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Maddie Kramer Nov 2014
1st month:
                  you laughed at all my jokes and kissed me gently. you seemed        to live for every word i said and gave me all of your attention.

6th month:
                   you held me like i thought only you could. you started to kiss me harder and tell me stories of your past, and you would laugh at them and i wouldnt discover why they were so funny to you. i gave you all of my attention.

1st year:
               i recycled the same jokes and you pretended not to notice and would chuckle. you hands traveled up my shirt and i pretended not to notice as you would unzip my jeans and wink. it was a big game to you and i gave you all of me.

1 year 6 months:
             you cheated on me and i still let you play me like the sudoku games you loved so much. i stayed with you because i was so dependent and i pretended not to notice that when you kissed me it didnt mean anything anymore, and i gave you all that was left of the shell of me.

2nd year:
              i broke up with you because she gave you more than i could. you told her all your stories and she understood why it was funny. she used my jokes and you laughed. i had given you all of me and didnt have anything left more myself.
and im nothing like myself anymore
It takes many a year to become an overnight success!
Indulgence in a glass snake of Pinot Griego
Dancing the night away on the rooftops of London,
My dress torn from the wind
And your face streaked with rain.
The warmth, internal joy
A false happiness blossoming from alcohol and music.
Explosions of light that I jump to,
Falling into your strong arms
That keep me grounded.
My lips pressed to a cigarette,
Smoke curling into my nostrils as I wheezed and you laughed.
I remember what you told me,
"Suicide never tasted so good."
And me, in a drunken haze:
"Tastes like death's doorstep, my love."
And so we danced the night away
To the tune of New Years Eve
Smoking cigarettes in the rain
Bringing our old habits
Into the New Year.
Hannah Nov 2014
I have always loved
the seemingly insignificant wrinkles
near someone’s eyes
the tiny lines
etched through skin
carving out lakes
and canyons of memories
filled with happiness
and laughter
water droplets
forming a canyon
from years of joyous tears
trails created
by a runner,
wonderful runner’s high,
adrenaline coursing through
his body
blazing trails
through the tiny lines
engraved like an epitaph
on a gravestone
her laugh was
and always will be
her most beautiful feature
laid upon her well worn face;
the unmistakable imprint
of a life filled with joy
Hello Margaret , it's been thirty years now to the day .
Gee I would like to ask how you are but that seems silly now anyway.
Hard to believe it's been thirty years to the exact day .
Thirty years since you took your life away .

Angel is all grown up now with two children of her own and another on the way .
When I asked her if she wanted to come she looked down and said , "Tell her I love her ."
It still bothers her unfortunately .

Me ? Well I grieved for years and finally crawled out of my hole . I met Ann and she has made me whole .
You know I love her as much as I loved you . It's just another kind of love , different than the love I had for you .
She's waiting over there inside the car . She understands how I feel and will always be that way . We have children now , two of our own . I think you would love them if it were left to God alone .

But it's not about me that brings me here today . I just had to see you and just wanted to say that I still love you and will never change my way . And for some strange reason I thought I would hear you say you feel the same way too ,
Mylz D Wade Oct 2014
Seven years,
Several tears.
As he raises his hand, once again,
Striking it down, upon his kin,
He sees something different in her eyes.
There is no love.
There is no hate.
There is no emotion,
Her eyes are faint.
And with her sight,
It brings him pain.
One of which,
Has no name.
His punch drunk love
Was such an error.
He took a stand,
To end his terror,
Casting a bullet,
At the man in the mirror.
SevenYears ManInTheMirror
Tyls Oct 2014
It was the middle of 7th grade
I had just moved away
My dad called me into the living room
And told me that you were gone
You had gotten into a car accident
Going home from cheerleading practice

You died by the time
The sun rose the next morning

I remember going into the store across the street
Just a few days after I got the news
I went to the register with my snacks
And there was a cup filled with money
It had your cheerleading picture on it
It’s the same picture on your grave now
Your dad was trying to raise money for your funeral

...The one I didn’t go to
I regret that

From the second I met you in 2nd grade
Up until December 22, 2009
You were the one very best friend of mine
Nobody celebrated Christmas that year
There was nothing to celebrate
It’s still hard to think that you’re not actually here
Dawson lost his sister in the car accident
Even though he was in the seat next to you
Your dad lost his daughter in the back seat
Even though you were hit on both of your sides
That’s the first time I really felt loss
You were there one second and then
…you were just gone

I didn’t have multiple best friends
It was just you

In 5 days, you would have been 18
and probably jumping off the walls
Maybe we would have gone roller-skating
Like we did on your 12th birthday
You are my best friend Taylor C.
Not a day goes by
That I don’t want to tell you everything  
But I know you’re up there cheering for me
Like you did when were were kinds

5 years with you
Seemed like 5 seconds
These 5 years without you
Have seemed more like 50 years

Happy early birthday, Tay
I wish you could have been here
Because, I miss you so much
Every day that you’re not here tears me apart.
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