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A maiden
of Cypress
she in
a coupe
devill found
her lot
on the
freeway with
me but
on the
week-end we
tour up
the coast
and while
Pygmalion scored
a hit
on tv.
A second television show
A key,
A pen,
some lines, a thought
And my pain.

Hit and bruise
Concrete walls
Yellow, green and ****** thoughts
But you're already dead.

I didn't had the pleasure
But I'm still glad you did your time
Before you went and died.
Lisa Oct 2017
When I was young my mother told me she hopes I find someone like my father one day. I thought it was an compliment when I saw the bruises bloom among her skin, like flowers they grew.
One day my mother made me wake up in the middle of the night and threw all my things in a suit case, “we are going on a trip” is what she told me and I didn’t understand why my mother was so quite and quick to leave the house.
That night she told me she hopes I never marry someone like my father I didn’t know if that was a compliment anymore.
The first boy I loved was nothing like my father he was sweet and kind and I was in love but it was to soon and our paths didn’t met all the way.
The second boy I loved was just like my father an outline of hate surround him and I fell in love it reminded me of my father. But like Icarus got to close to the sun I got to close to him.
His flame hit my wings and I melted until I hit the ground hard. I left.
I can’t tell if I love you.
But I couldn’t tell if I loved my father.
So let me fall.
And hit the ground harder.
Alexander Sep 2017
Oh, I’m sorry.
You’ll have to forgive my uncultured mind.
I had no idea what being a man was.
Who would have guessed it was more than having something between your legs.

I guess I should go drink a cold one.
Or maybe fix a car.
Watch some sports?
Hit a woman?

That’s what all the real men do.
If you appreciate life and its wonders, you have to be a woman.
How many lives must society take before it crumbles on itself?
But men have it easy, right?

What if I want to cry?
No, I shouldn’t.
Mommy’s the one who cries when daddy beats her.
I guess I should just hit my wife too.

When I’m put into chains and you ask me why.
I’ll tell them, I thought mommy was supposed to cry.
Daddy would always leave her with a black eye.
It’s people like this that deserve to die.
ClawedBeauty101 Sep 2017
A young prince was born, in a liter of many puppies
He was a triplet of two sisters, but he was a different out of all the babies

The omega was his place, no one ever expected any bravery to be gained
He was afraid even of the smallest frailest creature. Fear was around his neck like a chain

One of his closest triplet, Princess had gone away, for she was a warrior now, strong and proud
While her brother remained on the sidelines, behind the  cheering crowds

The one that never left his side was the second sister, who was an Angel of Fire
A Fighter of beauty and demand. She was the alpha, and she flaunted her desires.

Terrified he was towards the world that seems gigantic and impossible to understand.
His Angel sister was his guardian, she helped him to conquer the land

His hunger grew wild, his  desires flew fast.
He became the strongest one, the bravest pup of the pack

His soul was loyal to his family around him,
He always gave kisses, his love was never trimmed

Until one day, He went out for the first time alone,
He saw the gate opened that led to an empty road!

His burst of joy took over as his father barked in fear and warning
He stopped and turned around, but suddenly, he felt his paws shaking.

His ******* marble eyes looked up, there was no mercy as the car crashed against his skull
His uncle, mother, sister, and father rushed to him, watching his dying body fall

His tail wagged in discomfort as he gave a final kiss
Knowing that his time has finally ended, everyone around him was his bliss.

His whimpering cries slowly came to an end
This was the end of a Prince. The Prince, my old loyal friend.
Prince was a dog I used to train and take care of, he was the least expected to run out into the street. Now my old buddy is gone. R.I.P Buddy.
ICN Jul 2017
i was never into all that crazy ****
or going back just to take a hit
let's give it up for the kids that are lonely
the ones that are scared
real friends so uncommon
so fake i'm convinced they're mass produced
currently trying to find my way out
partying on a weekday
i don't care if i get laid, or laid off
i'm finally breaking out of my shell
xanies with the girls in the bathroom
lines of that powder
and they say it's all right, harmless.
it's all harmless.
//i want to go home\\
Colm Jul 2017
Life is one wave
After the other
And the swells and lulls
In between
Sometimes they hit you, and sometimes there's calm
Lena Jun 2017
My stomach drops
And my leg shakes
As I try to remain calm.
He is sitting not 6 inches away from me.
I want to do something.
Just to try and put out the fire of pain lit within me.
He hurt me.
I can feel the heat of his body,
And the aura spreading off of him.
His orange glow tinged with the goal of hurting me
The goal to tear me apart
And it's working.
I can feel my body unraveling
Ready to curl my hands into fists
And connect them to the softness of skin
And the crunch of a bone.
My knuckles crying out for hit,
Not caring if they split,
They're ready.
Ready to leave a bruise wherever I hit.
I won't sink to your level, but god do I wish I could.
allie May 2017
i'M dEfEaTeD
i GIvE up
i gIVE uP, oKaY?
i give up

i'll be obedient
i'll be a good girl
i'll be your star
and you can stick me onto a podium
i'll tell them about my troubles
and then say it's all okay now.

i give up.

i thought you were different, that's all.
i thought you were different

i give up.

i don't want to be obedient
i don't want to be a good girl
i don't want to be your star

go ahead, scream.
i'll say,
"i'm sorry... i'll never do it again."
then i'll go ahead and go do it again.
you will threaten me.
take things away.
i can't hang out with friends anymore
i can't have my computer anymore

you'll take something away
that is so precious
so dear to me
and i'll strike back
or leave
from anger to rebellious thoughts to hope. i think that's how it goes, but i'm still in the rebellious part.
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