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Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Deep within my being
an urge to get up and go
Innate fondness to journey
a need, a want, to not sit still
Searching, seeking new places
acquiesced desire to rove
Roamer, explorer, nomad
impulsive necessity to travel
The lust to wander
Alexia Feb 2015
The urge to kiss you is like an inflating balloon
That is about to burst.
I'm staring into your eyes searching for a sign
That you want me too.
The tension between us is a rubber band
About to snap.
You lean in towards me and I cannot breath.
Kiss me now
Or I'll change my mind and turn away.
I'm scared
To feel what you and I could be.
CommonStory Nov 2014
For you to notice me

If you only knew

I mainly want to talk, but my human side lets off.
Images of my rough hands around your soft waist to let our souls mix and seep when our eyes meet.

To sweet delight of soft serve with every curve I follow

I only want to talk

Exchange another note of human emotions and social interactions

See we lack the capacity to physically understand

And leading you off isn't in my objective
I just get stiff with kisses on your neck
I can almost feel your hands on my back
Your legs tighten around my thighs

Endorphins rush when your back  curves and your chest touches mine
Temperatures rise, I can see all the signs

I still want to talk
Your interests interest me
Lets take a walk
If we stand still I'll examine your body
My heart will go lively
With electronic  sparks
I only want to talk
But when you laugh I get this shiver
A cold quivering
That you wouldn't notice

In an instance we are on the grass with a breeze blowing your hair
And I'm grabbing your ***
I don't want to move too fast
You then reach for me
A heavenly breath runs across my neck
I almost turn wild
A stone to the ocean
Oh how opposites attract

I just want to talk
However clever I might be how has your day been
Lets get deeper mentally
I'll exchange ****** innuendos lets see if you notice

I'm just a man in not trying to be a pervert
Then you smile and it takes awhile to adjust

My imagination turns rough
I envision us at a picnic a diamond in the rough
Shoes off and your happy
So I am too
You make to first move

Now I am excited and don't know what to do
You look at me
The eye contact  from green to brown
We stare then our lips touch
Our eyes close to love the moment
As these can't be seen
Emotions run rampant
And I suckle on your teet

But I just want to talk
A late night inspiration

© Matthew Marvier Donald
Emily Jan 2014
The time had come to submit to
an urge I'd long denied.
Wanted to stop the crushing pain
with a method not yet tried.
So that night I took four Ambien-
didn't care if I lived or died;
and I slipped into a deep, dark sleep-
my fleeting suicide.
M Eastman Nov 2014
I'll pen this exquisite
and pour
Upon it
Drips untoward the floor
Spreading across
Elongated quivering fingers and
a smeared visage
like warpaint
sun stars moons Oct 2014
I can't fathom what it would be like
to loose someone to death.

it's such an inconceivable concept if you've
never experienced it.

and yet, so incredibly real and heart-wrenching
for those who have.

i can't imagine missing you and never being able
to satisfy the urge.

it's like an itch you'll never scratch or a breath you'll never

how do people cope with a never ending burn?
i can only imagine.
Clindballe Jun 2014
Making mental pain physical. Creating weapons to hurt yourself. Hiding them everywhere in your room and when everything is boiling and you relapse, your deadly friend is there for you. Thoughts are running through your head. The urge to do it knowing you'll feel guilty about it later. Feeling in control over the situation. You know this pain and you bear it. But the one inside your head is just too much. As you drag the cold steel through your soft peach skin you try to focus on one thing.
You have to resist the urge and believe.
Believe that you are better than a cold steel blade and a warm relief.
Written: June 23. - 2014
Esther Apr 2014
I found a crack in the sidewalk
That I didn't have the urge to step on
And I passed this crack every day
On my 4.40pm walk
For what seemed like a lifetime
And I glared daggers
At the thing that made my skin crawl
And my neck ache
And my fingers twitch by my side
Because cracks in sidewalks
Were meant to be tread upon
Every single one of them
Even partially
Not to break a mother's back
But to cover the imperfections
And to fill the void
That made me uneasy
And to fill it
Even for a millisecond
Before I moved on
As if the sole of my shoe
Could somehow heal the
Sadness that the ground must be feeling
But there was a crack in the side walk
That I didn't have the urge to step on
No matter how many times
I passed within stepping distance
And no matter how many times
It caused me pain
And maybe that was the period of my life
When the obsessive compulsive part of me
Decided to take a break
Because maybe
Maybe some part of me
Saw that the grass that grew
In the messy line that pointed east
Was something more beautiful
And more honest
Than any hidden disfigurement
Could ever be
Something I randomly puked out. I don't know. I might regret it later.
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