

Categorizing us depending on where we came from,
Putting us into categories and when we don’t fit them,
Calling out our names as ‘weird’ or ‘alien’.
Even deciding who to fall in love with instead of us.

Dreadful, dusty and rusty those minds are,
They think that everything should fit into their ‘categories’.
Don’t even know they that those categories don’t exist.
Emeka Mokeme Jul 2017
In the macrocosm
and microcosmic world,
There are diversities;
changing and balancing everything,
Above and below,
visible and invisible,
animate and inanimate things.
Beneath the differences of different
diversities are always
oneness of nature,
With the breath within the breath,
that balances and centres them.
So it is with human-
When you find that
balance that centres you,
There is always love,
peace,serenity,Joy and harmony.
Thrive always to find that balance.
That is the secret of inner beauty.
© 2017, Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved
Issac Zeppelin Jan 2019
Take a deep breathe
Feel the cool breeze
Breeze of change
Breathe the change
Live the change
Teach the change
And be the change

Accept the change you must
Teach the change if you can
Be a change if you ought to
For the new ones
For the old ones
And for the no ones

See how differences seem
Seem to be similarities
Notion of diversities
Notion of change
Notion of no differences
Altogether  the notion of similarities
Similarities in the difference
Difference in similarities
The truth of wrongs
The wrongs in the truth
Justified reality in itself

Change is inhabitable
The only truth
Only reality
Universal Grace
Pure Truth
Cool Change

Breathe in the air
Feel the change
Around, Within
And upon
Gourab Banerjee Nov 2016
do you remember
that walk hand in hand
that promises of infinite wishes
to be with you in all the way long
the cherishing moments
that momentum;you sigh on my shoulder
I felt your warmth
beyond the diversities
we accept one on one
you're mine Lady
fallacy is mortal so I'm a Poet.-26.11.2016
Mohammed Arafat Apr 2019
They born black,
They get attacked,

Not their fault,
It’s the assault,

Not their race,
Or their place,

It is the heart,
Tearing us apart,

They are human,
Good man and woman.

They are not white,
But having light,

And having right,
Not to have fright.

Being called salve,
They already forgave,

They go to school,
They are cool,

Some join universities,
Others have diversities,

Some become teachers,
With different features,

They are nurses,
They write verses,

They sing jazz,
But.. Whereas,

They treated badly,
And it’s sadly,

Making me write,
For their right,

That they need unity,
Within the community,

Mohammed Arafat
To those who are scared of being racisted, this poem is for you.
Everyone is in a battle field ,the course depends on which you wrestle against
Beings with baremouth filled with uncouth language surrounds us
A frail and feeble cotton mind buried in lies they pollute our lives with
Staining my hope for living
The stage gave me strength
I too am a fighter
Multiple eyes plants on my skin, focused on my lips as words made way
Whilst I rendered their world silent ,with truth flooding my eyes a disposition that raises brows
Gender suppression
Color oppression
Body shaming
Cultural and religious diversities
They are nothing but challenges to live better
Creating a world outside the beliefs and customs we're taught to  live by
Besides there's no blind thought in the room of wisdom
Today the sun rose earlier than it did same day last year
A beautiful reminder to the oppressors
An eccentric spirit I have
Who have wandered through the years of judgement fighting the course that had me in bed during dinner
Past tags there's more to be felt in human society
Representing the downtrodden with vain and Lain hearts
Transformation is found in each of their belief
A hope of arrival
Alongside an end to the death stakes littered in our hearts
Freedom is never granted until it is demanded for.
We all are structured by stories
From singularity to plurality
We are tales ups and tales down
Tale tells of uniqueness and exciting adventures.
Stories experienced and Stories told.
We are single stories mingling in diversities
Expressed and expressions of multiple selves.
We are individuals stories found in the collective
And collective in the individual.
We are stories in time and space
Tales of distant past and discoveries.
Legends and myths
Of one story and all.
We are truth ,contrive facts and fiction .
We are truth told, lies covered
The told lies and truth untold.
We are Mars Jupiter, Plato venus and earth.
We are ocean,sea and rivers. Streams, falls and ponds.
We flow and stagnant.
we are Alien,beast and humans
We are moon,clouds,Stars and Sun.
we are light and darkness
We are dawn,noon, day and night .
We are foreseen and unforeseen, stories rejected and Stories celebrated.
We are magic and miracles.
Circles and seasons.
You and me structured.
Emeka Mokeme Sep 2017
Don't tell me it's our uniqueness
that makes us beautiful,
There's no beauty in hatred.
Please don't tell me that our
different diversities make
us colourful and great,
Our diversity has brought us shame.
Don't tell me to be patient
because I can't stand this
unnecessary killing of my people.
Don't ever tell me that
it's going to be okay,
because it will never be.
Their sinister presence makes
me very uncomfortable.
Don't tell me to submit
to this forceful arrangement,
It is ungodly,
it is unnatural.
Nature from beginning
never made it so.
Who has ever killed his
children asking to go out
to the field to play,
Or asking  for bread to
eat when hungry,
Or forced a loved one to stay
in an abusive relationship.
I am sick and tired of being
sick and tired to see our youths
mowed down in our presence
while our elders watch.
My soul feels smouldered
by the pressures from
all these atrocities.
And now a godly abortion
has become necessary.
And don't tell me it can't be done,
Everything is possible.
©2017. Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved.
Ron Conway Jun 2019
A dove is just a pigeon
in the politic religion
Cuz pacifism's not a lot of fun
You might not know your pastor is
A fire-fighting arsonist
You know behind his back he holds a gun

Don't fret about his competence
The facts are of no consequence
So long as your agenda is upheld
And celebrate diversities
In ***** universities
There is no need for cultures all to meld

The temperature's not rising
Don't know who you have advising
The winter still feels pretty cold to me
In any case the cause of it
Is farting cows and penguin ****
The rest is just a wild hyperbole

Emeka Mokeme Jul 2018
It is not so easy to smile
when you are hurting,
not even laughter will come,
both will elude you.
They do not visit a hurting
lonely heart,
there's no joy within.
For the heart at the moment
is filled with the burden of the
harsh realities of life.
Awakened in you are
the subtleties of the real
energies within manifesting
themselves in their diversities to
help you balance yourself
in such a way that you focus on
the inner leading of your heart
to win your battle of self.
Strong self will is needed
to come back to reality.
No one can stop the obstacle
from invading your body but you,
for in transcending the
pain you feel within by the
share force of will,
the situation will finally abate
and the mind in control over
matter that's infesting your soul.
The hurt will cease and joy will return.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Brandi the Brave Jul 2021
To be popular is to be criticized, taken for granted, abandoned by society and lonely by envy.
I know so I grew up popular at church. I used to envy the rich because I grew up poor. I don't anymore. I am enriched with good memories.
I was the special needs kid that got people's attention because I could observe everyone's social habits and insecurities. I was spiritual and clairvoyant from a young age. I could discern things since I was 7. A lot of responsibility for someone so young.
Everyone in my small religious town knew my last name and expectations were given to me when I was a kid because I was mentally disabled as school called my neuro-diversities.
Popularity is worthless, just because someone knows a small percentage about you doesn't make you a star. You make you a star not other people.
Nurholis Dec 2017
Stop telling diversities
Once you praise uniformity.

Stop telling differences
Once you look forward to similarity.

Stop telling civilizations
Once you be quiet to barbarism.

Stop being sky
Once you draw religion symbol in it.

Stop being earth
Once you sow seeds of race on it.

Stop lying!
Yenson Aug 2019
That one just wants to draw attention
the inconsequential being devoting her life to stalling
screaming notice me I have been told I can control emotions
yet we see a fake bandit and even faker human
a coward with no worth in real life but with time to spare
a ridiculous name and boiled up damaged debauched persona
a put up caricature with delusions, a see-thru meaningless coward
this here is the pinnacle of achievement for a shamed westerner
sitting and producing a proliferation of anodyne diversities like a bull
in a China shop.........
The end is not upon us yet
There is still endless time~
To resurrect the wrongs on earth
To sing and drink life's wine~
On a planet such as we live upon
With it's many squabbles and all~
I still believe there is a way
To have lady luck pay earth a call~
With all the things here offered
And I'm not talking of gain or greed~
But of happiness and love and wellness
We all still as one could obtain indeed~
It could happen if all became united
And as a race all stood as one~
For all who dream this dream supreme
It well could be and done~
A planetary family
Regardless of the diversities~
Equality and togetherness
Could be for all the you's and me's~
We all would have to make a few changes
For the good of earth and mankind~
But it's just so very possible
Don't leave this truth behind~
It's not just wishful thinking
And it's not a fantasy~
It would only take one united decision
And all above could just well be~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 1988
My father how I loved him so
How in life I admired his strength of mind~
To endure all he indeed endured
Tp walk ahead and leave the past behind~
In his entire life since being born
He never was to do a wrong~
How I looked up to his being so
Tried to be half the man all along~
Regardless of lifes diversities
He always walked the straightest line~
A man who was ever true to himself
His values in life divine~
AA person so much one of his word
A gentle heart so good so true~
My father such a loving man
My dad the man I knew~
A free mason was he way back when
He lived his life above all wrong~
My dad ' my dad ' best friend Ive had
To me he remains my song~
How Ive strove to be half the man
My dad was in life to me~
From day one he knew the way
To do right till eternity~

Terrence michael Sutton
Copyright 1988
Some need to be re done / Read .. All true ..
terrence michael sutton
copyright 170
Michael Marchese Sep 2021
That further from her
Feeling grows everyday
At the edge of the land
Masses sinking away
We would watch the tides rise
And envelop horizons
Advise them to see it
On more psilocybins
Imbibe culture rich
Criticizing its glitch
And combine our diversities
Into this niche
We would thrive for all time
Within withering woe
Oh I guess only me
Wanted that deep to go

— The End —