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allie May 2017
don't trust them.
they'll put a hammer in your heart
and refuse you from feeling.
they'll put duct tape over your lips
so and restrict you from speaking.

don't trust them.
they'll put your feelings in a blender
with gravel and ice.
they'll constantly break you
then put you back together.

don't trust them.
they can hit
and leave cuts.
they can burn
and leave scars.

don't trust them.
and you'll end off better than me.
don't trust them.
Colm Apr 2017
Still your head
Steady it
Give yourself some time to react

Clear your eyes
And take a breath
Before you plunge back underneath
And immerse yourself
Within the mess

Envision how it has to be
And plan it out
Picture the objectivity

Would you see the future you’ll create
Just in front of you
A moment before it has to be

And then be fast
Like a lightning bolt
Let your hands and eyes simply react

And meet the ball most suddenly
To elicit the lightning
And make it crack

Picture this an you will be
All at once
Lightning fast

Because Jay once told me "Still your head" and I did.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.
I execute it all for pay.
My daily trade is killing time.

I slice the day up like a lime
in sections green and silver-gray.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.

I'm practiced in this pantomime,
proficient, quite au fait.
My daily trade is killing time.

Like a hit man in his prime
I knock off the hours of the day.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.

Yet killing here is not a crime;
it's merely the established way.
My daily trade is killing time.

No. killing here is not a crime;
it's the toll road through this fray.
A minute for a dollar, a second for a dime.
My daily trade is killing time.
As a person who likes to stay busy, I hated it when, after 16 years as Audit Director at a university, I was transferred to Assistant Controller working for a person who truly earned her title as "Controller". Since the decision had not been hers, she resented it (as close as I can figure, anyway) so she held back on assigning me work or letting me do work, even when she talked about being swamped. Also it was a large office and I couldn't help but notice a lot of "goofing off". The situation was grist for the mill for this poem...and luckily didn't last long. I left and went in a whole new direction and have been my own boss ever since. :-)
Delta Swingline Mar 2017
My headphones are on.
I know what I'm hearing.
And I hope you can hear my heart break with every hit.
There is no excuse.
There is no cover up.

You wouldn't allow me to sit idly by and listen to you drain the blood from your hands.
I've been there, I've done that.

Are you even counting? I'm not, and even I know you've doubled up on the hits.

I can hear it.

Can you?
Lady Bird Mar 2017
I write because the paper listens
to the tears and laughter of my soul
like blood pumping though my vanes
seeping ink drips down the damp pages
as I write across every straight line
the messy confused bottled up thoughts
turn into questions running through my head
high above my neck it sits holding it all in
just think of what my brain is going through
my pen may scribble to fill the page
with words written from my soul
yet it transforms all my thoughts
never before told

my pen takes hold of the paper
as I hold the flow of my thoughts
floating through the lines on each page
riding the waves of concept
that takes flight
thoughts are like birds
so many in groups
bunched together
one by one loose
feathers drop
here and there
falling out of line
yet finds its place
ether speaking in flight
or written in words
the paper listens
that's why I write

my words can hit instantly as you can see
I have to jot them down as they spark..
or they just might fly away from me
I write because the paper listens
for inspiration it can vanish so quickly
sometimes my thoughts may flow fast
if I stop in the middle I lose the imagery
causing my pen to trip over words
leaving behind a big mess of typos
then the bad grammar is exposed
my pen may scribble to fill the page
with words written from my soul
yet it transforms all my thoughts
never before told

just to let you know
my words can hit instantly
that's just how I be
most of my writings
are free style poetry
my mind possess the tempo
as each poem I write grows
I the poet hum silently as
my ink of harmony flows
from my quenching desire
my mind and fingers they
think much faster than me
unleashing unspoken thoughts
silent for too long I can not be
the paper listens and gets drenched
with thoughts of my hot to the touch
written emotions curved creatively
sol Feb 2017
my cards don’t line up.
i know yours don’t, either.
if love’s a game, i call bluff.
you lay your cards
and think you’ve won.
we’ve just begun.
if love’s a hit and run,
you can play that perfectly.
if love’s a game,
then i will never lose.
oh here we are again. here we go again.
elizabeth Jan 2017
Sometimes I wish you would
Hit me and kick me,
Make me beg for mercy,
And torture me forever.

Sometimes I wish you would
Beat me until I'm numb,
Make me cry out,
Cut me until I can't bleed anymore...

Sometimes I wish you would
Use my body,
Give me everything I deserve,
And tear me apart...

Sometimes I wish you would
Just throw me through a wall,
Break every bone,
Make my tears stream into my wounds...

Because that would be
So much easier than
Sitting here and
Watching you be with her.
January 7, 2017.
Solaces Jan 2017
There was no sound..
At least thats how I remember it..
I forgot what the sun looked like..
We all have lived in darkness for the last 26 years.
We had to bring him here..
For what?
All he does is sleep.
We carried him all the way up here for nothing.  
I left my family to bring him here.
Some loser drug attic..
All he cares about is his high..
" Give me another hit."
"Give me another hit."
" Give me another hit."
Well we made it.
And nothing has happened..
The sky is still full of darkness..
And they are all coming for us..
All I can do is go down fighting..
We light up our swords and await our final battle..
And then it happened..
A beautiful light shined from him..
The drug attic was burning brightly..
I then realised later he was using the drugs to keep his power in check..
He then shot off to the darkest part of the sky..
The shadow heart that beats darkness..
There was no sound..
He looked like a shooting star slowly leaving the Earth..
As he hit the shadow heart light began to leak in..
And then all at once dawn arrived..
The old forgotten sun shined down a new day..
Some people are not what they seem..
no let up from the scorching bat
the flogging is a bit too thick
where the fielder gets laid out flat
due to its fervent canning stick*

the flogging is a bit too thick
we've been struck by the boiling heat
due to its fervent canning stick
every day this is on the beat

we've been struck by the boiling heat
downed in a sixer's knocking hit
every day this is on the beat
which drains our energetic pit

downed in a sixer's knocking hit
due to its fervent canning stick
which drains our energetic pit
*the flogging is a bit too thick
Anand Jun 2016
The scorching of the sun diminished
Black clouds fluffed up the skies
Thunders and lightning hit the drums of change
New winds have traversed in
And the trees danced to their gushy choir
Pearls of rain drops fell down to earth
And the sands have welcomed them with joy
Behold! I have arrived.
The monsoon said.
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