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Dominique Aug 2018
I want to step out of myself
When I'm lying vertically on seaside rocks
Staring at the place a full moon should be
On the azure petal of a bright sky at noon
Because it would be easy, wouldn't it?

Join a different subjective reality,
Step into an opposite consciousness,
Without this heart that loves too clumsily
(It may be gold, but gold is heavy)
Without stupid desires or the weight
Of sparkling sins like bubbles in champagne
(Come on, girl, think of your grades)

Who's to say we're not a film?
A rattling picture show that keeps skipping
That lasts too long but is never enough
All I want is to have the chance to remember

That I am also a we

That I feel and I'm not alone in that
That we think therefore we are and we are therefore we think
So I try to step into the clouds
And find myself shackled to the ground
On a beach in August without sand.
sonder-  n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

inspired by a conversation I had with two friends in Brighton about how our consciousness creates reality and how we're all connected <3 I often wonder how it would feel to live someone else's life for a while.
E over c2 Sep 2018
i know, its hard.
it's hard to accept
it's hard to even comprehend
the fact that you deserve a love greater than both of us.
that you deserve me.

like mountains we climb every day is a challenge and i know for you
most days are everest.
never ever ending as if every everlasting thought seems to linger that bit too long
i can see
i can see that you're hurting.
i can see that you think you're a lost cause, stuck.
like valleys we descend sometimes into pits of darkness
and i know you may feel like you've been placed there that little bit too long
its hard
its hard to accept you're not alone anymore.
because truth is i would rather stay up all day and night talking to you about your mind than sit idle as you rock back and forth
hoping that the rug you swept it all under never gets raised

i won't raise that rug. i won't force you to. but ill sit patiently, waiting, nudging you forward until you decide to open up.
before some monster comes by tearing up the floorboards.
when hopefully you will see you don't save me from any false hell by hiding
because truth is

truth is.
every single heart string you pull in me.
every tear you shed onto my chest
every 3:00am wake up call
every help me
every morning hot chocolate to keep you warm
every kiss goodbye
every everything everyday evermore
is worth it.

its worth it.
and if you don't believe you are, think about every day i've spent by your side and ask yourself whether someone like me would waste their time if they believed
worth it

because truth is you are.
every tear is worth a laugh.
every frown worth a smile.
every week passes by worth those 30 minutes alone
every late night phone call worth your mind being that little bit clearer.

and so

i know

it's hard. i never said it was easy.
but I'm telling you regardless if you believe you're deserving of this love or not

I am here.
And i can't see that fact changing for a long time.
so while i am
fall with me.
ill hold your hand on the way down.
ill let you see my weird mind if you let me see yours
lets face the world one step at a time
lets love like everyday is a our new rhyme
a new line
for now this line to you
this time this part
you, are not alone. so do not be afraid, ill make sure everything's going to be okay.
Aaryn Sep 2018
when you find the place
that the moon
is outshone
by the brightness
of the stars
each one
a separate lost soul
waiting to find
it's place
take solace in knowing
you are not alone
nor are you lost
for you are with me
and I will always find you
For someone very special to me. I hope I'm special to her too.
Gemini Sep 2018
Do you know what path you seek?
I know not what I want, not what I dream.
But still all I see is an open road –  
taking me back, taking me home.

Trees are green and skies are blue,
I have a feeling I’m searching for you.
In this life or the next and the last,
all I can think of is your whispered laugh.

So deep in the forest where the birds all sing,
let’s make a house of branches and leaves.
Away from the city, away from the noise,
comforted only by each other’s voice.

What more could I ask?
What more could I need?
Love is far more important to me.
Leave all your worries, leave all your doubts.

Together right here, together right now.
I used to sing the second to last verse to my sister when she was upset and would go hide behind a tree in the backyard. She's a cutie.
Shofi Ahmed Sep 2018
You and I are one rhyme
together we dance
the ebb and flow of the life.
Every different colour
we got it covered.
The clouds are free to fly
down our sky
changing in as many
colours as they like!
Eric Babsy Sep 2018
I appreciate the time we spent together.
You know I used to come to you in any weather.
But you denied me my friend.
This is how I know this relationship will not happen again.
Now I will make sure that odium becomes reality;
Because of you and your fake personality
With these thoughts I aim at you with such veracity.
If only you could feel what I feel just to understand me.
Some would say I have chosen the wrong path,
I guess I will pull out the claws and never retract.
Thanks to you I am more idiosyncratic;
I have no more friends to make this situation less chaotic.
I am certain that all the little things I do add up to nothing to you.
That is why I am saving the best for last, because that is what I am due.
I have been put on the path of least resistance;
Because the most dangerous things in my life will always stay persistent.
Now to make a stand for myself in any light.
The carnivores have me and with a jagged tooth they will bite.
This is my pure unadulterated return.
For years and years my hatred flame has burned.
Never do I want my friends to be enemies.
It is better for me to count sheeps with a Golden Fleece just ahead of me.
Now that is said and done to you.
I hope you do stick in my head like glue.
All of us pay the price for a chosen few.
I hope to never see again.
I hope this remains until the very end.
JAC Sep 2018
Up at quarter after seven
out by hopefully eight

take the 36 or the 199 rocket
eastbound to Finch

about nine minutes
give or take, seven stops

then southbound thirty minutes
to Bloor, cut to St. George

down to St. Patrick
they're not really saints

I have my own key
even though I shouldn't

so I let myself in
and tiptoe to you

you know I'm here
because it's Friday

and you smile while
I slip into bed with you

and hold you
until we wake up.
Carson Hurley Sep 2018
rip my heart with your beauty
then sew it together with the thread of
our love
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2018
She Is home for me.
Anywhere she goes my heart is sure to follow.
The comfort that brings about the biggest smile.
Home being the first place I fell in love with.
Maturing into the memory I'll always know.
A place of acceptance no matter how crazy things get.
This feel good feeling that erupts soon as she is near.
The faster I approach.
The driveway in view.
To tell everyone where I am from.
Where I am going.
Being home is beautiful.
This loving feeling, knowing that I exist inside of you.
Appearing in thought, lounging around.
The beginning of life spent in a warm place.
You are with me every where I go.
My city, my home, my warm embrace.
For me, she is home
anotherdream Sep 2018
Do you remember the time,
You called out my name,
And asked me if I wanted help?
I could never forget it.

Do you remember,
When you asked me how I was doing?
And I answered with a simple "I'm fine."
Only because I was afraid of saying the truth.

Do you remember,
The time you smiled so wide
After hearing we had something in common?
That moment changed my life.

Do you remember,
The time you asked me to come along,
And walk with you while I was still young?
That had never happened before you.

Do you remember,
The time we talked love,
And how it was worth the struggle?
I couldn't agree more, especially now...
Love is never for nothing...
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