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Feb 2021 · 1.1k
Valentines Roses
Roses are the perfect flower,
To brighten, any day,
A glorious fragrance,
Creating memories,
That will stay.

Roses often speak,
The language, of the heart,
As their beauty reflects,
A perfect work of art.

As they slowly open,
Into A perfect bloom,
Touching everyone's feelings,
As they enter the room.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 1/27/2007
Feb 2021 · 533
The Way You Are
When I heard your voice,
it made my day,
You turn me on,
in so many ways,
Our lives are as different,
as day and night,
knowing you think of me,
lights up my life.
I never know,
when I will see, you’re smile,
when I do, I can see it for miles,
I may never know, what you do for me,
I hope the future, is like the dreams,
Of you and me,
Because my love for you,
Will always be.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 2002AD
Feb 2021 · 268
The Most Loyal Critters
As humans, we should be the most important creatures to each other in this world today, why are so many homeless, and we let dogs live in our homes, and rule the house where they stay.

Most people would not even think of inviting a homeless person in for a meal, but the animals always have a full bowl, and their every move is such a big deal.

Many people sleep outside with only a sidewalk to rest their head, while the shedding so called pets, lay comfortable on their human’s bed,

Is it because our dog's always love us and never talk back, or because they are always ready to play, when entertainment we lack.

We never have to wait on them, just say the words "let’s go", and they sit by our side, when our day is moving slow.

They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way, and about the most loyal critters we will ever find on this earth, during our days.

Copyright Tom Maxwell 12/04/03
Feb 2021 · 369
A Lover & A Friend
It’s hard to find an honest person in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you is worth more than anything in this life that will pass your way.
Someone who cares no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms and when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short and another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish and be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with and share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end and you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
She was A fun loving girl,
That would brighten every day,
With eyes that would sparkle,
And steal your heart away.
Always so positive,
A bright future in her mind,
Whenever together,
Good memories every time.
Now time has passed,
It’s been over A year,
That free spirit inside,
Is confused hiding in fear.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us each day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.
Your spirit needs freedom,
That is so missed in your mind,
You can’t substitute that feeling,
Anywhere, anytime

Our physical body,
Can get lost, in these material days,
Often our choices,
Keep our spirit locked away.
Who we are,
Is our spirit,
that guides us where to be,
To the spirits of those,
That set each other free.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us every day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.

Tom Maxwell  copyright 3/17/06 AD
Feb 2021 · 393
Are You An Addict
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways,
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time, has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time, that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you, faith full watchers see a story about an addict on Tv, you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
If you train A young child to watch Four hours of television a day, and they live into their eighties, add up the years....
Feb 2021 · 293
Appreciate Your Basic Needs
There are people in the U.S.A. that think their life is so bad, if they had to move to the other side of the world,
they would appreciate everything they ever had.
In this country everything is taken for granted every day, most people could not imagine living in a grass hut,
that’s their life long home to stay.
A polluted river is their bath tub, and clothes washer too,
many Americans get excited about a spill on their shirt, so embarrassed, what to do.
A home without electric and other convenient luxuries, and they get by just fine,
in America if the power goes out, most people will complain, what to do with their time.
Everyone is spoiled that lives in the U.S.A., no one is ever satisfied, and greed makes them want more every day.
Soap, deodorant, toilet paper, and hair spray, many in the United States would not go outside without using, and never dream about working hard just for food every day.
The world is one piece of land, should it have stayed that way, separating it into countries,
caused wars, poverty, and greed, it seems to get worse every day.

                                                           Copyright Tom Maxwell 09/27/03
We can control almost any actions or thoughts, that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting, when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze, for days, we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control, to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you, at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature, in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps, from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow, if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.  

Tom Maxwell © 5/18/2003 AD
Feb 2021 · 157
We are tested in life in so many ways, believe me the hardest is when someone we love,
journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry, and offer anything they can do,
no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life, this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being, but often in our times of struggle,
we will receive guidance, help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand,
we must be strong and carry on, for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people, for the happiness and joy they bring,
not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,
always remember in a few short years we will also move on,
our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
We can measure, almost everything,
Ever the speed of light,
From the smallest particle of sand,
To buildings, that rise to the heights,
Even the temperature, or moisture in the air,
The size of our shoes, when we buy A pair,
To the meters in cabs, that regulate our fare.

There are things in life, we can not scale or weigh,
The enjoyment, we get watching the sun set, across the bay,
A friendship that last, with memories that stay,
We can not measure, how long we will live, until the end,
Or the trust we have, between our friends,
Not even the thoughts, that come and go, in our mind,
Or the amount of love, we receive, our give, during this life time.

                                           Tom Maxwell copyright 5/31/2003 AD
Feb 2021 · 273
I sit alone on the steps, watching people go by,
Never seeing a soul, never wondering why.

I listen to laughter, and stories, never hearing a thing,
For my life is so lonely, without you, and the joy you bring.

Some people pass, say a word or two, they try to talk to me,
The only thoughts on my mind, the visions, of you I see.

Tear fill my eyes, roll down my face, without you in my life,
All I do, is sit by myself, stare into space.

My thoughts of you keep passing through, as I watch the clouds,
Pass over so high, always curious, where you went, why you never,
Took time to say good by.

You strived for my existence, then just left it to fade,
I never seen it coming,  you never explained, just walked out,
and went on your way.

Someday, I may get over you, it might take A few years,
Now all I want to do, is sit alone, wipe all of these tears.

                                                        Tom Maxwell copyright 3/17/03
This life will always bring us new adventures along the way,
the only thing we can count on, is that it will come to an end one day.
Answers and confusion come and go all of the time,
some will bring smiles and others, tears from our mind.
People, places and goals, we seek during this life’s race,
Often, we have to choose, which one’s we will follow at our own pace.
Sometimes  we feel we are doing good and on the right trail,
then we find ourselves off to the side, hanging on to our life by the rail.
As we travel through this life, we will all have experiences that will turn us around,
we will never know what will come next, until after we hear our last sound

                                                        ­     Tom Maxwell 1/17/06
Feb 2021 · 292
We watch the clouds pass over, almost every day,
where do they go, do the same one's, ever pass by our way?

Some are so fluffy, like huge cotton *****, others so long,
like an enormous white wall.

So many shapes, with swirls, and waves,
sometimes they open up, like the entrance to caves.

They bring us water, from high in the sky,
they control our weather, to make it wet, or dry.

They can draw pictures, and words, as they pass us by,
they being us messages, as they float in the sky.

Clouds can give us so much beauty, as they reflect the sun's rays,
or be so dark, as they drop rain upon our day.

Floating so graceful, as they pass so free, to collect more moisture,
as they travel, across the sea's.

                                                               Tom Maxwell 01/14/2003
Feb 2021 · 161
Follow or Discover
Is it early in the morning,
Our late, at night,
It depends, where you are,
With the thoughts, in your sights.
To some, it’s normal, and right,
Others are sleeping, curled up tight.
You can live your whole life,
Following habits, what others do,
Or experiment, with every minute,
To discover, the best creative hours,
For You.

                                              Tom Maxwell © 02/03/2021 A.D. 1:37 AM
Feb 2021 · 258
The Most Loyal Critters
As humans we should be the most important creatures to each other in this world today, why are so many homeless and we let dogs live in our homes and rule the house where they stay.
Most people would not even think of inviting a homeless person in for a meal, but the animals always have a fun bowl, and their every move is such a big deal.
Many people sleep outside with only a sidewalk to rest their head while the shedding so called pets lay comfortable on their human’s bed,
Is it because our dog's always love us and never talk back, or because they are always ready to play when entertainment we lack.
We never have to wait on them just say the words "let’s go” and they sit by our side when our day is moving slow.
They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way and about the most loyal critters we will ever find on this earth , during our days.
Copyright Tom Maxwell 12/04/03
Feb 2021 · 124
LOVE is trust
                             LOVE is a dream
                             LOVE is a feeling
                             LOVE is a team
                             LOVE is dedication
                             LOVE is a few tears
                             LOVE is a relationship
                             LOVE last for all your years
                             LOVE will give you signs
                             LOVE is peace in your mind
                             LOVE is great joy
                             LOVE takes time

                                            Tom Maxwell copyright 08/17/2003
Every one that every showed true love to me, my parents,
Both siblings, the lady I married, are all resting in graves, no children,
strange thought or not, will there be anyone there to cry, when I die ?
Feb 2021 · 169
Are You An Addict ?
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, and a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, and then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time,
has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time,
that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you faithful watchers see a story about an addict on TV,
you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                 Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
Such a beautiful scene as I look out my window,
everything is so peaceful not even A echo.
The dominate color is white from the years, first snow,
as the sun begins to rise it reflects a blinding glow.
The white ice crystals doing a balancing on the branches of the trees,
as the temperature rise’s they begin to melt and fall so free.
The bird taking turns landing on the feeder with care,
such small delicate bodies to withstand the cold winter air.
The bright red cardinals are the only bold color my eyes see,
as they sit on the deck rail waiting their turn while keeping one eye on me.
There is a gold- colored fox across the creek on the hill,
such a beautiful creature as he sits at the top so still.
I can hear a noise the drip of water as the snow begins to melt away,
enjoy the beautiful things you love in this life sooner or later they will fade.

                                                  Tom Maxwell copyright 01/08/2005
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
Feb 2021 · 131
Another Lonely Night
As I lay in my bed alone at night,
I wish you were here to hold me real tight.
Feeling your warmth and those kisses so sweet,
just thinking of you, my heart starts to pick up the beat.
Remembering those time’s you were here with me,
such special memories they will always be.
Wondering when I will see you, it could be any night or day,
you just knock on my door, and your special love always shows me the way.
You answer my dreams, then you are up and gone, and I’m the new subject of a sad love song.
You’ve been hurt before you’re afraid to open your heart to me,
you know how I feel and the love I have for you, that will always be.
So much love to give you, it brings a tear to my eye,
you will never know what we could have if you don’t ever try.
I know in my heart you may never just want me,
then my thoughts of us forever, just dreams they will be.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/14/03
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
Feb 2021 · 100
A Lost Special Friend
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
Feb 2021 · 160
A Lost Special Friend
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
Feb 2021 · 129
A Part of This Life's Plan
We are tested in life in so many ways , and believe me the hardest is when someone we love , journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry and offer anything they can do,
but no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being,  often in our times of struggle we will receive guidance and help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand, we must be strong and carry on , for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people for the happiness and joy they bring,  not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,  always remember in a few short years we will also move on , our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

           Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
Riding the train, holding the rail,
Waiting for my next stop, and future trail.

As most of this journey, traveling all alone,
No past life baggage, looking for, or following me,
As morning & nights pass, where will my next stop be.

Mom left for heaven, six months ago, with her earthly log,
My only family connection, and responsibility now,
Taking care of Ginger, her old yellow lab dog.

As I look down the tracks,
I thought I felt, A drop of rain from the sky,
It will always be tough the rest of my life,
To keep tears, from falling, out of my eyes.

Tom Maxwell copyright 3/2/2019 AD  11:00 AM
Jan 2021 · 264
My soul, Family, Moments
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.      

Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
Jan 2021 · 423
A Picture of Winter
The winter cold, has come our way,
Everything is covered with snow, on this sunny day.
Squirrels raiding the bird feeders, to ease the hunger
In their mind, as the birds circle, above,
Waiting for their feeding time.
Some resting, on the branches, of trees,
That the fallen leaves, have left bare,
Such A peaceful, beautiful site, as I,
Look out my window and stare.

                                                                     Tom Maxwell ©  12/19/2005
Jan 2021 · 140
What We Leave Behind
Our bodies, as we know them now,
One day will be all alone,
Burnt to ashes, or buried, inside A coffin,
Six feet under A stone.
A known fact, most of us will never know,
In advance, how we will leave this life,
We are passing through today,
Why, so much hate, and anger,
Which is mainly supported by greed,
While knowing this life, A very short stay.
As humans, we act, talk, as the most
knowledgeable, creatures, alive today,
In reality, we have learned, from others
Almost everything, we do or say.
How we eat, dress, who we accept,
or disagree with, how we share,
or be selfish, we teach, leave behind,
As we help shape the next creatures,
After our very short stay.

                                               Tom Maxwell © 01/30/2021 AD 12:00 PM
Jan 2021 · 334
The Magic of Snow
As the white translucent ice crystals, fall from the sky,
their shapes, and beauty, always seem to put A gleam, in our eyes.

They fall through the air, as they float to the ground, always,
so peaceful, until the wind blows them around.

Flakes of frozen water vapor, such A natural thing,
we all have special memories, of the excitement, they bring,

Each flake is different, in their own special way,
just like the people we pass by in our life, everyday,

There is more than the beauty, we see with our eyes,
everyone is enlightened, even strangers, have time, to say hi.

The snow, can slow down, our daily pace, the magic it spreads,
brings us closer together, in this world of race.

                                                   Maxwell copyright  12/27/2002
Jan 2021 · 402
The Original Plan
God created this beautiful planet,
Which renews, all of our survival needs,
He also created all of us equal,
Everyone sharing, loving caring,
Was the idea of the original plan, for us to see,
Then humans created money,
Which is talked about, worshiped,
More than God today,
Greed for the money, is what causes,
Separation, pain, around the world,
In every corner, of all the land,
It's time we reverse, to the original plan.
Jan 2021 · 187
A Colorful View
A beautiful blue bird,
Landed so softly on the redwood,
Back deck rail,
A grayish body, with black, white, and blue markings,
From its head to the tail.
A very strong tough bird to survive,
The changing weather, and environment,
Even though they look so frail.
A background of nature, all a dark green, as far as I can see,
As I look out my window, to the west,
Across the old pond,
There are a few brown branches,
On a dying ash tree.

                                                                                                                               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                              5/26/20 AD
                                                                                                                             7:00 PM
We live in A world of bad thoughts today,
We accept people are satisfied, when they have nothing to say.

There are many helpful, generous actions, that happen all of the time,
From the news media, to daily conversations, the worst is the subject,
In everyone’s mind.

The people that announce the weather, A daily number game,
Thirty per cent chance of rain, why not seventy per cent, it won’t,
They get paid the same.

We know we will die, not the time or way,
If an investigation, finds alcohol or drugs, they are sure that was the
cause, how do they know, it could have just been that person’s day.

Actually, this world is not so bad, and unkind,
It’s the way, ideas, and words are presented,
To make us think, it is getting worse all the time.

                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell © 07/28/2006 AD
I wrote this 15 years ago, it seems the attitudes, has gotten worse!
Jan 2021 · 131
A Relaxing Moment
The bright color of their yellow flower,
Wild mustard, line the creek side,
As I look out my window, sitting comfortable inside.
A dominate color, of the season is green,
From the zoysia  grass, to the fifty-foot trees,
Through the screen, I can hear the birds sing,
As they seem to float by, with the breeze,
A very natural scene, as far as my eyes can see.

Tom Maxwell © 06/17/2020 AD 3:10 PM
Jan 2021 · 149
Deja Vu
Have I been here before, it all seems like a dream,
I can remember the sounds, and describe the seen.

Is it a day dream I remember, or a memory from one at night,
Or someone's energy I received one time, as a quick flash of bright light.

Did I see the future, take a look ahead of my time, or am I just,
A little crazy, with an imaginary mind.

I know what your thinking, what your about to say,
the way you will explain it, how your emotions will play.

It's happened so often, over the years, in my time,
As if I had the script, stored in my mind.

When I think these thoughts, I never know which ones,
Will come true, when they take place, it's all so clear,
everything is there, even what we are about to do.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/17/2003
Jan 2021 · 158
Everything Works Together
Think about those worms, that wiggle through the land,
They loosen up the soil, so the roots of plants can expand.

Those plants give off oxygen, to support life, on this earth each day,
Some provide the food we eat, and give shelter, to animals, that prey.

As those critters grow, living their lives in so many different ways,
Some of them will be hunted by others, eaten as a meal someday.

Every living thing on earth, works with or for each other, in some,
Special way, all of the plants, and creatures, need one another,
To stay alive to see the next day.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/05/2003 A.D.
Jan 2021 · 279
I Lost Another Day
It’s two A.M. in the morning,
As I walk out the back screen door,
A beautiful light covering, of snow, on the ground,
As I stand on the sidewalk, in the chilled air,
Looking at the reflections, of lights,
The sun will rise in A few more hours,
The snow will slowly, melt away,
For me in this life, I lost another day.

                                                       Tom Maxwell ©   3/8/2019 2:00 A.M.
If you have never,
Lived across the waters,
Strange terrain, from,
Our homeland,
The brotherhood & memories,
You may never understand,
The hell, our veterans, lived,
For us making many stands,
Living, training, fighting,
For the people & our land.

Good friends, by their side,
When ever fireworks started,
Many fell, like flies,
The hardest one's to swallow,
Those who never had A chance,
To say good by.

A Thank You, and Honor,
To All Veterans.

Tom Maxwell copyright 2/25/2019 AD 6:00 PM 1800 HR
Jan 2021 · 261
Dreams do not Last Forever
I have lived many dreams,
The first few, I didn’t realize, I was,
Until they were over, they lived their time,
Dreams do not stay, in our life forever,
We must join the ride, when they pass by,
Most only appear one time, in this life,
Follow your dreams, or always wonder why,

                                                                                                                                                     Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                                                                                  2:40 PM
We dream about many things, often we do not realize we  are living , a dream,
At the moment, we are enjoying, the excitement they bring...
Jan 2021 · 176
A Writer’s Thoughts…
To write Poetry,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                      Tom­ Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
Jan 2021 · 195
Our Travels & Journeys
Each of us are very unique,
More than obvious ways,
Hair, color, shape, size, face,
Just our outer shell, during this stay.

Thoughts, from past experiences,
Our travels & journeys through time,
We are all A mixed breed, of sort,
After centuries, think back in your mind.

Any two people, will not always agree,
If to much time spent together,
Humans, sea horses, may be one other,
The only creatures, that try to mate forever.

Respect, learn from, enjoy others,
None of us are perfect, our actions, ways,
We are in this passage of time, to grow wiser,
A short lesson, preparing us, for future days.

                                                                        Tom Maxwell © 12/13/18
Jan 2021 · 139
Back to Dreaming
I had A dream,
I watched,
As it faded away,
My time moves on,
This moment tomorrow,
Will be known, as yesterday.
We should not expect, every thought,
Will become, real and true,
There is only, one thing we can count on,
Ourselves, what we do.
Most dreams, we picture other people too,
Sometimes, it takes longer to realize,
They are not on the same page, as you.
Should I just give up hope, turn away,
Or call it a learning experience,
Back to dreaming, today.

                                                    Tom Maxwell© 1/1/2021 A.D. 3:30 PM
Jan 2021 · 163
It Was Handed to Me
Will I be living my time alone,
For the rest of this life’s stay,
Long days, and night’s,
Entertaining my mind, in many ways,
All the people, that ever loved me,
Are now resting in their graves.

A thought, always in my mind,
Why this situation, was handed to me,
With no one to, talk, or plan with,
My future does not look to bright to see,
Is there, a reason, that it happened,
Should I try, or just let everything be.

                                                         Tom Maxwell©
                                                            8/5/2020 AD
                                                              12:15 AM
My parents, both siblings, the lady I married, have all died, no children,
I've had to turn A page, start a new chapter.....
Jan 2021 · 169
A Lover and Friend
It’s hard to find an honest person, in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you, is worth more than anything in this life, that will pass your way.
Someone who cares, no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms, when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people, you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short, another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes, all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish,  be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with, share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend, to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement, you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories, or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend, is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize, if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end,  you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help, no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
Jan 2021 · 552
Books on Shelves…
Books on shelves,
Knowledge from someone’s mind,
Ideas, purpose, or reason,
Words from A moment in time,

Many read,
Everywhere, every day,
Very few remembered,
Future generations far away.

Lie’s, fibs, and tale’s,
Leave’s on A windy day,
Truthful visions in words,
Guidance during this earthly stay.

                   Tom Maxwell 11/09/06
Jan 2021 · 353
Sooner or Later
All of us have inner hidden dreams,
We hope, wish, in time will come true, in some way,
We often miss, or pass them by,
Hoping for a better situation,
Then after time passes, we look back, and wonder why,
Life will always have road blocks,
We detour, or avoid, not to change our ways,
Then sooner or later, we find our spot,
Where we feel comfortable, and stay,
We can not compare, everything we see with our eyes,
If we wait to late, some decisions,
we will look back and cry,
Sometimes our emotions, give certain signs,
That only others, can see, we can pass them by,
Missing a part of our life,
Where we were supposed to be.

                                                                        Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                         06/10/20 AD
                                                                           10:30 PM
Jan 2021 · 219
Always Listen
Always Listen

We create our own ambitions,
Convincing ourselves, what we would like to achieve,
In our dreams, then bringing ideas out, to real life someday.
We accept and agree with others, who do the same,
For moral support, even if they are failing their goals,
Falling away.
We should always listen, to experience, take time,
Try new options, understand, realize, we are the weight,
Holding ourselves down, often a simple attitude change,
Will turn our life, and ambitions around.
For most of us, our daily routines,
Someone showed us at one time,
To bring something new in our life,
We have to let something else go, that holds us behind.

                                                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
Jan 2021 · 136
A Special Sign
This life, is so short,
It’s measured in years,
If we are lucky,
We shed more smiles, than tears.
It’s full of excitement,
Rewards and fears,
We meet, a lot of people,
Only a few friends, we can trust so dear.
We will all have tough times,
Part of this life’s journey, today,
We never know, the length of our stay,
It’s our choice, how to live every day.
We all have beliefs, and want more,
During, and after, this life time,
We all need directions, and paths to find,
None of us know, when we will be given,
A Special Sign.

                                          Tom Maxwell © 1/23/2021 – written 7/3/2014
Jan 2021 · 67
When we have an idea, that comes up in our mind,
Electric impulses are created, then sent out by the brain, through space, and time.

Most people can not control, how intense, or direction, when they Leave, on their way, a gifted person, can send and receive, messages, never knowing when, time or day.

The thoughts, are strong,  when they leave the mind, They can go,
Through walls of buildings, not following the laws,
Of space, and time.

More than one person can receive, the same signal, when they are traveling, out there, many are not, and just break up,
As they travel through air.

Most messages are received, spontaneously, with our,
Unconscious mind, our brain does not have time to eject them,
So fast, in a very short time.

Everyone has some psychic ability, it's not a supernatural,
Mystical thing, as some believe,
It's just part, of being, A human being.
Jan 2021 · 211
Balancing on a Thin Line
This life we live, is made of dreams every day,
Some we will live and see, others slowly fade away,
Some will change our path, how we work and play,
Others we will look back, wishing we would have stayed.

We never know, what the next moment, may bring,
When starting the next day, we hope to hear birds, sing,
Knowing were always balancing, on a thin line,
There are days we are thankful, that we did not end up in A bind.
                                                                                                                          Tom Maxwell© 2019
Jan 2021 · 61
How to Rearrange
You had a dream,
Then set your goals,
Invested your time,
Now living, the roll.

Years have passed,
Your ideas changed,
Also, physically too,
\How to rearrange.

Risk what you can,
Keep security inside,
Head either direction,
Our bodies, waiting to die.

This one journey, so short,
Of our future, and past,
Enjoy adventure now,
Any moment, your last.    
Tom Maxwell ©
life changes accepting
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