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Sometimes, I can't sleep at night because the only thing that clouds my mind is the night I was *****. It happened four years ago but yet, here it is, like a fresh wound opening up in my chest. My heart aches for me, for every person that has ever gone through this. Someone took away something that wasn't theirs to have.

It keeps me awake at night now more than ever because I am pregnant with a little girl. I couldn't even keep myself safe from that horrid thing happening. How can I be sure to keep my little girl safe? How can I bring a human being into this world without that guarantee of safety? I can't even sleep at night thinking about it.

I just want the world to be a kinder place. For everyone.
Don’t forget to check out my book on Amazon!
Link in bio!
Shofi Ahmed Oct 2020
So concentrated solid is the perfect circle
encompasses the ultimate irrational zero space
housing down the orbiting planets a standstill earth.

Ahead of seven seas so fluid is a muslin cloud in the air
spilling down all the moonlight if the moon splits into half
for that beauty spot there would still be a black moon night!
The hidden gem from down the bottom of the earth
splashes a drop of colour and sets the sun on fire!

Ever wonder if the potion in this cup gets down to half
it does but only to get down to a drop of elixir.
Without sipping in living with such a sound melodious
presence up to the other world before dying one could die!
Big Virge Oct 2020
Now We May Have Had...
......... A FEW........ !!!

Who Were Seen As...
........ “ COOL “........
Who Made Positive Moves...
To Uplift Black Groups...

But Here Is The TRUTH... !!!

Those of Us With DARK SKIN...
Are NOT Treated LiKE KINGS... !!!

We’re Just USED And ABUSED... !!!

And Then Used To CONFUSE...
About The... VALUE...
of Our Skin With DARK HUES...

What We Have Been Given... !!!

When It Comes To Our WOMEN...
And... Leaders Positions... !!!

I Guess I’ve ALWAYS Known...
When It Comes To... **’s...
DEEP DOWN In My Soul... !!!

How Things REALLY Do GO...
When It Comes To Prejudice...
That A Lot of Folks Hold... !!!!!

For Those With Light Skin Tones... !!!

Who Seem Happy To LAUGH... !?!

About... How DARK We ARE... !!!
How We Are LOWER CLASS... !!!

And WON'T Get Some HOT ***...
Without A... Light Skin Pass... !?!

They Run Talk That Is FARCE...
On Our... IGNORANT Past... !!!

And Our... Present One Too... !?!
But Some Truth Is Now Due... !!!!!

About The ABUSE...
That Goes Far And Beyond...
of How... Colonial Crews......

... Apparently Made...
Blacks Deal In SELF HATE... ?!?

When... EVEN Today...
There Are Nightclubs Around...

ALL Over The Place...
That... CLAIM To Play...

... “ URBAN Music “...
For Us Blacks To Get Down...

Where Those With DARK SKINS...
... THICK HIPS and Big Lips...
Unless They Are... RICH... !!!

And These Are Things...
That Have ALWAYS Been... !!!
Part of Places Like Bim’...
Or YES... Barbados... !!!.

Where Clubs Like...
... “ Harbour Lights “...
Have Been DEFINED...
To Me By... BAJAN Minds...

As A Place...
That Should Be Named...

As Being Harbour WHITES... !!!

Because Light Skinned Flavours...
Are STILL Those Favoured...
As Being Much GREATER...

Than US Melanin Kings... ?!?

Are Blacks Acting On THIS... ?
So That These Clubs DON’T Exist... ?

Because... In My Opinion...
These Light Skinned Dominions...

Should Be...
For Being That Way In The Modern Age... !!!!

But The TRUTH Is THIS... !!!

A Lot of Light Skinned Minds...
As Well As DARK Tribes...
Really Like To Play BLIND...

And Run ALL Kinds of LINES...

That Make CLAIMS...
... “That It’s Whites “...

Who’ve CORRUPTED Our Minds...
To Cause... INTERNAL Fights... !!!

There’s NO DOUBT That They HAVE  ... !!!

INDEED Built Strands...
That Have HURT Africans...
And DIVIDED Black Clans... !!!

But Look Around NOW...
Are We STILL UNABLE... ?!?
To... REMOVE Their Fables...
About Our DARK SKINS... !!!
When We’re Melanin Kings... ?!?

Especially When...
It Comes To The Names...
Who Were Quick To Trade...
Black People As Slaves...
To Those With Pale Face...
Who Were QUICK To Deal With...
Africans With... LIGHT Skin... ?!?

Take A Moment To THINK...

And Let Me Ask You All...
.......... THIS........ !!!!!

If We Now Ask Women...
Who They Find ATTRACTIVE... ?

When It Comes To Our Skins...
It Seems To Be These White Chicks...

Who Have The Least Melanin...
Who Are QUICK To LICK...
And Jump On Some DARK ****... !!!

And EVEN Have Some MIXED Raced KIDS...
Who Have YUP... LIGHT Skins... !?!
Because They’re The... HOT THING... !!!

Which Is Why They’re Now Seen...
So PREVALENTLY On Our TV Screens... !!!

Now Of Course Within SPORT...

Because RECESSIVE Genes...
AREN'T A Part of Our Being... !!!!

Dark Skins Are A FORCE...
As They ARE Now In... ****...

Where Girls Wanna Be BLACKED... !!!
Because They’re Earning Cash...
For Now Bedding Black Man... !!!

I DON’T Hear Any Blacks...
Really Speaking On THAT... ?!?

AFRICAN Americans... ?!?

It’s Pretty Clear That NUFF’ Blacks...
Are Simply... FULL of CRAP... !!!

When It Comes Down To WHO...
They Choose To... INCLUDE...
Within Their... “ COOL Crews “...

Where TRIBALISM Is Used...
To Create These ISSUES...

But We’re... “ Melanin Kings “... !?!

When Our FAMOUS Names...
From Marley To Manley...
To... Haile Selassie...

And Now The Don Lemons...
Are... Public Addressing...
And Clearly Are STRESSING...
That Black Folks Should LESSEN...

Their Talk That’s Suggesting...
That Black Lives Should Matter...
WHENEVER Their Shattered... !!!!

Even When There’s NO CAMERAS...
The... RACISM FACTOR... !!!

Where White Folks Embrace...
HATRED For DARK Face... !!!

And Now We Have DRAKE...
Who Is Now Seen As GREAT...
AHEAD of Big Daddy Kane... ?!?

From... F1 Chicanes...
To These Girls Gaining Fame...

Where Are All THESE KINGS...
Who Have THIS... MELANIN... ?!?

It’s An Interesting Thing...
DON’T They All Have...

.... Light Skin.... ?!!!?

And Now Michael Holding...
When It Came To Bowling... !!!

Has Broke Down CRYING... !!!
Those Within His OWN Kin...

No Wonder Poor Garvey...
Was Made To Leave Smartly... !!!

While Now A Man With MY SKILL...
When It Comes To Words Built...
of THIS... Poetic ILK... !!!

CAN’T Even Get PAID...
For My Melanin Brain... ?!?
In This... “ BLM Age “... ?!?

Aren’t These Things Somewhat STRANGE... ?!?

I Guess I Must Be...
A Black Who Now Needs...
To Learn My History...

When My REALITY...

That My Black Skin...
Is... NOT Something...
That Could Ever Make Me...

Be A...

... “Melanin King”... !!!
Funny how THIS Stuff, NEVER seems to come up, in all the fancy talk, in, Black History Month !?!
Big Virge Oct 2020
Ya Know...

I REALLY AIN’T About THAT... !!!

Running Chat That’s CRAP... !!!
To PLEASE These Clans...
of... CANCELLING Gangs...
Who Behave Like The ****...

of... Ku Klux MANS... !!!

DEMANDING Compliance...
Like... Racist TYRANTS... !?!

It’s A CRAZY Time...
Which Has Now CONFINED...

How People Express...
What’s Inside Their Heads...

I Mean What Will Be Next... ?!?

Cutting OFF Heads...
Because They’ve Caused OFFENCE... !?!?!

Well... Let Me INSPECT...
What Was Earlier Said...
Within THIS POEM... !!!

Censors In The Past...
Have ALWAYS Taken To Task...
Those Who’ve Used Their Art...

To Speak... FREELY...................
On Everything From The LGBT...

To YES... Queer Crews...
And Have QUICKLY Been Refused...
The Right To Sell Tunes...

That Were Deemed To Be RUDE...
And... HATE Filled Too... !!!

So These... Cancel Crews...

But Now The Ante Has Gone UP... !!!
Just Like ******* AFTER *** Stunts... !!!

But There Is NO LOVE... !!!
If You... Speak of...

In With Their... “ New Club “...

Kinda Sounds Like Stuff...
That Supremacists Run...

“If You’re NOT WITH Us,

And This Has Come...
Right From The TOP... !!!

From Politicians To World Governments...
Who Have WITHDRAWN Funds...
In Countries Where... Some...

REFUSE To Accept...
What Was Once Expressed...

As Going AGAINST...
What Their BIBLE Said..
In It’s Religious Text...

Which Was That...

“ God Would Be VEX...
If Those of The SAME *** !
Dealt In ******...

So What Came NEXT... ?!?


And That Is NO JOKE... !!!


The Lord’s NO LONGER Our Saviour... ?!?
Cos We’ve Got A NEW FLAVOUR... !!!

That We MUST ACCEPT... !?!
And FORGO What Is Said...
In The Book That Expressed..

What’s Been Taught To CHILDREN...
Since... WAY BACK WHEN... !?!

So Things Have TURNED AROUND...
Because of CERTAIN CROWDS... !!!

Who Will NOT ACCEPT...
The Type of IGNORANCE...

Because Racisms DEAD...
And DOESN’T **** Blackness... !!!

Now I'm NO... GENIUS...
But That's Talk That Is CLEARLY...

................ INCORRECT................... !!!!!

But These Words Are FACT... !!!
I REALLY AIN’T About That... !!!!!!!!

Are Their Skins SO THIN... ?!?

That They DON'T Understand... ?!?
That There Will ALWAYS Be Chat...
That OFFENDS Their CLAN... !!!

Like The FACT That RACISTS...
Will... NEVER Like Blacks... !!!!!

Because It Is … HUMAN...
To NOT Agree With EVERYBODY...
It’s Just The Way That People Be... !!!

But Now It’s CLEAR...
That We MUST ALL Adhere... !?!

To These CANCEL Clans...
And Their... NEW STANCE...

That Apparently Breeds Equality...
And UNITY For Humanity... !!!

Which Is PROVING To Be...
A Whole Load of... CRAP... !!!

So When It Comes To Their Plans...
To DICTATE That Our Chat...
Does NOT OFFEND Their Gangs... !!!

I Need To Make This CLEAR... !!!

“I REALLY AIN’T About That !”
Okay folks, as said, feel free to cancel me !!!
However, this is my stance, and i'm ENTITLED to it.
C Dalby Oct 2020
Birds are singing as they narrate people grinning,
The sky is blue and starred at night
We are done with the wrongs and now focus on the right
Days are spent doing nothing and life occurs without a plan
No more flames when leaving that metaphorical pan
Ice caps are freezing and ozones are healing
Oh, Utopia

Defined as a place of non existence by the Greek,
Our ancestors would marvel to see us actualising our peak.
With each new generation not being as good as the last,
We strived to be better until hate is a thing of the past.
Oh, Utopia

The world has not always been the paradise it is right now
It has suffered quite a bit! Sit back, relax and let me show you how:
Dictators, dating apps, disease and  dabbing...
Depression, **** picks, dress size and *** grabbing...
Distant difficulties discriminating daily
Diligent defenders demonstrating plainly
All demanding democracies finally decide on the eternal debate.
Watching Parliamentary playgrounds leaves me feeling rather irate.
We have overcome all these and finally arrived at our destination.
A cohesive existence founded upon the pillar of cooperation.
Oh, Utopia

The journey to our present was the present of automation.
Competition for resources died with the wealth's excommunication.
Our time became our own to pursue whatever we pleased.
Now for everyone, the day is ready to be seized.
Our evolutionary struggles all extinct, our troubles all gone.
Perhaps now is the time to be happy? Time to move on.
Oh, Utopia

No more fornicating over Instagram and insecurity
No more toxic masculinity and finally some male maturity
No more measuring our success by how high a like button can count.
No more choosing our partner from the size of their banking account
No more candid masks worn by a big green beast
The vanity of man all buried and deceased
No more celebrating the ****** exposure of a love island fool
Finally we are being creative and using our brain as a tool
Oh, Utopia

However, this bliss is not what it seems and all is not well.
For Winge-ing, moaning and groaning are as ingrained as the DNA in our cell.
Having no problems is quite a bad situation
As we thrive on challenges from the dawn of creation
You see humans are hole diggers and nothing is ever enough
We are addicted to trouble and finding the diamond in the rough
Oh, Utopia

There is still so much to see and to learn
A fact that fills me with equal hope and concern
Until we learn to change ourselves and gain some sanity
The world will continue to be as it alway has been, ashamed of its own humanity.

Oh, Dystopia
Thomas Harvey Oct 2020
My friend fly's through the sky
He wears a coat of brown
Sometimes he's gone for awhile, but I never question why
Other times I'll see him right in the middle of town

I do admit I am jealous
For no creature of ours have felt such freedom
He does teach a lesson, that all life is precious
But I'd bet anyone would still pay to be him

Soaring through the skies not a care to think
Drifting to wherever and whenever
Flying so fast you don't have time to blink
And moving away when the leaves turn a golden heather

Maybe the lesson to be learned is the ones he leaves behind
Or on the way back getting lost
Or maybe it's that we don't have much time
I guess the lesson is to live free no matter the cost
Norman Crane Oct 2020
The tall young woman in a golden dress
spins a globe upon her desk and waits,
and waits till calloused finger comes to rest
upon an unknown wilderness. What spaces
lie yet undiscovered, like tabletops
to be uncovered / to be uncovered:
secret words within a foreign bookshop
under dust and under clutter—
Wiped clean! The tablecloth's pulled off! Now she
will be the first to glean their mysteries:
To see what no one else has ever seen,
To be where no one else has ever been.
Until nothing is obscured for her.
For hers is this world and she its explorer.
Alicia Moore Oct 2020
monotone voices hold
an element that glistens
in the light
of worldly havoc.
peace can be found
when one listens
to the simple
black and white.
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