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George Krokos Nov 2020
The world seems to be
still in the grips of something
called Covid19

People are dying
and there are new restrictions
everywhere imposed

Like mass extinction
of the dinosaurs it seems
that went before us

Though they disappeared
when a meteor hit Earth
by an Act of God

As they were too crude
to express all God's divine
creative nature

We may disappear
due to a virus unleashed
by Unbelievers

Is God using them
to do the same thing with us?
scripture reference

The Asian country
this pandemic started in
is responsible

Are they trying to
take over the world by their
cunning persistence?

We must be aware
there are so many of them
long time preparing

Like a locust plague
which will swoop down to feast on
unprotected crops

They may go without
any warning to invade
a nearby country

With all the iron
ore they've been buying lately
used in construction

Cities and weapons of war
secret agenda

We must be all fools
if we let this go without
careful scrutiny

If the USA
leaves the region they're guarding
all hell may break loose

For what reason did
they go there in the first place
have we forgotten?

Super Powers are
known for balance of power
in war and in peace

Some Presidents should
reconsider leaving for
region won't be safe

It seems obvious
this is what the Asian threat
has been aiming for

With the pandemic
taking its toll in the world
futile resistance

Too many problems
at home to worry about
what happens elsewhere

United Nations
now all in disunity
due to the virus

That Asian country
had a major stake in WHO
to keep things quiet

People were not told
and ignorance played its part
now look what's happened

They stopped most local
travel but allowed people
to leave their country

Infected with the
corona virus people
were unaware of

For economic
and strategic advantage
to assert itself

Because of the fact
many countries had been made
dependent on them

With their cheap exports
of manufactured goods but
few original

It's needless to say
they're good with computers in
hacking and spying

The world's on its knees
and looking for a vaccine
time is running out

Don't be too alarmed
there is a cure and vaccine
being developed

In the meantime take
necessary precautions
to fight the virus

Otherwise you may
succumb to the infection
not advisable
Written in October 2020. Reads like a conspiracy theory and takes a deeper look into COVID-19 following on from an earlier poem with the same title written in Senryu verses.
George Krokos Nov 2020
These days there's so much emphasis
on social distancing and self isolation
it seems the authorities are taking a
hint from me with all of that regulation.
Though it's obvious to note we're told
to do it because of the corona virus;
well, it just so happens I've been doing
that for years, without all of the fuss.
But, whether we like to admit it or not
all people carry with them their own
type of contagious something or other
defining their life by which it's known.
A self explanatory poem about the current world situation. Written a few months ago in 2020.
George Krokos Nov 2020
It appears that we've reached a point
in time which is called a milestone.
It's evident this isn't an exception
for its passing catches up with us
and no one can move any faster
not that we are running away
from anything when we're
all heading into disaster.
You only have to look
around and see the
real extent of the
problem at hand
that is now just
closing in on
us all from
every side
to stand.
so close
it can't go
any further
but then has
to turn around
and go the other
way for everyone's
sake and not involve
some type of deception.
If you're wondering about
what's been said or where it's
going all I can say is to hold on
the time's coming for you to see a
familiar sort of shape with the words
expressed meaning its time has run out
and must be reversed in order for it then
to start again in a similar way bottoms up.
Written in October 2020. Inspired by current events and some of the other word art poetry that I've read previously posted on H.P. Thanks for the inspiration.
Yachika Sharma Nov 2020
Sometimes I crave for a loving heart,
Who has not been touched or torn apart,
But it feels like this world is not meant,
For a soul full of desire compared to art.
Michael Luciano Nov 2020
I can see the whole world around me burn down slowly flood lights flowing who's that calling?

She's coming in as she is a force of nature some scorching vapor burn down slowly the world is paper.

Doing business with the native Village full on Savage sun is falling full of Ashes.

See the storms they crawl across the Horizons backside I seen them last night Monsoon high tide.

The way she's moving is awfully crafty looking at me see her eyes now full on dry spell.

See her burn across the daytime Blue Sky sight seen bird's-eye last try midnight.

Fall into a bottomless void now soundless crying bodies flailing Scorch them slowly.

Drowning deep beneath the ash clouds song now fastlane hightail driving snail's pace.

We drag our bodies across the daily grind stone burning scrapes hurt long-lost neighbors.

I seen her eyes among the fleeting vapors funeral pile burn down slowly the world's on fire.
Michael R Burch Nov 2020
I Have Labored Sore
anonymous medieval lyric (circa the fifteenth century)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I have labored sore / and suffered death,
so now I rest / and catch my breath.
But I shall come / and call right soon
heaven and earth / and hell to doom.
Then all shall know / both devil and man
just who I was / and what I am.

NOTE: This poem has a pronounced caesura (pause) in the middle of each line: a hallmark of Old English poetry. While this poem is closer to Middle English, it preserves the older tradition. I have represented the caesura with a slash.

A Lyke-Wake Dirge
anonymous medieval lyric (circa the sixteenth century)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The Lie-Awake Dirge is "the night watch kept over a corpse."

This one night, this one night,
every night and all;
fire and sleet and candlelight,
and Christ receive thy soul.

When from this earthly life you pass
every night and all,
to confront your past you must come at last,
and Christ receive thy soul.

If you ever donated socks and shoes,
every night and all,
sit right down and pull yours on,
and Christ receive thy soul.

But if you never helped your brother,
every night and all,
walk barefoot through the flames of hell,
and Christ receive thy soul.

If ever you shared your food and drink,
every night and all,
the fire will never make you shrink,
and Christ receive thy soul.

But if you never helped your brother,
every night and all,
walk starving through the black abyss,
and Christ receive thy soul.

This one night, this one night,
every night and all;
fire and sleet and candlelight,
and Christ receive thy soul.

This World's Joy
(anonymous Middle English lyric, circa early 14th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Winter awakens all my care
as leafless trees grow bare.
For now my sighs are fraught
whenever it enters my thought:
regarding this world's joy,
how everything comes to naught.

How Long the Night
(anonymous Middle English lyric, circa early 13th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

It is pleasant, indeed, while the summer lasts
with the mild pheasants' song...
but now I feel the northern wind's blast:
its severe weather strong.
Alas! Alas! This night seems so long!
And I, because of my momentous wrong
now grieve, mourn and fast.

Adam Lay Ybounden
(anonymous Medieval English lyric, circa early 15th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Adam lay bound, bound in a bond;
Four thousand winters, he thought, were not too long.
And all was for an apple, an apple that he took,
As clerics now find written in their book.
But had the apple not been taken, or had it never been,
We'd never have had our Lady, heaven's queen and matron.
So blesséd be the time the apple was taken thus;
Therefore we sing, "God is gracious! "

The poem has also been rendered as "Adam lay i-bounden" and "Adam lay i-bowndyn."

Excerpt from "Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos Fuerunt?"
anonymous Middle English poem, circa 1275
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Where are the men who came before us,
who led hounds and hawks to the hunt,
who commanded fields and woods?
Where are the elegant ladies in their boudoirs
who braided gold through their hair
and had such fair complexions?

Once eating and drinking gladdened their hearts;
they enjoyed their games;
men bowed before them;
they bore themselves loftily...
But then, in an eye's twinkling,
they were gone.

Where now are their laughter and their songs,
the trains of their dresses,
the arrogance of their entrances and exits,
their hawks and their hounds?
All their joy has vanished;
their "well" has come to "oh, well"
and to many dark days...

Westron Wynde
(anonymous Middle English lyric, found in a partbook circa 1530 AD, but perhaps written much earlier)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Western wind, when will you blow,
bringing the drizzling rain?
Christ, that my love were in my arms,
and I in my bed again!

NOTE: The original poem has "the smalle rayne down can rayne" which suggests a drizzle or mist, either of which would suggest a dismal day.

Pity Mary
(anonymous Middle English lyric, circa early 13th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Now the sun passes under the wood:
I rue, Mary, thy face: fair, good.
Now the sun passes under the tree:
I rue, Mary, thy son and thee.

In the poem above, note how "wood" and "tree" invoke the cross while "sun" and "son" seem to invoke each other. Sun-day is also Son-day, to Christians. The anonymous poet who wrote the poem above may have been been punning the words "sun" and "son." The poem is also known as "Now Goeth Sun Under Wood" and "Now Go'th Sun Under Wood." Here's another poem from the same era:

Fowles in the Frith
(anonymous Middle English lyric, circa 13th-14th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The fowls in the forest,
the fishes in the flood
and I must go mad:
such sorrow I've had
for beasts of bone and blood!

Sounds like an early animal rights activist! The use of "and" is intriguing... is the poet saying that his walks in the wood drive him mad because he is also a "beast of bone and blood, " facing a similar fate?

I am of Ireland
(anonymous Medieval Irish lyric, circa 13th-14th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I am of Ireland,
and of the holy realm of Ireland.
Gentlefolk, I pray thee:
for the sake of saintly charity,
come dance with me
in Ireland!

Original Text:

Ich am of Irlaunde,
Ant of the holy londe
Of Irlande.
Gode sire, pray ich the,
For of saynte charité,
Come ant daunce wyth me
In Irlaunde.

Keywords/Tags: labor, labored, sore, sorrow, sorry, death, rest, breath, heaven, earth, hell, doom, devil, man, lyke, wake, dirge, Christ, Christian, soul, soulmate, world, joy, ubi, sunt
Big Virge Oct 2020
So When It Comes To Poems...
My Styles Are... FRESH... !!!

When It Comes To Subjects...
Like How We Humans BLEND...
And CREATE... Children... !!!

Or How We Choose To Defend...
Acts of... FOOLISHNESS... !?!

Like Those of VIOLENCE...
And Race IGNORANCE... !!!

The Type of Freshness...
That I’m QUICK To DISMISS... !!!

My Inks SO Fresh....
When It Comes To My Text...
And Insightful Concepts...
That A LOT of Heads...
Just CAN’T Comprehend... ?!?

How It Is That I Utilise My Mind...
And Am Able To Find Fresh Lines of Rhyme...
Pretty Much... ALL THE TIME... !!!

That Are ACCURATE...
As Well As... ADEPT...

When Speaking On...
This World And It’s WRONGS...

The... Environment...
And This NEW VIRUS... !!!

That Threatens To END...
Human EXISTENCE... !?!

Because of Governments...
Whose Heads Seem HELL BENT...
To CONTROL Populations...
Across WORLD Nations... !!!

A Vibe That’s STALE... !!!
That Will... Entail...

CONTROLS That Are Used...
To STOP What’s TRUE...
From Being Heard...
Or Being Viewed...

Because of Tools...
Now Used For Work...

And To TRACK The Herds...
Whose Health Rocks Nerves...
Because of New Curves...
Where Corona DISTURBS... !!!

FRESH Liks’ of Things...
That May Prove To STING... !!!

Like These... “ Women “...
Who Are Fresh Like TRICKS...
HUNGRY For Some BIG ****... !!!

Ya See I’m Fresh Like THIS... !!!

Them Gyal’ Right There...
Are Some DUTTY *****... !!!!

My Freshness SCARES Because It DARES...
To DISMISS Wares That These Devils Share... !!!

Cos’ When It Comes To THEM... !!!

I Care Like BEARS...
That Are Trapped And Snared... !!!

So They Should BEWARE... !!!
of My Verse And Poems... !!!
Because They WON’T Be Penned... !!!

So I Guess That There...
Prepares This For The End... !!!

of These Words That Express...
And Make CLEAR To These Heads...

Who CLAIM To... “ Be The BEST “... !!!
That They’re Flows Are WORTHLESS... !!!

Because UNLIKE MINE...

They’re CLEARLY NOT...

........... “ Fresh “.........
I can get like the poem says, from time to time, when it comes to my rhymes
Big Virge Oct 2020
It Seems That...

For This Phrase I Now Share...
That Clearly Will SCARE... !!!

For Heads Now Aware...

That The World...
May Be Heading...


WITHOUT A Barbarian... !!!

Willing To FIGHT...
For Basic Human Rights... !!!

NO Conans’ In Sight...
In The Daytime Or Night... !!!

Because of A... VIRUS... !!!
That’s KILLING In Silence..................
NO Guns Or LOUD Sirens...
Or... Criminal Violence... ?!?

Just Infection Rates RISING... !!!
And Voices INCITING...
All Kinds of RETIREMENTS... !!!

That’s Right Like The FREEDOM...
To Simply Keep BREATHING...
WITHOUT Muffled Speaking...

Because of Mouth Covers...
Applied Now In Numbers...

Masking of Faces...
In All Kinds of Places...

Freedom Displacements...
For New Age DICTATORS... !!!

And Policy Statements...
Constantly Changing...
That Are Rearranging...

Where Humans...

Restrictions Now BLATANT... !!!

DYSTOPIAN Flavours...
That AREN’T Doing Favours... !!!

To Voters And Quotas...
of... Election Pollers...

Because of Race Bating...
And Uncle Toms Making...
All Kinds of Dumb Statements...

Because They Are Playing...
The Game With These Racists...

Who’ve Learned How To Hide...
What They Feel Deep Inside... !!!

While DYSTOPIAN Vibes...
Are Now BLOWING Minds... !!!

Because of The LIES...
That Leaders Provide... !!!

Black Women And Guys...
Now With MEDIA Ties...

Whose Tongues Now Seem TIED...
To These Forked Tongues And Whites...
Who... Apparently NOW...
Think Racism Should DROWN... !?!

An MLK Dream ......
Like That of ... UNITY... !!!

That May Be A NIGHTMARE... !!!
When MONEY Now BUYS...
Black Minds Who Comply...
With DYSTOPIAN Vibes...
That Now Are IN SIGHT... !!!

Because They’ve Been BOUGHT...
Like... REBELLIOUS Thoughts...

of Those Who REFUSE...
To... Join Up With Crews...
Who Use Cash To Consume...
And YES... Employ *****... !!!!

The Type Who’ll Pull Moves...
For... Supremacist Dudes... ?!?

Who WON’T TRUMP Racist Groups...
Who Are Running The News... ?!?

Like The Type of Tycoons...
Who... Now Seem To USE...
Black Bourgeoisie Tools...
Like Scientists Who...
Are... Creating FEUDS... !!!
Because of VACCINES...
And CORONA Based Speech...

That Is...
FRIGHTENING Heads... !!!

Who Seem...
ANYTHING That Is Said... ?!?

By Them And The Heads...
of Todays Governments...

And Gangs Now Hell Bent...
On Recruiting CHILDREN... !!!

To ENSURE Their Drug Movements...
... AREN’T Captured By Feds... !!!

And The RISE of NEW TECH...
Where Cash Like Most Humans
May Become... USELESS... ?!?

And Become POWERLESS...

CORRUPTION And Functions...
... DYSTOPIAN Driven... !!!

A Future Where Children...
Are Simply FORBIDDEN...
From Making Protests...
Because of Swab Tests...
And Tracking That Shares...

EVERY... SINGLE Movement...
That They Make With Their Friends... !!!

This Is... JUST A POEM...
That Speaks On New Trends...
And Things That COULD...

With What’s Going On Now...

To See Freedoms REMOVED...

While The TRUTH Is Confused...
And TWISTED By Crews...
Who Are FEEDING Us News...
That Is LEADING Us To...

A Future Where Freedom...
Is Left In The... Bleachers... !!!

A Future That SCARES... !!!

And The Vision It Shares...

of The Future Prospect...
of What May Just Come Next... ?

A World That’s ENSNARED...

In A.....

... “ DYSTOPIAN Nightmare “...
Just a few thoughts, after watching the first, Biden vs Trump debate, and more importantly, the incredibly biased, and sensationalised reporting, that has immediately followed...
Mansi Oct 2020
You are remarkable
Don’t forget it

The world
May tell you
You are not good enough
to be there

But listen to the
Little voice in your head
You don’t need the world
You have you
And your tribe
Strying Oct 2020
I want a passionate love
One that consumes me
One that takes me to highs I could never imagine

But love these days is limited
If you love someone too old, too different, the same gender
It's wrong
People move away

Things are spoken, and thus the magic disappears
Just as magic is expected to do

And yet, I want a love that consumes me
A love that rarely exists in this world
And I may never have it.
Just some thoughts about love.
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