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josh nunn Nov 2013
It's horrifying to think how alone I feel without a best friend.
No chommie, no bff, no partner in crime,
No nachos to my cheese dip, no cream to my chocolate suplime...

There's no-one I can really talk to-
No-one I can trust.
No-one I can tell all my problems to without Judgement or Disgust.

The loneliness is killing me, it's eating me inside out;
But it's fine, I'm independant, I'll have to be strong,
Even though I'm not a lone wolf, I guess that's how it's just gonna' be...
Well until one day, when I finally find another Me.
Heather Stiles Dec 2010
My friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad.
My friend, my buddy,
Through happy and sad.
Beside me you walk,
Beside me you stand,
Your there to listen,
Your there to talk,
With happiness, with smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
Throughout the years!
Tears may come and go,
But there's one thing i know.
All my life your a friend of mine.
you can depend on me
I'll be fine...
Cause your the number one bff of mine.
If your alone,
I'll be your shadow.
If you want to cry,
I'll be your shoulder.
If you want a hug,
I'll be your pillow.
If you need to be happy,
I'll be your smile.
But anytime you need a friend,
I'll just be me.
drumhound Nov 2013
(We were called the HUGI TWINS - pronounced hoogie - we still are :-))

We were joined at the mustaches
Of chocolate milk
And giggles
Daring preschool to challenge us
On the ****** journey
Of out-of-mommy's-sight.  

I sat next to him
Immediately taken
By his first words
"What's YOUR name?"
Like he had one he had to share
But knew it wasn't polite
To just blurt it out.
In those three words
He owned me
Whether he wanted to
Or not.  

We authored world conquering agendas
On short chairs
And nap mats
Giving away all our secrets
In shouting whispers of confidentiality
(Consistently amazed
Of our teacher's Prophetic thwarts).  

Batman and Robin plagarized us
For we were unity
Born to co-dependency
Birthed to this bond
Which we wore like an arrogant badge
Making jealous
All the other 5 year olds.  

Inside the doors
Of lower education
We were royalty.
In the outer world
We were famous explorers
Almost too famous
Passing on the one adventure
That caved in
On three of our friend's lives.  

The alley was the highway to everything -
The playground
The market
And Russell's house.
Russell was older
And our friend.
He made us important
Until we "matured"
And became the new cool.
That's how we ride
(ok, bike...).  

But then it happened  

My crime-fighting cohort
Was taken captive
By menacing parents
And forced to move
Across town.  

I would cry as he pulled away.  

Small towns
And single high schools
Demand one fact -
There will be a reunion.  

In the same marble halls
Which echo with the footsteps
Of our fathers
The dynamic duo reignite.  

Our chariot was legend
As the Hugimobile
In Starsky and Hutch red and white
Became our calling card.
Filled with flying manes
Obscure sports paraphenalia
And healthy egos
The Show was on the road.  

The residue of living was co-owned
In the trenches
His closet was mine
My closet was his.
Everything was communal -
We got our nickname
Buckin' hay
And selling family bibles
Door to door
Stopping with each victory
To generate business for DQ
One cherry coke and cone
At a time.  

But those are things -
Good things
But things nonetheless.

He is more
Than good things.
He is the anchor
Of faithfulness.
He wields forgiveness
Like a shield.
When others cut and run
He picks me up
Not only from enemy hurts
But from hurts that I have caused
On my own.  

Without reward
He has eaten the burnt goods
Of my friendship
And smiled.
He introduced me to humility
For which I can never repay.
We are forever friends
Because he is forever benevolent.
And when I In these years
Find that tender boy
He looks at me and says
"What's YOUR name?"
Strengthening I in my spirit
I reply "Hugi Twin"
Then remember I am something
Because of that unmerited favor.
Niko Walsh Oct 2013
When I was twelve,
my uncle told me that
when I got older,
I would only have enough
"best friends" to count on
one single hand,
and they would be the
best best friends I'd ever had.

And I can count my five
best friends,
but they are not
my best best.
Because they tug
and twist
and ****
and pull
on my heartstrings
in ways that could make
a grown girl cry;
and they do.

So I can tell you the names
of my best friends
that rip me to shreds
and throw my heart
onto a floor covered in
broken glass;
and you will be able
to identify the names,
because they might be your
best best friends, too.

the beast to slay them all,
pushing my desire
and reinforcing my disability,
reminding me that I have
nowhere to go
and everything to see

in my bedroom,
in my essays,
or in my brain;
all of them causing
someone (me)
to explode in a fit of
unwanted emotions.

Towards my schoolwork and
busywork handed to me
by middle-aged "can't-do-so-teach-ers"
that need a handful of capsules
to numb the pull to leave
just as much as I do.

in my brain's chemical makeup,
and my family's emotional one,
not to mention the relationships
I attempt to handle like a
one-handed juggler.

creating scenarios in my heart
that could never come to be,
leaving me in a perpetual state of

So now I will tell
my nieces and nephews,
sons and daughters,
or countless grandchildren
to never trust the ones that
try to make something different
of your heart,
because they don't really love you,
they love what the can make you become.
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Dear Gandia Guerrero,

Girl, I am going to miss you
like the world would miss the sun
Because you bring warmth to me
everyday that you are here

I am going to miss those times when you told me
That I was dumb, I was crazy cause
only you could tell me those things
With a smile on your face

You and me are like thick as theives
But don't theives leave
each other eventually
Lol, nah we ain't never going to do that
Cause I know our paths will cross some day

Keep your head up
Never let anything down except your hair.
Love you and I will miss you


Francisco D.H
Austin B May 2015
Spending the day with your best friend and then kissing her on the lips is one of the best feelings in the world.

Only then you realize how lucky you really are.
Dave Robertson Mar 2022
Bookends with fatty livers and bad backs
squinting at instructions
for another **** fool distraction
and the laughing, thankfully

On the walk, bees, butterflies,
catkin reminders of time and loops
and irregular pooping
as constants

Thankfully, laughing
requires just enough muscles
from those that still work,
but I’ll feel it tomorrow
欣快 Apr 2017
I don't know what to say, so I'll say nothing and write
everything down, I saw your face last night at the party
and I hope that it could mean I did something
can you save me from this thing taking my mind away
I must be dreaming, so I'll say nothing because I don't want
to take your breath away and you'll take mine away too

you were sitting on the bed of the truck next to the cooler
with your phone out, looked like you didn't want no best friend
around you as you pull the lighter out, it's 3 am and I must be dreaming
because that picture is still stuck in my mind, despite it meaning nothing
I don't know what to say, so I'll say nothing and write it all down
Ruth Forberg Jul 2013
So what if it's an ice cream fetish?
I'll relish in knowing I'm less ****** up than you.
I'm sad in an "Atkins diet is healthy" kinda way.
I'm so done that you need to quick!
take me out of the oven and carve me up for your family!
"Sorry, I think it's a little dry this year."
"Oh, no! Not at all! Did you find this glaze online?"
I can't stand being alone, which is normal.
If God is the DJ, he's not playing enough practical jokes.
Manda Clement Jun 2014
Alcohol you little devil
You did it again
Snook up on me from across the room and flirted,
Woooooo! I ****** love you!
Love your pints, your halves, your cocktails,
I crave your sweet wine breath on mine,
I love, love, love you!

My mind is hazy, crazy!
We dance
*** Karaoke!
The special kebab with chilli sauce.
Haha, stumbling, falling into the taxi

I wake and you are gone and your taste is all that remains,
oh and the stains
On my blouse
and I wake beside another all too familiar friend
“Hangover from hell”
He laughs at me
My head bangs from his taunts
I need paracetamol,
Coffee, double espresso
Kickstart me , reanimate me!
I wind my way to work looking like a car wreck
Just want this day to end...

But you have me, Alcohol you devil
Will I see you tonight?
Same time, same place?
I’ll be there
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
About 2 watch a m0vie
I'll b seeing it Through my eyes
I hope its ur face I find

Its been so long
Since I felt ths way
Dnt knw wht 2 say

Thrs no sense of direction
No commitment
Nothing tht wud make me run away

Not once did u judge me
On how I am
Nor hav u tried 2 change me

U r fine with wh0 I am!

U knw I can not love u
N0t tht I dnt want 2
But nxt 2 me u stand

Ur da only 1 thts different
Da way u stood tall 4 me
And defended me
No1 has eva done tht 4 me!

I knw ths 4 a fact
U & I will walk 2getha
Quite a distance

I'll be seeing you in my movie
I'll be waiting at da bar

Thr I will thank you
4 being da best I'v had s0 far
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2022
You may think you are special
Because you are rolling in money
And have lots of boyfriends
But the reality is as different
As chalk is from cheese
A person is special
Due to his/her character
Or what s/he does
You have a personality that is so shallow
That it would put even the Kardashians to shame
And that is saying something
You do not know the first thing about friendship
And yet consider yourself an ideal friend
To one and all
While you proceed to ghost someone
Whom you've known for years and years
All because of a silly comment
On a photo of yours on social media
Someone may be your BFF one day
And turn into a mere acquaintance the next day
For you, people are like bubblegum wrappers
To be used and thrown at a moment's notice
Of course, as we all know
There's no point in breaking your head over people
Especially in a our rather fickle-minded society
But when you act all high and mighty
As though you're always right
And everyone else is wrong
It really gets my goat
Again, you may think you are special
Based on money, good looks or the number of boyfriends you have
But all these will get you nowhere in life
Because, there will be a time
When you are in desperate need of help
And you will find
That the only people who can be of use
Are the ones whom you've already chucked
A rant against one of my former friends from Graduation.
Kelly Hogan Mar 2017
By the way, I'm
Feeling sad, alone, depressed, anxious,
Frantic, and seeking medication.
But you wouldn't know, you've
Forgotten me. Lost in your domestic bliss.
Friends get out of sync sometimes.
But I'm not blaming you.

I stopped calling

     stopped texting

             unfriended you on Facebook (LOL-not even my account....I don't have one) today

We've been friends for more than half my life

     more than friends from time to time (FWB....BFF....NSA.....OMFG!)

            and now it's like neither of us exists

Because you had to lie

     you had to hold out....lead me on

          to cover your *** for doing something I repeatedly told you to do (***!!??)

So painfully slowly I'm erasing you

      deleting you

           turning my mind off  you (IMY  :-(  XO)

Rickie Louis Apr 2013
My best friend is killing me within each and every breath.
Since I was just a child it's been planning on my death.
So long as I recall it's been the only friend around,
Taking all my stress and always there to calm me down.
So many friends have come and gone alike with all the years,
So many times to pick me up and help me fight my tears.
Had I known the fight, I'd take back every strike and strife.
Escaping every anxious moment isn't worth my life.
Eighteen years has come and gone and now I'm twenty-nine.
And death should be my strongest vice to get you off my mind.
And still I sit with you my friend these days make me regret,
The moment I decided to light up that cigarette.
colinfps Feb 2018
when did u change your name to memory?
Why do i think that name suits
you better than anything
i had every called you..
including.. best friend
you moved on, I moved on
but disclaimer, i dont miss you.
i dont even know you
i know what you were
i was friends with
what you were...
i miss who u were before this change.
i miss who you were before memory became your name.
i dont miss everything about you
i miss everything about who you were
and i dont miss whatever you have become
i miss the before..
who is the "after"?
and what you were is someone
who still exists in my mind
what you were to me back then
i still crave
all the time
cause i see that at least
the memory of you
is something that is still alive
dont tell the younger me
that is best friend is only avaible
for a limited amount of time
dont tell me the younger me
that i buried her in my past
letting her funeral
be my final goodbye
everything you were to me
no longer exist
no matter how much i want to deny
that you and i are not anything other
than stranger to eachother
ive never met
the you of today!
ive seen pictures but
the ******* instagram
doesnt even look the same!
the ******* instagram doesnt even remember
hearing me say
let me ask if we can hang out
and we can met eachother half way
half way
was just a catchphrase
we both said too much
when the road we were walking down
was the rope keeping us bound
but we were both losing
our touch
i wont deny to anyone you were my best friend
but i can teach everyone something
because you were also
my lesson on how fast friendships sink
and how best in "BFF" is not as good as you think
and how "forever"
is an overstatement
its not as long as it should be
you let the hands of your pain clutch you
you let it choke and corrupt you
i wanted to think
i was wiser when it came to us
but really it was just you
but that wisdom
has been drained
you lost a battle
to your own pain
was i your army
did i make the hurt weigh less?
and is that why now that im gone
you try so hard to make yourself weight less?
tell me what happened to that light.
tell me what happened
to your smile that used to shine so bright
tell me why your a lightbulb
that went out
why your done
tell me what happened to my friend
who once resembled the sun!
because we forgot about
meeing eachother
half way
we both turned around
ans started walking
the other way
and i wont look back
if i know you wont do that same,
i know you wont do the same.
so when did you change your name to memory?
why is memory still a friend of mine?
and why is she a better friend
to me than you ever were?
and why am i okay
with your replacement
your replacement being her
our end their wasnt any drama
it wasnt on any stage
and you have only gone behind my back
because i turned around
so we would both be facing
opposite ways
so rest in peace
the best friend
of the growing me
im sorry my memory have become
your cemetery and
im sorry we couldnt have stayed friends
because i didnt stay then
my memory will live on
even if your not livingwith her
rk Aug 2012
As soon as I saw the bottle of Prozac on your nightstand
I knew we would be
AM Aug 2015
She's my first tear catcher
my personal mood charger
we share stupid laughs together
and become each others' healer
she's the coolest life teacher
my idiotic picture liker
helping me to be a better stalker
each time my ex has another girl
she's the angel and the devil
knows me better than a fortune teller
she's my best of friends
she's my forever
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
"Stop It!" shouted the man
who was dressed in a ***** pin stripe suit,
eye glasses half askew on his nose,
ski-***** haircut sported since his youth.

My face turned blank, shoulders shrugged
not fearing this man's belligerent outburst
because I was used to it;
it was the hundredth time I felt it's sting.

I stood there, patiently and quiet
caressing my double bass violin
my secret seventh grade lover;
she had **** curves and a deep, soothing voice.

I stood there, impatiently and quiet
waiting for Mr. Heidrich to finish the lesson
focused on the third seat violinist
whom played without feeling, again.

I stood there, overbearingly anxious
tapping on the shoulder of my wooden BFF
my rendition of the William Tell Overture
A performance worthy of a Grammy!

The man in the ***** pin stripe suit,
turned and looked at me, scornfully
his half-bald head turned beet red
body shook violently like an earthquake!

The energy released from his gullet
would have made Mount Vesuvius jealous
fiery vocals of curse and rage
would have made the evilest of demons run for cover!

My face turned blank, shoulders shrugged
not fearing this man's belligerent outburst
because I was used to it;
it was the 101st time I felt it's sting.
dennis gunsteen Oct 2010
listen young ones,
life is like a roller coaster
with high an lows .
one thing i can say
don't listen to people
when they say hurtful thing
about you.
be nice an tell them ,
they are wrong for saying ,
bad thing about you.
be true to your self .
an love your self  for
who you are.
it ok  to reach out for
help. when chips down
an you are sad.
there is alway someone
to talk with.
a mom a dad ,sister ,
brother ,teacher,
a friend.
don't listen to bully.
when say bad thing
about you .
they are wrong,
for saying bad ,
about other  people.
listen to your self.
you have idea about
you are a  good  person
a great person at that.
with a good heart.
and people love you
for you.
you make people happy
make them  laugh.
with your warm smile.
it out to reach for  help.
when time are hard.
i'am so happy to  have you as a friend
my bff
i love you an everyone love  you
for you.
don't listen to them bully
you better then that.
you are a wonderful person
my strong
an stay in school an become
person want to be .
an proud for who you are
as person. my bff
Aliza Jennifer Sep 2020
Thank you for teaching me that BFF means 'Best Fake Friend'
I was unaware, But next I'll be careful
Somethings are hard to accept
~Aliza Jennifer~
rose14195 Jul 2015
I never realized you could fall out of love
i thought it was just an excuse
for divorced people
who never loved in the first place
did we love in the first place?
I didnt know you could stop caring about me
I didnt know I could stop caring about you
did i stop caring about you
Have i stopped caring
since when did i ever want to not talk to you
since when did we not want to be together
since when did your presence scare me
when did we scare eachother
when did us become a we
when did we seperate
I dont understand why we didnt stay with eachother
why we couldnt understnad eachother
why we couldnt be
but even that was a lie
because Im not sure
you where ever really my friend
my friend
are you my friend?
are you still there for me?
maybe you wont be
maybe we arent
maybe you still love me
but only if i could believe in that lie
because you told me
you no longer care about my fragility
you no longer care if im broken
you no longer care im hurting
you no longer
want to be next to me
we no longer will be
I'm sorry
but why
I'm the only one crying
when you are smiling
because you told me
the truth set you free
but it captivated me
now im stuck in a rut
stuck in a cage'
when i cant escape
I cant stay
in this charade
you broke my happiness
I can no longer last in this
you kept me in the shade
only to bring me to light
at the worst time
tell me im not wanted
when you where the only person i thought wanted me
as soon as i accepted I wasnt alone
you left me
you see
you made me get better just to send me back where i came from
what type of love
and you have the audacity to act
as if this will hurt you
as if you didnt do anything wrong
as if im over exaggerating
as if your better than me
your not better than me
just because i learned how to take down my walls in front of you
does not make me weak
It makes me stronger
than you
just because you saw the sad side of me
thats not all there is
I showed you I was fragile
but thats it
you wont see past what you think I am
to see thats not me
you wont see
Nina see me
you keep yourself in the dark
pushed us apart
so you can be alone
its not me its you
its not you its me
its not us anymore
there is no longer us
your just another person who took advantage
of my weakness
your just as bad as them
sorry nina lol I had to get upset and rant
Dhaye Margaux May 2014
You also believe in me
as I believe in you
You also love me
like I do love you
We both have that promise
forever we'll be friends
no matter what

Now that you're not around
your words are still here
in my heart
in my mind
as my light
and my protection
like how your wings covered me
when you were still here

I won't change
Because I will only make a pledge
to a very special person
I have met once in my life
and there will be no other soul
that can equal your kindness,
your care and love

Yes, you are a real gem
My precious friend
Best Friends Forever!
Destiny Copeland Oct 2014
The titles for you changed too quickly
We barely enjoyed the first two
But the last was a blast
Touching, kissing, and a whole lot of ***
In our third year I called a quits
I wanted love and you just wanted to hit
Now I'm feeling a bit green
While you ***** some new chick
But not because she has you
I just miss the ****
I'm glad we're still friends and that you still call
Losing you would mean losing it all
First love, kiss, and ****
All wrapped in one
Our relationship ******
But it was fun
Emma Azura Jan 2014
where we were last year was galaxies away from this
maybe you don't see it like I do
I'd give a lot to be there again but I wouldn't give everything
our *****-soaked friendship has been forever changed
by a few wrong decisions and a lack of words exchanged
Laura Mankowski Apr 2014
Today I realized I met you 4 years ago.
The exact date was sometime last week, and I wanted to check but I've burned everything you've given me.
Yes, the book went first.
One day you'll go online and see all the loving things I wrote about you, I've changed to hate.
That's not maturity.
(Neither was the fire really)
Ask me if I care.
That I haven't changed them,
Isn't forgiveness.
If you find it all, it'll break your heart.
At one time, not so long ago, that would have killed me.
Now I feel.... unphased, unbothered, uninterested.
You're just a memory who's clarity fades in and out along with my fondness.
This appears to be a lot of anger, a lot of hurt and bitterness.
So tell me,
Why does "Beast of Burden" bring me to my knees? Take my breath away? Break my heart all over again?
I've perfected *****.
Now I'd like to learn healing.
October 2023
HP Poet: Maddy
Age: 65
Country: USA

Question 1: We welcome you to the HP Spotlight, Maddy. Please tell us about your background?

Maddy: "Retired Teacher now Media and Digital Literacy Educational Consultant and writer."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Maddy: "Been writing since I was eight. Three years now as an HP member."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Maddy:  "Poetry wakes me in the middle of the night on airplanes and when I walk. It is still one of my best friends other than my husband, sister, and Best BFF Irene."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Maddy: "It is my friend and companion and is a precious asset. Without it my life would be empty."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Maddy: "Thoreau, EE Cummings, Sappho, MAYA Angelou, Carole King, Emily Torres, Mary Oliver, Millay, and many here on HEPO."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Maddy: "I love Travel, Photographer, Nature, Cooking, Theatre, Concerts, and Reading."

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to get to know you, dear Maddy! You are a wonderful addition to the series!”

Maddy: "Thanks and looking forward to it and your review of my book on Amazon."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed getting to know Maddy a little bit better. I indeed did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez (aka Mr. Timetable)

We will post Spotlight #9 in November!

Maddy: "My books 'Put Your Boots On and Dance in the Rain' and 'Beautiful Heart' are both available on, Barnes and and local bookstores in the US. My best poems are here on Hello Poetry, you can choose."

"Here are five of my favorites." - Carlo C. Gomez

Anatomy of a Poem:

Special Someones:

Isles of Skye and Iona:

Only You:

Beautiful Heart:
Example Alone May 2016
Best friend oh best friend where are you
I want someone down for me like id be down for them
Someone I know that will have my back and never to
turn the corner without looking back
Someone I share my thoughts with and has no judgement on me
Just making sure im safe at whatever it may be
And maybe they don't agree with everything but truly believes in me
Someone that knows me for right and wrong
Someone who's willing to show me the possibility in life to carry me on
Will help each other throughout thick and thin
Someone that holds my secrets and holds them deep within
Someone who will tell the truth at whatever it is
Someone who won't sleep with my girl or boy friend
Someone who defends me and my name
*when someone's talking smack we defend each other the same

and when we fight we get over it right
someone I can trust that gets over the fuss
I don't need a bully or someone mean
Just someone who's willing to be there when i need
them and I'll do the same

someone that when we get older will still be In each others life
And when our time is through either one will be
there to say good bye too

With all this comes the same from me to them
*I just want to find that true best friend
Infamous one Feb 2013
im the friend youd be glad to have
ill protect you with all my being
i want you happy the 1st thing
i want the best i want that for you
im so true thats the golden rule
ill watch out have your back
keep you strong if its strength you lack
ill laugh even when your not funny
i show interest when things are boring
on the way when you dont want me over
no matter what your welcomed over
call me **** is on your mind
i wont let you be blind
help you focus open your eyes
we could hang anytime
you could be my partner n crime
best friend i want you to know you were mine
For You- Butch my friend from Philippines ocean away to Cali U.S.A

FRIENDSHIP is like Red Rose in my Garden.

It is not the  sum -total on how many it BLOOMED

but unfathomable beneath the ROOTS thriving & Sprouting.

Purview as Emoting little some Some,

little Bored,

little Depleted

little sad, or yielding to the Inevitable!

Languish to anguish perhaps from  lack of vitamin 'ME"..Ahah!

Thereby stayed in touch, in Tuned

following  the thread   with ME.

My Friend so close yet Afar.

Truly Extraordinary,
wonderfully Smiling
and  adamantly Affirms:

"You  are D apple of my Eye!"
Every time WE see eye to eye in social networking  called Facebook
Through Cyber Space
The abounding witty comments of "***'s," "Ohhs "and 'AAhhs"
makes everyone amused with Awe of such silly antics we so accorded!

A blessing, a gift from God.

So unusual Diamonds so Alike
a  rare atypical like it! Uncommon

Not Phony friends out there to  deceive & Decry..
Succumb unlikely in Waterloo!

But You  definitely a Diamond to my passion!

As girl's BFF, a Buddy or a Sweet chum or Dude!
Not a Foe but Pal Forever.

And  just to let You Know , my Friend,
You  are  like a Diamond so brilliant
Found like a rare gemstone from a dust
who is never be a mere coincidence to bring JOY & Delight  
to the norm & Conform.

So for  now.. priceless friend like for me to treasure the friendship between Us.

Thank you, my Friend,

I will always be here & there for You as a Friend in Deed!
Kevin Rich Sep 2015
all I see
wishy washy
spoiled needs
you're good
if you can
do something
for me
need the air
that your breathe
but not before
I make you
believe in
you, there's
a beauty I see
foster creativity
within the
confines of
processes I
be alive
within the
along the
of my own
and life
Bec Miller Mar 2014
you get angry
at me
because your boyfriend
is mean
to me
and I won't take it.

and you choose him
over me
wanting to talk to him
and not me
and I miss you.

and I look back
at the pictures
on the rocks by the river
with the cigarettes burning
close to our fingers
and our hair in the breeze
and the smiles on our faces
and you were my best friend
and now you don't care
because you're always with him
and never call me
to share what's been going on in your days
and I feel like I don't know you.

and you definitely
don't know me.
Anubhuti priya Apr 2015
For my dearest ARSHI,
When I cried, you were there to hold ,
When I get heart beoken, when I as not bold,
When I feel half,
U make me feel laugh,
Whenever there’s rough times,
We were always there together
To shine,
When I was pretty and mad,
Even when I was ugly and sad,
You’re been through everytime in mercy,
And that a girl I call my ARSHI.
We may not sisters by birth,
But yes we are sisters by heart,
We have been bff from start,
I know we are not siblings,
But  for me you are such a lovely greeting,
It is really hard to say that how much I love you,
you might not belive,
especially since I am not with you.
No matter how far we are,
I still adore you,
Youre my sweet princess, in all view.
You are in billion just one!
Like you there is none,
I hope you will never change ,
Our friendship would nvr take rains,
Arshi you are my best,
Yes! All from the rest.
I always wished for a friend like you,
Who wld be close to my heart
And it came true, when I met you.
I know you’re happy there,
But I really miss you.
Today , on your special birthday,
What I only wanna say,
Thanks for being my friend,
With whom I always wanna stay..
Happy birthday aagain meri jaan…..

— The End —