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3.7k · Jul 2019
Pluto Jul 2019
I see you!
My past, my pain, my former shadow!
The vessel of my existence but the emptiness of my soul!

I see me!
Enveloped in false aspirations of gods, kings and legends
But there are no more than men who walk among the same muck that YOU and ME have between our toes !

I see us!
Never the butterfly from the cocoon
But YOU a moth to a moth... from ME a moth into a moth... to US a moth is a moth.. I am a moth... and will be a moth.

I see them!
Whispering... consprising... admiring... desiring...
Yet they look like YOU, sound like ME, move like US, act like THEM but ask who am I ?

I see I...
Holding a knife...hands and face covered with blood...breathing heaviness and relief...
You're dead ! Finally !

I see YOU in the mirror. Feel ME in darkness. Hear US in my head. Speak to THEM when they want. But never believe in I.

They are all me who I only see but who am I is still my misery/mystery ?
3.0k · Jul 2019
A brief encounter
Pluto Jul 2019
My Self love

will be the best love...

...but your love

was the worst drug
For a brief moment in time I fell in lust
But tried to convince myself I'm in love
We frolicked in our absence and presence
of pain and pleasure
I felt the current of our destination drifting us to the middle of the ocean
Where finally only the one who wishes to swim out of the drift
Would need all the strength to swim back to shore

Learn to know the love you need and want
No matter the unintentional desire
Or self destruction will become your best and only construction
2.1k · May 2024
Breaking Generational Curses
Pluto May 2024
Quit yelling at your kids and expect them to sleep well
Quit yelling at your kids in the morning right after they wake up, before school and expect them to have a good day
You set the tone for your children
You set the tone for YOUR voice that they will always remember in their heads
You become their inner voice
Don't be their inner critic
Let's raise kids who don't need therapy to heal from their childhoods
Speak Life,
Speak Love,
Speak Bravery,
Speak Kindness,
Speak Hope,
Speak wisdom and,
Speak Truth
Most of all listen to your children. Be their safety net. Be their Home

-Michelle Sorenson, M. ED
1.3k · Aug 2019
Pluto Aug 2019
You smile
I smile
You laugh
I laugh
You cry
I cry
You leave
Do I follow ?
Let's hold hands as we walk along the thorns that will bleed our feet, sands that will slow our journey and pasture that we will build our home
1.3k · Oct 2023
A road to understanding
Pluto Oct 2023
...healing can be so hard when
your inner child wants love,
your teenage self wants revenge and
your current self only wants peace...
1.2k · Aug 2019
Pluto Aug 2019
I often glance at you
But fear my eyes will get trapped in your gaze
Like staring into the sun
To the point of unconsciousness
My mind drifting through space and time

And then...


Your head shifts away and the spell finally...

1.2k · Jun 2022
Pluto Jun 2022
Are you happy ?


Why are you happy?

I just learned how to love myself...and I have so more years to experience that with my family and this what it feels like to be alive.


I never want to feel sad again...
Only this year I learned how been selfish can be bring happiness into my life. Being selfish doesn't have to equate to any needs wanted in a negative way but the needs to what's important mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.
1.0k · Aug 2019
Pluto Aug 2019
I hesitated
But offered you
The key to my soul as you wanted
And watched you scrunch through
My love
My hate
My beautiful
My ugliest
As I see me

is all i hear from you

Did my pain infest you ?
Do you now detest me ?

Tell me that I'm fine
Or at least worth it

To be loved and to love
Whatever that is these days...
Time may heal all wounds but all wounds still leave scars
637 · May 2022
Pluto May 2022
As my body sinks into the deep blue ocean and stares towards the moon light glittering across the calm sea

The vast emptiness surrounds me as silence deafens my ears

Cries of laughter and sadness pulsat from across the void onto the hairs of my warm skin

The dark abyss behind me whispering and ecoing...

Share me the pain that consumes him
The joy that excites her
The fire that fuels them
And the misery that lingers in their shadows and envelops their very existence

I exist in limbo... a place of uncertainty between the extremes of bliss and misery

The abyss whispers behind me
The void overwhelms my senses
And the moon light's reflection of lingering hope

...offer me your hand and free me from this hidden burden or my suffering will carry to the end of days...
545 · Aug 2019
Sweet poison
Pluto Aug 2019
god !!!
now !!!
498 · Jul 2019
Sleep now...
Pluto Jul 2019
I was born
I must live
But when will I die ?

I don't fear death
I welcome it with
With open arms
In fact... I ask for it...

Only wishing for a
A peaceful slumber
Not a violent dismiss
A kiss of death
Not a psychedelic cataclysm

But the black dog that used to be down the block
Now I hear him daily running a mock
No cage or chain can keep him in place
He finds his way always confronting my face

With endless thoughts racing my mind
Encapsulating my soul which I'm still yet to find
Deafened by words of unworthiness
Death beats loudly on the door calling for my answer !

Please stop...
Let me... drop...
Sleep now...
Let me...drown...
You were hidden in a place I thought strong enough to hold you...unable to give me pleasure nor pain. Now that you roam free...
You swing from a pedulum of death and life...
From sunset to sunrise and sunrise to sunset...
444 · Jul 2019
Pluto Jul 2019
Breathe !

I softly lay my lips on yours
With eyes shut and only the sound of my raging heart calling your name

BReathe !

Our toungues wrestling like komodo dragons
With blood rushing through every inch of my veins

BREathe !

I dig and scratch my fingers into you back
Trying to claw my way into the very essence of your soul

BREAthe !

I pause and push you gently and become lost in your pale blue eyes once more
I see the ocean...the sky...the stars...and reach again as your pupils dilate


My body pulsates as I call your name
Like a man drowning in the ocean


Please stop...I softly whisper in your ear
With my last death do as part

391 · May 2022
EXIstenTial crisis
Pluto May 2022
The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve
But a reality to experience it
A process that cannot be understood by stopping it
We must move with the flow of the process
We must join it
We must flow with it

Let go...
369 · Aug 2019
Pluto Aug 2019
Aspire to walk among those you see as
...but humble yourself
And remember they walked in the
334 · Aug 2019
To be or not to be...
Pluto Aug 2019
A life living everyday
And feeling the emptiness of death


A life living everyday
Anticipating death with exhilaration
We plan, calculate, anticipate and concentrate all too much on what we want
For us...
For them...
And for you...

But we forget too often we were
And will live...
And will inevitably die...

Yet our minds are feed with overbearing knowledge
Our images with illustrious illusions
Our hearts with blades to pierce and rooms to enclose
But our souls drink poison from our very own cups

Take the path unbeknownst to you
To feed your soul the remedy to your melody

— The End —