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Xan Abyss Oct 2014
Once upon a time there was a lonely creature
Mind always shrouded in darkness
Hopeless was he, without a prayer for salvation
Dwelling forever in the abyss

But then one glorious afternoon
An angel's light broke through the gloom
They were both far from home
In a land they didn't know
She held out her hand
And asked him to follow

And the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could him back

They journeyed together in a far off land
Where all they had was each other
It was there amongst forests and lakes
The one fell in love with the other

The demon and the angel, together but alone
The demon's cold and bitter heart, no longer made of stone
The angel brought him peace
Showed love to a beast
From his pain emancipated
From his sorrow, now released

And the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could him back

They knew they had to return home
But he could not say goodbye
The thought of losing her forever
Ripped through him inside

But in the end, they parted ways
And he returned home
Back to the abysmal gloom
Once again alone
Before long she disappeared
Never to be found
Then the pain, the sorrow and loss
Pulled his soul back down...

And to this day he wonders why
Why he couldn't say goodbye
And to this day he's lived a life
Of joy and sorrow, peace and strife
But since that day he's watched the stars
And can't forget the ancient scars
Try as he might, he can't let go
Of the day so long ago....

That the demon loved an angel
She brought salvation to his pain
The demon loved an angel
She was his white rose in the rain
The demon loved an angel
His heart no longer black
The demon loved an angel
But she could never love him back
I wrote this when I was 16. It' the best thing I wrote at that age.
bucky Oct 2014
in the darkness he whispers your name,
and it's not a prayer, but it's not a goodbye, either.
war war war screaming at you from your sheets,
your pillowcase, that book lying open on the couch.
war war war underneath his fingernails
and all you can do is hold each other
(there's a heavy kind of magic in the air, today)
Olga Valerevna Oct 2014
I've holes inside my body no one's ever even seen
My skin is made of something that is thick enough to be
A layer of confusion in the eyes of me for you
But if you want to want me there is nothing I can do

I'll separate the years and cast them out upon the sea
And watch the salted water move, collecting our debris
"There's nothing left to carry," said the wave as if it knew
That we are not each other's, time has split us both in two
two years and going wrong
Daniel Mashburn Oct 2014
Diamonds mean nothing to the gleam that's in your eyes.
Stars don't shine as bright and they fall right out of the sky.

And though it's clear, my dear, that the smile still fades away.
You're off to better things but we'll meet again some day.

I saw the world burn but still you stayed the same.
A source of comfort as I slowly went insane.
Eight years and counting and it's still you on my mind.
I've kept it hidden, but I'd say it all this time.

I would say I love you.
Won't you say the same?
I would say I love you,
But I hate you anyway.

Won't you come home and save me from tomorrow?
I've become so numb, won't you come and save me
Justin Gabrielle Oct 2014
An incessant rain
brought everything
to a standstill.

At the moment time stood still,
my sight became
dotted with stars
and got lost in the land
of forty winks.

the crashing waves were an embrace.
my battered body, your glistening eye.
our hearts beat
in time to the rise and fall of the tides.
from this beach,
we look out into the future.
"let's live underwater"
"I will take you where only I know you &
nobody knows our names."

soon after, we were dancing
inside our own universe.
the stars are trembling in anticipation
for every kiss, every caress, and
every touch that we give.

"Take half of my heart.
Wear it like a ring.
This is a promise,
a promise of love that
creation conspired to create."

I wake up.
I wake up to the steady drumming
of the rain on the windows.
I wake up to a night where the
skies empathize with the surge
of feelings.

I wake up to the cries of heaven.
Depression is a deep dark treacherous pit,
in which confined me for years,
I'm just now starting to stay away from it,
I used to always get out and fall back in,
now I'm free of it.
I get sad from time to time, but I overcame my depression.
It's almost killed me more than once.
I had a hard life, drugs didn't help it.
I've been drug free for almost 4 months now,
and I'm more happy than I've ever been,
and I literally have nothing,
but I know that I don't have the anxieties I had when,
I was wheeling and dealing and running and gunning.
wrote this as a comment to someone figured I would post it since I do feel strongly about this. I've been clean for near 4months been trying to get clean for years and I'm finally getting it, I'm a lot happier now. I'm not trying to dog on drug users and dealers I'm just saying that it does work you do make money you do have fun, but I'm happier without that fun. I ruined a lot of lives and their blood is on my hands because of the things I did, I can never change what I've done, I can only change what I do.
liz Sep 2014
"I miss you though."
Is what you say to me
when I suddenly cross your mind
after all this time.
Time passes without parachutes
guarding these seconds.

Little do they tell you
about this thing called distance,
it's like a game of Telephone.
And I believe
that your last two words got lost in translation.
"I miss you though, not enough."
I wear the poppy
to celebrate
100 years
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