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Zack Ripley Jun 2019
What do you do when you don't know what to say?
What do you do when your head tells you to stay but your heart says to walk away?
Who do you go to when things don't go your way?
Is it getting harder to get through the days?
Once you figure out the answers, there is only one question left to ask
What will you do differently today?
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2020
You are beautiful from endless angles
Even with every flaw
Truth is so easy to see
Scars fill me with awe

I love you the way you look
You are light when skies are grey
Life appears brighter when you are around
Grows sunnier each day

Be the person you are right now
The only one I love
First thought on my morning mind
The face I'm dreaming of

Bound for the heavens
Have no doubt
Stars spell out your four-letter name
Before eyes they steadily burn out
So much blue all seeming the same

Some things are indescribable
Never seen such perfection
Heard beauty depends on who beholds
All hearts have different perception
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder
John McCafferty Jan 2020
The girl in the dream will never be seen
An immovable force hides my true self away
Sitting beside her, alone and astray

Our eyes meet, the curtains close
Words from the head jumble into an
inaudible breath
Shadow self weeps not feeling complete

I'm for her if she is for me
No outlet, pathway or key
Just ask her aloud if she's free?
Nothing flows out as I try to connect
but wasted words left for the dead

Words come from thoughts and
actions from words
My thoughts will never be heard
She's the girl from the dream but
will never be seen
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Grey Dec 2019
I had such a great thought
but its gone away now,
never to be heard from again.
And now all I'm left with is this..
If silence speaks louder than words,
Why was I not heard?
Colm Oct 2019
Your heart
Inspires my heart
To beat

To breathe steam clouds onto cold windows
To feel the distant sunlight rise into Peachtree skies

The sound, the hum
Of you a lone
Tunes my ears to hear
My thoughts to song

With its quiet corridors and cushioned chest
Rising like the waves of a coastal long

Soughing whispers in the subtle trees
Midst the waiving of the Auburn leaves

Our hopes a final parting leaf
On this, the last day of October joy

Know this

Your heart
Inspires my heart
To beat

From now until at last
Our distance is no more
We meet
I’ve been so busy with life. So involved in the details of my weakest traits. Keeping air in my lungs, money on my bills. So much so that I almost forgot to breathe. Almost forgot to try and become.
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