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Nyx Apr 2018
Hold out your hand
Open your palm
Close your eyes
Remain calm

Trust in me
Let me guide your way
Allow me to remind you that
Everything is okay  

Face each day with your head held high
For Ill stand with you, always by your side
no matter what they say, no matter what they do
My loyalty will forever remain with you

So turn a blind eye to their snickers and snares
Mute their voices as the rumors air
Forget about them for nobody truly cares
You are your own person, don't bother with their complicated affairs

Your better off living with just me and you
As going through highschool makes anyone feel blue
The rumors, the lies, the tears you will cry
Its really not worth it, so dont bother to try

It may look like its all fun and games
Being so popular, they all know your name
But everything happeneds to come at a price
The cost is your happiness, are you willing to sacrifice?

keep on your toes if you do make this choice
every little secret and promise, they won't hesitate to voice
Your standing in a minefield, You will try to escape
But careful each move as we don't want you to break

Are you their new toy or a friend?
Its really hard to tell
But play your cards right
And it won't be complete hell

But why put yourself into such a gamble
Just for those "friends" that are particularly fragile
Who needs that popularity and all of those parties
They are merely a congress of dressed up barbies

So keep your peaceful life as it is now
Friends you can trust, life so carefree
No matter what you face,
You will still have me

So blend back in, live a normal life
You don't need to pretend to live a happy life
Acting skills aren't required when surrounded by real friends
So stop, Don't pretend.

Dont worry about them
what the people have to say
Its me and you together
No matter what I'll stay

I'll help fight your battles
I'll help lead the way
You don't need to change yourself
Because of things that they say

I love you so much
More then the stars in the sky
So trust in me
As I wouldn't dare to lie
You're perfect the way that you are
There is no need to change to be like the rest
zb Apr 2018
i search out
glimpses of you,
passing moments,
stills of a life
in which you always smile at me
brandy hall May 2018
Why do I even go to school anymore
I don't learn anything new or at least anything I'll need after school
In history I've learned about the american revolution every year since 4th grade
In English we've covered smilies and metaphors every year since 5th grade
In math I know I won't need to know how to solve x=15y+11 after school
In science when am I going to need to know how to dissect a frog
So why do I even go to school anymore
I don't know about you guys but this I how my school goes
rileigh runkel Apr 2018
You don’t understand our struggles.
You can try and try but you won’t
One day you might understand
But you DON’T  
There are so many things
That you just put on our minds.
You can try and help but it doesn’t always work.
You won’t always be  able to be there.
You expect us to do our best
And sometimes our best
Just isn’t good enough for you
You grade us on how much we can remember
And you don’t understand
EVERYONE learns differently.
You just need to let us learn how we learn.
You can talk and talk all day
But half the time we have no idea what you are talking about.
You expect me to be amazing and perfect
Just like my parents expect me to be.
Sometimes I just need a break.
Teachers don’t understand
We just need time to not think,
We need time to just back up and take a moment.
You put so much on us 6 classes a day, 5 days a week
And we are learning something new in every class, every single day.
You just don’t understand.
But it’s okay because someday you might .
You might give us a break, You might just stop and look
You might just see us struggling
And when that day comes please let us know.
We need to be told
When we are allowed breaks.
We need to be told
When you expect us to not be perfect
And we can just be ourselves
And that making mistakes is okay.
That is what teachers need to hear...
Furey Apr 2018
Dark Days
That’s what I call them
The days I feel useless
And weak
As I get older
They occur more often
My head will pound
My stomach churns
But I keep going
My friends expect it
I can’t come and say
“I’m too tired”
I can’t stay home and sleep
Even though I feel as I couldn’t move
Dark Days
They are the worst and never end
Now it’s almost everyday
I cannot fathom how bad it is
I hurt, all over
My mouth feels dry
Migraines getting worse
My heart hurts
Why can no one hear the awful voices I hear
They tell me horrible things
Tell me how many people hate me
Tell me how worthless I am
I want to give up
I want to just stop trying
Let me just let go
Here in my mind
I am so very alone
On these lonely
Dark Days
Furey Apr 2018
Why couldn’t I be the child my parents wanted?
Did God really want me to get picked on,
The **** beat out of me
By random people
Gay ****
Even if I haven’t consented
Dark alley ways
Salty tears
Life never seems to change
Why me?
The only question that haunts my mind
Pain surges again and again
What have I ever done to deserve this
God I pray yet nothing good has come
Barely able to walk, slipping into the house
I refuse to call it home
Blood pours as a knife clatters to the floor
The distance starts to fade
It goes black
Now I’m staring at the same thing
Four white walls
Clean white sheets
I’m waiting for the pain to just start again
However the question lingers
Why me?
Why is it me?
I find it easier to talk about myself when it is written in poetry.
Furey Apr 2018
Freshmen year
He made his way into the school
It was my birthday
He walked to my class
The room had gone silent
I glanced up
There he is arms open
I leap straight into them
I could feel his glock
It sat against the small of his back
I smiled breathing in
His scent is a weird one,
Stale blood,
And antiseptic
It smells like home
‘Happy Birthday Inferi’
My smile widens
I begin to tell everything about the new school
He just smiles quietly
The whole class is whispering now
I can hear them
The teacher makes a noise
I look at her
He’s glaring at her though
I snickered behind my hand
She looks afraid
She should be
He would **** her if he didn’t know I was hiding
He gives me my gift, leaving he smiles
I am bombarded with questions
‘Who was he?’ ‘How do you know him?’
I explain he’s a very close friend
My best friend
Who happens to buy me 24 karat gold necklaces
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